Tester for XML Upload Critical Errors

Certain validation checks which are considered to represent critical errors must be corrected before you can successfully upload your XML-based submission. These checks are reported to the XML reporter immediately upon attempted upload and signified with a stop sign in your validation report.   The table below provides a list of critical errors along with additional information that will help you diagnose and correct your XML package. If you feel that you have triggered one of these checks in error, or if there’s a reason why your report should be submitted despite the check being triggered, please submit a request to the e-GGRT Help Desk at GHGReporting@epa.gov.

SubpartError CodeValidation Message Provided by e-GGRTXpathData Element NameAdditional Instructions for Resolving
AA001Do reported emissions include emissions from a cogeneration unit. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ CogenerationUnitEmissionsIndicatorcogenUnitEmissionsBe sure to include the required <CogenerationUnitEmissionsIndicator>value (allowed values are only Y, N, NA)
AA002NAICS code. This data element is required. naicsCode 
AA003NAICS code. This data element must have 6 digits. naicsCode 
AA005Parent company name. This data element is required. corporateFacilityName 
AA006Percentage of ownership interest. This data element is required. ownerPercentage 
AA007Street address. This data element is required. streetAddressLine1 
AA008City. This data element is required. city 
AA009State. This data element is required. state 
AA010ZIP code. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetail /ParentCompanyDetails/ParentCompany/ZipzipBe sure to include the missing zip code for the <Zip> element
AA011Percentage of ownership interest. The value entered must be between 0 and 100. ownerPercentage 
AA012ZIP code. The zip code must be in the format xxxxx, xxxxx-xxxx, or xxxxxxxxx. zip 
AA013The selected GHG report start date is after the selected GHG report end date. ghgReportStartDate 
AA014Explanation of any calculation methodology changes during the reporting year must be 4,000 characters or less. calcMethodChangeDesc 
AA016Percentage of ownership interest. This data element should not be reported if US GOVERNMENT is specified as the Parent company name. ownerPercentage 
AA017Street address. This data element should not be reported if US GOVERNMENT is specified as the Parent company name. streetAddressLine1 
AA018City. This data element should not be reported if US GOVERNMENT is specified as the Parent company name. city 
AA019State. This data element should not be reported if US GOVERNMENT is specified as the Parent company name. state 
AA020ZIP code. This data element should not be reported if US GOVERNMENT is specified as the Parent company name. zip 
AA023Code\'s relevance to revenue producing activity. This data element is required. type 
AA067Use of Subpart L BAMM (Best Available Monitoring Methods) was permitted ONLY in Reporting Year 2012. Please remove these data elements before submitting your report.FacilitySiteInformation/SubpartBAMMDetails/ SubpartNamesubpartNameWithin the <SubpartBAMMDetails> node do not include a set of data introduced by <SubpartName>L</SubpartName>
AA080Parent Company Name. This data element cannot have periods. corporateFacilityName 
AA081Parent Company Name. You must use "&" instead of "and". corporateFacilityName 
AA082Parent Company Name. You must use "NORTH AMERICA" instead of "NA". corporateFacilityName 
AA083Parent Company Name. You must use "CORP" instead of "Corporation". corporateFacilityName 
AA084Parent Company Name. You must use "ASSOC" instead of "Association". corporateFacilityName 
AA085Parent Company Name. You must use "CO" instead of "Company". corporateFacilityName 
AA086Parent Company Name. You must use "DIV" instead of "Division". corporateFacilityName 
AA087Parent Company Name. You must use "INC" instead of "Incorp". corporateFacilityName 
AA088Parent Company Name. You must use "INC" instead of "Incorporated". corporateFacilityName 
AA089Parent Company Name. You must use "LP" instead of "Limited Partnership". corporateFacilityName 
AA090Parent Company Name. You must use "LTD" instead of "Limited". corporateFacilityName 
AA091Parent Company Name. You must use "LLC" instead of "Limited Liability Company". corporateFacilityName 
AA092Parent Company Name. You must use "PTNR" instead of "Partnership". corporateFacilityName 
AA093Parent Company Name. You must use "USA" instead of "United States of America". corporateFacilityName 
AA094Parent Company Name. You must use "US" instead of "United States". corporateFacilityName 
AA095Please provide only one facility in your uploaded XML file. faccount 
AA096The FacilitySiteIdentifier node was empty. Please change your XML file, add a FacilitySiteIdentifier (Facility Id), and upload your file again. facid 
AA097The GHGRP ID %gid_str within the uploaded XML file does not match the GHGRP ID of the facility you currently have selected. facid 
AA098The Reporting Year %ry_str within the uploaded XML file does not match the Reporting Year of the facility you currently have selected. ryid 
AA100Subpart OO cannot contain any Carbon Dioxide emission values. subparts 
AA101The "CalculationMethodologyChangesDescription" element should be less than 4000 characters. calcDesc 
AA107The GHG reporting start date entered for your annual report is invalid (does not fall within the calendar year of your annual report). Please double check your report and revise, if necessary. If you believe it to be correct, please submit the report as is. transientData['startYear'] 
AA108The date entered for the end of the reporting period is invalid because it does not fall within the calendar year of your annual report. Please correct the date. transientData['endYear'] 
AA111Total supplier CO2e emissions greater than zero were reported but the report does not contain any of the supplier subparts LL through QQ. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[supplierAnnualCO2E] 
AA112Total facility biogenic CO2 emissions have not been reported but the report contains at least one subpart from Subpart C through II, SS, or TT. Based on the information available to us, it appears that this data element is required per 98.3(c)(4)(ii). Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[facilityAnnualBiogenicCO2] 
AA113Total facility CO2e emissions greater than zero were reported, but the report contains no direct emitter subparts C-II, RR-UU (i.e., non-supplier subparts). Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[facilityAnnualCO2E] 
AA114Total facility CO2e emissions have not been reported, but the report contains at least one subpart from Subpart C through II, SS, or TT. Based on the information available to us, it appears that this data element is required per 98.3(c)(4)(i). Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[facilityAnnualCO2E] 
AA116The reported value for the CO2 equivalent emissions from facility subparts C-II, SS, and TT ({1} metric tons) is larger than expected. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact the GHGRP help desk at GHGreporting@epa.gov. data[facilityAnnualCO2E] 
AA117The reported value for the biogenic CO2 emissions from facility subparts C-II, SS, and TT ({1} metric tons) is larger than expected. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact the GHGRP help desk at GHGreporting@epa.gov. data[facilityAnnualBiogenicCO2] 
AA118The reported value for the CO2 equivalent emissions from supplier subparts LL-QQ ({1} metric tons) is either larger than expected or smaller than expected. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact the GHGRP help desk at GHGreporting@epa.gov. data[supplierAnnualCO2E] 
AA120You have attached a file named ({1}) for subparts ({2}). All files attached for submission should have unique names. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact the GHGRP help desk at GHGreporting@epa.gov. data[filesWithSameName] 
AA121You have attached a file named ({1}) for subpart ({2}). All files attached for submission should have unique names. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact the GHGRP help desk at GHGreporting@epa.gov. data[duplicateFileName] 
AA500NAICS code: Please enter a primary NAICS code for the facility. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/ FacilitySiteDetails/ PrimaryNAICSCodenaicsCodeBe sure to include <PrimaryNAICSCode> value
AA501aNAICS code was not found in the list of 2017 NAICS codes. naicsCode 
AA501bNAICS code was not found in the list of 2022 NAICS codes. naicsCode 
AA502The NAICS code entered has already been selected for this facility. naicsCode 
AA503You have already entered a code for the primary NAICS code. Only one code can be designated as the "Primary" NAICS code. Please select either "Second Primary" NAICS code or "Additional" NAICS code. naicsCode 
AA504You have already entered a code for the second primary NAICS code. Only one code can be designated as the "Second Primary" NAICS code. Please select either "Primary" NAICS code or "Additional" NAICS code. naicsCode 
AA505Please select a primary NAICS code before selecting a second primary NAICS code. naicsCode 
AA506Please select a primary NAICS code before selecting an additional NAICS code. naicsCode 
AA510Parent Company Name(s). Please enter the name(s) of the highest-level United States parent company/companies or other entity (e.g., partnership, city government) that owned this facility or supplier on December 31 of the current reporting year. If the facility or supplier is federally owned, enter "US GOVERNMENT."/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/ FacilitySiteDetails/ParentCompanyDetailsnoneBe sure to include the omitted <ParentCompanyDetails> element value
AA511You have not yet selected any subparts for reporting. Return to the Facility or Supplier Overview page and use the ADD or REMOVE Subparts link to select the applicable subpart(s) for your facility or supplier.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/ FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformationnoneYou must the include the node associated with listed Xpath and at least one subpart node withing this parent
AA511aYou have not selected any subparts for reporting. none 
AALL0001CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveCasNumber'] 
AALL0002Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveChemicalFormula'] 
AAAA001Annual steam purchases. This data element is required. You may enter zero if your mill does not purchase steam. annualSteamPurchases 
AAAA002Annual steam purchases. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualSteamPurchases 
AAAA004Annual production of unbleached virgin chemical pulp. This data element is required. You may enter zero only if no virgin chemical pulp was produced and you are reporting zero emissions under subpart AA. annualPulpProd 
AAAA005Annual production of pulp products. You must enter a value for the annual production of pulp products that is greater than or equal to zero. You may enter zero only if no virgin chemical pulp was produced and you are reporting zero emissions under subpart AA. annualPulpProd 
AAAA010Please make a selection or click CANCEL. hasCEMS 
AAAA020Basis for annual mass of spent liquor solids. This data element is required. basis 
AAAA030Basis for annual mass of spent liquor solids. This data element is required. basis 
AAAA034You have selected Subpart AA for reporting, but you have not yet added a unit or furnace. groupUnit 
AAAA035You have selected Subpart AA for reporting, but you have not yet added makeup chemical use. You may enter zero for makeup chemical use if your mill does not use calcium carbonate or sodium carbonate as makeup chemicals. unitTypeName 
AAAA036You have not added a fuel for this Chemical Recovery Furnace. fuelAssociationId 
AAAA037You have not added a fuel for this Chemical Recovery Combustion Unit. fuelAssociationId 
AAAA038You have not added a fuel for this Pulp Mill Lime Kiln. fuelAssociationId 
AAAA040Please select a calculation methodology (i.e., tier) or click CANCEL. calculationMethodology 
AAAA041You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. You must correct this before continuing. calculationMethodologyEndDate 
AAAA042Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. calculationMethodologyStartDate 
AAAA043Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. calculationMethodologyEndDate 
AAAA044Please select a fuel or click CANCEL. fuelName 
AAAA060Frequency of higher heating value determinations. This data element is required. frequencyHHVDeterminations 
AAAA061Frequency of higher heating value determinations. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the frequency of higher heating value determinations in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherFrequencyHHVDeterminations 
AAAA062Total number of valid carbon content determinations. This data element is required. numberOfCCs 
AAAA063Total number of valid carbon content determinations. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfCCs 
AAAA065Total number of carbon content substitute data values. This data element is required. numberOfSubstituteCCs 
AAAA066Total number of carbon content substitute data values. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfSubstituteCCs 
AAAA068Frequency of carbon content determinations. This data element is required. frequencyCCDeterminations 
AAAA069Frequency of carbon content determinations. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the frequency of carbon content determinations in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherFrequencyCCDeterminations 
AAAA070Total number of operating hours in the reporting year for which missing data substitution was used for fuel usage. This data element is required. operatingHoursMissingFuelUsage 
AAAA071Total number of operating hours in the reporting year for which missing data substitution was used for fuel usage. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. operatingHoursMissingFuelUsage 
AAAA073Total number of valid carbon content determinations. This data element is required. numberOfCCs 
AAAA074Total number of valid carbon content determinations. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfCCs 
AAAA076Total number of carbon content substitute data values. This data element is required. numberOfSubstituteCCs 
AAAA077Total number of carbon content substitute data values. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfSubstituteCCs 
AAAA079Frequency of carbon content determinations. This data element is required. frequencyCCDeterminations 
AAAA080Frequency of carbon content determinations. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the frequency of carbon content determinations in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherFrequencyCCDeterminations 
AAAA081Total number of operating hours in the reporting year for which missing data substitution was used for fuel usage. This data element is required. operatingHoursMissingFuelUsage 
AAAA082Total number of operating hours in the reporting year for which missing data substitution was used for fuel usage. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. operatingHoursMissingFuelUsage 
AAAA084Total number of valid molecular weight determinations. This data element is required. numberOfValidMWDeterminations 
AAAA085Total number of valid molecular weight determinations. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfValidMWDeterminations 
AAAA087Total number of molecular weight substitute data values. This data element is required. numberOfSubstituteMWs 
AAAA088Total number of molecular weight substitute data values. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfSubstituteMWs 
AAAA090Frequency of molecular weight determinations. This data element is required. frequencyMWDeterminations 
AAAA091Frequency of molecular weight determinations. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the frequency of molecular weight determinations in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherFrequencyMWDeterminations 
AAAA161Fuel name. You must enter a fuel name to proceed further. fuelName 
AAAA162Fuel type. You must make a selection for a fuel type to proceed further. fuelType 
AAAA163Molar Volume Constant (MVC) used. This data element is required. mvc 
AAAA500Emissions associated with spent pulping liquor combustion were reported but the annual quantity of pulp products reported was zero. It appears that a positive quantity of annual pulp products should have been reported. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[annualPulpProductsProduced] 
AAAA501The annual quantity of calcium oxide produced in the lime kiln [{1}] was reported as zero but emissions were reported for the kiln indicating that it produced calcium oxide during the reporting year. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[caOQuantityProduced] 
AAAA519The annual N2O emissions of {1} (metric tons) Subpart AA does not equal the sum of the annual N2O emissions of {2} (metric tons) from all units at the facility. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[subpartAAAnnualN2O] 
AACEMSML-1Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have added one or more units monitored by CEMS, but have not yet added a CEMS Monitoring Location (CML). hasCEMSandNoCML 
AACEMSML-2CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have indicated that this unit is monitored by CEMS, but you have not yet associated it with any CEMS Monitoring Locations (CMLs). From the Subpart Overview page, click on the CML Name/Identifier to which this unit exhausts (or use the "ADD a CEMS Monitoring Location" link to create a new one). On the bottom of Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location page, use the "ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location" link to select this unit. hasCEMSandNoCMLUnits 
AACEMSML-3The same name or identifier already exists for this CEMS monitoring location in this facility. Please enter a unique name or identifier. cml 
AAIVT-C854You have reported all zeros or a combination of non-zero and zero values for equation inputs for the following months: [{1}]. Please uncheck the box next to any month during which this fuel was not combusted or enter non-zero values for all equation inputs. You must correct this before continuing or click Cancel. monthApplicable 
AAIVT-C855You have reported a zero for the following months: [{1}]. Please uncheck the box next to any month during which this fuel was not combusted. You must correct this before continuing or click Cancel. monthApplicable 
AAUM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
AAUM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
BBBB008You have not uploaded a reporting form file. jctSubPartFacility 
BBBB009Annual production of silicon carbide. This data element is required. annualProductionofSiliconCarbide 
BBBB010Annual production of silicon carbide. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing or click CANCEL. annualProductionofSiliconCarbide 
BBBB013Annual production capacity of silicon carbide. This data element is required. annualProductionCapacityofSiliconCarbide 
BBBB014Annual production capacity of silicon carbide. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing or click CANCEL. annualProductionCapacityofSiliconCarbide 
BBBB017Annual consumption of petroleum coke. This data element is required. annualConsumptionofPetroleumCoke 
BBBB018Annual consumption of petroleum coke. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing or click CANCEL. annualConsumptionofPetroleumCoke 
BBBB019Indicator of whether the carbon content of petroleum coke is based on reports from the supplier or through self measurement using applicable ASTM standard method. This data element is required. basisforCarbonContentofPetCoke 
BBBB020Measured carbon content of petroleum coke as determined for QA/QC of supplier data. This data is required. measuredQAQCCarbonContentofPetCoke 
BBBB021Measured carbon content of petroleum coke as determined for QA/QC of supplier data. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one. You must correct the current value before continuing or click CANCEL. measuredQAQCCarbonContentofPetCoke 
BBBB023Number of months that missing data procedures were followed to determine the carbon content of petroleum coke. This data element is required. numberofMonthsofCarbonContent 
BBBB024Number of months that missing data procedures were followed to determine the carbon content of petroleum coke. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 12. You must correct the current value before continuing or click CANCEL. numberofMonthsofCarbonContent 
BBBB025Number of months that missing data procedures were followed to determine the monthly petroleum coke consumption. This data element is required. numberofMonthsofPetCokeConsumption 
BBBB026Number of months that missing data procedures were followed to determine the monthly petroleum coke consumption. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 12. You must correct the current value before continuing or click CANCEL. numberofMonthsofPetCokeConsumption 
BBBB027Annual nitrous oxide mass emissions. This data element is required. officialUnroundedN2o 
BBBB028Annual nitrous oxide mass emissions. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing or click CANCEL. officialUnroundedN2o 
BBBB029Annual methane mass emissions. This data element is required. officialUnroundedCh4 
BBBB030Annual methane mass emissions. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing or click CANCEL. officialUnroundedCh4 
BBBB100You have not selected the Subpart BB calculation methodology for your facility. isCems 
BBCEMSML-1Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have added one or more units monitored by CEMS, but have not yet added a CEMS Monitoring Location (CML). hasCEMSandNoCML 
BBCEMSML-2CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have indicated that this unit is monitored by CEMS, but you have not yet associated it with any CEMS Monitoring Locations (CMLs). From the Subpart Overview page, click on the CML Name/Identifier to which this unit exhausts (or use the "ADD a CEMS Monitoring Location" link to create a new one). On the bottom of Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location page, use the "ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location" link to select this unit. hasCEMSandNoCMLUnits 
BBCEMSML-3The same name or identifier already exists for this CEMS monitoring location in this facility. Please enter a unique name or identifier. cml 
BBCML-027aFraction of nitrous oxide emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionN2oEmissions 
BBCML-038Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalOperatingHrs 
BBCML-039The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
BBCML-040The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
BBCML-041The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas moisture content. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasMoisture 
BBCML-043The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This data element is required. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
BBCML-046CEMS Monitoring Location process units. You did not select any process unit(s) for this CML. processUnits 
BBCML-047aFraction of methane emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionCh4Emissions 
BBCML-051Total Non-biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalNonbiogenicCo2emission 
BBCML-052Total Biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalBiogenicCo2emission 
BBCML-053Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totalch4emission 
BBCML-054Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totaln2oemission 
BBCML-055Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions measured by the CEMS. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPart ”any”/Tier4CEMSDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMStotalCo2ByCemsOrPart75If a subpart include CEM or Part75 reporting that subpart must include the <Tier4CEMSDetails> node with a <AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMS> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
BBCML-056Total annual CO2 mass emissions (biogenic and non-biogenic) measured by the CEMS. This data element must be greater than or equal to biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. totalCo2ByCemsOrPart75 
BBCML-057Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This data element is required. totalOperatingHrs 
BBCML-058The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This data element is required. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
BBCML-059You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. Please revise and make sure the Start Date is earlier than the End Date. methodologyEndDate 
BBCML-060Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyStartDate 
BBCML-061Configuration type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cemsConfigType 
BBCML-062Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyEndDate 
BBCML-063Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
BBCML-064Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
BBCML-065Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
BBCML-066Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
BBCML-067Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
BBCML-068Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
BBCML-069Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
BBCML-070Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
BBCML-071CEMS Monitoring Location Name/ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cmlName 
BBCML-072Type(s) of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. fuelsCombusted 
BBCML-076Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total methane emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totalch4emission 
BBCML-077Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total nitrous oxide emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totaln2oemission 
BBCML-078Types of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported fuel(s) and leave the types of fuel field blank, or click CANCEL. fuelsCombusted 
BBCML-083Carbon dioxide emissions attributable to combustion. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported emissions and leave the types of emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. combustionCo2Emissions 
BBCML-086The Calculation Methodology Start Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
BBCML-087The Calculation Methodology Start Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
BBCML-088The Calculation Methodology End Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
BBCML-089The Calculation Methodology End Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
CALL0001CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveCasNumber'] 
CALL0002Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveChemicalFormula'] 
CC-EF-1You have not yet added a fuel for this configuration./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/UnitsCDetails/ TierFuelDetails/FuelType>nofuelsEach unit must include at least one <FuelType>
CC-EU-1You have selected Subpart C for reporting, but you have not yet added a configuration./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamenounitsSubpart C must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
CC002The maximum rated heat input capacity of an individual unit, or the highest maximum rated heat input capacity of any unit in the group (aggregation), or the highest maximum rated heat input capacity of any unit served by the common pipe. This data element is required. ratedHeatInputCapacity 
CC003The maximum rated heat input capacity of an individual unit, or the highest maximum rated heat input capacity of any unit in the group (aggregation), or the highest maximum rated heat input capacity of any unit served by the common pipe. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ratedHeatInputCapacity 
CC0066Carbon dioxide emissions measured by the CEMS (or applicable Part 75 methodology). This data element can not be smaller than the biogenic carbon dioxide mass emissions. officialUnroundedCEMSorPart75Co2 
CC0076Carbon dioxide emissions measured by the CEMS (or applicable Part 75 methodology). This data element can not be smaller than the biogenic carbon dioxide mass emissions. officialUnroundedCEMSorPart75Co2 
CC0083Total annual carbon dioxide mass emissions at the monitored location. This data element can not be smaller than the biogenic carbon dioxide mass emissions. officialUnroundedCEMSorPart75Co2 
CC009The combined maximum rated heat input capacity of the units sharing the common stack. This data element is required. ratedHeatInputCapacity 
CC010The combined maximum rated heat input capacity of the units sharing the common stack. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ratedHeatInputCapacity 
CC011Number of units sharing common stack or duct. This data element is required. numberOfUnits 
CC012Number of units sharing common stack or duct. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfUnits 
CC013-1You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. You must correct this before continuing. calculationMethodologyEndDate 
CC013-2You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. You must correct this before continuing. calculationMethodologyEndDate 
CC014-1Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. calculationMethodologyStartDate 
CC014-2Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. calculationMethodologyStartDate 
CC015-1Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. calculationMethodologyEndDate 
CC015-2Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. calculationMethodologyEndDate 
CC016Part 75 methodology. This data element is required. part75Methodology 
CC017Part 75 heat input method. This data element is required. part75HeatInputMethod 
CC018You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. You must correct this before continuing. calculationMethodologyEndDate 
CC019Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. calculationMethodologyStartDate 
CC020Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. calculationMethodologyEndDate 
CC021The maximum rated heat input capacity of an individual unit, or the highest maximum rated heat input capacity of any unit in the group (aggregation), or the highest maximum rated heat input capacity of any unit served by the common pipe. This data element is required. ratedHeatInputCapacity 
CC022The maximum rated heat input capacity of an individual unit, or the highest maximum rated heat input capacity of any unit in the group (aggregation), or the highest maximum rated heat input capacity of any unit served by the common pipe. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ratedHeatInputCapacity 
CC023Group name/ID. This data element is required. groupUnitName 
CC024This type of reporting configuration (common duct/stack) must have a group name/ID that begins with the prefix "CS-". groupUnitName 
CC025Unit name/ID. This data element is required. groupUnitName 
CC026Unit type. This data element is required. groupUnitType 
CC027Group name/ID. This data element is required. groupUnitName 
CC028This type of reporting configuration (aggregation of small units) must have a group name/ID that begins with the prefix "GP-". groupUnitName 
CC029This type of reporting configuration (common supply pipe) must have a name/ID that begins with the prefix "CP-". groupUnitName 
CC030Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This data element is required. sourceOpHours 
CC031Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. sourceOpHours 
CC033The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide concentration. This data element is required. operatingHoursCo2Concentration 
CC034The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide concentration. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. operatingHoursCo2Concentration 
CC036The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This data element is required. operatingHoursGasFlowRate 
CC037The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. operatingHoursGasFlowRate 
CC039The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas moisture content (if moisture correction is required and a continuous moisture monitor is used). This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. operatingHoursMoisture 
CC041Cumulative carbon dioxide emissions, Quarter 1. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/UnitsCDetails[2]/ Tier4Details/Tier4QuarterFuelDetails[1]/ CumulativeCO2MassEmissionsemissionsMap['Quarter 1']Within the <Tier4QuarterFuelDetails> node with a property of <QuarterName>First Quarter</QuarterName>must be included with a <CumulativeCO2MassEmissions> node with a non-null<CalculatedValue>
CC042Cumulative carbon dioxide emissions, Quarter 1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
CC043Cumulative carbon dioxide emissions, Quarter 2. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/UnitsCDetails[2]/ Tier4Details/Tier4QuarterFuelDetails[3]/ CumulativeCO2MassEmissions/CalculatedValueemissionsMap['Quarter 2']Within the <Tier4QuarterFuelDetails> node with a property of <QuarterName>Second Quarter</QuarterName> must be included with a <CumulativeCO2MassEmissions> node with a non-null<CalculatedValue>
CC044Cumulative carbon dioxide emissions, Quarter 2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
CC045Cumulative carbon dioxide emissions, Quarter 3. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/UnitsCDetails[2]/ Tier4Details/Tier4QuarterFuelDetails[3]/ CumulativeCO2MassEmissions/CalculatedValueemissionsMap['Quarter 3']Within the <Tier4QuarterFuelDetails> node with a property of <QuarterName>Third Quarter</QuarterName> must be included with a <CumulativeCO2MassEmissions> node with a non-null<CalculatedValue>
CC046Cumulative carbon dioxide emissions, Quarter 3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
CC047Cumulative carbon dioxide emissions, Quarter 4. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails SubPartInformation/SubPartC/UnitsCDetails[2]/ Tier4Details/Tier4QuarterFuelDetails[4]/ CumulativeCO2MassEmissions/CalculatedValueemissionsMap['Quarter 4']Within the <Tier4QuarterFuelDetails> node with a property of <QuarterName>Fourth Quarter</QuarterName> must be included with a <CumulativeCO2MassEmissions> node with a non-null<CalculatedValue>
CC048Cumulative carbon dioxide emissions, Quarter 4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
CC049Annual volume of carbon dioxide emitted from the combustion of all fuels, Vtotal. Because you have indicated that biogenic carbon dioxide emissions were estimated using the methodology described by Equations C-12, C-13, and C-14, this data element is required. vtotal 
CC050Annual volume of carbon dioxide emitted from the combustion of all fuels, Vtotal. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. vtotal 
CC051Annual volume of carbon dioxide emitted from the combustion of all fossil fuels, Vff. Because you have indicated that biogenic carbon dioxide emissions were estimated using the methodology described by Equations C-12, C-13, and C-14, this data element is required. vff 
CC052Annual volume of carbon dioxide emitted from the combustion of all fossil fuels, Vff. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. vff 
CC053Annual volume of carbon dioxide emitted from the combustion of all biomass fuels, Vbio. Because you have indicated that biogenic carbon dioxide emissions were estimated using the methodology described by Equations C-12, C-13, and C-14, this data element is required. vbio 
CC054Annual volume of carbon dioxide emitted from the combustion of all biomass fuels, Vbio. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. vbio 
CC057Total annual biogenic CO2 mass emissions from this unit. This data element is required. If you did not combust any biogenic or partly-biogenic fuels during the reporting year, enter a zero in this field. If you did not operate this unit during the reporting year, you may return to the Subpart C Overview page and remove the Operational check box within the CONFIGURATION SUMMARY table.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation /SubPartC/UnitsCDetails/Tier4Details/CO2EmissionsNonBiogenicofficialUnroundedBiogenicCo2Within the <Tier4Details> node the <CumulativeCO2MassEmissions> node must be included with a non-null<CalculatedValue>
CC058Biogenic carbon dioxide mass emissions. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedBiogenicCo2 
CC060Total annual non-biogenic CO2 emissions (includes fossil fuel, sorbent, and process carbon dioxide emissions). This data element is required. If you did not operate this unit during the reporting year, you may return to the Subpart C Overview page and remove the Operational check box within the CONFIGURATION SUMMARY table./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/UnitsCDetails[2]/ Tier4Details/CO2EmissionsNonBiogenicofficialUnroundedNonBiogenicCo2Must enter value of CO2EmissionsNonBiogenic
CC061Non-biogenic carbon dioxide emissions (includes fossil fuel, sorbent, and process carbon dioxide emissions). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedNonBiogenicCo2 
CC063Total mass CO2 mass emissions measured by the CEMS (include both biogenic and non-biogenic emissions, and, if applicable, emissions for a slipstream that bypassed the CEMS). This data element is required. If you did not operate this unit during the reporting year, you may return to the Subpart C Overview page and remove the Operational check box within the CONFIGURATION SUMMARY table./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/UnitsCDetails[2]/ Tier4Details/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMSofficialUnroundedCEMSorPart75Co2Must enter value of Annual CO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMS
CC064Carbon dioxide emissions measured by the CEMS (or applicable Part 75 methodology). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCEMSorPart75Co2 
CC067Total annual biogenic CO2 mass emissions from this unit. This data element is required. If you did not combust any biogenic or partly-biogenic fuels during the reporting year, enter a zero in this field. If you did not operate this unit during the reporting year, you may return to the Subpart C Overview page and remove the Operational check box within the CONFIGURATION SUMMARY table./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails /SubPartInformation/SubPartC/UnitsCDetails/ Tier4Details/CO2EmissionsBiogenic/CalculatedValueofficialUnroundedBiogenicCo2Within Common Stack or Duct (CEMS), must enter the value of Total annual non-biogenic CO2 mass emissions
CC068Biogenic carbon dioxide mass emissions. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedBiogenicCo2 
CC070Total annual non-biogenic CO2 emissions (includes fossil fuel, sorbent, and process carbon dioxide emissions). This data element is required. If you did not operate this unit during the reporting year, you may return to the Subpart C Overview page and remove the Operational check box within the CONFIGURATION SUMMARY table.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/UnitsCDetails/ Tier4Details/CO2EmissionsBiogenic/CalculatedValueofficialUnroundedNonBiogenicCo2Within Common Stack or Duct (CEMS), must enter the value of Total annual biogenic CO2 mass emissions
CC071Non-biogenic carbon dioxide emissions (includes fossil fuel, sorbent, and process carbon dioxide emissions). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedNonBiogenicCo2 
CC073Total mass CO2 mass emissions measured by the CEMS (include both biogenic and non-biogenic emissions, and, if applicable, emissions for a slipstream that bypassed the CEMS). This data element is required. If you did not operate this unit during the reporting year, you may return to the Subpart C Overview page and remove the Operational check box within the CONFIGURATION SUMMARY table./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/UnitsCDetails/ Tier4Details/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMSofficialUnroundedCEMSorPart75Co2Within the < Tier4Details > node for the applicable unit the < AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMS > node must be included with a non-null<CalculatedValue>
CC074Carbon dioxide emissions measured by the CEMS (or applicable Part 75 methodology). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCEMSorPart75Co2 
CC077Total biogenic CO2 mass emissions from this unit. This data element is required. If you did not combust any biogenic or partly-biogenic fuels during the reporting year, enter a zero in this field. If you did not operate this unit during the reporting year, you may return to the Subpart C Overview page and remove the Operational check box within the CONFIGURATION SUMMARY table./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails /CO2EmissionsAllBiomassFuelsCombinedofficialUnroundedAllBiomassFuelsCombinedCo2Within the </UnitsCDetails > node for the applicable unit the <CO2EmissionsAllBiomassFuelsCombined > node must be included with a non-null<CalculatedValue>
CC078Carbon dioxide emissions from combustion of all biomass fuels combined (if any of the units burn fossil and biomass). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedAllBiomassFuelsCombinedCo2 
CC080Total annual CO2 mass emissions at the monitored location (include both biogenic and non-biogenic emissions). This data element is required. If you did not operate this unit during the reporting year, you may return to the Subpart C Overview page and remove the Operational check box within the CONFIGURATION SUMMARY table.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/UnitsCDetails/Part75Details/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByPart75MethodofficialUnroundedCEMSorPart75Co2Within the <Part75Details> node the <AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByPart75Method> node must be included with a non-null<CalculatedValue>
CC081Total annual carbon dioxide mass emissions at the monitored location. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCEMSorPart75Co2 
CC084Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that fuel flow rate was missing. This data element is required. operatingHoursFuelFlowRateMissing 
CC085Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that fuel flow rate was missing. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. operatingHoursFuelFlowRateMissing 
CC086Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that higher heating value was missing. This data element is required. operatingHoursHHVMissing 
CC087Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that higher heating value was missing. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. operatingHoursHHVMissing 
CC094Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that carbon dioxide concentration was missing. This data element is required. operatingHoursCo2Missing 
CC095Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that carbon dioxide concentration was missing. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. operatingHoursCo2Missing 
CC096Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that stack gas flow rate was missing. This data element is required. operatingHoursStackGasFlowMissing 
CC097Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that stack gas flow rate was missing. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. operatingHoursStackGasFlowMissing 
CC100bAnnual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCh4 
CC100cAnnual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel (for Table C-2 components of the blend). This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCh4 
CC101bAnnual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
CC103bAnnual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedN2o 
CC103cAnnual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel (for Table C-2 components of the blend). This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedN2o 
CC104bAnnual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
CC106bCO2 equivalent value for the annual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentCh4 
CC107bCO2 equivalent value for the annual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentCh4 
CC109bCO2 equivalent value for the annual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentCh4 
CC110bCO2 equivalent value for the annual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentN2o 
CC112bCO2 equivalent value for the annual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentCh4 
CC112cAnnual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel (for Table C-2 components of the blend). This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentCh4 
CC113bCO2 equivalent value for the annual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentCh4 
CC115bCO2 equivalent value for the annual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentN2o 
CC115cAnnual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel (for Table C-2 components of the blend). This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentN2o 
CC116bCO2 equivalent value for the annual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentN2o 
CC118Please select a fuel or click CANCEL. fuelName 
CC119Please provide a fuel name or click CANCEL. fuelName 
CC120Fuel type. This is a required field. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. fuelType 
CC121Please select a calculation methodology (i.e., tier) or click CANCEL. calculationMethodology 
CC122You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. You must correct this before continuing. calculationMethodologyEndDate 
CC123Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. calculationMethodologyStartDate 
CC124Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. calculationMethodologyEndDate 
CC125Total annual biogenic CO2 mass emissions from this unit. This data element is required. If you did not combust any biogenic or partly-biogenic fuels during the reporting year, enter a zero in this field. If you did not operate this unit during the reporting year, you may return to the Subpart C Overview page and remove the Operational check box within the CONFIGURATION SUMMARY table.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation /SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/CO2EmissionsAllBiomassFuelsCombinedofficialUnroundedAllBiomassFuelsCombinedCo2Single Units must include the <CO2EmissionsAllBiomassFuelsCombined> node and include a non-null <CalculatedValue> inside that node.
CC126Annual carbon dioxide emissions from combustion of all biomass fuels combined (if any of the units burn fossil AND biomass). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedAllBiomassFuelsCombinedCo2 
CC128Annual carbon dioxide emissions from sorbent. If no sorbent was used in the configuration, enter zero for this field. This data element is required. officialUnroundedSorbentBasedCo2 
CC129Annual carbon dioxide emissions from sorbent. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedSorbentBasedCo2 
CC131Annual carbon dioxide emissions from sorbent. If no sorbent was used in this configuration, enter zero for this field. This data element is required. officialUnroundedSorbentBasedCo2 
CC132Annual carbon dioxide emissions from sorbent. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedSorbentBasedCo2 
CC134Total annual biogenic CO2 mass emissions from this unit. This data element is required. If you did not combust any biogenic or partly-biogenic fuels during the reporting year, enter a zero in this field. If you did not operate this unit during the reporting year, you may return to the Subpart C Overview page and remove the Operational check box within the CONFIGURATION SUMMARY table.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation /SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/CO2EmissionsAllBiomassFuelsCombinedofficialUnroundedAllBiomassFuelsCombinedCo2Aggregation of Units must include the <CO2EmissionsAllBiomassFuelsCombined> node and include a non-null <CalculatedValue> inside that node.
CC135Annual carbon dioxide emissions from combustion of all biomass fuels combined (if any of the units burn fossil AND biomass). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedAllBiomassFuelsCombinedCo2 
CC137Annual carbon dioxide emissions from combustion of all fossil fuels combined (if any of the units burn fossil AND biomass). This data element is required. officialUnroundedAllFossilFuelsCombinedCo2 
CC138Annual carbon dioxide emissions from combustion of all fossil fuels combined (if any of the units burn fossil AND biomass). You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedAllFossilFuelsCombinedCo2 
CC140Total annual biogenic CO2 mass emissions from this unit. This data element is required. If you did not combust any biogenic or partly-biogenic fuels during the reporting year, enter a zero in this field. If you did not operate this unit during the reporting year, you may return to the Subpart C Overview page and remove the Operational check box within the CONFIGURATION SUMMARY table.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation /SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/CO2EmissionsAllBiomassFuelsCombinedofficialUnroundedAllBiomassFuelsCombinedCo2Common pipe units must include the <CO2EmissionsAllBiomassFuelsCombined> node and include a non-null <CalculatedValue> inside that node.
CC141Annual carbon dioxide emissions from combustion of all biomass fuels combined (if any of the units burn fossil AND biomass). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedAllBiomassFuelsCombinedCo2 
CC143Annual carbon dioxide emissions from combustion of all fossil fuels combined (if any of the units burn fossil AND biomass). This data element is required. officialUnroundedAllFossilFuelsCombinedCo2 
CC144Annual carbon dioxide emissions from combustion of all fossil fuels combined (if any of the units burn fossil AND biomass). You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedAllFossilFuelsCombinedCo2 
CC149bAnnual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCh4 
CC149cAnnual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel (for Table C-2 components of the blend). This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCh4 
CC150bAnnual methane emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
CC152bAnnual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedN2o 
CC152cAnnual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel (for Table C-2 components of the blend). This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedN2o 
CC153bAnnual nitrous oxide emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
CC155bCO2 equivalent value for the annual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentCh4 
CC156bCO2 equivalent value for the annual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentCh4 
CC158bCO2 equivalent value for the annual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentN2o 
CC159bCarbon dioxide equivalent value for the annual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentN2o 
CC164Frequency of higher heating value determinations. This data element is required. frequencyHHVDeterminations 
CC165Frequency of higher heating value determinations. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the frequency of higher heating value determinations in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherFrequencyHHVDeterminations 
CC166Total number of valid carbon content determinations. This data element is required. numberOfCCs 
CC167Total number of valid carbon content determinations. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfCCs 
CC169Total number of carbon content substitute data values. This data element is required. numberOfSubstituteCCs 
CC170Total number of carbon content substitute data values. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfSubstituteCCs 
CC172Frequency of carbon content determinations. This data element is required. frequencyCCDeterminations 
CC173Frequency of carbon content determinations. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the frequency of carbon content determinations in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherFrequencyCCDeterminations 
CC174Total number of operating hours in the reporting year for which missing data substitution was used for fuel usage. This data element is required. operatingHoursMissingFuelUsage 
CC175Total number of operating hours in the reporting year for which missing data substitution was used for fuel usage. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. operatingHoursMissingFuelUsage 
CC177Total number of valid carbon content determinations. This data element is required. numberOfCCs 
CC178Total number of valid carbon content determinations. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfCCs 
CC180Total number of carbon content substitute data values. This data element is required. numberOfSubstituteCCs 
CC181Total number of carbon content substitute data values. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfSubstituteCCs 
CC183Frequency of carbon content determinations. This data element is required. frequencyCCDeterminations 
CC184Frequency of carbon content determinations. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the frequency of carbon content determinations in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherFrequencyCCDeterminations 
CC185Total number of operating hours in the reporting year for which missing data substitution was used for fuel usage. This data element is required. operatingHoursMissingFuelUsage 
CC186Total number of operating hours in the reporting year for which missing data substitution was used for fuel usage. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. operatingHoursMissingFuelUsage 
CC188Total number of valid molecular weight determinations. This data element is required. numberOfValidMWDeterminations 
CC189Total number of valid molecular weight determinations. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfValidMWDeterminations 
CC191Total number of molecular weight substitute data values. This data element is required. numberOfSubstituteMWs 
CC192Total number of molecular weight substitute data values. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfSubstituteMWs 
CC194Frequency of molecular weight determinations. This data element is required. frequencyMWDeterminations 
CC195Frequency of molecular weight determinations. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the frequency of molecular weight determinations in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherFrequencyMWDeterminations 
CC199Please make a selection or click CANCEL. configurationType 
CC200Unit Name. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. groupUnitName 
CC201Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. groupUnitType 
CC221Annual CO2 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel (include both biogenic and non-biogenic emissions). This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/UnitsCDetails/TierFuelDetails/Tier1FuelDetails/EmissionsDetailsNode/TotalCO2CombustionEmissionsofficialUnroundedCo2For RY10-RY12 for other fuels, within the <Tier1FuelDetails> for the applicable unit in the < EmissionsDetailsNode > node the <TotalCO2CombustionEmissions> must be included with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
CC222Annual carbon dioxide emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
CC225bAnnual methane emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
CC228bAnnual nitrous oxide emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
CC231bCarbon dioxide equivalent value for the annual methane emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentCh4 
CC234bCarbon dioxide equivalent value for the annual nitrous oxide emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentN2o 
CC236bAnnual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedN2o 
CC236cAnnual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel (for Table C-2 components of the blend). This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedN2o 
CC237bAnnual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
CC239bAnnual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCh4 
CC239cAnnual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel (for Table C-2 components of the blend). This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCh4 
CC240bAnnual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
CC245bCO2 equivalent value for the annual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentCh4 
CC246bCO2 equivalent value for the annual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentCh4 
CC248bCO2 equivalent value for the annual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentN2o 
CC249bCO2 equivalent value for the annual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentN2o 
CC251bAnnual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedN2o 
CC251cAnnual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel (for Table C-2 components of the blend). This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedN2o 
CC252bN2O Emission. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
CC254bAnnual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCh4 
CC254cAnnual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel (for Table C-2 components of the blend). This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCh4 
CC255bCH4 emissions. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
CC260bCO2 equivalent value for the annual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentCh4 
CC261bCO2 equivalent emissions from CH4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentCh4 
CC263bCO2 equivalent value for the annual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentN2o 
CC264bCO2 equivalent emissions from N2O. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentN2o 
CC266Enter Own Result for Annual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required if you select Enter/Report Alternate Result. officialUnroundedCh4 
CC267Enter Own Result for Annual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required if you select Enter/Report Alternate Result. officialUnroundedN2o 
CC272Other Name is a required field when "OCS (Other combustion source)" is selected as the Unit Type. otherName 
CC273Please indicate if this unit is monitored by a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS), or click CANCEL. hasCEMS 
CC274Please specify the feedstock type for this unit or click CANCEL feedStockType 
CC275Molar Volume Constant (MVC) used. This data element is required. mvc 
CC276bAnnual heat input for the specified fuel combusted by this unit. This data element is required. If the specified fuel was not combusted in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. annualHeatInput 
CC276cAnnual heat input for the specified fuel combusted by this unit (for Table C-2 components of the blend). This data element is required. If the specified fuel was not combusted in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. annualHeatInput 
CC277bAnnual heat input for the specified fuel combusted by this unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualHeatInput 
CC281-1The Calculation Methodology End Date does not fall within the Reporting Year. Please revise and make sure the Calculation Methodology End Date is within the current reporting year, and is after the Start Date. calculationMethodologyEndDate 
CC283-1The Calculation Methodology Start Date does not fall within the Reporting Year. Please revise and make sure the Calculation Methodology Start Date is within the current reporting year, and is prior to the End Date. calculationMethodologyStartDate 
CC284-1The Calculation Methodology End Date does not fall within the Reporting Year. Please revise and make sure the Calculation Methodology End Date is within the current reporting year, and is after the Start Date. calculationMethodologyEndDate 
CC285-1The Calculation Methodology Start Date does not fall within the Reporting Year. Please revise and make sure the Calculation Methodology Start Date is within the current reporting year, and is prior to the End Date. calculationMethodologyStartDate 
CC286-1The Calculation Methodology End Date does not fall within the Reporting Year. Please revise and make sure the Calculation Methodology End Date is within the current reporting year, and is after the Start Date. calculationMethodologyEndDate 
CC287-1Total amount of sorbent used during the reporting year. This data element is required. totalSorbentUsed 
CC287-2Total amount of sorbent used during the reporting year. This data element is required. totalSorbentUsed 
CC288-1Are CO2 emissions that are not monitored by a CEMS generated from sorbent injection? Please select "Yes" if you used Equation C-11 to calculate sorbent emissions, or, select "No" if you did not or if you are resubmitting a previous annual report for any other reason. You are not required to resubmit a Reporting Year 2010 or Reporting Year 2011 annual report for the sole purpose of replying "No" to this question. isSorbentUsedCEMS 
CC288-2Are CO2 emissions that are not monitored by a CEMS generated from sorbent injection? Please select "Yes" if you used Equation C-11 to calculate sorbent emissions, or, select "No" if you did not or if you are resubmitting a previous annual report for any other reason. You are not required to resubmit a Reporting Year 2010 or Reporting Year 2011 annual report for the sole purpose of replying "No" to this question. isSorbentUsedCEMS 
CC289-1Total amount of sorbent used during the reporting year. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalSorbentUsed 
CC289-2Total amount of sorbent used during the reporting year. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalSorbentUsed 
CC291-1Molecular weight of the sorbent. This data element is required. mwSorbent 
CC291-2Molecular weight of the sorbent. This data element is required. mwSorbent 
CC292-1Molecular weight of the sorbent. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. mwSorbent 
CC292-2Molecular weight of the sorbent. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. mwSorbent 
CC294-1The ratio ("R") used in Equation C-11. This data element is required. ratioR 
CC294-2The ratio ("R") used in Equation C-11. This data element is required. ratioR 
CC295-1The ratio ("R") used in Equation C-11. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ratioR 
CC295-2The ratio ("R") used in Equation C-11. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ratioR 
CC297-1Report which CO2 result? This data element is required. isUserOverriddenSorbentBasedCo2 
CC297-2Report which CO2 result? This data element is required. isUserOverriddenSorbentBasedCo2 
CC309Sample Analysis Results for first quarter. This data element is required. q1SampleAnalysisResult 
CC310Sample Analysis Results for first quarter. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1SampleAnalysisResult 
CC312Sample Analysis Results for second quarter. This data element is required. q2SampleAnalysisResult 
CC313Sample Analysis Results for second quarter. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2SampleAnalysisResult 
CC315Sample Analysis Results for third quarter. This data element is required. q3SampleAnalysisResult 
CC316Sample Analysis Results for third quarter. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3SampleAnalysisResult 
CC318Sample Analysis Results for fourth quarter. This data element is required. q4SampleAnalysisResult 
CC319Sample Analysis Results for fourth quarter. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4SampleAnalysisResult 
CC341Maximum rated heat input capacity of the unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 250 (mmBtu/hr). You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/UnitsCDetails/ IndividualUnitDetails or /CommonPipeDetail/ratedHeatInputCapacityMaxRatedheatInputCapacity or HighestMaxRatedheatInputCapacity should be between 0 and 259.
CC350Annual CO2 emissions. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ GHGasInfoDetails>GHGasNametotalnonbiogenicco2emissionThe summary for Subpart C must include the <GHGasInfoDetails> node with a <GHGASName> of "Carbon Dioxide" and a <GHGasQuanitity> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
CC351Annual CH4 emissions. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ GHGasInfoDetails>GHGasNametotalch4emissionThe summary for Subpart C must include the <GHGasInfoDetails> node with a <GHGASName> of "Methane" and a <GHGasQuanitity> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
CC352Annual N2O emissions. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ GHGasInfoDetails>GHGasNametotaln20emissionThe summary for Subpart C must include the <GHGasInfoDetails> node with a <GHGASName> of "Nitrous Oxide" and a <GHGasQuanitity> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
CC353Annual biogenic CO2 emissions. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ GHGasInfoDetails>GHGasNametotalbiogenicco2emissionThe summary for Subpart C must include the <GHGasInfoDetails> node with a <GHGASName> of "Biogenic Carbon Dioxide" and a <GHGasQuanitity> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
CC359-1The combination of fuel type and tier methodology reported for unit [{1}] is invalid. You may not use the Tier 2 methodology with a fuel that is not included in Table C-1 of subpart C. You must select a different methodology for the [{2}] fuel type before continuing. calculationMethodology 
CC454Measured high heat value of the solid fuel, for month(s) [{1}] (which may be the arithmetic average of multiple determinations), or, if applicable, an appropriate substitute data value. Please enter the required data. highHeatValue 
CC455Measured high heat value of the solid fuel, for month(s) [{1}] (which may be the arithmetic average of multiple determinations), or, if applicable, an appropriate substitute data value. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. highHeatValue 
CC458Carbon content of the solid fuel, for month(s) [{1}]. Please enter the required data. carbonContent 
CC459Carbon content of the solid fuel, for month(s) [{1}]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. carbonContent 
CC461Mass of the solid fuel combusted during month(s) [{1}] from company records is required. Please enter the required data. fuelCombusted 
CC462Mass of the solid fuel combusted during month(s) [{1}], from company records. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelCombusted 
CC464Measured high heat value of the liquid fuel, for month(s) [{1}] (which may be the arithmetic average of multiple determinations), or, if applicable, an appropriate substitute data value. Please enter the required data. highHeatValue 
CC465Measured high heat value of the liquid fuel, for month(s) [{1}] (which may be the arithmetic average of multiple determinations), or, if applicable, an appropriate substitute data value. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. highHeatValue 
CC468Carbon content of the liquid fuel, for month(s) [{1}]. Please enter the required data. carbonContent 
CC469Carbon content of the liquid fuel, for month(s) [{1}]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. carbonContent 
CC472Volume of the liquid fuel combusted during month(s) [{1}] from company records is required. Please enter the required data. fuelCombusted 
CC473Volume of the liquid fuel combusted during month(s) [{1}], from company records. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelCombusted 
CC475Measured high heat value of the gaseous fuel, for month(s) [{1}] (which may be the arithmetic average of multiple determinations), or, if applicable, an appropriate substitute data value. Please enter the required data. highHeatValue 
CC476Measured high heat value of the gaseous fuel, for month(s) [{1}] (which may be the arithmetic average of multiple determinations), or, if applicable, an appropriate substitute data value. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. highHeatValue 
CC479Carbon content of the gaseous fuel, for month(s) [{1}]. Please enter the required data. carbonContent 
CC480Carbon content of the gaseous fuel, for month(s) [{1}]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. carbonContent 
CC481Molecular weight of the gaseous fuel, for month(s) [{1}]. Please enter the required data. molecularWt 
CC482Molecular weight of the gaseous fuel, for month(s) [{1}]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. molecularWt 
CC484Volume of the gaseous fuel combusted during month(s) [{1}] from company records is required. Please enter the required data. fuelCombusted 
CC485Volume of the gaseous fuel combusted during month(s) [{1}], from company records. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelCombusted 
CC506bAnnual heat input for the specified fuel combusted by this unit. This data element is required. If the specified fuel was not combusted in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. annualHeatInput 
CC507bAnnual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. officialUnroundedCh4 
CC508bAnnual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. officialUnroundedCh4 
CC529The cumulative maximum rated heat input capacity for all units within the configuration that have a maximum rated heat input capacity greater than or equal to 10 mmBtu/hr. This data element is required. cumulativeRatedHeatInputCapacity 
CC530The cumulative maximum rated heat input capacity for all units within the configuration that have a maximum rated heat input capacity greater than or equal to 10 mmBtu/hr. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. cumulativeRatedHeatInputCapacity 
CC532Moisture content of the fuel used (percent). This data element is required. equationInput 
CC532-1Moisture content of the fuel used (percent). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 100. You must correct the current value before continuing. equationInput 
CC536The annual CH4 as CO2e emissions of {1} metric tons for the fuel {2} at the unit {3} does not equal its annual CH4 emissions of {4} metric tons multiplied by its GWP. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[tier1AnnualCH4CO2E] 
CC537The annual CH4 as CO2e emissions of {1} metric tons for the fuel {2} at the unit {3} does not equal its annual CH4 emissions of {4} metric tons multiplied by its GWP. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[tier2AnnualCH4CO2E] 
CC538The annual CH4 as CO2e emissions of {1} metric tons for the fuel {2} at the unit {3} does not equal its annual CH4 emissions of {4} metric tons multiplied by its GWP. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[tier3AnnualCH4CO2E] 
CC542The annual N2O as CO2e emissions of {1} metric tons for the fuel {2} at the unit {3} does not equal its annual N2O emissions of {4} metric tons multiplied by its GWP. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[tier1AnnualN2OCO2E] 
CC543The annual N2O as CO2e emissions of {1} metric tons for the fuel {2} at the unit {3} does not equal its annual N2O emissions of {4} metric tons multiplied by its GWP. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[tier2AnnualN2OCO2E] 
CC544The annual N2O as CO2e emissions of {1} metric tons for the fuel {2} at the unit {3} does not equal its annual N2O emissions of {4} metric tons multiplied by its GWP. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[tier3AnnualN2OCO2E] 
CC546The annual CH4 as CO2e emissions of {1} metric tons for the fuel {2} at the unit {3} does not equal its annual CH4 emissions of {4} metric tons multiplied by its GWP. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[tier4AnnualCH4CO2E] 
CC548The annual N2O as CO2e emissions of {1} metric tons for the fuel {2} at the unit {3} does not equal its annual N2O emissions of {4} metric tons multiplied by its GWP. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[tier4AnnualN2OCO2E] 
CC558The annual biogenic CO2 emissions of {1} metric tons reported at the configuration level for the unit {2} is greater than the sum of all CO2 emissions reported at the fuel level of {3} metric tons for all fuels at the unit. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[subpartCAnnualUnitBiogenicCO2] 
CC561The Equation C-2a calculation method for the unit {1} is not appropriate for Municipal Solid Waste. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[tierName] 
CC562The Equation C-2c calculation method is only valid for solid fuels, so the fuel {1} for unit {2} is not appropriate. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[tierName] 
CC563The Equation C-3 calculation method is only appropriate for solid fuels, so the fuel {1} for unit {2} is not appropriate. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[tierName] 
CC564The Equation C-4 calculation method is only appropriate for liquid fuels, so the fuel {1} for unit {2} is not appropriate. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[tierName] 
CC565The Equation C-5 calculation method is only appropriate for gaseous fuels, so the fuel {1} for unit {2} is not appropriate. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[tierName] 
CC572GHGRP ID. This data element is required and must be equal to the GHGRP ID for the facility. ghgrpID 
CC573Reporting Period. This data element is required and must be equal to the expected reporting year. reportingPeriod 
CC574Row {1} of this Tier 2 equation inputs form contains a unit/fuel combination on row {1} that does not exist within e-GGRT for this facility and reporting year. The unit name, fuel name, equation used to calculate CO2 emissions, and whether or not you have elected to use IVT for the unit must match an existing unit/fuel combination within e-GGRT. unitName 
CC575The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, Column B7 (Fuel-Specific CH4 Emission Factor). Acceptable values are "0.011 (default)" and "0.001 (alternate)." This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. ch4EmissionFactor 
CC576The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, Column B8 (HHV Calculation Methodology). Acceptable values are "Annual average" and "Weighted average (Equation C-2b)." This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. highHeatMethod 
CC577The system encountered one or more unexpected values in row {1}, Columns B34-B45 (Identify each month for which the monthly HHV value is calculated using one or more substitute data values). Acceptable values are Yes and No. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. isHHVSubstituted 
CC578The system encountered one or more unexpected values in row {1} Column B46 (Frequency of HHV Determinations). Acceptable values are Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Semiannually, Quarterly, Once per fuel lot, Upon addition of oil to the storage tank, and Other (specify). This file cannot be uploaded. frequencyHHVDeterminations 
CC579In row {1} you have indicated that the unit was non-operational for one or more months in the monthly HHV portion of the inputs form but not in the monthly quantity portion of the inputs form, or vice versa. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. monthlyHighHeatValue 
CC579-1The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, column B60 (Ratio of the Boiler&#39; Maximum Rated Heat Input Capacity to its Design Rated Steam Output Capacity). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. boilerHeat 
CC579-2The system encountered one or more unexpected values in row {1}, columns B48-B59 (Total Mass of Steam Generated by MSW or Solid Fuel Combustion During the Month). You must enter non-zero values, however if the unit was non-operational in a month you must enter "NA". This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. monthlyMassOfSteam 
CC579-3The system encountered one or more unexpected values in row {1}, columns B10-B21 (Measured HHV of the Fuel, for Month, or, if Applicable, an Appropriate Substitute Data Value). You must enter non-zero values, however if the unit was non-operational in a month you must enter "NA". This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. monthlyHighHeatValue 
CC579-4The system encountered one or more unexpected values in row {1}, columns B22-B33 (Quantity of the Fuel Combusted, for Month). You must enter non-zero values, however if the unit was non-operational in a month you must enter "NA". This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. monthlyFuelQuantity 
CC579-5The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, column B6 (Mass or Volume of Fuel Combusted). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. quantityOfFuel 
CC579-6The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, column B9 (Annual Average HHV). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. annualAverageHHV 
CC579-7The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, column B47 (Frequency of HHV Determinations - Specify "Other" Selection). You must enter the frequency at which HHV determinations were made because you selected "Other (specify)" in column B46. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. frequencyHHVDeterminationsOther 
CC580GHGRP ID. This data element is required and must be equal to the GHGRP ID for the facility. ghgrpID 
CC581Reporting Period. This data element is required and must be equal to the expected reporting year. reportingPeriod 
CC582Row {1} of this Tier 3 equation inputs form contains a unit/fuel combination on row {1} that does not exist within e-GGRT for this facility and reporting year. The unit name, fuel name, equation used to calculate CO2 emissions, and whether or not you have elected to use IVT for the unit must match an existing unit/fuel combination within e-GGRT. unitName 
CC583The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, Column B8 (Fuel-Specific CH4 Emission Factor). Acceptable values are "0.011 (default)" and "0.001 (alternate)." This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. ch4EmissionFactor 
CC583-1The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, column B7 (Mass or Volume of Fuel Combusted). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. annualMassorVolOfFuel 
CC583-2The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, column B52 (Total Number of Valid Carbon Content Determinations). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. totalValidCC 
CC583-3The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, column B53 (Total Number of Carbon Content Substitute Data Values). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. totalCCSubstituteValue 
CC583-4The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, column B56 (Total Number of Operating Hours in the Reporting Year for Which Missing Data Substitution was Used for Fuel Usage). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 8784. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. totalOperatingHour 
CC583-5The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, column B57 (Total Number of Valid Molecular Weight Determinations). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. totalValidMW 
CC583-6The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, column B58 (Total Number of Molecular Weight Substitute Data Values). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. totalMWSubstituteValue 
CC584The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, Column B9 (Carbon Content Methodology). Acceptable values are "Annual average" and "Weighted average (Equation C-2b)." This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. ccCalcMethod 
CC584-1The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, column B10 (Annual Average Carbon Content). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. annualAverageCCFuel 
CC585The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, Column B11 (Molecular Weight Calculation Methodology for Gaseous Fuel). Acceptable values are "Annual average" and "Weighted average (Equation C-2b)." This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. mwCalcMethod 
CC585-1The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, column B12 (Annual Average Molecular Weight). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. annualAvgMWFuel 
CC586The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, Column B13 (Molar Volume Constant Used). Acceptable values are "836.6 (Scf/kg-mole)" and "849.5 (Scf/kg-mole)" This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. molarVolumeConstant 
CC587The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, Column B14 (HHV Calculation Methodology). Acceptable values are "Annual average" and "Default." This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. hhvCalcMethod 
CC587-1The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1}, column B15 (Annual Average HHV). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. annualAvgHHV 
CC588The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1} Column B54 (Frequency of Carbon Content Determinations). Acceptable values are Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Semiannually, Quarterly, Once per fuel lot, Upon addition of oil to the storage tank, Other (specify). This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. frequencyCCDeterminations 
CC588-1You did not provide a value in row {1}, column B55 (Frequency of Carbon Content - Specify "Other" Selection). You must enter the frequency at which Frequency of Carbon Content determinations were made because you selected "Other (specify)" in column B54. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. frequencyCCDeterminationsOther 
CC589The system encountered an unexpected value in row {1} Column B59 (Frequency of Molecular Weight Determinations). Acceptable values are Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Semiannually, Quarterly, Once per fuel lot, Upon addition of oil to the storage tank, Other (specify). This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. frequencyMWDDeterminations 
CC589-1You did not provide a value in row {1}, column B60 (Frequency of Molecular Weight - Specify "Other" Selection). You must enter the frequency at which Frequency of Molecular Weight determinations were made because you selected "Other (specify)" in column B59. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. frequencyMWDDeterminationsOther 
CC590In row {1} you have not consistently indicated that the unit was non-operational for one or more months. If the unit was non-operational for a certain month, please be sure you have reported "NA" for the monthly carbon content and monthly fuel quantity fields. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. monthlyCarbonContent 
CC591In row {1} you have not consistently indicated that the unit was non-operational for one or more months. If the unit was non-operational for a certain month, please be sure you have reported "NA" for the monthly carbon content, monthly molecular weight (only for gaseous fuels), and monthly fuel quantity fields. This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. monthlyMolecularWeight 
CC591-1The system encountered one or more unexpected values in row {1}, columns B28-B39 (Quantity of the Fuel Combusted, for Month). You must enter non-zero values, however if the unit was non-operational in a month you must enter "NA". This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. monthlyFuelQuantity 
CC591-2The system encountered one or more unexpected values in row {1}, columns B16-B27 (Monthly Carbon Content). You must enter non-zero values, however if the unit was non-operational in a month you must enter "NA". This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. monthlyCarbonContent 
CC591-3The system encountered one or more unexpected values in row {1}, columns B40-B51 (Monthly Molecular Weight of the Gaseous Fuel). You must enter non-zero values, however if the unit was non-operational in a month you must enter "NA". This file cannot be uploaded. Please correct this issue. monthlyMolecularWeight 
CC602The highest maximum rated heat input capacity of any unit in the group (aggregation), or the highest maximum rated heat input capacity of any unit served by the common pipe. This data element cannot be greater than the cumulative maximum rated heat input capacity. cumulativeRatedHeatInputCapacity 
CC854You have reported all zeros or a combination of non-zero and zero values for equation inputs for the following months: [{1}]. Please uncheck the box next to any month during which this fuel was not combusted or enter non-zero values for all equation inputs. You must correct this before continuing or click Cancel. monthApplicable 
CC855You have reported a zero for the following months: [{1}]. Please uncheck the box next to any month during which this fuel was not combusted. You must correct this before continuing or click Cancel. monthApplicable 
CCFuel-1The "Other Fuel or Blend" that you are attempting to add is already included in the Table C-1 pick list shown on the previous page. Please click CANCEL to return to the previous page and choose a fuel from standard fuel types listed. If you truly have a non-standard fuel type not listed in Table C-1, enter the unique name here./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamecustomFuelExistsSubpart C must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
CFM-1This fuel is already being used in this Unit for this facility. Please select a different fuel. fuel 
CIVT-C854You have reported all zeros or a combination of non-zero and zero values for equation inputs for the following months: [{1}]. Please uncheck the box next to any month during which this fuel was not combusted or enter non-zero values for all equation inputs. You must correct this before continuing or click Cancel. monthApplicable 
CIVT-C855You have reported a zero for the following months: [{1}]. Please uncheck the box next to any month during which this fuel was not combusted. You must correct this before continuing or click Cancel. monthApplicable 
C (Abbr)FM-1This fuel is already being used in this Unit for this facility. Please select a different fuel. fuel 
CCCC009Is this manufacturing line\'s emissions monitored using a CEMS?. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. hasCEMS 
CCCC011Calculation method used to estimate CO2 process emissions. This data element is required. co2EmissionCalculationMethod 
CCCC013Annual production of soda ash. This data element is required. annualProductionOfSodaAsh 
CCCC014Annual production of soda ash. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualProductionOfSodaAsh 
CCCC016Annual production capacity of soda ash. This data element is required. annualProductionCapacityOfSodaAsh 
CCCC017Annual production capacity of soda ash. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualProductionCapacityOfSodaAsh 
CCCC019Annual CO2 process emissions for the manufacturing line. This data element is required. co2EmissionsEqCC5 
CCCC020Annual CO2 emissions for the manufacturing line. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. co2EmissionsEqCC5 
CCCC021The number of months that missing data procedures were followed to determine the process vent flow rate from mine water stripper/evaporator. This data element is required. numberOfMonthsMissingDataProcessVentFlow 
CCCC022Total number of soda ash manufacturing lines not monitored by CEMS. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfSodaAshNoCemsProcessLines 
CCCC032The number of months that missing data procedures were followed to determine the monthly mass of soda ash. This data element is required. monthlySodaAshMass 
CCCC035The number of weeks that missing data procedures were followed to determine the inorganic carbon content of soda ash. This data element is required. monthlySodaAshCarbonContent 
CCCC036The number of weeks that missing data procedures were followed to determine the inorganic carbon content of soda ash. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 52. You must correct the current value before continuing. monthlySodaAshCarbonContent 
CCCC040The number of months that missing data procedures were followed to determine the monthly mass of trona. This data element is required. monthlyTronaMass 
CCCC043The number of weeks that missing data procedures were followed to determine the inorganic carbon content of trona. This data element is required. monthlyTronaCarbonContent 
CCCC044The number of weeks that missing data procedures were followed to determine the inorganic carbon content of trona. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 52. You must correct the current value before continuing. monthlyTronaCarbonContent 
CCCC047Annual consumption of trona for each manufacturing line. This data element is required. annualConsumptionOfTrona 
CCCC048Annual consumption of trona for each manufacturing line. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualConsumptionOfTrona 
CCCC050Annual consumption of liquid alkaline for each manufacturing line. This data element is required. annualConsumptionOfLiquidAlkaline 
CCCC051Annual consumption of liquid alkaline for each manufacturing line. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualConsumptionOfLiquidAlkaline 
CCCC053Annual production of soda ash. This data element is required. annualProductionOfSodaAsh 
CCCC054Annual production of soda ash. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualProductionOfSodaAsh 
CCCC056Annual production capacity of soda ash. This data element is required. annualProductionCapacityOfSodaAsh 
CCCC057Annual production capacity of soda ash. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualProductionCapacityOfSodaAsh 
CCCC123You have added Subpart CC, but have not yet added a manufacturing line. sodaAshUnitNoCemsDTOMap[1] 
CCCEMSML-1Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have added one or more units monitored by CEMS, but have not yet added a CEMS Monitoring Location (CML). hasCEMSandNoCML 
CCCEMSML-2CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have indicated that this unit is monitored by CEMS, but you have not yet associated it with any CEMS Monitoring Locations (CMLs). From the Subpart Overview page, click on the CML Name/Identifier to which this unit exhausts (or use the "ADD a CEMS Monitoring Location" link to create a new one). On the bottom of Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location page, use the "ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location" link to select this unit. hasCEMSandNoCMLUnits 
CCCEMSML-3The same name or identifier already exists for this CEMS monitoring location in this facility. Please enter a unique name or identifier. cml 
CCCML-027aFraction of nitrous oxide emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionN2oEmissions 
CCCML-038Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalOperatingHrs 
CCCML-039The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
CCCML-040The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
CCCML-041The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas moisture content. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasMoisture 
CCCML-043The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This data element is required. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
CCCML-046CEMS Monitoring Location process units. You did not select any process unit(s) for this CML. processUnits 
CCCML-047aFraction of methane emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionCh4Emissions 
CCCML-051Total Non-biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalNonbiogenicCo2emission 
CCCML-052Total Biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalBiogenicCo2emission 
CCCML-053Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totalch4emission 
CCCML-054Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totaln2oemission 
CCCML-055Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions measured by the CEMS. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPart ”any”/Tier4CEMSDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMStotalCo2ByCemsOrPart75If a subpart include CEM or Part75 reporting that subpart must include the <Tier4CEMSDetails> node with a <AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMS> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
CCCML-056Total annual CO2 mass emissions (biogenic and non-biogenic) measured by the CEMS. This data element must be greater than or equal to biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. totalCo2ByCemsOrPart75 
CCCML-057Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This data element is required. totalOperatingHrs 
CCCML-058The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This data element is required. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
CCCML-059You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. Please revise and make sure the Start Date is earlier than the End Date. methodologyEndDate 
CCCML-060Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyStartDate 
CCCML-061Configuration type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cemsConfigType 
CCCML-062Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyEndDate 
CCCML-063Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
CCCML-064Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
CCCML-065Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
CCCML-066Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
CCCML-067Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
CCCML-068Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
CCCML-069Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
CCCML-070Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
CCCML-071CEMS Monitoring Location Name/ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cmlName 
CCCML-072Type(s) of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. fuelsCombusted 
CCCML-076Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total methane emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totalch4emission 
CCCML-077Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total nitrous oxide emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totaln2oemission 
CCCML-078Types of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported fuel(s) and leave the types of fuel field blank, or click CANCEL. fuelsCombusted 
CCCML-083Carbon dioxide emissions attributable to combustion. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported emissions and leave the types of emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. combustionCo2Emissions 
CCCML-086The Calculation Methodology Start Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
CCCML-087The Calculation Methodology Start Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
CCCML-088The Calculation Methodology End Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
CCCML-089The Calculation Methodology End Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
CCUM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
CCUM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
DALL0001CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveCasNumber'] 
DALL0002Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveChemicalFormula'] 
DD-EF-1You have not added a fuel for this unit, pipe, or stack./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/TierFuelDetails/FuelType>nofuelsEach unit must include at least one <FuelType>
DD-EU-1You have selected Subpart D for reporting, but you have not yet added a unit, pipe, or stack./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamenounitsSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
DD001Part 75 methodology. This data element is required. part75Methodology 
DD002You did not indicate if this unit or group of units reports under Part 75 (Acid Rain Program). This data element is required. hasAcidRainProgram 
DD003You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. You must correct this before continuing. calculationMethodologyEndDate 
DD004Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. calculationMethodologyStartDate 
DD005Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. calculationMethodologyEndDate 
DD006Please select a fuel or click CANCEL. fuelName 
DD007Please provide a fuel name or click CANCEL. fuelName 
DD008Fuel type. This is a required field. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. fuelType 
DD009bCarbon dioxide equivalent value for the annual methane emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentCh4 
DD009cCarbon dioxide equivalent value for the annual methane emissions from combustion of the specified fuel (for Table C-2 components of the blend). This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentCh4 
DD010Carbon dioxide equivalent value for the annual methane emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentCh4 
DD012bCarbon dioxide equivalent value for the annual nitrous oxide emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentN2o 
DD012cCarbon dioxide equivalent value for the annual nitrous oxide emissions from combustion of the specified fuel (for Table C-2 components of the blend). This data element is required. If you did not combust the specified fuel in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentN2o 
DD013Carbon dioxide equivalent value for the annual nitrous oxide emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2EquivalentN2o 
DD015Annual carbon dioxide emissions (metric tons) from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartD/UnitDDetail/AnnualCO2EmissionsMonitoredLocationMetricTonssofficialUnroundedCo2Within the <UnitDDetails> for the applicable unit in the < AnnualCO2EmissionsMonitoredLocationMetricTons > node must be included with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
DD015XAnnual carbon dioxide emissions (metric tons) from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element can not be smaller than the biogenic carbon dioxide mass emissions. officialUnroundedCo2 
DD016Annual carbon dioxide emissions (metric tons) from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
DD018Annual carbon dioxide emissions (short tons) from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartD/UnitDDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsMonitoredLocationShortTonsofficialUnroundedCo2ShorttonWithin the <UnitDDetails> for the applicable unit in the < AnnualCO2EmissionsMonitoredLocationShortTons > node must be included with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
DD019Annual carbon dioxide emissions (short tons) from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2Shortton 
DD021Annual carbon dioxide emissions from combustion of all biomass fuels combined (if any of the units burn fossil AND biomass). This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartD/UnitDDetails/ AnnualCO2EmissionsAllBiomassFuelsCombinedofficialUnroundedAllBiomassFuelsCombinedCo2Within the <UnitDDetails> for the applicable unit in the < AnnualCO2EmissionsAllBiomassFuelsCombined > node must be included with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
DD022Annual carbon dioxide emissions from combustion of all biomass fuels combined (if any of the units burn fossil AND biomass). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedAllBiomassFuelsCombinedCo2 
DD024Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that carbon dioxide concentration was missing. This data element is required. operatingHoursCo2Missing 
DD025Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that carbon dioxide concentration was missing. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to {1} (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. operatingHoursCo2Missing 
DD027Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that stack gas flow rate was missing. This data element is required. operatingHoursStackGasFlowMissing 
DD028Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that stack gas flow rate was missing. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to {1} (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. operatingHoursStackGasFlowMissing 
DD032Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that fuel carbon content was missing. This data element is required. operatingHoursCCMissing 
DD033Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that fuel carbon content was missing. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to {1} (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. operatingHoursCCMissing 
DD035Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that fuel flow rate was missing. This data element is required. operatingHoursFuelFlowRateMissing 
DD036Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that fuel flow rate was missing. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to {1} (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. operatingHoursFuelFlowRateMissing 
DD038Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that higher heating value was missing. This data element is required. operatingHoursHHVMissing 
DD039Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year that higher heating value was missing. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to {1} (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. operatingHoursHHVMissing 
DD050bAnnual heat input. This data element is required. annualHeatInput 
DD050cAnnual heat input. Annual heat input for the specified fuel combusted by this unit (for Table C-2 components of the blend). This data element is required. If the specified fuel was not combusted in this unit during the reporting year, delete it from your report. annualHeatInput 
DD051Annual heat input. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualHeatInput 
DD053bAnnual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. officialUnroundedCh4 
DD054Annual CH4 emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
DD056bAnnual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. This data element is required. officialUnroundedN2o 
DD057Annual N2O emissions from combustion of the specified fuel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
DD059bReport which CH4 result. This data element is required. isUserOverriddenCh4 
DD059cUse which CH4 result? This data element is required. isUserOverriddenCh4 
DD060bReport which N2O result?. This data element is required. isUserOverriddenN2o 
DD060cUse which N2O result? This data element is required. isUserOverriddenN2o 
DD064cPlant code(s) associated with any combustion unit(s) included in this configuration. This data element is required. plantCodeList 
DD070The annual CH4 emissions for Subpart D have not been reported. This data element is required. transientData['subpartDAnnualCh4'] 
DD071The annual N2O emissions for Subpart D have not been reported. This data element is required. transientData['subpartDAnnualN2o'] 
DD072The annual CO2 emissions for Subpart D have not been reported. This data element is required. transientData['subpartDAnnualCo2'] 
DD073The value for the unit of measure for the reported data element "Annual CO2 Emissions Including Biomass (short tons)" for the unit(s) {1} was reported as something other than "Short Tons" in your XML submission. This unit of measure should be reported as "Short Tons". Please review the XML "AnnualCO2EmissionsMonitoredLocationShortTons" data element for this unit(s). Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['failedShortTonsValidation'] 
DD074The value for the unit of measure for the reported data element "Annual CO2 Emissions Including Biomass (metric tons)" for the unit(s) {1} was reported as something other than "Metric Tons" in your XML submission. This unit of measure should be reported as "Metric Tons". Please review the XML "AnnualCO2EmissionsMonitoredLocationMetricTons" data element for this unit(s). Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['failedMetricTonsValidation'] 
DD101The same unit, stack or pipe ID already exists for this facility. Please enter a unique unit, stack or pipe ID. If the calculation methodology changed during the reporting year, use the base name or identifier for the methodology used at the end of the reporting year (e.g. "CT3"), and append an indicator to the base unit, stack, or pipe ID (e.g. "CT3-CEMS" or "CT3-G4") for methodologies used earlier in the reporting year. groupUnitName 
DD102Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. groupUnitName 
DD103Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. groupUnitType 
DUM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
DUM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
DDALL0001CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveCasNumber'] 
DDALL0002Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveChemicalFormula'] 
DDDD0001GHGRP ID. This data element is required and must be the same as the GHGRP ID for the facility. ghgrpid 
DDDD0002Reporting Period. This data element is required and must be the same as the calendar year for which data is reported. reportingPeriod 
DDDD0003Length of transmission lines carrying voltages above 35 kilovolt. This data element is required. transLinesAbove35Length 
DDDD0005Were missing data used for the length of transmission lines carrying voltages above 35 kilovolt. This data element is required. transLinesAbove35Missing 
DDDD0006If missing data procedures were used for the length of transmission lines carrying voltage above 35 kilovolts, you must provide a reason the data were missing. transLinesAbove35Reason 
DDDD0007If missing data procedures were used for the length of transmission lines carrying voltage above 35 kilovolts, you must report the method used for estimating missing data. transLinesAbove35Method 
DDDD0008Length of distribution lines carrying voltages at or below 35 kilovolt. This data element is required. distLinesAtBelow35Length 
DDDD0010Were missing data used for the length of distribution lines carrying voltages at or below 35 kilovolt? This data element is required. distLinesAtBelow35Missing 
DDDD0011If missing data procedures were used for the length of distributions lines carrying voltage at or below 35 kilovolt, please report the reason the data were missing. This data element is required. distLinesAtBelow35Reason 
DDDD0012If missing data procedures were used for the length of distributions lines carrying voltage at or below 35 kilovolt, please report the method used for estimating missing data. This data element is required. distLinesAtBelow35Method 
DDDD0374Beginning Nameplate Capacity, excluding hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. This data element is required. beginningNameplateCapacity 
DDDD0376Beginning Nameplate Capacity, excluding hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. beginningNameplateCapacity 
DDDD0383Were missing data used for the quantity of the GHG stored in containers, but not in energized equipment, at the beginning of the year? This data element is required. contNotEnergizedBegMissing 
DDDD0384Containers Not Energized At Beginning of Year. If missing data were used for the quantity of GHG stored in containers but not in energized equipment at the beginning of the year, you must provide a reason the data were missing. contNotEnergizedBegReason 
DDDD0385Containers Not Energized At Beginning of Year. If missing data were used for the quantity of GHG stored in containers but not in energized equipment at the beginning of the year, you must report the method used for estimating missing data. contNotEnergizedBegMethod 
DDDD0386Were missing data used for the quantity of the GHG stored in containers, but not in energized equipment, at the end of the year? This data element is required. contNotEnergizedEndMissing 
DDDD0387Containers Not Energized At End of Year. If missing data were used for the quantity of GHG stored in containers but not in energized equipment at the end of the year, you must provide a reason the data were missing. contNotEnergizedEndReason 
DDDD0388Containers Not Energized At End of Year. If missing data were used for the quantity of GHG stored in containers but not in energized equipment at the end of the year, you must report the method used for estimating missing data. contNotEnergizedEndMethod 
DDDD0389Were missing data used for the quantity of the GHG purchased in bulk from chemical producers or distributors? This data element is required. bulkChemProducersMissing 
DDDD0390Purchased GHG From Bulk Chemical Producers. If missing data were used for the quantity of GHG purchased in bulk from chemical producers or distributers, you must provide a reason the data were missing. bulkChemProducersReason 
DDDD0391Purchased From Bulk Chemical Producers. If missing data were used for the quantity of GHG purchased in bulk from chemical producers or distributers, you must report the method used for estimating missing data. bulkChemProducersMethod 
DDDD0392Were missing data used for the quantity of the GHG purchased from equipment manufacturers or distributors with or inside equipment, including hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear? This data element is required. insideEqMissing 
DDDD0393Inside Equipment. If missing data procedures were used for the quantity of GHG purchased from equipment manufacturers or distributors with or inside equipment (including hermetically sealed pressure switchgear), you must provide a reason the data were missing. insideEqReason 
DDDD0394Inside Equipment. If missing data procedures were used for the quantity of GHG purchased from equipment manufacturers or distributors with or inside equipment (including hermetically sealed pressure switchgear), you must report the method used for estimating missing data. insideEqMethod 
DDDD0395Were missing data used for the quantity of the GHG returned to facility after off-site recycling? This data element is required. returnedAfterRecycleMissing 
DDDD0396Returned After Off-site Recycling. If missing data were used for the quantity of GHG returned to the facility after off-site recycling, you must provide a reason the data were missing. returnedAfterRecycleReason 
DDDD0397Returned After Off-site Recycling. If missing data were used for the quantity of GHG returned to the facility after off-site recycling, you must report the method used for estimating missing data. returnedAfterRecycleMethod 
DDDD0398Were missing data used for the quantity of the GHG in bulk and contained in equipment sold to other entities? This data element is required. eqSoldMissing 
DDDD0399Equipment Sold. If missing data procedures were used for the quantity of GHG in bulk and contained in equipment sold to other entities, you must provide a reason the data were missing. eqSoldReason 
DDDD0400Equipment Sold. If missing data procedures were used for the quantity of GHG in bulk and contained in equipment sold to other entities, you must report the method used for estimating missing data. eqSoldMethod 
DDDD0401Were missing data used for the quantity of the GHG returned to suppliers? This data element is required. returnToSuppliersMissing 
DDDD0402Returned to Suppliers. If missing data procedures were used for the quantity of GHG returned to suppliers, you must provide a reason the data were missing. returnToSuppliersReason 
DDDD0403Returned to Suppliers. If missing data procedures were used for the quantity of GHG returned to suppliers, you must report the method used for estimating missing data. returnToSuppliersMethod 
DDDD0404Were missing data used for the quantity of the GHG sent off-site for recycling? This data element is required. sentOffRecycleMissing 
DDDD0405Sent Off Recycle. If missing data procedures were used for the quantity of GHG sent off site for recycling, you must provide a reason the data were missing. sentOffRecycleReason 
DDDD0406Sent Off Recycle. If missing data procedures were used for the quantity of GHG sent off site for recycling, you must report the method used for estimating missing data. sentOffRecycleMethod 
DDDD0407Were missing data used for the quantity of the GHG sent off-site for destruction? This data element is required. destructionMissing 
DDDD0408Destruction. If missing data procedures were used for the quantity of GHG sent off site for destruction, you must provide a reason the data were missing. destructionReason 
DDDD0409Destruction. If missing data procedures were used for the quantity of GHG sent off site for destruction, you must report the method used for estimating missing data. destructionMethod 
DDDD0415SF6 or PFC: Pounds of SF6 or PFC stored in containers, but not in energized equipment, at the beginning of the year. This data element is required. notEnergizedBegLbs 
DDDD0417SF6 or PFC: Pounds of SF6 or PFC stored in containers, but not in energized equipment, at the end of the year. This data element is required. notEnergizedEndLbs 
DDDD0419SF6 or PFC: Pounds of SF6 or PFC purchased from chemical producers or distributors in bulk. This data element is required. purchasedFromChemLbs 
DDDD0421SF6 or PFC: Pounds of SF6 or PFC purchased from equipment manufacturers or distributors with or inside equipment, including hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. This data element is required. purchasedFromEqManufLbs 
DDDD0423SF6 or PFC: Pounds of SF6 or PFC returned to facility after off-site recycling. This data element is required. offSiteRecycleReturnLbs 
DDDD0425SF6 or PFC: Pounds of SF6 or PFC in bulk and contained in equipment that is sold to other entities. This data element is required. eqSoldLbs 
DDDD0427SF6 or PFC: Pounds of SF6 or PFC returned to suppliers. This data element is required. returnedToSuppliersLbs 
DDDD0429SF6 or PFC: Pounds of SF6 or PFC sent off site for recycling. This data element is required. sentOffRecycleLbs 
DDDD0431SF6 or PFC: Pounds of SF6 or PFC sent off-site for destruction. This data element is required. sentOffDestructionLbs 
DDDD0432Total facility GHG emissions according to Equation DD-1. This data element is required. userEmissionLbs 
DDDD0433Total facility GHG emissions according to Equation DD-1. You must enter values that result in an emission value that is greater than or equal to 0. You must correct the current value before continuing. userEmissionLbs 
DDDD0434Were missing data methods used for nameplate capacity of new equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear during the year? This data element is required. wereMissingHermeticallySealed 
DDDD0435New equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. If missing data procedures were used for this data element, you must provide a reason the data were missing. reasonHermeticallySealed 
DDDD0436New equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. If missing data procedures were used for this data element, report the method used for estimating the missing data. This data element is required. methodHermeticallySealed 
DDDD0437Were missing data methods used for nameplate capacity of retired equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear during the year? This data element is required. wereMissingUsedCapacityRetired 
DDDD0438Retired equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. If missing data procedures were used for this data element, you must provide a reason the data were missing. capacityRetiredEqReason 
DDDD0439Retired equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. If missing data procedures were used for this data element, report the method used for estimating the missing data. This data element is required. capacityRetiredEqMethod 
DDDD0440Were missing data methods used for the number of new hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear? This data element is required. wereMissingUsedNewHerm 
DDDD0441New hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. If missing data procedures were used for this data element, you must provide a reason the data were missing. newHermReason 
DDDD0442New hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. If missing data procedures were used for this data element, report the method used for estimating the missing data. This data element is required. newHermMethod 
DDDD0443Were missing data methods used for the number of new equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear? This data element is required. wereMissingUsedEquipOther 
DDDD0444New equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. If missing data procedures were used for this data element, you must provide a reason the data were missing. equipOtherReason 
DDDD0445New equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. If missing data procedures were used for this data element, report the method used for estimating the missing data. This data element is required. equipOtherMethod 
DDDD0446Were missing data methods used for the number of retired hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear? This data element is required. wereMissingUsedRetiredHerm 
DDDD0447Retired hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. If missing data procedures were used for this data element, you must provide a reason the data were missing. retiredHermReason 
DDDD0448Retired hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. If you used the missing data procedures for this data element, you must report the method used for estimating missing data. This data element is required. retiredHermMethod 
DDDD0449Were missing data methods used for the number of retired equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear? This data element is required. wereMissingUsedRetiredEqOther 
DDDD0450Retired equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. If you used the missing data procedures for this data element, you must provide a reason the data were missing. retiredEqOtherReason 
DDDD0451Retired equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. If you used the missing data procedures for this data element, you must report the method used for estimating missing data. This data element is required. retiredEqOtherMethod 
DDDD0453SF6 or PFC: Nameplate Capacity of new equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. This data element is required. nameplateCapacityNewEquip 
DDDD0455SF6 or PFC: Nameplate Capacity of retired equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. This data element is required. nameplateCapacityRetiringEquip 
DDDD0456New hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. This data element is required. newHermeticallySealed 
DDDD0457New hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to 0. You must correct the current value before continuing. newHermeticallySealed 
DDDD0458New equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. This data element is required. newEquipment 
DDDD0459New equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to 0. You must correct the current value before continuing. newEquipment 
DDDD0460Retired hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. This data element is required. retired 
DDDD0461Retired hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to 0. You must correct the current value before continuing. retired 
DDDD0462Retired equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. This data element is required. retiredEquipment 
DDDD0463Retired equipment other than hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to 0. You must correct the current value before continuing. retiredEquipment 
DDDD0464State(s) or territory in which the facility lies. This data element is required. tableData1 
DDDD0465Were missing data used for nameplate capacity of new hermetically-sealed pressure switchgear during the year? This data element is required. newEqMissing 
DDDD0466New hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. If missing data procedures were used for the nameplate capacity of new hermetically-sealed pressure switchgear, you must report the method used for estimating missing data. newEqReason 
DDDD0467New hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear. If missing data procedures were used for the nameplate capacity of new equipment (including hermetically-sealed pressure switchgear), you must report the method used for estimating missing data. newEqMethod 
DDDD0468Were missing data used for the nameplate capacity of retired hermetically-sealed pressure switchgear during the year? This data element is required. retiredEqMissing 
DDDD0469Retired hermetically-sealed pressure switchgear. If missing data procedures were used for the nameplate capacity of retired hermetically-sealed pressure switchgear, you must provide a reason the data were missing. retiredEqReason 
DDDD0470Retired hermetically-sealed pressure switchgear. If you used the missing data procedures for this data element, you must report the method used for estimating missing data. This data element is required. retiredEqMethod 
DDDD0480SF6 or PFC: Nameplate Capacity of new hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear (pounds). This data element is required. nameplateCapacityNewLbs 
DDDD0482SF6 or PFC: Nameplate Capacity of retired hermetically sealed-pressure switchgear (pounds). This data element is required. nameplateCapacityRetiringLbs 
DDDD0483The result of beginning nameplate capacity plus net increase in total nameplate capacity is not greater than zero. Please check the values you entered and correct before continuing. nameplateCapacityNewLbs 
DDDD0497GHGs are estimated for this facility. This data element is required. isGasReported 
DDDD1000You have selected Subpart DD for reporting, but you have not yet uploaded a reporting form file. jctSubPartFacility 
EE001Annual nitrous oxide emissions from adipic acid production. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameofficialUnroundedN2oSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE004You have not selected the methodology used to estimate emissions from this facility. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamesubtypeSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE005Annual nitrous oxide emissions from adipic acid production that is sold or transferred off site. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualN2OTransferredSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE006Annual nitrous oxide emissions from adipic acid production that is sold or transferred off site. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualN2OTransferredSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE009The number of distinct abatement technologies. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamenumberOfAbatementSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE010The number of distinct abatement technologies. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamenumberOfAbatementSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE012Nonselective catalytic reduction (NSCR) was used as an abatement technology (Yes/No). This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameisNSCRUsedSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE013Number of months a missing data procedure was used to measure adipic acid production. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamenumberOfMonthsMissingSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE024You have selected Subpart E for reporting, but you have not yet added a unit./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamegroupUnitSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE025You have not selected the methodology used to estimate emissions from this facility. This data element is required. Please make a selection, or click CANCEL./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamesubtypeSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE026Name of administrator-approved alternative method. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamenameOfAltMethodSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE027Administrator-approved alternative method request date. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamealtMethodReqDateSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE028Administrator-approved alternative method request date. You can not have an approval date before a request date/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamealtMethodReqDateSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE029Administrator-approved alternative method approval date. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamealtMethodaprDateSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE031Method used for the performance test. This data element is required/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemethodForTestSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE032Number of times that a performance test had to be repeated. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamenumberOfTestRunsRepeatedSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE033Number of times that a performance test had to be repeated. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamenumberOfTestRunsRepeatedSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE053"Other" abatement technologies were used. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameisOtherAbatementUsedSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE201Date of installation of abatement technology. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamedtOfInstallationSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EE202Is this a previously approved alternative method? This data element is required. Please make a selection, or click CANCEL./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameisPrevApprMethodSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EUM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
EUM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
EECEMSML-1Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have added one or more units monitored by CEMS, but have not yet added a CEMS Monitoring Location (CML). hasCEMSandNoCML 
EECEMSML-2CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have indicated that this unit is monitored by CEMS, but you have not yet associated it with any CEMS Monitoring Locations (CMLs). From the Subpart Overview page, click on the CML Name/Identifier to which this unit exhausts (or use the "ADD a CEMS Monitoring Location" link to create a new one). On the bottom of Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location page, use the "ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location" link to select this unit. hasCEMSandNoCMLUnits 
EECEMSML-3The same name or identifier already exists for this CEMS monitoring location in this facility. Please enter a unique name or identifier. cml 
EECML-027aFraction of nitrous oxide emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionN2oEmissions 
EECML-038Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalOperatingHrs 
EECML-039The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
EECML-040The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
EECML-041The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas moisture content. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasMoisture 
EECML-043The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This data element is required. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
EECML-046CEMS Monitoring Location process units. You did not select any process unit(s) for this CML. processUnits 
EECML-047aFraction of methane emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionCh4Emissions 
EECML-051Total Non-biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalNonbiogenicCo2emission 
EECML-052Total Biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalBiogenicCo2emission 
EECML-053Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totalch4emission 
EECML-054Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totaln2oemission 
EECML-055Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions measured by the CEMS. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPart ”any”/Tier4CEMSDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMStotalCo2ByCemsOrPart75If a subpart include CEM or Part75 reporting that subpart must include the <Tier4CEMSDetails> node with a <AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMS> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
EECML-056Total annual CO2 mass emissions (biogenic and non-biogenic) measured by the CEMS. This data element must be greater than or equal to biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. totalCo2ByCemsOrPart75 
EECML-057Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This data element is required. totalOperatingHrs 
EECML-058The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This data element is required. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
EECML-059You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. Please revise and make sure the Start Date is earlier than the End Date. methodologyEndDate 
EECML-060Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyStartDate 
EECML-061Configuration type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cemsConfigType 
EECML-062Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyEndDate 
EECML-063Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
EECML-064Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
EECML-065Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
EECML-066Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
EECML-067Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
EECML-068Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
EECML-069Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
EECML-070Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
EECML-071CEMS Monitoring Location Name/ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cmlName 
EECML-072Type(s) of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. fuelsCombusted 
EECML-076Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total methane emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totalch4emission 
EECML-077Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total nitrous oxide emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totaln2oemission 
EECML-078Types of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported fuel(s) and leave the types of fuel field blank, or click CANCEL. fuelsCombusted 
EECML-083Carbon dioxide emissions attributable to combustion. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported emissions and leave the types of emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. combustionCo2Emissions 
EECML-086The Calculation Methodology Start Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
EECML-087The Calculation Methodology Start Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
EECML-088The Calculation Methodology End Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
EECML-089The Calculation Methodology End Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
EEEE-EU-1You have selected Subpart EE for reporting, but you have not yet added a unit./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamenounitsSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE008Annual consumption of Petroleum Coke. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualConsumptionOfPetroleumCokeSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE009Annual consumption of Petroleum Coke. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualConsumptionOfPetroleumCokeSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE010Annual production of Titanium Dioxide. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualProductionOfTitaniumDioxideSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE011Annual production of Titanium Dioxide. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing../GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualProductionOfTitaniumDioxideSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE012Annual production capacity of Titanium Dioxide. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualProductionCapacityOfTitaniumDioxideSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE013Annual production capacity of Titanium Dioxide. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualProductionCapacityOfTitaniumDioxideSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE014Annual production of carbon-containing waste. This data element is required. Enter 0 if your facility does not produce carbon-containing waste./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualProductionOfCarbonContainingWasteSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE015Annual production of carbon-containing waste. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualProductionOfCarbonContainingWasteSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE016Total number of chloride process lines not monitored by CEMS. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamenumberOfNonCemsProcessLinesSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE021Unique Name Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter a name or identifier or click CANCEL./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameunitNameIdentifierSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE022Annual production of Carbon-Containing Waste. This data element is required. Enter 0 if your facility does not produce carbon-containing waste./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualProductionOfCarbonContainingWasteSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE023Carbon content of Carbon-Containing Waste. This data element is required. Enter 0 if your facility does not produce carbon-containing waste./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamecarbonContentOfCarbonContainingWasteSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE024Number of months missing data procedures were used to determine monthly generation of Carbon-Containing Waste. This data element is required. Enter 0 if your facility does not produce carbon-containing waste./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamenumberOfMonthsMissingDataSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE025Annual consumption of Petroleum Coke. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualConsumptionOfPetroleumCokeSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE026Annual production capacity of Titanium Dioxide. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualProductionCapacityOfTitaniumDioxideSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE028Titanium Dioxide production for January. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production1.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE029Test method used in January to determine carbon content of petroleum coke consumed. This data element must be either \'Supplier Records\', \'ASTM D3176-89\', or \'ASTM D5373-08\' only./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production1.testMethodSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE030Titanium Dioxide production for February. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production2.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE031Test method used in February to determine carbon content of petroleum coke consumed. This data element must be either \'Supplier Records\', \'ASTM D3176-89\', or \'ASTM D5373-08\' only./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production2.testMethodSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE032Titanium Dioxide production for March. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production3.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE033Test method used in March to determine carbon content of petroleum coke consumed. This data element must be either \'Supplier Records\', \'ASTM D3176-89\', or \'ASTM D5373-08\' only./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production3.testMethodSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE034Titanium Dioxide production for April. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production4.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE035Test method used in April to determine carbon content of petroleum coke consumed. This data element must be either \'Supplier Records\', \'ASTM D3176-89\', or \'ASTM D5373-08\' only./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production4.testMethodSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE036Titanium Dioxide production for May. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production5.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE037Test method used in May to determine carbon content of petroleum coke consumed. This data element must be either \'Supplier Records\', \'ASTM D3176-89\', or \'ASTM D5373-08\' only./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production5.testMethodSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE038Titanium Dioxide production for June. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production6.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE039Test method used in June to determine carbon content of petroleum coke consumed. This data element must be either \'Supplier Records\', \'ASTM D3176-89\', or \'ASTM D5373-08\' only./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production6.testMethodSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE040Titanium Dioxide production for July. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production7.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE041Test method used in July to determine carbon content of petroleum coke consumed. This data element must be either \'Supplier Records\', \'ASTM D3176-89\', or \'ASTM D5373-08\' only./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production7.testMethodSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE042Titanium Dioxide production for August. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production8.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE043Test method used in August to determine carbon content of petroleum coke consumed. This data element must be either \'Supplier Records\', \'ASTM D3176-89\', or \'ASTM D5373-08\' only./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production8.testMethodSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE044Titanium Dioxide production for September. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production9.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE045Test method used in September to determine carbon content of petroleum coke consumed. This data element must be either \'Supplier Records\', \'ASTM D3176-89\', or \'ASTM D5373-08\' only./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production9.testMethodSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE046Titanium Dioxide production for October. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production10.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE047Test method used in October to determine carbon content of petroleum coke consumed. This data element must be either \'Supplier Records\', \'ASTM D3176-89\', or \'ASTM D5373-08\' only./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production10.testMethodSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE048Annual total Titanium Dioxide production. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualTitaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE049Sampling analysis result of Carbon Content of Petroleum Coke as determined for QA/QC of supplier data under 98.314(d). This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamesamplingAnalysisResultSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE050Annual production of Carbon-Containing Waste. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualProductionOfCarbonContainingWasteSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE051Carbon content of Carbon-Containing Waste. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamecarbonContentOfCarbonContainingWasteSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE052Carbon content of Carbon-Containing Waste. You must enter a value that is between 0 and 1. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamecarbonContentOfCarbonContainingWasteSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE053Number of months missing data procedures were used to determine monthly generation of Carbon-Containing Waste. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamenumberOfMonthsMissingDataSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE054Number of months missing data procedures were used to determine monthly generation of Carbon-Containing Waste. You must enter a value that is between 0 and 12. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamenumberOfMonthsMissingDataSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE055Annual consumption of Petroleum Coke. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualConsumptionOfPetroleumCokeSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE056Annual production capacity of Titanium Dioxide. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualProductionCapacityOfTitaniumDioxideSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE058Titanium Dioxide production for January. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production1.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE059Titanium Dioxide production for February. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production2.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE060Titanium Dioxide production for March. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production3.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE061Titanium Dioxide production for April. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production4.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE062Titanium Dioxide production for May. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production5.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE063Titanium Dioxide production for June. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production6.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE064Titanium Dioxide production for July. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production7.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE065Titanium Dioxide production for August. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production8.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE066Titanium Dioxide production for September. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production9.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE067Titanium Dioxide production for October. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production10.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE068Titanium Dioxide production for November. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production11.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE069Titanium Dioxide production for December. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production12.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE070Annual total Titanium Dioxide production. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualTitaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE071Unique Name Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter a name or identifier or click CANCEL./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameunitNameIdentifierSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE072Sampling analysis result of Carbon Content of Petroleum Coke as determined for QA/QC of supplier data under 98.314(d). This data element value must be between 0 and 1, expressed as a decimal fraction only./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamesamplingAnalysisResultSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE101Total Number of Process Lines. You must add at least one process line./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNametransientData['totalNumberOfProcessLines']Subpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE106Titanium Dioxide production for November. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production11.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE107Test method used in November to determine carbon content of petroleum coke consumed. This data element must be either \'Supplier Records\', \'ASTM D3176-89\', or \'ASTM D5373-08\' only./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production11.testMethodSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE108Titanium Dioxide production for December. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production12.titaniumDioxideProductionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
EEEE109Test method used in December to determine carbon content of petroleum coke consumed. This data element must be either \'Supplier Records\', \'ASTM D3176-89\', or \'ASTM D5373-08\' only./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemonthlyTiO2Production12.testMethodSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF701You have added Subpart F, but have not specified the type of smelter technology used./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamesmelterTechSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF714Method used to measure the frequency and duration of anode effects (or overvoltage). This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemethodUsedSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF715Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure the anode effect overvoltage emission factor (i.e., potline overvoltage and/or current efficiencies). Enter 0 (zero) if missing data procedures were not used. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameovervoltageMMSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF716Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure the anode effect overvoltage emission factor (i.e., potline overvoltage and/or current efficiencies). This value should be reported as a number of months in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 12 (months). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameovervoltageMMSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF717Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure the anode effect minutes per cell day (i.e., anode effect frequency and/or anode effect duration). Enter 0 (zero) if missing data procedures were not used. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameminutesCellDayMMSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF718Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure the anode effect minutes per cell day (i.e., anode effect frequency and/or anode effect duration). This value should be reported as a number of months in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 12 (months). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameminutesCellDayMMSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF719Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure the anode consumption. Enter 0 (zero) if missing data procedures were not used. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameanodeConsumptionMMSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF720Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure the anode consumption. This value should be reported as a number of months in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 12 (months). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameanodeConsumptionMMSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF721Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure the anode paste consumption. Enter 0 (zero) if missing data procedures were not used. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameanodePasteMMSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF722Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure the anode paste consumption. This value should be reported as a number of months in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 12 (months). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameanodePasteMMSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF723You have selected Subpart F for reporting, but you have not yet added a smelter or potline./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamegroupUnitSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF726Annual Anode effect minutes per cell-day. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameaeMinutesSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF727Annual Anode effect minutes per cell-day. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameaeMinutesSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF729Annual anode effect frequency. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameaeFrequencySubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF732Enter Own Result for Annual CF4 (perfluoromethane) mass emissions. This data element is required if you select Enter/Report Alternate Result./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameofficialUnroundedCf4Subpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF733Enter Own Result for Annual C2F6 (perfluoroethane) mass emissions. This data element is required if you select Enter/Report Alternate Result./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameofficialUnroundedC2f6Subpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF735Annual anode effect overvoltage. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameaeOvervoltageFactorSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF736Annual anode effect overvoltage. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameaeOvervoltageFactorSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF737Annual potline overvoltage. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameavgPotlineOvervoltageSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF738Annual potline overvoltage. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameavgPotlineOvervoltageSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF739Current efficiency. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameavgCurrentEfficiencySubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF740Current efficiency. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameavgCurrentEfficiencySubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF741Smelter-specific slope coefficient (or overvoltage emission factor). This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamesmelterSlopeCoefficientSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF742Smelter-specific slope coefficient (or overvoltage emission factor). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamesmelterSlopeCoefficientSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF744Annual anode effect frequency. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameaeFrequencySubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF746Annual anode effect duration. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameaeDurationSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF747Annual anode effect duration. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameaeDurationSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF750Smelter technology. You must select a value from the listed options before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamesmelterTechSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF751Method used for estimating PFC emissions. You must select a value from the listed options before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemethodUsedForPFCSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF780The last date when the smelter-specific slope coefficients were measured. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamelasteDateMeasuredSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF783Annual Anode Consumption. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualAnodeConsumptionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF784Annual Anode Consumption. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualAnodeConsumptionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF785Annual paste consumption. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualAnodePasteConsumptionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FF786Annual paste consumption. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualAnodePasteConsumptionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FUM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
FUM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
FFALL0001CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveCasNumber'] 
FFALL0002Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveChemicalFormula'] 
FFFF0001GHGRP ID. This data element is required and must be equal to the GHGRP ID for the facility. This data element is located on tab 1, in column A2, and in row 30./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameghgrpIdSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0001AYou have not uploaded a reporting form file./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamejctSubPartFacilitySubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0001BFilename %file_name included in the Subpart FF reporting form, 4. Ventilation Quarterly tab has not been uploaded. File names cited in the reporting form should include file extension type (e.g., .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .png, .txt, .csv, .accdb, .mdb). Please return to the Subpart FF overview page to upload the cited MSHA report file or correct the file name listed on tab 4 in column A33./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamenoneSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0002Reporting Period. This data element is required and must be equal to the expected reporting year. This data element is located on tab 1, in column A2, and in row 31./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamereportingPeriodSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0006Quarter(s) [{1}]: Quarterly CO2 emissions from onsite destruction of coal mine gas CH4, where the gas is not a fuel input for energy generation or use (e.g., flaring). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. This data element is located on tab 1 in column B3, and in row 37./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNametransientData['qrtCO2']Subpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0023Degasification Gas Collection System Unit ID or Name. This data element is required only if a degasification system is used. Leave this field blank if the facility does not have a degasification system. This data element is located on tab 2 in column A1./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamedegasCollectionSystemUnitIDSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0028The same name or Gas Collection System Unit ID already exists. Please enter a unique name or identifier. This data element is located on tab 2 in column A1./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamedegasCollectionSystemUnitIDSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0036Identify if this is a well or a shaft. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 3 in column A2./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameisThisWellorShaftSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0039Indicate whether the well or shaft is monitored individually, or as part of a centralized monitoring point. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 3 in column A9./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamewellShaftMonitoredStatusSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0040Identify the Centralized Monitoring Point. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 3 in column A10./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamecentralizedMonitoringPointIDSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0041Degasification Gas Collection System Unit ID or Name. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 3 in column A3./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamegasSystemUnitIDSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0050Method used for flow rate. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A5./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemethodforFlowRateSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0086Quarterly CH4 concentration. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A14. Error location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamequarterlyCH4ConcentrationUsedInEquationSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0087Temperature used in Eq. FF-1. This data element is required. If a flow meter that automatically corrects to 520 degrees Rankine was used, enter 520. This data element is located on Tab 4 in column A22./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNametemperatureUsedInEquationSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0088Pressure used in Eq. FF-1. This data element is required. If a flow meter that automatically corrects to 1 atm was used or if you used MSHA-provided data of actual methane flow, please enter 1. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A24./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamepressureUsedInEquationSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0090Quarterly volumetric flow rate used in Eq. FF-1. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A6. Error location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamequarterlyVolumetricFlowRateUsedInEquationSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0091Gaseous organic concentration correction factor used in Eq. FF-9. This data element is required if you indicated that Eq. FF-9 is required to calculate CH4 concentration. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A16./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamegaseousOrganicConcentrationCorrectionFactorSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0098Degasification Gas Collection System Monitoring Point. This data element is required only if a degasification system is used. Leave this field blank if the facility does not have a degasification system. This data element is located on tab 5 in column A1./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamedeGasPointIdSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0106Method used for concentration. This data element is required if a degasification system is used. Leave this field blank if the facility does not have a degasification system. This data element is located on tab 5 in column A5./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemethodforDeGasConcSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0107Quarterly CEMS CH4 concentration used to calculate CH4 liberated from degasification systems. This data element is required if the method used for concentration is Monitored using 98.324(c)(1). This data element is located on Tab 5 in column A6. Error location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamequarterlyCH4ConcSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0120Gaseous organic concentration correction factor used in Eq. FF-9. This data element is required if Eq. FF-9 is required to calculate CH4 concentration. If Eq. FF-9 was not required, please change column A12 to \'No\' and leave this cell blank. This data element is located on tab 5 in column A13./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamegaseousOrganicConcentrationCorrectionFactorSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0121Temperature used in Eq. FF-3. This data element is required. If a flow meter that automatically corrects to 520 degrees Rankine was used, enter 520. This data element is located on Tab 5 in column A14./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNametemperatureUsedInEquationSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0122Pressure used in Eq. FF-3. This data element is required. If a flow meter that automatically corrects to 1 atm was used, enter 1. This data element is located on tab 5 in column A16./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamepressureUsedInEqSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0124Was Eq. FF-9 required to calculate CH4 concentration?. This data element requires a yes or no response. This data element is located on tab 5 in column A12./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameequationRequiredToCalculateCH4ConcentrationSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0134Degasification Gas Collection System Monitoring Point. This data element is required if a degasification system is in use. This data element is located on tab 6 in column A1./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamedeGasWeeklyPointIdSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0137Method used for flow rate. This data element is required if a Degasification Gas Collection System Monitoring Point is listed. This data element is located on tab 6 in column A4./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamedeGasWeeklyFlowrateMethodSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0140Weekly volumetric flow rate used to calculate CH4 liberated from degasification systems, used in Eq. FF-3. This data element is required if a Degasification Gas Collection System Monitoring Point is listed. This data element is located on tab 6 in column A5. Error Location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameweeklyVolumetricFlowRateSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0147Weekly CH4 liberated from the monitoring point (output of Eq. FF-3). This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 6 in column A10. Error Location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameweeklyCH4LiberatedFromAtTheMonitoringPointSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0148Ventilation and degasification system destruction device or point of offsite transport Unit ID or Name. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A1./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamedestructionDeviceIDSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0149Reporting destruction in a destruction device or offsite transport. This data element is required. This data element is located in the reporting form on Tab 7 in Column A2./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamereportingDestructionOnSiteorOffsiteSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0150Description of the Device. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A3./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamedeviceDescriptionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0151Additional Information for Description. This data element is required. Data element located on tab 7 in column A4./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameadditionalDescriptionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0152Indicate if a back-up destruction device (or devices) is present at the mine. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A5./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamebackupDestructionDevicePresenceSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0153Annual operating hours of the primary destruction device, hours. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A6./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualOperatingHoursDestructionDeviceSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0154Annual operating hours of the primary destruction device, hours. This data element is required. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A6./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualOperatingHoursDestructionDeviceSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0155Annual operating hours of back-up destruction device Number 1. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A8./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualOperatingHoursBackup1DestructionDeviceSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0156Annual operating hours of back-up destruction device Number 1. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A8./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameannualOperatingHoursBackup1DestructionDeviceSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0158If gas is transported offsite, is the gas destroyed offsite? This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A12./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamegasDestroyedOffsiteIndSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0159Destruction efficiency assumed for primary destruction device and used in Eq. FF-5. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A7./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamedestructionEfficiencyAssumedForPrimaryDestructionDeviceSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0160Individual well, shaft, or centralized monitoring point associated with the offsite transport or destruction device (1 of 10). This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A13./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameindividualWellShaftAssociatedWithOffsiteTransport1Subpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0161Destruction efficiency assumed for back-up destruction device Number 1 and used in Eq. FF-5. This data element is required if you indicated a back-up destruction device is present at the mine. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A9./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamedestructionEfficiencyAssumedForBackUp1DestructionDeviceSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0166Destruction efficiency assumed for back-up destruction device Number 2 and used in Eq. FF-5. This value should be within the range of 0 to 100. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A11./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamedestructionEfficiencyAssumedForBackUp2DestructionDeviceSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0167Destruction efficiency assumed for back-up destruction device Number 1 and used in Eq. FF-5. This value should be within the range of 0 to 100. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A9./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamedestructionEfficiencyAssumedForBackUp1DestructionDeviceSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0168Destruction efficiency assumed for primary destruction device and used in Eq. FF-5. This value should be within the range of 0 to 100. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A7./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamedestructionEfficiencyAssumedForPrimaryDestructionDeviceSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0178Ventilation and degasification system destruction device or point of offsite transport Unit ID or Name. If no ventilation and degasification system destruction device or point of offsite transport exist, please leave column this table blank. This data element is located on Tab 8 in column A1. Error Location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamequarterlyDestructionDeviceIDSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0179Quarterly CH4 destroyed onsite. This data element is required if you indicated in the destruction or offsite tab that gas is destroyed at the mine. This data element is located on tab 8 in column A3. Error Location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamequarterlyCH4DestroyedOnsiteSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0180Quarterly CH4 transported offsite. This data element is required if you indicated in the destruction or offsite tab that gas is transported offsite. This data element is located on tab 8 in column A4. Error Location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamequarterlyCH4TransportedOffsiteSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0183Weekly volumetric flow rate used to calculate CH4 destruction. This data element is required if you are destroying gas at the mine or transporting it offsite. This data element is located on tab 9 in column A4. Error Location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameweeklyVolumetricFlowRateUsedToCalculateCH4DestructionSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0184Ventilation and degasification system destruction device or point of offsite transport Unit ID or Name. This data element is required. This data element is located on Tab 9 in column A1. Error Location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameweeklyDestructionDeviceIDSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0193Weekly CH4 concentration used to calculate CH4 flow. This data element is required if you are destroying gas at the mine or transporting it offsite. This data element is located on tab 9 in column A7. Error Location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameweeklyCH4ConcentrationSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0198Quarter(s) [{1}] : Facility total quarterly CH4 destroyed at the mine and transported offsite (CH4DestroyedTotal). This data element is required. This data element is on tab 10 in column C4./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNametotalQuarterlyCH4DestroyedAndTransportedOffsiteSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0199Quarter(s) [{1}] : Facility total quarterly CH4 liberated from all degasification monitoring points (CH4DTotal). This data element is required. This data element is on tab 10 in column B4./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNametotalQuarterlyCH4LiberatedFromDegasificationMonitoringPointsSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0200Quarter(s) [{1}] : Facility total quarterly CH4 liberated from ventilation systems (CH4VTotal). This data element is required. This data element is on tab 10 in column A4./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNametotalQuarterlyCH4LiberatedFromVentilationSystemsSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0201Quarter(s) [{1}] : What result do you want to report to EPA? This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 10 in column A3./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameresultReportedToEPAVentilationSystemsSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0202Quarter(s) [{1}] : What result do you want to report to EPA? This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 10 in column B3./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameresultReportedToEPADegasificationMonitoringPointsSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0203Quarter(s) [{1}] : What result do you want to report to EPA? This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 10 in column C3./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameresultReportedToEPATransportedOffsiteSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0206Quarter(s) [{1}] : Facility total quarterly CH4 liberated from ventilation systems (CH4VTotal). This data element is required. This data element is on tab 10 in column A5./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameventilationSystemsReportedValueSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0207Quarter(s) [{1}] : Facility total quarterly CH4 liberated from all degasification monitoring points (CH4DTotal). This data element is required. This data element is on tab 10 in column B5./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamedegasificationMonitoringPointsReportedValueSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0208Quarter(s) [{1}] : Facility total quarterly CH4 destroyed at the mine and transported offsite (CH4DDestroyedTotal). This data element is required. This data element is on tab 10 in column C5./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNametransportedOffsiteReportedValueSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0216Quarter(s) [{1}] : Facility total quarterly net CH4 emissions to the atmosphere from the mine according to Eq. FF-7(MT CH4, rounded). The quantity destroyed cannot exceed the quantity liberated. Please double check this value and revise this result. This data element is on tab 10 in column D5./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamefacilityTotalQuarterlyNetCH4EmissionsSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0219Individual well, shaft, or centralized monitoring point associated with the offsite transport or destruction device. Each destruction device may have up to 10 discrete wells/shafts associated with it, but they must all be different. This data element is on tab 7 in columns A13 through A22/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameindividualWellShaftAssociatedWithOffsiteTransport1Subpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0221Start date of well or shaft. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 3 in column A6. Error location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamewellShaftStartDateSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0222End date of well or shaft. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 3 in column A7. Error location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamewellShaftEndDateSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0223Number of days the well or shaft was in operation during the reporting year. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 3 in column A8. Error location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamewellShaftDaysInOperationSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0224Was a flow meter used? This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A27. Error location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamewasFlowMeterUsedSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0225File name of MSHA report used to report quarterly CH4 concentration and volumetric flow rate. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A33. Error location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamefileNameMSHAReportUsedSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0226Were the Weekly Ventilation Flow Rate and Quarterly CH4 Concentration measured on the same basis? This data element is required. This data element is located on Tab 5 in column A18. Error location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamewereQuarterlyVentilationFlowRateMeasuredSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0227Was a flow meter used? This data element is required. This data element is located on Tab 5 in column A19. Error location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamewasFlowMeterUsedSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0230Moisture content used in Eq. FF-1. This data element is required when volumetric flow and CH4 concentration are measured on a different basis and and a flow meter is used but does not automatically correct for moisture content. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A28. If reported, the expected range for moisture content is between 0.0 and 0.1. Error location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemoistureContentUsedInEquationSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0231Quarterly CH4 liberated (CH4V - output of Eq. FF-1). This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A32. Error location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamequarterlyCH4LiberatedFromVentilationMonitoringPointSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0233Required CH4 concentration from sampling. This data element is required if Method used for concentration selected is Monitored using 98.324(c)(2). This data element is located on Tab 5 in column A10. Error location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamequarterlyCH4ConcentrationWeeklySubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0234Moisture content used in Eq. FF-3. This data element is required when the weekly volumetric flow rate and the quarterly CH4 concentration are measured on a different basis and when a flow meter does not automatically correct for moisture content. This data element is located on tab 5 in column A20. The expected range for moisture content is between 0.0 and 0.1. Error location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemoistureContentUsedInEqSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0235Moisture correction factor used in Eq. FF-1. This data element is required. If you used MSHA-provided data of actual methane flow, if the flow rate and concentration are measured on the same wet/wet or dry/dry basis, or if a flow meter was used and automatically corrected for moisture content enter 1 for moisture correction factor. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A30. Error location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemoistureCorrectionFactorSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0236Moisture correction factor used in Eq. FF-3. This data element is required. If the flow rate and concentration are measured on the same wet/wet or dry/dry basis or if a flow meter was used and automatically corrected for moisture content enter 1 for moisture correction factor. This data element is located in the reporting form on tab 5 in column A22. Error location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamemoistureCorrectionFactorSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0239Were the Quarterly Ventilation Flow Rate and Quarterly CH4 Concentration measured on the same basis? This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A26. Error location(s) [{1}]/GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamewereQuarterlyVentilationFlowRateMeasuredSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0240Start and stop dates where degasification of mining operations is taking place. These are required data elements. The data elements can be found on Tab 5 columns A3 and A4./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNamedeGasPointIdSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
FFFF0244Start and/or stop dates for CH4 liberated by ventilation monitoring points were not reported. Start and stop dates for ventilation monitoring points are required data elements. The data elements can be found on Tab 4 columns A3 and A4./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartC/ UnitsCDetails/UnitIdentification/UnitNameactiveVentilationStartDateSubpart D must include at least one <UnitsCDetails> node with a <UnitName>
GALL0001CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveCasNumber'] 
GALL0002Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveChemicalFormula'] 
GCEMSML-1Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have added one or more units monitored by CEMS, but have not yet added a CEMS Monitoring Location (CML). hasCEMSandNoCML 
GCEMSML-2CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have indicated that this unit is monitored by CEMS, but you have not yet associated it with any CEMS Monitoring Locations (CMLs). From the Subpart Overview page, click on the CML Name/Identifier to which this unit exhausts (or use the "ADD a CEMS Monitoring Location" link to create a new one). On the bottom of Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location page, use the "ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location" link to select this unit. hasCEMSandNoCMLUnits 
GCEMSML-3The same name or identifier already exists for this CEMS monitoring location in this facility. Please enter a unique name or identifier. cml 
GCML-027aFraction of nitrous oxide emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionN2oEmissions 
GCML-038Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalOperatingHrs 
GCML-039The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
GCML-040The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
GCML-041The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas moisture content. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasMoisture 
GCML-043The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This data element is required. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
GCML-046CEMS Monitoring Location process units. You did not select any process unit(s) for this CML. processUnits 
GCML-047aFraction of methane emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionCh4Emissions 
GCML-051Total Non-biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalNonbiogenicCo2emission 
GCML-052Total Biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalBiogenicCo2emission 
GCML-053Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totalch4emission 
GCML-054Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totaln2oemission 
GCML-055Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions measured by the CEMS. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPart ”any”/Tier4CEMSDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMStotalCo2ByCemsOrPart75If a subpart include CEM or Part75 reporting that subpart must include the <Tier4CEMSDetails> node with a <AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMS> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
GCML-056Total annual CO2 mass emissions (biogenic and non-biogenic) measured by the CEMS. This data element must be greater than or equal to biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. totalCo2ByCemsOrPart75 
GCML-057Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This data element is required. totalOperatingHrs 
GCML-058The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This data element is required. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
GCML-059You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. Please revise and make sure the Start Date is earlier than the End Date. methodologyEndDate 
GCML-060Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyStartDate 
GCML-061Configuration type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cemsConfigType 
GCML-062Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyEndDate 
GCML-063Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
GCML-064Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
GCML-065Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
GCML-066Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
GCML-067Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
GCML-068Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
GCML-069Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
GCML-070Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
GCML-071CEMS Monitoring Location Name/ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cmlName 
GCML-072Type(s) of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. fuelsCombusted 
GCML-076Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total methane emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totalch4emission 
GCML-077Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total nitrous oxide emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totaln2oemission 
GCML-078Types of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported fuel(s) and leave the types of fuel field blank, or click CANCEL. fuelsCombusted 
GCML-083Carbon dioxide emissions attributable to combustion. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported emissions and leave the types of emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. combustionCo2Emissions 
GCML-086The Calculation Methodology Start Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
GCML-087The Calculation Methodology Start Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
GCML-088The Calculation Methodology End Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
GCML-089The Calculation Methodology End Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
GG-EU-1You have selected Subpart G for reporting, but you have not yet added a unit. nounits 
GG001Annual urea production. This data element is required. annualUreaProduction 
GG002Annual urea production. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualUreaProduction 
GG004Method used to determine urea production. This data element is required. ureaCalculationMethod 
GG005Method used to determine urea production. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. ureaCalculationMethodDesc 
GG006Quantity of CO2 used to produce urea from the steam reforming of a hydrocarbon or the gasification of solid and liquid raw material. This data element is required. You may enter zero if your facility does not produce urea. co2ConsumedForUrea 
GG007Quantity of CO2 used to produce urea from the steam reforming of a hydrocarbon or the gasification of solid and liquid raw material. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. co2ConsumedForUrea 
GG009Method used to determine the quantity of CO2 used to produce urea. This data element is required. co2CalculationForUreaMethod 
GG010Method used to determine the quantity of CO2 used to produce urea. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. co2CalculationForUreaMethodDesc 
GG011Please make a selection or click CANCEL. hasCEMS 
GG012Type of feedstock used by this unit. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. feedStockType 
GG015Method used to determine feedstock mass for January. This data element is required. quantityMap['January'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG016Method used to determine feedstock mass for January. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['January'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG017Method used to determine feedstock mass for February. This data element is required. quantityMap['February'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG018Method used to determine feedstock mass for February. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['February'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG019Method used to determine feedstock mass for March. This data element is required. quantityMap['March'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG020Method used to determine feedstock mass for March. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['March'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG021Method used to determine feedstock mass for April. This data element is required. quantityMap['April'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG022Method used to determine feedstock mass for April. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['April'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG023Method used to determine feedstock mass for May. This data element is required. quantityMap['May'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG024Method used to determine feedstock mass for May. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['May'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG025Method used to determine feedstock mass for June. This data element is required. quantityMap['June'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG026Method used to determine feedstock mass for June. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['June'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG027Method used to determine feedstock mass for July. This data element is required. quantityMap['July'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG028Method used to determine feedstock mass for July. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['July'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG029Method used to determine feedstock mass for August. This data element is required. quantityMap['August'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG030Method used to determine feedstock mass for August. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['August'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG031Method used to determine feedstock mass for September. This data element is required. quantityMap['September'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG032Method used to determine feedstock mass for September. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['September'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG033Method used to determine feedstock mass for October. This data element is required. quantityMap['October'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG034Method used to determine feedstock mass for October. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['October'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG035Method used to determine feedstock mass for November. This data element is required. quantityMap['November'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG036Method used to determine feedstock mass for November. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['November'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG037Method used to determine feedstock mass for December. This data element is required. quantityMap['December'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG038Method used to determine feedstock mass for December. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['December'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG039Basis for the solid feedstock carbon content for January. This data element is required. ccMap['January'].carbonContentBasis 
GG040Basis for the solid feedstock carbon content for February. This data element is required. ccMap['February'].carbonContentBasis 
GG041Basis for the solid feedstock carbon content for March. This data element is required. ccMap['March'].carbonContentBasis 
GG042Basis for the solid feedstock carbon content for April. This data element is required. ccMap['April'].carbonContentBasis 
GG043Basis for the solid feedstock carbon content for May. This data element is required. ccMap['May'].carbonContentBasis 
GG044Basis for the solid feedstock carbon content for June. This data element is required. ccMap['June'].carbonContentBasis 
GG045Basis for the solid feedstock carbon content for July. This data element is required. ccMap['July'].carbonContentBasis 
GG046Basis for the solid feedstock carbon content for August. This data element is required. ccMap['August'].carbonContentBasis 
GG047Basis for the solid feedstock carbon content for September. This data element is required. ccMap['September'].carbonContentBasis 
GG048Basis for the solid feedstock carbon content for October. This data element is required. ccMap['October'].carbonContentBasis 
GG049Basis for the solid feedstock carbon content for November. This data element is required. ccMap['November'].carbonContentBasis 
GG050Basis for the solid feedstock carbon content for December. This data element is required. ccMap['December'].carbonContentBasis 
GG051Method used to determine feedstock volume for January. This data element is required. quantityMap['January'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG052Method used to determine feedstock volume for January. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['January'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG053Method used to determine feedstock volume for February. This data element is required. quantityMap['February'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG054Method used to determine feedstock volume for February. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['February'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG055Method used to determine feedstock volume for March. This data element is required. quantityMap['March'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG056Method used to determine feedstock volume for March. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['March'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG057Method used to determine feedstock volume for April. This data element is required. quantityMap['April'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG058Method used to determine feedstock volume for April. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['April'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG059Method used to determine feedstock volume for May. This data element is required. quantityMap['May'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG060Method used to determine feedstock volume for May. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['May'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG061Method used to determine feedstock volume for June. This data element is required. quantityMap['June'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG062Method used to determine feedstock volume for June. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['June'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG063Method used to determine feedstock volume for July. This data element is required. quantityMap['July'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG064Method used to determine feedstock volume for July. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['July'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG065Method used to determine feedstock volume for August. This data element is required. quantityMap['August'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG066Method used to determine feedstock volume for August. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['August'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG067Method used to determine feedstock volume for September. This data element is required. quantityMap['September'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG068Method used to determine feedstock volume for September. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['September'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG069Method used to determine feedstock volume for October. This data element is required. quantityMap['October'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG070Method used to determine feedstock volume for October. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['October'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG071Method used to determine feedstock volume for November. This data element is required. quantityMap['November'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG072Method used to determine feedstock volume for November. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['November'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG073Method used to determine feedstock volume for December. This data element is required. quantityMap['December'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG074Method used to determine feedstock volume for December. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['December'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG075Basis for the liquid feedstock carbon content for January. This data element is required. ccMap['January'].carbonContentBasis 
GG076Basis for the liquid feedstock carbon content for February. This data element is required. ccMap['February'].carbonContentBasis 
GG077Basis for the liquid feedstock carbon content for March. This data element is required. ccMap['March'].carbonContentBasis 
GG078Basis for the liquid feedstock carbon content for April. This data element is required. ccMap['April'].carbonContentBasis 
GG079Basis for the liquid feedstock carbon content for May. This data element is required. ccMap['May'].carbonContentBasis 
GG080Basis for the liquid feedstock carbon content for June. This data element is required. ccMap['June'].carbonContentBasis 
GG081Basis for the liquid feedstock carbon content for July. This data element is required. ccMap['July'].carbonContentBasis 
GG082Basis for the liquid feedstock carbon content for August. This data element is required. ccMap['August'].carbonContentBasis 
GG083Basis for the liquid feedstock carbon content for September. This data element is required. ccMap['September'].carbonContentBasis 
GG084Basis for the liquid feedstock carbon content for October. This data element is required. ccMap['October'].carbonContentBasis 
GG085Basis for the liquid feedstock carbon content for November. This data element is required. ccMap['November'].carbonContentBasis 
GG086Basis for the liquid feedstock carbon content for December. This data element is required. ccMap['December'].carbonContentBasis 
GG087Method used to determine feedstock volume for January. This data element is required. quantityMap['January'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG088Method used to determine feedstock volume for January. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['January'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG089Method used to determine feedstock volume for February. This data element is required. quantityMap['February'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG090Method used to determine feedstock volume for February. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['February'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG091Method used to determine feedstock volume for March. This data element is required. quantityMap['March'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG092Method used to determine feedstock volume for March. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['March'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG093Method used to determine feedstock volume for April. This data element is required. quantityMap['April'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG094Method used to determine feedstock volume for April. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['April'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG095Method used to determine feedstock volume for May. This data element is required. quantityMap['May'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG096Method used to determine feedstock volume for May. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['May'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG097Method used to determine feedstock volume for June. This data element is required. quantityMap['June'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG098Method used to determine feedstock volume for June. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['June'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG099Method used to determine feedstock volume for July. This data element is required. quantityMap['July'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG100Method used to determine feedstock volume for July. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['July'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG101Method used to determine feedstock volume for August. This data element is required. quantityMap['August'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG102Method used to determine feedstock volume for August. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['August'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG103Method used to determine feedstock volume for September. This data element is required. quantityMap['September'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG104Method used to determine feedstock volume for September. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['September'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG105Method used to determine feedstock volume for October. This data element is required. quantityMap['October'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG106Method used to determine feedstock volume for October. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['October'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG107Method used to determine feedstock volume for November. This data element is required. quantityMap['November'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG108Method used to determine feedstock volume for November. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['November'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG109Method used to determine feedstock volume for December. This data element is required. quantityMap['December'].feedStockQuantityMethod 
GG110Method used to determine feedstock volume for December. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. quantityMap['December'].otherFeedStockMethodDesc 
GG111Basis for the gaseous feedstock carbon content for January. This data element is required. ccMap['January'].carbonContentBasis 
GG112Basis for the gaseous feedstock carbon content for February. This data element is required. ccMap['February'].carbonContentBasis 
GG113Basis for the gaseous feedstock carbon content for March. This data element is required. ccMap['March'].carbonContentBasis 
GG114Basis for the gaseous feedstock carbon content for April. This data element is required. ccMap['April'].carbonContentBasis 
GG115Basis for the gaseous feedstock carbon content for May. This data element is required. ccMap['May'].carbonContentBasis 
GG116Basis for the gaseous feedstock carbon content for June. This data element is required. ccMap['June'].carbonContentBasis 
GG117Basis for the gaseous feedstock carbon content for July. This data element is required. ccMap['July'].carbonContentBasis 
GG118Basis for the gaseous feedstock carbon content for August. This data element is required. ccMap['August'].carbonContentBasis 
GG119Basis for the gaseous feedstock carbon content for September. This data element is required. ccMap['September'].carbonContentBasis 
GG120Basis for the gaseous feedstock carbon content for October. This data element is required. ccMap['October'].carbonContentBasis 
GG121Basis for the gaseous feedstock carbon content for November. This data element is required. ccMap['November'].carbonContentBasis 
GG122Basis for the gaseous feedstock carbon content for December. This data element is required. ccMap['December'].carbonContentBasis 
GG123Measured carbon content from sample analysis for solid feedstock. This data element is required. carbonContentMeasured 
GG124Measured carbon content from sample analysis for solid feedstock. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. carbonContentMeasured 
GG125Measured carbon content from sample analysis for solid feedstock. This value should be reported as a percentage expressed as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1 (kg C per kg of feedstock). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. carbonContentMeasured 
GG127Measured carbon content from sample analysis for liquid feedstock. This data element is required. carbonContentMeasured 
GG128Measured carbon content from sample analysis for liquid feedstock. This value should be reported as a percentage expressed as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1 (kg C per kg of feedstock). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. carbonContentMeasured 
GG129Measured carbon content from sample analysis for liquid feedstock. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. carbonContentMeasured 
GG130Measured carbon content from sample analysis for gaseous feedstock. This data element is required. carbonContentMeasured 
GG131Measured carbon content from sample analysis for gaseous feedstock. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. carbonContentMeasured 
GG132Measured carbon content from sample analysis for gaseous feedstock. This value should be reported as a percentage expressed as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1 (kg C per kg of feedstock). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. carbonContentMeasured 
GG137Method used to determine the gaseous feedstock quantity. This data element is required. gaseousFeedStockQuantityMethod 
GG138Method used to determine the liquid feedstock quantity. This data element is required. liquidFeedStockQuantityMethod 
GG139Method used to determine the solid feedstock quantity. This data element is required. solidFeedStockQuantityMethod 
GG140Gaseous feedstock quantity. This data element is required. gaseousFeedStockQuantity 
GG141Liquid feedstock quantity. This data element is required. liquidFeedStockQuantity 
GG142Solid feedstock quantity. This data element is required. solidFeedStockQuantity 
GG143Method used to determine the gaseous feedstock quantity. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherGaseousFeedStockQuantityMethod 
GG144Method used to determine the liquid feedstock quantity. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherLiquidFeedStockQuantityMethod 
GG145Method used to determine the solid feedstock quantity. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherSolidFeedStockQuantityMethod 
GUM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
GUM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
GGCEMSML-1Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have added one or more units monitored by CEMS, but have not yet added a CEMS Monitoring Location (CML). hasCEMSandNoCML 
GGCEMSML-2CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have indicated that this unit is monitored by CEMS, but you have not yet associated it with any CEMS Monitoring Locations (CMLs). From the Subpart Overview page, click on the CML Name/Identifier to which this unit exhausts (or use the "ADD a CEMS Monitoring Location" link to create a new one). On the bottom of Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location page, use the "ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location" link to select this unit. hasCEMSandNoCMLUnits 
GGCEMSML-3The same name or identifier already exists for this CEMS monitoring location in this facility. Please enter a unique name or identifier. cml 
GGCML-027aFraction of nitrous oxide emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionN2oEmissions 
GGCML-038Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalOperatingHrs 
GGCML-039The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
GGCML-040The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
GGCML-041The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas moisture content. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasMoisture 
GGCML-043The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This data element is required. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
GGCML-046CEMS Monitoring Location process units. You did not select any process unit(s) for this CML. processUnits 
GGCML-047aFraction of methane emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionCh4Emissions 
GGCML-051Total Non-biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalNonbiogenicCo2emission 
GGCML-052Total Biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalBiogenicCo2emission 
GGCML-053Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totalch4emission 
GGCML-054Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totaln2oemission 
GGCML-055Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions measured by the CEMS. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPart ”any”/Tier4CEMSDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMStotalCo2ByCemsOrPart75If a subpart include CEM or Part75 reporting that subpart must include the <Tier4CEMSDetails> node with a <AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMS> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
GGCML-056Total annual CO2 mass emissions (biogenic and non-biogenic) measured by the CEMS. This data element must be greater than or equal to biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. totalCo2ByCemsOrPart75 
GGCML-057Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This data element is required. totalOperatingHrs 
GGCML-058The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This data element is required. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
GGCML-059You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. Please revise and make sure the Start Date is earlier than the End Date. methodologyEndDate 
GGCML-060Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyStartDate 
GGCML-061Configuration type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cemsConfigType 
GGCML-062Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyEndDate 
GGCML-063Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
GGCML-064Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
GGCML-065Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
GGCML-066Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
GGCML-067Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
GGCML-068Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
GGCML-069Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
GGCML-070Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
GGCML-071CEMS Monitoring Location Name/ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cmlName 
GGCML-072Type(s) of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. fuelsCombusted 
GGCML-076Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total methane emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totalch4emission 
GGCML-077Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total nitrous oxide emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totaln2oemission 
GGCML-078Types of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported fuel(s) and leave the types of fuel field blank, or click CANCEL. fuelsCombusted 
GGCML-083Carbon dioxide emissions attributable to combustion. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported emissions and leave the types of emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. combustionCo2Emissions 
GGCML-086The Calculation Methodology Start Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
GGCML-087The Calculation Methodology Start Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
GGCML-088The Calculation Methodology End Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
GGCML-089The Calculation Methodology End Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
GGGG-EU-1You have added Subpart GG, but have not yet added a kiln or furnace. nounits 
GGGG006Annual zinc production capacity. This data is required. annualZincProductionCapacity 
GGGG007Annual zinc production capacity. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualZincProductionCapacity 
GGGG009Number of waelz kilns. This data element is required. numberOfWaelzKilns 
GGGG010Number of eletrothermic furnaces. This data element is required. numberOfElectrothermicFurnaces 
GGGG011Zinc Product. This data element for row(s) [{1}] is required when its row is checked. transientData['zincProductName'] 
GGGG012Annual Production of the Product. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero for row(s) [{1}]. You must correct the current value before continuing. transientData['annualProductionQuantity'] 
GGGG030-1Unit Name (Unique Name Identifier). This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. unitNameIdentifier 
GGGG030-2Unit Name (Unique Name Identifier). This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. unitNameIdentifier 
GGGG031-1Unit Type. This data element is required and must be either \'Waelz Kiln\' or \'Electrothermic Furnace \'. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. unitType 
GGGG031-2Unit Type. This data element is required and must be either \'Waelz Kiln\' or \'Electrothermic Furnace \'. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. unitType 
GGGG032You have added a kiln or furnace, but have not yet added an Input Material. subpartGGCarbonContainingInputMaterialMap 
GGGG043Enter Own result for Annual CO2 process emissions from Waelz Kiln or Electrothermic furnace. This data element is required if you select Enter/Report Alternate Result. annualCo2ProcessEmissions 
GGGG050Input Material. This data element is required and must be either \'Zinc-bearing material\', \'Flux material\', or \'Carbonaceous materials\'. inputMaterialNameType 
GGGG051Input Material. This data element is required and must be either \'Zinc-bearing material\', \'Flux material\', \'Carbon electrode\' or \'Carbonaceous materials\'. inputMaterialNameType 
GGGG052Number of months missing data procedures were followed to determine the monthly mass of the material. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to twelve. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfMonthsMonthlyMassMaterial 
GGGG053Number of months missing data procedures were followed to repeat the test to determine the carbon content. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to twelve. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfMonthsTestCarbonContent 
GGGG054Procedure used to develop substitute data for the monthly mass of the carbon containing input material. This data element is required. procedureMonthlyMassOfCarbonInputMaterial 
GGGG055Test method used for the carbon content analysis. This data element is required. testMethodForCarbonContentAnalysis 
GGGG056Number of months missing data procedures were followed to determine the monthly mass of the material. This data element is required. numberOfMonthsMonthlyMassMaterial 
GGGG057Number of months missing data procedures were followed to repeat the test to determine the carbon content. This data element is required. numberOfMonthsTestCarbonContent 
GGGG100Zinc products produced. At least one row must be checked. zincProductsProduced 
GGGG101Annual Production of the Product. This data element for row(s) [{1}] is required when its row is checked. transientData['annualProductionQuantity'] 
GGGG301You need to save a Unit before you can add an Carbon-Containing Input Material. subpartGroupUnitId 
GGGG302You have added a process (kiln / furnace) line, but have not yet added an Input Material. Please use the Add an Input Material link to add at least one input for this process line, or click CANCEL. subpartGGCarbonContainingInputMaterialMap[1] 
HCEMSML-1Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have added one or more units monitored by CEMS, but have not yet added a CEMS Monitoring Location (CML). hasCEMSandNoCML 
HCEMSML-2CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have indicated that this unit is monitored by CEMS, but you have not yet associated it with any CEMS Monitoring Locations (CMLs). From the Subpart Overview page, click on the CML Name/Identifier to which this unit exhausts (or use the "ADD a CEMS Monitoring Location" link to create a new one). On the bottom of Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location page, use the "ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location" link to select this unit. hasCEMSandNoCMLUnits 
HCEMSML-3The same name or identifier already exists for this CEMS monitoring location in this facility. Please enter a unique name or identifier. cml 
HCML-027aFraction of nitrous oxide emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionN2oEmissions 
HCML-038Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalOperatingHrs 
HCML-039The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
HCML-040The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
HCML-041The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas moisture content. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasMoisture 
HCML-043The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This data element is required. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
HCML-046CEMS Monitoring Location process units. You did not select any process unit(s) for this CML. processUnits 
HCML-047aFraction of methane emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionCh4Emissions 
HCML-051Total Non-biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalNonbiogenicCo2emission 
HCML-052Total Biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalBiogenicCo2emission 
HCML-053Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totalch4emission 
HCML-054Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totaln2oemission 
HCML-055Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions measured by the CEMS. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPart ”any”/Tier4CEMSDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMStotalCo2ByCemsOrPart75If a subpart include CEM or Part75 reporting that subpart must include the <Tier4CEMSDetails> node with a <AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMS> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
HCML-056Total annual CO2 mass emissions (biogenic and non-biogenic) measured by the CEMS. This data element must be greater than or equal to biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. totalCo2ByCemsOrPart75 
HCML-057Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This data element is required. totalOperatingHrs 
HCML-058The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This data element is required. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
HCML-059You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. Please revise and make sure the Start Date is earlier than the End Date. methodologyEndDate 
HCML-060Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyStartDate 
HCML-061Configuration type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cemsConfigType 
HCML-062Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyEndDate 
HCML-063Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
HCML-064Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
HCML-065Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
HCML-066Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
HCML-067Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
HCML-068Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
HCML-069Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
HCML-070Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
HCML-071CEMS Monitoring Location Name/ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cmlName 
HCML-072Type(s) of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. fuelsCombusted 
HCML-076Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total methane emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totalch4emission 
HCML-077Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total nitrous oxide emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totaln2oemission 
HCML-078Types of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported fuel(s) and leave the types of fuel field blank, or click CANCEL. fuelsCombusted 
HCML-083Carbon dioxide emissions attributable to combustion. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported emissions and leave the types of emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. combustionCo2Emissions 
HCML-086The Calculation Methodology Start Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
HCML-087The Calculation Methodology Start Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
HCML-088The Calculation Methodology End Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
HCML-089The Calculation Methodology End Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
HH004Please make a selection or click CANCEL. hasCEMS 
HH005Please make a selection or click CANCEL. isCo2EmissionsBasedonRMconsumption 
HH006Annual cement production for the facility. This data element is required. annualCementProdcution 
HH007Annual cement production for the facility. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualCementProdcution 
HH009Raw material name or description. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. rmNameOrDescription 
HH010Number of months a missing data procedure was used to determine a monthly quantity of raw kiln feed consumption. This data element is required. numOfMonthsMDP_quantity 
HH011Number of months a missing data procedure was used to determine a monthly quantity of raw kiln feed consumption. The value must be a number between 0 through 12 months. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. numOfMonthsMDP_quantity 
HH012Number of times a missing data procedure was used to determine the organic carbon content of the raw kiln feed. This data element is required. numOfTimesMDP_carbonContent 
HH013Number of times a missing data procedure was used to determine the organic carbon content of the raw kiln feed. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numOfTimesMDP_carbonContent 
HH013aNumber of times a missing data procedure was used to determine the organic carbon content of the raw kiln feed. This value must be either zero or 1. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. numOfTimesMDP_carbonContent 
HH014Number of months a missing data procedure was used to determine a monthly quantity of raw kiln feed consumption. This data element is required. numOfMonthsMDP_quantity 
HH015Number of months a missing data procedure was used to determine a monthly quantity of raw kiln feed consumption. The value must be a number between 0 through 12 months. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. numOfMonthsMDP_quantity 
HH016Number of times a missing data procedure was used to determine the organic carbon content of the raw kiln feed. This data element is required. numOfTimesMDP_carbonContent 
HH017Number of times a missing data procedure was used to determine the organic carbon content of the raw kiln feed. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numOfTimesMDP_carbonContent 
HH017aNumber of times a missing data procedure was used to determine the organic carbon content of the raw kiln feed. This value must be either zero or 1. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. numOfTimesMDP_carbonContent 
HH018Because you have elected to estimate carbon dioxide emissions from raw material consumption based on consumption of individual materials, you must identify each raw material consumed in the kiln. You have not identified any raw materials consumed in this kiln. rawMaterialsList 
HH035Method used to determine clinker production for January. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['January'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH036Method used to determine clinker production for January. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['January'].method_clinkerProduction_Other 
HH037Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined CaO in clinker for January. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['January'].method_frNonCalinedCao 
HH038Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined MgO in clinker for January. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['January'].method_frNonCalinedMgo 
HH039Method used to determine clinker production for February. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['February'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH040Method used to determine clinker production for February. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['February'].method_clinkerProduction_Other 
HH041Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined CaO in clinker for February. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['February'].method_frNonCalinedCao 
HH042Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined MgO in clinker for February. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['February'].method_frNonCalinedMgo 
HH043Method used to determine clinker production for March. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['March'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH044Method used to determine clinker production for March. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['March'].method_clinkerProduction_Other 
HH045Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined CaO in clinker for March. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['March'].method_frNonCalinedCao 
HH046Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined MgO in clinker for March. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['March'].method_frNonCalinedMgo 
HH047Method used to determine clinker production for April. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['April'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH048Method used to determine clinker production for April. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['April'].method_clinkerProduction_Other 
HH049Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined CaO in clinker for April. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['April'].method_frNonCalinedCao 
HH050Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined MgO in clinker for April. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['April'].method_frNonCalinedMgo 
HH051Method used to determine clinker production for May. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['May'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH052Method used to determine clinker production for May. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['May'].method_clinkerProduction_Other 
HH053Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined CaO in clinker for May. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['May'].method_frNonCalinedCao 
HH054Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined MgO in clinker for May. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['May'].method_frNonCalinedMgo 
HH055Method used to determine clinker production for June. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['June'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH056Method used to determine clinker production for June. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['June'].method_clinkerProduction_Other 
HH057Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined CaO in clinker for June. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['June'].method_frNonCalinedCao 
HH058Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined MgO in clinker for June. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['June'].method_frNonCalinedMgo 
HH059Method used to determine clinker production for July. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['July'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH060Method used to determine clinker production for July. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['July'].method_clinkerProduction_Other 
HH061Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined CaO in clinker for July. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['July'].method_frNonCalinedCao 
HH062Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined MgO in clinker for July. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['July'].method_frNonCalinedMgo 
HH063Method used to determine clinker production for August. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['August'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH064Method used to determine clinker production for August. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['August'].method_clinkerProduction_Other 
HH065Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined CaO in clinker for August. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['August'].method_frNonCalinedCao 
HH066Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined MgO in clinker for August. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['August'].method_frNonCalinedMgo 
HH067Method used to determine clinker production for September. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['September'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH068Method used to determine clinker production for September. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['September'].method_clinkerProduction_Other 
HH069Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined CaO in clinker for September. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['September'].method_frNonCalinedCao 
HH070Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined MgO in clinker for September. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['September'].method_frNonCalinedMgo 
HH071Method used to determine clinker production for October. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['October'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH072Method used to determine clinker production for October. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['October'].method_clinkerProduction_Other 
HH073Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined CaO in clinker for October. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['October'].method_frNonCalinedCao 
HH074Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined MgO in clinker for October. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['October'].method_frNonCalinedMgo 
HH075Method used to determine clinker production for November. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['November'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH076Method used to determine clinker production for November. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['November'].method_clinkerProduction_Other 
HH077Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined CaO in clinker for November. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['November'].method_frNonCalinedCao 
HH078Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined MgO in clinker for November. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['November'].method_frNonCalinedMgo 
HH079Method used to determine clinker production for December. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['December'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH080Method used to determine clinker production for December. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['December'].method_clinkerProduction_Other 
HH081Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined CaO in clinker for December. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['December'].method_frNonCalinedCao 
HH082Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined MgO in clinker for December. This data element is required. clinkerDataMap['December'].method_frNonCalinedMgo 
HH083Number of kilns. This data element is required. numberOfKilns 
HH084Number of kilns. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfKilns 
HH086Number of operating kilns. This data element is required. numberOfOperatingKilns 
HH087Number of operating kilns. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfOperatingKilns 
HH088aNumber of operating kilns. The number of operating kilns should be equal to or less than the total number of kilns. Please double check this value and revise. numberOfOperatingKilns 
HH089Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined CaO in cement kiln dust not recycled to the kiln in [{1}]. This data element is required. method_frOfNonCalcinedCao 
HH090Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined CaO in cement kiln dust not recycled to the kiln in [{1}]. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. method_frOfNonCalcinedCao_Other 
HH091Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined MgO in cement kiln dust not recycled to the kiln in [{1}]. This data element is required. method_frOfNonCalcinedMgo 
HH092Method used to determine the fraction of non-calcined MgO in cement kiln dust not recycled to the kiln in [{1}]. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. method_frOfNonCalcinedMgo_Other 
HH200Clinker Production used for January. This data element is required. monthlyCemsDataMap['January'].clinkerProduction 
HH202Clinker Production used for February. This data element is required. monthlyCemsDataMap['February'].clinkerProduction 
HH204Clinker Production used for March. This data element is required. monthlyCemsDataMap['March'].clinkerProduction 
HH206Clinker Production used for April. This data element is required. monthlyCemsDataMap['April'].clinkerProduction 
HH208Clinker Production used for May. This data element is required. monthlyCemsDataMap['May'].clinkerProduction 
HH210Clinker Production used for June. This data element is required. monthlyCemsDataMap['June'].clinkerProduction 
HH212Clinker Production used for July. This data element is required. monthlyCemsDataMap['July'].clinkerProduction 
HH214Clinker Production used for August. This data element is required. monthlyCemsDataMap['August'].clinkerProduction 
HH216Clinker Production used for September. This data element is required. monthlyCemsDataMap['September'].clinkerProduction 
HH218Clinker Production used for October. This data element is required. monthlyCemsDataMap['October'].clinkerProduction 
HH220Clinker Production used for November. This data element is required. monthlyCemsDataMap['November'].clinkerProduction 
HH222Clinker Production used for December. This data element is required. monthlyCemsDataMap['December'].clinkerProduction 
HH250You have selected Subpart H for reporting, but you have not yet added a kiln. groupUnit 
HH260Because you have indicated "Kiln specific feed-to-clinker ratio" as the method used to determine one or more month\'s clinker production, you should indicate that monthly kiln-specific clinker factors were used to determine monthly clinker product by selecting the check box at the top of Monthly Information page. clinkerDataMap['January'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH261Because you have indicated that monthly kiln-specific clinker factors were used to determine monthly clinker product, you should select "Kiln specific feed-to-clinker ratio" as the method used to determine the month\'s clinker production for January. clinkerDataMap['January'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH262Because you have indicated that monthly kiln-specific clinker factors were used to determine monthly clinker product, you should select "Kiln specific feed-to-clinker ratio" as the method used to determine the month\'s clinker production for February. clinkerDataMap['February'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH263Because you have indicated that monthly kiln-specific clinker factors were used to determine monthly clinker product, you should select "Kiln specific feed-to-clinker ratio" as the method used to determine the month\'s clinker production for March. clinkerDataMap['March'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH264Because you have indicated that monthly kiln-specific clinker factors were used to determine monthly clinker product, you should select "Kiln specific feed-to-clinker ratio" as the method used to determine the month\'s clinker production for April. clinkerDataMap['April'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH265Because you have indicated that monthly kiln-specific clinker factors were used to determine monthly clinker product, you should select "Kiln specific feed-to-clinker ratio" as the method used to determine the month\'s clinker production for May. clinkerDataMap['May'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH266Because you have indicated that monthly kiln-specific clinker factors were used to determine monthly clinker product, you should select "Kiln specific feed-to-clinker ratio" as the method used to determine the month\'s clinker production for June. clinkerDataMap['June'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH267Because you have indicated that monthly kiln-specific clinker factors were used to determine monthly clinker product, you should select "Kiln specific feed-to-clinker ratio" as the method used to determine the month\'s clinker production for July. clinkerDataMap['July'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH268Because you have indicated that monthly kiln-specific clinker factors were used to determine monthly clinker product, you should select "Kiln specific feed-to-clinker ratio" as the method used to determine the month\'s clinker production for August. clinkerDataMap['August'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH269Because you have indicated that monthly kiln-specific clinker factors were used to determine monthly clinker product, you should select "Kiln specific feed-to-clinker ratio" as the method used to determine the month\'s clinker production for September. clinkerDataMap['September'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH270Because you have indicated that monthly kiln-specific clinker factors were used to determine monthly clinker product, you should select "Kiln specific feed-to-clinker ratio" as the method used to determine the month\'s clinker production for October. clinkerDataMap['October'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH271Because you have indicated that monthly kiln-specific clinker factors were used to determine monthly clinker product, you should select "Kiln specific feed-to-clinker ratio" as the method used to determine the month\'s clinker production for November. clinkerDataMap['November'].method_clinkerProduction 
HH272Because you have indicated that monthly kiln-specific clinker factors were used to determine monthly clinker product, you should select "Kiln specific feed-to-clinker ratio" as the method used to determine the month\'s clinker production for December. clinkerDataMap['December'].method_clinkerProduction 
HRM-1The raw material name or description must be unique. Please enter a different name. rawMaterial 
HUM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
HUM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
HHALL0001CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveCasNumber'] 
HHALL0002Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveChemicalFormula'] 
HHHH001Please indicate if the landfill is open or closed. isOpen 
HHHH002An indication that the landfill is open in the current reporting year has been made, but the estimated year of landfill closure has not been reported. Please enter the estimated year of landfill closure. esimatedClosureYear 
HHHH003The estimated year of landfill closure has not been reported or is invalid. You must enter a valid year that is greater than zero before continuing. esimatedClosureYear 
HHHH007An indication that the landfill was closed in the current reporting year has been made. However, the year in which the landfill stopped accepting waste for disposal has not been reported or is invalid. This is required per section 98.346(a). You must enter a valid year that is greater than 1960 before continuing. acceptWasteStoppedYear 
HHHH010Please indicate if scales were used to determine the annual waste quantity prior to the first year of emissions reporting. This data element is required. wereScalesUsed 
HHHH012An indication that one of the other methods (Method 1, 2, 3, or None) used to determine the historical annual waste disposal quantities has not been provided. This data element is required. wasteQunatityEstimationMethodUsed 
HHHH013Please enter the first (start) year scales were used to determine annual waste quantities prior to [currentReportingYear]. scalesUsedPeriodStartYear 
HHHH014The first (start) year scales were used to determine annual waste quantities prior to the first year of emissions reporting. You must enter a valid year that is greater than or equal to 1960. You must correct the current value before continuing. scalesUsedPeriodStartYear 
HHHH015Please enter the last (end) year scales were used to determine annual waste quantities prior to the first year of emissions reporting. scalesUsedPeriodEndYear 
HHHH016The last (end) year scales were used to determine annual waste quantities prior to the first year of emissions reporting. You must enter a valid year that is greater than or equal to 1960. You must correct the value before continuing. scalesUsedPeriodEndYear 
HHHH017The last (end) year scales were used to determine annual waste quantities that you provided is before the first (start) year. Please correct the start and/or end year. scalesUsedPeriodStartYear 
HHHH018Method #1, #2, or #3 was indicated to have been used for one or more years prior to the first emissions reporting year, but the historical waste estimation method start year has not been provided. Please correct the end year or click CANCEL. estimationPeriodStartYear 
HHHH019The first (start) year the method selected was used to estimate historical annual waste quantities. You must enter a valid year that is greater than or equal to 1960. You must correct the current value before continuing. estimationPeriodStartYear 
HHHH020Method #1, #2, or #3 was indicated to have been used for one or more years prior to the first emissions reporting year, but the historical waste estimation method end year has not been provided. Please correct the end year or click CANCEL. estimationPeriodEndYear 
HHHH021The last (end) year the method selected was used to estimate historical annual waste quantities. You must enter a valid year that is greater than or equal to 1960. You must correct the current value before continuing. estimationPeriodEndYear 
HHHH022Method #1, #2, or #3 was indicated to have been used for one or more years prior to the first emissions reporting year, but the historical waste estimation method end year you provided is before the start year. Please correct the start and/or end year or click CANCEL. estimationPeriodEndYear 
HHHH023Reason for using the estimation method selected. This data element is required. reasonForEstimationMethod 
HHHH024Landfill capacity. This data element is required. landfillCapacity 
HHHH025Landfill capacity. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. landfillCapacity 
HHHH027An indication of whether passive vents and/or passive flares (vents or flares that are not considered part of the gas collection system) are present at the landfill has not been made. This data element is required per sections 98.346(h) and 98.346(i)(7). If this is indeed a substantive error, please correct the value and submit your report. If you believe it to be correct, please submit the value as is. hasPassiveVentsOrFlares 
HHHH032Please indicate if the landfill has a landfill gas collection system before continuing. hasLFGCollectionSystem 
HHHH034Capacity of the landfill gas collection system. An indication was made that your landfill has a landfill gas collection system, but the capacity of the landfill gas collection system has not been reported. This data element is required. gasCollectionSystem.systemCapacity 
HHHH0345An indication that a gas collection system is at your facility has been made, but a unique name or identifier for the landfill gas measurement location has not been provided. This data element is required. Please provide a name, or click CANCEL. name 
HHHH0349Annual operating hours for the landfill gas measurement location. The annual operating hours must be a number between zero and 8760 (or between zero and 8784 in a leap year). Please enter a valid number of operating hours, or click CANCEL. annualOperatingHours 
HHHH035Capacity of the landfill gas collection system. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. gasCollectionSystem.systemCapacity 
HHHH0350An indication that a gas collection system is at your facility has been made, but the operating hours for the landfill gas measurement location has not been provided. This data element is required. annualOperatingHours 
HHHH0358You have added a measurement location, but have not yet added a destruction device. If a destruction device is associated with this measurement location, but is located off-site, select the ADD a Destruction Device link and enter the total annual hours for the reporting year (8760 or 8784 if it is a leap year) and enter a value of 1 for destruction efficiency (DE). destructionDevices 
HHHH036An indication was made that your landfill has a landfill gas collection system, but the number of wells has not been reported. This data element is required. gasCollectionSystem.numberOfwells 
HHHH037Number of wells. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. gasCollectionSystem.numberOfwells 
HHHH0374Information regarding the Waste Type Details (percent by weight, DOC, and/or decay rate) for the years {1} have not been reported. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['dataMissingYears'] 
HHHH0375The tipping receipts start year of {1} is on or after the reporting year 2010. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['tippingReceiptsStartYear'] 
HHHH038The frequency of leachate circulation. This data element is required. leachateCirculationFrequency 
HHHH039The surface area of the landfill containing waste is blank. This data element is required per 98.346(f). totalSurfaceAreaContainingWaste 
HHHH040The surface area of the landfill containing waste. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalSurfaceAreaContainingWaste 
HHHH042Please indicate if active aeration of waste in the landfill was conducted during the current reporting year, or click CANCEL isActiveAerationPerformed 
HHHH043Aeration blower capacity. This data element is required. blowerCapacity 
HHHH044Aeration blower capacity. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. blowerCapacity 
HHHH046Fraction of the landfill containing waste affected by the aeration. This data element is required. fractionOfLandFillAffected 
HHHH047The fraction of the landfill containing waste affected by the aeration. This value should be reported as a percentage expressed as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. fractionOfLandFillAffected 
HHHH049Total hours during the reporting year the aeration blower was operated. This data element is required. totlaBlowerOperatedHours 
HHHH050Total number of hours in the reporting year that the aeration blower was operated. The annual operating hours must be a number between zero and 8760 (or between zero and 8784 in a leap year). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. totlaBlowerOperatedHours 
HHHH053Number of days substitute data was used to determine the waste quantity. This data element is required. numberOfDaysSubstituteUsed 
HHHH054Number of days substitute data was used to determine the waste quantity. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfDaysSubstituteUsed 
HHHH059A waste type group has been selected, but a waste type under each group that comprises the annual waste quantity has not been selected. This is a required field. Please go back and select a waste type under the waste group selected. wasteQuantityGroup 
HHHH060Methane generation, adjusted for oxidation, from the landfill in the reporting year. This data element is required. officialUnroundedModeledCh4Generation 
HHHH061Methane generation, adjusted for oxidation, from the landfill in the reporting year. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedModeledCh4Generation 
HHHH063-1The value reported for Equation HH-5 (methane generation, adjusted for oxidation) from the landfill in the reporting year is outside the range expected by EPA. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedModeledCh4Generation 
HHHH063-2The value reported for Equation HH-5 (methane generation, adjusted for oxidation) from the landfill in the reporting year is outside the range expected by EPA. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedModeledCh4Generation 
HHHH064-1The value for Equation HH-5 (methane generation, adjusted for oxidation) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedModeledCh4Generation 
HHHH064-2The value for Equation HH-5 (methane generation, adjusted for oxidation) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedModeledCh4Generation 
HHHH070The annual volume of landfill gas collected for destruction has not been reported. This data element is required. gasCollectionSystemDetails.annualVolume 
HHHH071The annual volume of landfill gas collected for destruction must be a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. gasCollectionSystemDetails.annualVolume 
HHHH073Number of days substitute data procedure was used to determine the volume of landfill gas collected for destruction. This data element is required. gasCollectionSystemDetails.numberOfDaysSubDataUsedAnnualVolume 
HHHH074Number of days substitute data procedure was used to determine the volume of landfill gas collected for destruction. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. gasCollectionSystemDetails.numberOfDaysSubDataUsedAnnualVolume 
HHHH076The annual average methane concentration of landfill gas collected for destruction has not been reported. This data element is required. gasCollectionSystemDetails.annualAverageCh4Concentration 
HHHH077The annual average methane concentration of landfill gas collected for destruction must be reported as a percentage, and should be within the range of 0 to 100 (percent). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. gasCollectionSystemDetails.annualAverageCh4Concentration 
HHHH080If methane is monitored daily, the number of days substitute data was used to determine the annual average CH4 concentration of landfill gas collected for destruction. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. gasCollectionSystemDetails.numberOfDaysSubDataUsedAvgCh4Con 
HHHH083Was temperature incorporated into internal calculations run by the collection system\' monitoring equipment? This data element is required. gasCollectionSystemDetails.isTempIncorporated 
HHHH084Average monthly temperature at which flow is measured, for month(s) [{1}]. Because you have indicated that temperature is not incorporated into internal calculations run by the collection systems\' monitoring equipment this data element is required. averageTemperature 
HHHH096Was pressure incorporated into internal calculations run by the collection system\' monitoring equipment? This data element is required. gasCollectionSystemDetails.isPressureIncorporated 
HHHH097Average monthly pressure at which flow is measured, for month(s) [{1}]. Because you have indicated that pressure is not incorporated into internal calculations run by the collection systems\' monitoring equipment this data element is required. averagePressure 
HHHH109Was landfill gas flow measured on a wet or dry basis?. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. gasCollectionSystemDetails.isGasFlowWetBasis 
HHHH110Was CH4 concentration measured on a wet or dry basis?. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. gasCollectionSystemDetails.isCh4ConcentrationWetBasis 
HHHH111Average monthly moisture, for month(s) [{1}]. Because you have indicated that moisture is not incorporated into internal calculations run by the collection systems\' monitoring equipment this data element is required. averageMoistureContent 
HHHH111aAverage monthly moisture, for month(s) [{1}]. The value you have provided is outside the EPA estimated range for this data element. Please double check this value and revise, if necessary. If you believe it to be correct, please submit the value as is. averageMoistureContent 
HHHH123Depth of area with no waste in-place (meters). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. wasteDepthWithNoWasteA1 
HHHH125The depth of area without active gas collection, regardless of cover type (A2) has not been reported. This data element is required and must be reported even if the value is 0. Please double check and revise this value before submitting the report. wasteDepthWithOutActiveGasCollectionA2 
HHHH126Depth of area without active gas collection, regardless of cover type (meters). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. wasteDepthWithOutActiveGasCollectionA2 
HHHH128The depth of area with daily soil cover and active gas collection (A3) has not been reported. This data element is required and must be reported even if the value is 0. Please double check and revise this value before submitting the report. wasteDepthWithDailySoilCoverAndActiveGasA3 
HHHH129Depth of area with daily soil cover and active gas collection (meters). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. wasteDepthWithDailySoilCoverAndActiveGasA3 
HHHH131The depth of area with an intermediate soil cover, or a final soil cover not meeting the criteria for A5 (area type A4 in Table HH-3) has not been reported. This data element is required and must be reported even if the value is 0. Please double check and revise this value before submitting the report. wasteDepthWithSoilCoverNotMeetingCriteriaA4 
HHHH132Depth of area with an intermediate soil cover, or a final soil cover not meeting the criteria for A5 (meters). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. wasteDepthWithSoilCoverNotMeetingCriteriaA4 
HHHH134The depth of area with a final soil cover of 3 feet or thicker of clay and/or geomembrane cover system and active gas collection (area type A5 in Table HH-3) has not been reported. This data element is required and must be reported even if the value is 0. Please double check and revise this value before submitting the report. wasteDepthWithSoilCover3FeetOrGeoCoverA5 
HHHH135Depth of area with a final soil cover of 3 feet or thicker of clay and/or geomembrane cover system and active gas collection (meters). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. wasteDepthWithSoilCover3FeetOrGeoCoverA5 
HHHH137A waste type group (Bulk Waste, Modified Bulk Waste, or Waste Composition) from Table HH-1 has not been selected. This is a required field. A waste type group must first be selected in order to select the waste type(s) disposed of at the landfill during the year. wasteQuantityGroup 
HHHH139Please indicate if tipping receipts or company records were used to determine waste disposal quantities prior to the first year of emissions reporting, or click CANCEL. wereTippingReceiptsUsed 
HHHH140An indication that tipping receipts were used to determine the annual waste quantities for years prior to the first emissions reporting year, but a start year for using tipping receipts has not been provided. This data element is required. tippingReceiptsStartYear 
HHHH141An indication that tipping receipts were used to determine the annual waste quantities for years prior to the first emissions reporting year, but the tipping receipts end year has not been reported. This data element is required. tippingReceiptsEndYear 
HHHH142An indication that tipping receipts were used to determine the annual waste quantities for years prior to the first emissions reporting year, but the tipping receipts end year provided is before the start year. Please correct the start and/or end year or click CANCEL. tippingReceiptsEndYear 
HHHH156Any additional description of the aeration system. This data element is required. additionalDescription 
HHHH157You have selected Subpart HH for reporting, but you have not yet completed the Landfill Details - Reporting Years page. isOpen 
HHHH165A type of cover material (organic, clay, sand, and/or other soil mixture) has not been reported for the landfill. This is required per section 98.346(f). organicCoverMaterialType 
HHHH181The surface area for A1 (area with no waste-in-place) has not been reported. This data element is required even if the value to report is 0 square meters. surfaceAreaWithNoWasteA1 
HHHH182The surface area of area with no waste in-place (A1) must be reported. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero before continuing. If no waste is in place for this area type, enter a 0. surfaceAreaWithNoWasteA1 
HHHH184The surface area for A2 (area without active gas collection, regardless of cover type) has not been reported. This data element is required even if the value to report is 0 square meters. surfaceAreaWithOutActiveGasCollectionA2 
HHHH185The surface area of area without active gas collection, regardless of cover type (A2) has not been reported. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero before continuing. If no waste is in place for this area type, enter a 0. surfaceAreaWithOutActiveGasCollectionA2 
HHHH187The surface area for A3 (area with daily soil cover and active gas collection) has not been reported. This data element is required even if the value to report is 0 square meters. surfaceAreaWithDailySoilCoverAndActiveGasA3 
HHHH188The surface area of area with daily soil cover and active gas collection (area type A3 in Table HH-3) must be reported. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero before continuing. If no waste is in place for this area type, enter a 0. surfaceAreaWithDailySoilCoverAndActiveGasA3 
HHHH190The surface area of area with an intermediate soil cover, or a final soil cover not meeting the criteria for A5 (area type A4 in Table HH-3) has not been reported. This data element is required even if the value to report is 0 square meters. surfaceAreaWithSoilCoverNotMeetingCriteriaA4 
HHHH191The surface area of area with an intermediate soil cover, or a final soil cover not meeting the criteria for A5 (area type A4 in Table HH-3). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero before continuing. surfaceAreaWithSoilCoverNotMeetingCriteriaA4 
HHHH193The surface area of area with a final soil cover of 3 feet or thicker of clay and/or geomembrane cover system and active gas collection (area type A5 in Table HH-3) has not been reported. This data element is required even if the value to report is 0 square meters. Please double check and revise this value before submitting the report. surfaceAreaWithSoilCover3FeetOrGeoCoverA5 
HHHH194The surface area of area with a final soil cover of 3 feet or thicker of clay and/or geomembrane cover system and active gas collection (area type A5 in Table HH-3) has not been reported. This data element is required even if the value to report is 0 square meters. Please double check and revise this value before submitting the report. surfaceAreaWithSoilCover3FeetOrGeoCoverA5 
HHHH196The percent by weight for the waste type selected has not been reported. This is a required field and must be expressed as a decimal fraction. Please go back and enter this value. percentByWeight 
HHHH197Percent by weight for waste type, expressed as a decimal fraction. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing, or click Cancel. percentByWeight 
HHHH199The value for the degradable organic carbon (DOC), expressed as a decimal fraction, has not been reported. This is a required field. doc 
HHHH200The value reported for the degradable organic carbon (DOC), expressed as a decimal fraction, must be a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing, or click Cancel. doc 
HHHH202A value for the decay rate (k) has not been reported. This is a required field. decayRate 
HHHH203The value reported for the decay rate (k) must be a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing, or click Cancel. decayRate 
HHHH211Please indicate if working capacities were used to determine the annual waste quantity prior to [currentReportingYear]. This data element is required. wasWorkingCapacityMethodUsed 
HHHH212An indication that working capacity was used to determine the annual total waste disposal quantity for one or more years, but the working capacities period start year has not been provided. Please correct the start year or click CANCEL. workingCapacityStartYear 
HHHH213An indication was made that working capacity was used to determine the annual total waste disposal quantity for one or more years, but the working capacities period end year has not been provided. Please correct the end year or click CANCEL. workingCapacityEndYear 
HHHH214An indication was made that working capacity was used to determine the annual total waste disposal quantity for one or more years, but the working capacities period end year you provided is before the start year. Please correct the start and/or end year or click CANCEL. workingCapacityEndYear 
HHHH215An indication that the landfill was closed in the current reporting year has been made. However, the year in which the landfill stopped accepting waste for disposal that you have reported is after the current reporting year. Please enter a valid year in which the landfill stopped accepting waste for disposal, or change the landfill open/closed indication. acceptWasteStartYear 
HHHH216First year the landfill accepted waste. You must enter a valid year for the first year the landfill accepted waste that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. acceptWasteStartYear 
HHHH218You have indicated that scales were used to determine the annual waste quantity in the year, but you have not provided the quantity (metric tons). This data element is required. methodsUsedAndQuantity 
HHHH219You have indicated that working capacities were used to determine the annual waste quantity in the year, but you have not provided the quantity (metric tons). This data element is required. methodsUsedAndQuantity 
HHHH220You have indicated that methods other than scales or working capacities were used to determine the annual waste quantity in the year, but you have not provided the quantity (metric tons). This data element is required. methodsUsedAndQuantity 
HHHH221An indication was made that scales were used to determine the annual waste disposal quantities for one or more of the years prior to the first emissions reporting year, but the waste quantities themselves have not been reported. This data element is required. methodsUsedAndQuantity 
HHHH222An indication that the method of working capacity was used for one or more years to determine the total annual waste disposal quantity in metric tons for one or more years prior to the first emissions reporting year. However, the total total annual waste disposal quantity has not been reported for one or more years. This data element is required. Please go back and review the range of years provided and the waste quantities reported under the Working Capacity Quantity column on the Landfill Details-Historical Years page. methodsUsedAndQuantity 
HHHH223Method #1, #2, or #3 was selected, but the waste quantity determined using the historical waste quantity method(s) has not been reported. MRR Reference: 98.346(b). methodsUsedAndQuantity 
HHHH266The first (start) year working capacities were used to determine waste disposal prior to the first year of emissions reporting. You must enter a valid year that is greater than or equal to 1960. You must correct the current value before continuing. workingCapacityStartYear 
HHHH267The last (end) year working capacities were used to determine waste disposal prior to the first year of emissions reporting. You must enter a valid year that is greater than or equal to 1960. You must correct the value before continuing. workingCapacityEndYear 
HHHH268The first (start) year tipping receipts or company records were used to determine waste disposal prior to the first year of emissions reporting. You must enter a valid year that is greater than or equal to 1960. You must correct the current value before continuing. tippingReceiptsStartYear 
HHHH269The last (end) year tipping receipts or company records were used to determine waste disposal prior to the first year of emissions reporting. You must enter a valid year that is greater than or equal to 1960. You must correct the value before continuing. tippingReceiptsEndYear 
HHHH300You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the gas collection system collection efficiency (CE). You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedEstimatedGasCollectionSysEfficiency 
HHHH301Collection efficiency estimated at the landfill. Please enter the collection efficiency as a decimal fraction between zero and one. You must correct this before continuing. officialUnroundedEstimatedGasCollectionSysEfficiency 
HHHH305-1You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the annual modeled methane generation calculated using Equation HH-5. You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedModeledCh4Generation 
HHHH305-2You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the annual modeled methane generation calculated using Equation HH-5. You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedModeledCh4Generation 
HHHH307You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the annual modeled methane generation calculated using Equation HH-6. You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedEqHH6Ch4 
HHHH308For Equation HH-6, was the value for CH4 generation modeled (using Equation HH-1) or measured (using Equation HH-4)? This data element is required. Please be sure that you have entered results for both Equation HH-1 and Equation HH-4. officialRoundedEqHH6Ch4 
HHHH309You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the annual modeled methane generation calculated using Equation HH-7. You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedAnnualCh4GenerationEqHH7 
HHHH310Back-calculated methane generation (Equation HH-7). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedAnnualCh4GenerationEqHH7 
HHHH311You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the annual modeled methane generation calculated using Equation HH-8. You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedEqHH8Ch4 
HHHH312Methane emissions (Equation HH-8). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedEqHH8Ch4 
HHHH316You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the annual modeled methane generation calculated using Equation HH-1. You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedTotalAnnualModeledCh4Generation 
HHHH317The value for the modeled methane generation calculated using Equation HH-1. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct this before continuing. officialUnroundedTotalAnnualModeledCh4Generation 
HHHH318You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the annual modeled methane generation calculated using Equation HH-1. You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedTotalAnnualModeledCh4Generation 
HHHH319The value for the modeled methane generation calculated using Equation HH-1. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct this before continuing. officialUnroundedTotalAnnualModeledCh4Generation 
HHHH320The value for Equation HH-8 (methane emissions) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. This data element is required.GHG\FacilitySiteInformation\FacilitySiteDetails\ SubPartInformation\SubPartHH\GasCollectionSystemDetails\ MethaneGenerationEquationHH8\CalculatedValueofficialUnroundedEqHH8Ch4For Landfills with gas collection systems include a non-null numeric value for the data element with the specified xpath for MethaneGenerationEquationHH8
HHHH321The value for Equation HH-7 (back-calculated methane generation) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. This data element is required.GHG\FacilitySiteInformation\FacilitySiteDetails\ SubPartInformation\SubPartHH\GasCollectionSystemDetails\ MethaneGenerationEquationHH7\CalculatedValueofficialUnroundedAnnualCh4GenerationEqHH7For Landfills with gas collection systems include a non-null numeric value for the data element with the specified xpath for MethaneGenerationEquationHH7
HHHH322The value reported for Equation HH-6 (methane emissions) from the landfill in the reporting year is outside the range expected by EPA. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedEqHH6Ch4 
HHHH323The value for Equation HH-6 (methane emissions) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG\FacilitySiteInformation\FacilitySiteDetails\ SubPartInformation\SubPartHH\ GasCollectionSystemDetails\ MethaneGenerationEquationHH6\CalculatedValueofficialUnroundedEqHH6Ch4For Landfills with gas collection systems include a non-null numeric value for the data element with the specified xpath for MethaneGenerationEquationHH6
HHHH324The estimated gas collection system efficiency has not been reported. Please go back and revise this value before submitting your report. This data is required. officialUnroundedEstimatedGasCollectionSysEfficiency 
HHHH326The value for Equation HH-1 (modeled methane generation) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. This data element is required.GHG\FacilitySiteInformation\FacilitySiteDetails\ SubPartInformation\SubPartHH\ GasCollectionSystemDetails\AnnualModeledCH4Generation\CalculatedValueofficialUnroundedTotalAnnualModeledCh4GenerationFor Landfills with gas collection systems include a non-null numeric value for the data element with the specified xpath.
HHHH328The value for Equation HH-1 (modeled methane generation) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. This data element is required.GHG\FacilitySiteInformation\FacilitySiteDetails\ SubPartInformation\SubPartHH\ NoGasCollectionSystemDetails\officialUnroundedTotalAnnualModeledCh4GenerationFor Landfills without gas collection systems include a non-null numeric value for the data element with the specified xpath.
HHHH329The value for the oxidation factor (OX) used in Equation HH-5 has not been provided. This is a required data element. oxHH5 
HHHH330The value for the oxidation factor (OX) used in Equation HH-6 has not been provided. This is a required data element.GHG\FacilitySiteInformation\FacilitySiteDetails\ SubPartInformation\SubPartHH\GasCollectionSystemDetails\ MethaneOxidation Fractions\MethaneOxidationFractionHH6oxHH6For Landfills with gas collection systems include the this data element with value between 0 and 1
HHHH331The value for the oxidation factor (OX) used in Equation HH-7 has not been provided. This is a required data element.GHG\FacilitySiteInformation\FacilitySiteDetails\ SubPartInformation\SubPartHH\GasCollectionSystemDetails\ MethaneOxidation Fractions\MethaneOxidationFractionHH7oxHH7For Landfills with gas collection systems include the this data element with value between 0 and 1
HHHH332The value for the oxidation factor (OX) used in Equation HH-8 has not been provided. This is a required data element.GHG\FacilitySiteInformation\FacilitySiteDetails\ SubPartInformation\SubPartHH\GasCollectionSystemDetails\ MethaneOxidation Fractions\ MethaneOxidationFractionHH8oxHH8For Landfills with gas collection systems include the this data element with value between 0 and 1
HHHH333An indication was made that this facility has a gas collection system, but an indication as to whether landfill gas destruction occurs at the facility, off-site, or both has not been made. This data element is required. gasCollectionSystemDetails.destructionOccurredAt 
HHHH342Method #2 was selected for a range of years, but the estimated population was not provided for one or more of the years within that range. estimatedPopulationServedByTheLandfill 
HHHH343Method #3 was used for one or more years to determine the total annual waste quantity disposed, but the value for landfill capacity (LFC) used in Equation HH-3 was not provided. This is a required data element. For closed landfills, the value should equal the total waste-in-place at closure. For open landfills, the value should equal the capacity of the landfill used (or total waste-in-place). landfillCapacityThatUsesMethod3 
HHHH344You have not selected the method(s) used to determine the total annual waste disposal quantity for one or more years since the first year of emissions reporting. Please review the \'Waste Quantities/Methods Since First Year of Reporting\' table on the Landfill Details - Reporting Years page and use the check boxes provided to select the appropriate methods used for each year of the table and report the associated quantities (metric tons). If your facility was open each year since the first year of emissions reporting, but did not dispose of any waste in a given year, please select the method that would have been used had waste been disposed, and report a quantity of zero. transientData['wasteQuantities'] 
HHHH346-3Your report indicates the landfill does not have a gas collection system, however the total annual subpart methane emissions of [{1} metric tons] for the landfill does not equal [{2} metric tons], which is the value calculated by Equation HH-5. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['isAnnualMethaneEmissionsWithinRange'] 
HHHH372The number of annual operating hours for the measurement location cannot be lower than the number of annual operating hours for the destruction device. Please enter a valid number of operating hours, or click CANCEL. destructionDevices 
HHHH373The number of annual operating hours for the destruction device cannot be higher than the number of annual operating hours for the measurement location. Please enter a valid number of operating hours, or click CANCEL. annualOperatingHours 
HHHH374The number of annual operating hours ({1}) for the destruction device {2} cannot be higher than the number of annual operating hours ({3}) for the measurement location {4}. You must enter number of annual operating hours for either the destruction device or the measurement location. destructionDevices 
HHHH378You reported 0 for the Annual operating hours for the landfill gas measurement location ({1}). However, for the same measurement location you have reported an Annual quantity of recovered CH4 ({2} (metric tons)) greater than 0, implying the measurement location was operational for a period of time during the reporting year. You must report Annual operating hours for the measurement location greater than zero, if Annual quantity of recovered CH4 is greater than zero. Please check the values you entered and correct before continuing. recoveredCh4Quantity 
IGHG-ADD-2The greenhouse gas you are attempting to add is invalid because it already exists on the selection list provided. Please enter a unique greenhouse gas, or click CANCEL. ghgExisting 
II0442-1You did not select a gas/process type where DRE was claimed for your abatement system [{1}] in the fab [{2}]. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['isProcessSubTypeChecked'] 
II0444You cannot add this greenhouse gas because the CAS Registry Number you have provided for this &#39;other&#39; gas matches with an existing entry in e-GGRT&#39;s extended 40 CFR Part 98 Table A-1 gas list. It is possible it is included in the selection list provided, but with a different chemical name than the one you are using. The gas with the matching CAS Registry Number is identified within e-GGRT as follows: CAS Registry Number: {1}; Gas Name: {2}; Chemical Formula: {3}. If you would like to select this gas, click CANCEL and locate the gas in the selection list. If you are unable to locate this gas on the selection list provided, please <a href=http://www.ccdsupport.com/confluence/display/help/Contact+the+Help+Desk+-+Issues+Related+to+the+Identification+of+Specific+f-GHGs target=_blank>contact the GHGRP Help Desk</a>. transientData['isNewGasTableA1'] 
II0627"Used default factors" was selected as the method for estimating emissions for a gas/process type combination [{1}, CAS No. {2} / {3}] that does not have a default emission factor for the associated wafer size [{4}] for Semiconductor manufacturing, as specified for fab [{5}]. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['isSemiCombinationValid'] 
II0629Substrate Type. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. substrateType 
II0630Other Substrate Type (specify) is a required field when "other" is selected as the substrate type. Please enter a value or click CANCEL. otherSubstrateType 
II0631Annual Production of this Substrate in Terms of Surface Area (square meters). This data element is required. Please enter a value or click CANCEL. annualProductionofSubstrate 
II0632Annual Production of this Substrate in Terms of Surface Area (square meters). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualProductionofSubstrate 
II0635Substrate Type. You have not yet added at least one substrate type for this fab. substrateTypes 
II0648Substrate Type. You may only enter a Substrate Type to a fab once, with the exception of the "other" type. Please select a different Substrate Type or click the CANCEL button to return to the Fab Information screen. transientData['substrateTypeAlreadySelected'] 
IIII0501You have selected Subpart II for reporting, but you have not yet added an anaerobic process. none 
IIII0502Name or ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. anaerobicProcessIdentifier 
IIII0503Anaerobic Process. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. anaerobicProcessType 
IIII0504Is biogas generated in the process recovered? This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. isBiogasRecovered 
IIII0505Number of weeks the anaerobic process system was operational. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. numberOfWeeksSystemOperational 
IIII0506Does the facility measure COD or BOD5 concentration of the wastewater entering the anaerobic process? This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. doesFacilityMeasureCodOrBodConcentration 
IIII0507How does the facility monitor the CH4 concentration in the biogas collected for destruction? This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methaneConcentrationMonitoringMethod 
IIII0508Is the biogas temperature incorporated into the monitoring equipment internal calculations? This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. isBiogasTemperatureIncorporated 
IIII0509Is the biogas pressure incorporated into the monitoring equipment internal calculations? This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. isBiogasPressureIncorporated 
IIII0510Is the biogas moisture content incorporated into the monitoring equipment internal calculations? This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. isBiogasMoistureContentIncorporated 
IIII0511Does CH4 destruction occur at the facility, off-site, or both? This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methaneDestructionLocation 
IIII0512Was biogas flow measured on a wet or dry basis? This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. isBiogasFlowWetDryBasis 
IIII0513Was biogas CH4 concentration measured on a wet or dry basis? This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. isBiogasMethaneWetDryBasis 
IIII0514Flow for week(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. weeklyVolumeOfWastewater 
IIII0515COD for week(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. weeklyAverageCodBodConcentration 
IIII0516B0 for week(s) [{1}]. This data element is required if you indicate that an alternate value is being reported. methaneProductionPotential 
IIII0517MCF for week(s) [{1}]. This data element is required if you indicate that an alternate value is being reported. methaneConversionFactor 
IIII0518Report this value for CH4Gn. This data element is required. officialUnroundedCh4Generated 
IIII0519Report this value for CH4Gn. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4Generated 
IIII0520Report which CH4Gn result? This data element is required. isUserOverriddenCh4Generated 
IIII0521Flow for week(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. weeklyVolumeOfWastewater 
IIII0522BOD for week(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. weeklyAverageCodBodConcentration 
IIII0523B0 for week(s) [{1}]. This data element is required if you indicate that an alternate value is being reported. methaneProductionPotential 
IIII0524MCF for week(s) [{1}]. This data element is required if you indicate that an alternate value is being reported. methaneConversionFactor 
IIII0525Report this value for CH4Gn. This data element is required. officialUnroundedCh4Generated 
IIII0526Report this value for CH4Gn. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4Generated 
IIII0527Report which CH4Gn result? This data element is required. isUserOverriddenCh4Generated 
IIII0528Report this value for CH4En. This data element is required. officialUnroundedCh4 
IIII0529Report this value for CH4En. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
IIII0530Report which CH4En result? This data element is required. isUserOverriddenCh4 
IIII0531Volumetric Biogas Flow for week(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. weeklyVolumetricBiogasFlow 
IIII0532Biogas CH4 Concentration for week(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. weeklyBiogasMethaneConcentration 
IIII0533Biogas Temperature for week(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. weeklyBiogasTemperature 
IIII0534Biogas Pressure for week(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. weeklyBiogasPressure 
IIII0535Biogas Moisture for week(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. weeklyBiogasMoistureContent 
IIII0536Annual quantity of CH4 recovered from the process. This data element is required. officialUnroundedCh4Recovered 
IIII0537Annual quantity of CH4 recovered from the process. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4Recovered 
IIII0538Annual operating hours for the primary destruction device. This data element is required. annualOperatingHoursOfPrimaryDestructionDevice 
IIII0539Annual operating hours for the primary destruction device. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualOperatingHoursOfPrimaryDestructionDevice 
IIII0540Destruction efficiency for the primary destruction device. This data element is required. methanePrimaryDeviceDestructionEfficiency 
IIII0541Destruction efficiency for the primary destruction device. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1.0. You must correct the current value before continuing. methanePrimaryDeviceDestructionEfficiency 
IIII0542Is a back-up destruction device present at the facility? This data element is required. isBackUpDestructionDevicePresentAtFacility 
IIII0543Annual operating hours for the back-up destruction device. This data element is required if you indicate that a back-up destruction device is present. annualOperatingHoursOfBackUpDestructionDevice 
IIII0544Annual operating hours for the back-up destruction device. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualOperatingHoursOfBackUpDestructionDevice 
IIII0545Destruction efficiency for the back-up destruction device. This data element is required if you indicate that a back-up destruction device is present. methaneBackUpDeviceDestructionEfficiency 
IIII0546Destruction efficiency for the back-up destruction device. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1.0. You must correct the current value before continuing. methaneBackUpDeviceDestructionEfficiency 
IIII0547Report this value for CH4En. This data element is required. officialUnroundedCh4 
IIII0548Report this value for CH4En. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
IIII0549Report which CH4En result? This data element is required. isUserOverriddenCh4 
IIII0550Average depth of the lagoon. This data element is required. averageLagoonDepth 
IIII0551Document or diagram that pertains to this process. This data element is required. uploadedDiagramOrDocumentName 
IIII0552Number of weeks the anaerobic process system was operational. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 52. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfWeeksSystemOperational 
IIII0562Annual operating hours for the primary destruction device. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 8784. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualOperatingHoursOfPrimaryDestructionDevice 
IIII0563Annual operating hours for the back-up destruction device. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 8784. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualOperatingHoursOfBackUpDestructionDevice 
IIII0571CH4 collection efficiency (based on cover type). This data element is required. methaneCollectionEfficiency 
IIII0575Report which annual quantity of CH4 recovered result? This data element is required. isUserOverriddenCh4Generated 
IIII0576Biogas CH4 Concentration for week(s) [{1}]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 100. You must correct the current value before continuing. weeklyBiogasMethaneConcentration 
IIII0577Biogas Moisture for week(s) [{1}]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. weeklyBiogasMoistureContent 
IIII0600You have selected Subpart II for reporting, but you have not yet uploaded a file containing a narrative description and/or diagram of a wastewater treatment system. none 
IIII0602Number of hours the biogas collection system was operational. This data element is required if biogas generated in the process recovered. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. numberOfHoursTheBiogasSystemOperational 
IIII0603Number of hours the biogas collection system was operational. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 8784. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfHoursTheBiogasSystemOperational 
IIII0604The number of annual operating hours for the primary destruction device cannot be higher than the number of hours the biogas collection system was operational. Please enter a valid number of operating hours, or click CANCEL. annualOperatingHoursOfPrimaryDestructionDevice 
IIII0605The number of annual operating hours for the back-up destruction device cannot be higher than the number of hours the biogas collection system was operational. Please enter a valid number of operating hours, or click CANCEL. annualOperatingHoursOfBackUpDestructionDevice 
IIII0606The number of annual operating hours for the primary destruction device cannot be higher than the number of hours the biogas collection system was operational. Please enter a valid number of operating hours, or click CANCEL. numberOfHoursTheBiogasSystemOperational 
IIII0607The number of annual operating hours for the back-up destruction device cannot be higher than the number of hours the biogas collection system was operational. Please enter a valid number of operating hours, or click CANCEL. numberOfHoursTheBiogasSystemOperational 
IIII5007Does the facility use a wet milling or dry milling process? This data element is required if the facility performs an ethanol production processing operation. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. If the facility does not perform an ethanol production processing operation, select the last option. ethanolProductionProcessingOperation 
IIII501For reporting year {1} you have reported negative CH4 emissions [{2} (metric tons)] for Subpart II. It is not expected for Subpart II facilities to report negative emissions from the reported processes. Please go back into your {1} report and verify that all of the facility\'s inputs are reported correctly. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[methaneCalcValue] 
IIII502The fraction of hours the primary destruction device was operating during the {1} reporting year is greater than 1 (100%) which is unexpected. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['deviceOperatingHours'] 
KCEMSML-1Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have added one or more units monitored by CEMS, but have not yet added a CEMS Monitoring Location (CML). hasCEMSandNoCML 
KCEMSML-2CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have indicated that this unit is monitored by CEMS, but you have not yet associated it with any CEMS Monitoring Locations (CMLs). From the Subpart Overview page, click on the CML Name/Identifier to which this unit exhausts (or use the "ADD a CEMS Monitoring Location" link to create a new one). On the bottom of Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location page, use the "ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location" link to select this unit. hasCEMSandNoCMLUnits 
KCEMSML-3The same name or identifier already exists for this CEMS monitoring location in this facility. Please enter a unique name or identifier. cml 
KCML-027aFraction of nitrous oxide emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionN2oEmissions 
KCML-038Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalOperatingHrs 
KCML-039The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
KCML-040The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
KCML-041The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas moisture content. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasMoisture 
KCML-043The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This data element is required. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
KCML-046CEMS Monitoring Location process units. You did not select any process unit(s) for this CML. processUnits 
KCML-047aFraction of methane emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionCh4Emissions 
KCML-051Total Non-biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalNonbiogenicCo2emission 
KCML-052Total Biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalBiogenicCo2emission 
KCML-053Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totalch4emission 
KCML-054Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totaln2oemission 
KCML-055Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions measured by the CEMS. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPart ”any”/Tier4CEMSDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMStotalCo2ByCemsOrPart75If a subpart include CEM or Part75 reporting that subpart must include the <Tier4CEMSDetails> node with a <AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMS> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
KCML-056Total annual CO2 mass emissions (biogenic and non-biogenic) measured by the CEMS. This data element must be greater than or equal to biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. totalCo2ByCemsOrPart75 
KCML-057Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This data element is required. totalOperatingHrs 
KCML-058The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This data element is required. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
KCML-059You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. Please revise and make sure the Start Date is earlier than the End Date. methodologyEndDate 
KCML-060Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyStartDate 
KCML-061Configuration type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cemsConfigType 
KCML-062Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyEndDate 
KCML-063Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
KCML-064Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
KCML-065Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
KCML-066Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
KCML-067Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
KCML-068Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
KCML-069Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
KCML-070Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
KCML-071CEMS Monitoring Location Name/ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cmlName 
KCML-072Type(s) of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. fuelsCombusted 
KCML-076Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total methane emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totalch4emission 
KCML-077Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total nitrous oxide emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totaln2oemission 
KCML-078Types of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported fuel(s) and leave the types of fuel field blank, or click CANCEL. fuelsCombusted 
KCML-083Carbon dioxide emissions attributable to combustion. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported emissions and leave the types of emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. combustionCo2Emissions 
KCML-086The Calculation Methodology Start Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
KCML-087The Calculation Methodology Start Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
KCML-088The Calculation Methodology End Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
KCML-089The Calculation Methodology End Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
KK001Annual facility ferroalloy product production capacity. This data element is required. annualFerroAlloyProductionCapacity 
KK002Annual facility ferroalloy product production capacity. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFerroAlloyProductionCapacity 
KK003Please make a selection or click CANCEL. hasCEMS 
KK004Name of input/output to the furnace. This data element is required. name 
KK005Type of input/output to the furnace. This data element is required. type 
KK006Method used to determine carbon content. This data element is required. methodForCarbonContent 
KK007Number of months that missing data procedures were followed to determine monthly mass of the input or output. This data element is required. numOfMonthsMissingProcedureUsed 
KK008Number of months that missing data procedures were followed to determine monthly mass of the input or output. This value should be reported as a number and should be within the range of 0 to 12 months. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. numOfMonthsMissingProcedureUsed 
KK013Annual methane emissions from the furnace. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
KK014You have not yet added an input for this furnace. inputList 
KK015You have not yet added an output for this furnace. outputList 
KK016You have selected Subpart K for reporting, but you have not yet added a furnace. none 
KK022The procedure used to develop substitute data for monthly mass. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherProcedureForSubstituteData 
KK030Annual production of Ferrochromium product (tons). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. ferroChromium 
KK031Annual production of Ferromanganese product (tons). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. ferromanganese 
KK032Annual production of Ferromolybdenum product (tons). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. ferromolybdenum 
KK033Annual production of Ferronickel product (tons). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. ferronickel 
KK034Annual production of Ferrosilicon product (tons). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. ferrosilicon 
KK035Annual production of Ferrotitanium product (tons). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. ferrotitanium 
KK036Annual production of Ferrotungsten product (tons). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. ferrotungsten 
KK037Annual production of Ferrovanadium product (tons). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. ferrovanadium 
KK038Annual production of Silicomanganese product (tons). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. silicomanganese 
KK039Annual production of Silicon Metal product (tons). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. siliconmetal 
KK040Annual production of Ferrochromium product (tons). This data element is required, however you may uncheck the checkbox if this ferroalloy product is not produced by this electric arc furnace. ferrochromiumCheck 
KK041Annual production of Ferromanganese product (tons). This data element is required, however you may uncheck the checkbox if this ferroalloy product is not produced by this electric arc furnace. ferromanganeseCheck 
KK042Annual production of Ferromolybdenum product (tons). This data element is required, however you may uncheck the checkbox if this ferroalloy product is not produced by this electric arc furnace. ferromolybdenumCheck 
KK043Annual production of Ferronickel product (tons). This data element is required, however you may uncheck the checkbox if this ferroalloy product is not produced by this electric arc furnace. ferronickelCheck 
KK044Annual production of Ferrosilicon product (tons). This data element is required, however you may uncheck the checkbox if this ferroalloy product is not produced by this electric arc furnace. ferrosiliconCheck 
KK045Annual production of Ferrotitanium product (tons). This data element is required, however you may uncheck the checkbox if this ferroalloy product is not produced by this electric arc furnace. ferrotitaniumCheck 
KK046Annual production of Ferrotungsten product (tons). This data element is required, however you may uncheck the checkbox if this ferroalloy product is not produced by this electric arc furnace. ferrotungstenCheck 
KK047Annual production of Ferrovanadium product (tons). This data element is required, however you may uncheck the checkbox if this ferroalloy product is not produced by this electric arc furnace. ferrovanadiumCheck 
KK048Annual production of Silicomanganese product (tons). This data element is required, however you may uncheck the checkbox if this ferroalloy product is not produced by this electric arc furnace. silicomanganeseCheck 
KK049Annual production of Silicon Metal product (tons). This data element is required, however you may uncheck the checkbox if this ferroalloy product is not produced by this electric arc furnace. siliconmetalCheck 
KK050You have not provided the annual production quantity (tons) of at least one ferroalloy product produced by this electric arc furnace. ferrochromiumCheck 
KUM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
KUM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
LGHG-ADD-2The greenhouse gas you are attempting to add is invalid because it already exists on the selection list provided. Please enter a unique greenhouse gas, or click CANCEL. ghgExisting 
LIVT-L0064Batch or Continuous? The data element at row {1} must be either \'Batch\' or \'Continuous\' batchOrContinuous 
LIVT-L0068You have indicated that facility emissions include one or more major F-GHG constituents of a fluorinated gas product that is sold or transferred to another person (Introduction tab, cell L14), but you have not included any F-GHGs where the answer to \'Is the F-GHG a Major Constituent of a product that is sold or transferred to another person?\' is \'Yes\' (Production Transformation tab, Part 3). You must correct this discrepancy. transientData['isFGhgMajor'] 
LL0019You have not yet entered F-GHG facility summary information for this fluorinated gas production facility. transientData['reportingYear'] 
LL0020Did the facility produce only one fluorinated gas product, including fluorinated gas products that are intermediates? This data element is required. onlyOneProductProduced 
LL0021Did facility emissions include one or more major F-GHG constituents of a Fluorinated gas product that is sold or transferred to another person? This data element is required. majorFghgConstituents 
LL0023Did the facility destroy previously produced fluorinated GHGs in destruction processes that are not part of a fluorinated gas production process or fluorinated gas transformation process? This data element is required. otherDestructionProcesses 
LL0024Did the facility vent residual fluorinated GHGs from containers? This data element is required. ventFromContainers 
LL0026Unique Process Name/Identifier. This data element is required. processName 
LL0027Unique Process Name/Identifier. The same name or identifier already exists for this facility. processName 
LL0028Process Type. This data element is required. processType 
LL0051Were the annual emissions from process vents based on a missing data procedure? This data element is required. processVentEmissionsBasedOnMissingData 
LL0052Data element for which missing data procedures were used, and the reason for the missing data. This data element is required. processVentMissingDataReason 
LL0053Number of hours a missing data procedure was used to determine F-GHG emissions. This data element is required. processVentMissingDataHours 
LL0054Provide the method used to estimate the missing data. This data element is required. processVentMissingDataMethod 
LL0055If the data element is reportable under subpart L, provide estimates of missing data. This data element is required. If the data element is not reportable enter \'NA\' processVentMissingDataEstimates 
LL0057Were the annual emissions from equipment leaks based on a missing data procedure? This data element is required. equipmentLeakEmissionsBasedOnMissingData 
LL0058Data element for which missing data procedures were used, and the reason for the missing data. This data element is required. equipmentLeakMissingDataReason 
LL0059Number of hours a missing data procedure was used to determine F-GHG emissions. This data element is required. equipmentLeakMissingDataHours 
LL0060Provide the method used to estimate the missing data. This data element is required. equipmentLeakMissingDataMethod 
LL0061If the data element is reportable under subpart L, provide estimates of missing data. This data element is required. If the data element is not reportable enter \'NA\' equipmentLeakMissingDataEstimates 
LL0063Characterize the process. This data element is required. distillation 
LL0066You have not yet added any f-GHG groups for this process. processFghgGroupDataMap 
LL0074Number of hours a missing data procedure was used to determine F-GHG emissions. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. processVentMissingDataHours 
LL0076Number of hours a missing data procedure was used to determine F-GHG emissions. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. equipmentLeakMissingDataHours 
LL0081For this generically-identified process, report the methods used to determine the mass emissions of each fluorinated GHG group emitted from equipment leaks. You must select at least one check box. averageEfApproach 
LL0520Was the container information based on a missing data procedure? This data element is required. containerBasedOnMissingData 
LL0521Data element for which missing data procedures were used, and the reason for the missing data. This data element is required. containerMissingDataReason 
LL0522Number of hours a missing data procedure was used to determine F-GHG emissions from container. This data element is required. containerMissingDataHours 
LL0523Number of hours a missing data procedure was used to determine F-GHG emissions from container. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. containerMissingDataHours 
LL0524Provide the method used to estimate the missing data. This data element is required. containerMissingDataMethod 
LL0525If the data element is reportable under subpart L, provide estimates of missing data. This data element is required. If the data element is not reportable enter \'NA\' containerMissingDataEstimates 
LLLL001Annual mass of carbon dioxide. This data element is required. officialUnroundedCo2 
LLLL002Annual mass of carbon dioxide. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
LLLL005You have not uploaded a reporting form file. jctSubPartFacility 
MMALL0001CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveCasNumber'] 
MMALL0002Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveChemicalFormula'] 
MMMM0001GHGRP ID. This data element is required and must be equal to the GHGRP ID for the facility. ghgrpID 
MMMM0002Reporting Period. This data element is required and must be equal to the expected reporting year. reportingPeriod 
MMMM0003Type of Facility. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/SubpartMMFacilityDataDetails/FacilityTypefacilityType 
MMMM0035For refineries, select "In" if the product is entering the refinery or "Out" if the product is leaving the refinery. For importers and exporters, select "Import" if the product is being imported or "Export" if the product is being exported. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/AggregateProductsDetails/AggregateProductsTableDetails/AggregateProductsRowDetails/IsCalculationMethod2UsedisProductEnteringOrLeavingFacility 
MMMM0038Select the product name code. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/AggregateProductsDetails/AggregateProductsTableDetails/AggregateProductsRowDetails/IsCalculationMethod2UsedproductNameCode 
MMMM0048Select the units for the measured quantity. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/AggregateProductsDetails/AggregateProductsTableDetails/AggregateProductsRowDetails/NumberOfSamplesmeasuredQuantityUnits 
MMMM0050Enter the product annual quantity. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/AggregateProductsDetails/AggregateProductsTableDetails/AggregateProductsRowDetails/SamplingStandardMethodUsedproductAnnualQuantityInclude the specified Xpath with the <ProductAnnualQuantity> provided with a non-null value.
MMMM0067A negative value for Product Annual Quantity was entered. A negative product annual quantity may not be entered in this field. Please correct this error and resubmit.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/AggregateProductsDetails/AggregateProductsTableDetails/AggregateProductsRowDetails/CarbonShareproductAnnualQuantityInclude the specified Xpath with the <ProductAnnualQuantity> provided with a non-null value.
MMMM00680 was entered for the product annual quantity. This form must not be submitted for products where the annual product quantity is zero. If the annual product quantity for the above product(s) was not zero, then you must make the appropriate corrections and resubmit.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/AggregateProductsDetails/AggregateProductsTableDetails/AggregateProductsRowDetails/CarbonShareTestMethodUsedproductAnnualQuantity 
MMMM0069Enter the percent of the product that is petroleum based. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/AggregateProductsDetails/AggregateProductsTableDetails/AggregateProductsRowDetails/CalculatedCarbonDioxideQuantityEmissionFactorpercentPetroleumBased 
MMMM0071Enter the Annual CO2 Quantity in Metric Tons. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/AggregateProductsDetails/AggregateProductsTableDetails/AggregateProductsRowDetails/CalculatedCarbonDioxideQuantityEmissionFactorUnitsannualCo2QuantityInclude the specified Xpath with the <AnnualCarbonDioxideQuantity> provided with a non-null value.
MMMM0076A negative value for Annual CO2 Quantity was entered. A negative annual CO2 quantity may not be entered in this field. Please correct this error and resubmit.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/AggregateProductsDetails/AggregateProductsTableDetails/AggregateProductsRowDetails/DensityTestResultsannualCo2QuantityInclude the specified Xpath with the <AnnualCarbonDioxideQuantity> provided with a non-null value.
MMMM00770 was entered for the Annual CO2 Quantity. This form must not be submitted for products where the annual product quantity is zero. If the annual product quantity for the above product(s) was not zero, then you must make the appropriate corrections and resubmit.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/AggregateProductsDetails/AggregateProductsTableDetails/AggregateProductsRowDetails/DensityTestMethodUsedannualCo2Quantity 
MMMM0078Select "Yes" or "No" for whether Calculation Method 2 was used for this product. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityTableDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityRowDetails/CarbonDioxideQuantitySumisCalculationMethod2Used 
MMMM0079Select "Yes" or "No" for whether Calculation Method 2 was used for this product.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityTableDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityRowDetails/CarbonDioxideQuantitySumisCalculationMethod2Used 
MMMM0080Enter the number of samples collected for use in Calculation Methodology 2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityTableDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityRowDetails/BulkNaturalGasLiquidsQuantitynumberOfSamples 
MMMM0082Enter sampling standard method used for Calculation Method 2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityTableDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityRowDetails/BulkNaturalGasLiquidsQuantityUnitssamplingStandardMethodUsed 
MMMM0084Enter the carbon share test results (mass %) for Calculation Method 2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityTableDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityRowDetails/CrudeOilInjectedcarbonShare 
MMMM0086Enter standard method used to test carbon share for Calculation Method 2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/BlendedProductsDetails/BlendedProductsTableDetails/BlendedProductsRowDetails/IsProductEnteringOrLeavingFacilitycarbonShareTestMethodUsed 
MMMM0088Enter CO2 emission factor for Calculation Method 2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/BlendedProductsDetails/BlendedProductsTableDetails/BlendedProductsRowDetails/BlendedProductNamecalculatedCo2QuantityEmissionFactor 
MMMM0091Enter unit of measure for the emission factor for Calculation Method 2: metric tons CO2 per barrel (MT CO2/BBL), or metric tons CO2 per metric ton (MT CO2/MT) of product. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/BlendedProductsDetails/BlendedProductComponentsTableDetails/BlendedProductComponentsRowDetails/BlendedProductIdentifiercalculatedCo2QuantityEmissionFactorUnits 
MMMM0093Enter the density test results in units of metric tons per barrel for Calculation Method 2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/BlendedProductsDetails/BlendedProductsTableDetails/BlendedProductsRowDetails/AnnualCarbonDioxideQuantitydensityTestResults 
MMMM0095Enter the standard method used to test density for Calculation Method 2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/BlendedProductsDetails/BlendedProductsTableDetails/BlendedProductsRowDetails/TotalNumberOfBlendedComponentsdensityTestMethodUsed 
MMMM0098Enter a value for the Sum of CO2 Quantity for All Products - Refinery. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/BlendedProductsDetails/BlendedProductsTableDetails/BlendedProductsRowDetails/BlendedProductIdentifierco2QuantitySumInclude the specified Xpath with the <CarbonDioxideQuantitySum> provided with a non-null value.
MMMM0099Enter a value for the Sum of CO2 Quantity for All Products - Importer. This data element is required if your are an importer/exporter. You should enter zero if you have not imported.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/BlendedProductsDetails/BlendedProductComponentsTableDetails/BlendedProductComponentsRowDetails/BlendingComponentNumberco2QuantitySum 
MMMM0100Enter a value for the Sum of CO2 Quantity for All Products - Exporter. This data element is required if your are an importer/exporter. You should enter zero if you have not exported.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/BlendedProductsDetails/BlendedProductsTableDetails/BlendedProductsRowDetails/TotalNumberOfBlendedComponentsco2QuantitySum 
MMMM0105Quantity of Bulk Natural Gas Liquids Received for Processing. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/BlendedProductsDetails/BlendedProductComponentsTableDetails/BlendedProductComponentsRowDetails/BlendingComponentNameCodebulkNaturalGasLiquidsQuantity 
MMMM0107Enter the units for the Quantity of Bulk Natural Gas Liquids. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/BlendedProductsDetails/BlendedProductComponentsTableDetails/BlendedProductComponentsRowDetails/BlendingComponentQuantityUnitsbulkNaturalGasLiquidsQuantityUnits 
MMMM0111Enter quantity of crude oil (in barrels) injected into a crude oil supply or reservoir. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityTableDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityRowDetails/CrudeOilEnteringRefinerycrudeOilInjected 
MMMM0116Select whether the product is entering the facility or leaving the facility. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksRowDetails/FractionOfGasSentisProductEnteringOrLeavingFacility 
MMMM0119Enter the Blended Product Name. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksRowDetails/FlareCombustionEfficiencyblendedProductName 
MMMM0120Enter a unique identifier for the blended product(s). This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksRowDetails/FlareFeedGasCH4MoleFractionblendedProductIdentifier 
MMMM0121Enter annual CO2 emissions in metric tons (MT) that would result from complete combustion or oxidation of the blended product(s). This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksRowDetails/FlareFeedGasCO2MoleFractionannualCo2Quantity 
MMMM0127Enter the total number of blending components for product(s). This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksRowDetails/Ch4EmissionstotalNumberOfBlendedComponents 
MMMM0129A unique identifier was not provided for one or more components of blended products. Select a unique identifier for each component of each blended product. Each ID for a component of a blended product must match a blended product ID from the Blended Products table.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksRowDetails/Ch4EmissionsblendedProductIdentifier 
MMMM0132Enter a unique identifier for each blending component, numbered sequentially. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlarestacksMissingDataProcUsedDetails/UniqueFlarestacksMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersblendingComponentNumber 
MMMM0133Total Number of Blending Components. The total number of blending components reported in Table 1 on the "Blended Products" tab for this Blended Product ID is not consistent with the total number of blended product components reported in Table 2 on the "Blended Products" tab for the same Blended Product ID. You must correct this before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlarestacksMissingDataProcUsedDetails/UniqueFlarestacksMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHourstotalNumberOfBlendedComponents 
MMMM0134The Blending Component Name Code is missing for one or more components in the Components of Blended Products Table. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryInjectionPumpBlowdownDetails/EorInjectionMissingDataProcUsedDetails/EorInjectionMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersblendingComponentNameCode 
MMMM0136Enter the blending component quantity units. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryInjectionPumpBlowdownDetails/EorInjectionMissingDataProcUsedDetails/EorInjectionMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursblendingComponentQuantityUnits 
MMMM0138Enter the quantity of the blending component in units specified. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryInjectionPumpBlowdownDetails/UniqueInjectionPumpBlowdownsDetails/UniqueInjectionPumpBlowdownsRowDetails/PumpCapacityblendingComponentQuantity 
MMMM0165The FacilityDataDetails node is required. The submitted XML omits this node. facilityData 
MMMM0166The AggregateProductsDetails node is required. The submitted XML omits this node. aggregateProductsData 
MMMM0167The TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityDetails node is required. The submitted XML omits this node. totalCo2QuantityData 
MMMM0182You have indicated that you are reporting optional procedures for blended products however you have left the Blended Products table blank. If you are reporting optional procedures for blended products you must complete both the Blended Products table and the Blending Components table.GHG/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/ BlendedProductsTableDetails/ BlendedProductsRowDetails/UniqueIdentifiertable1Data[1]if GHG/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetail/ AggregateProductsDetails/ ReportingOptionalProceduresForBlendedProducts = "Yes" then the specified Xpath must be included with at least one instance of a non-null <UniqueIdentifier>
MMMM0183You have indicated that you are reporting optional procedures for blended products however you have left the Blending Components table blank. If you are reporting optional procedures for blended products you must complete both the Blended Products table and the Blending Components table.GHG/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/ BlendedProductsTableDetails/ BlendedProductComponentsTableDetails/ BlendedProductComponentsRowDetails/UniqueIdentifiertable2Data[1]if GHG/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPartMM/SubPartMMReportingFormsDetails/ AggregateionProductsDetails/ ReportingOptionalProceduresForBlendedProducts = "Yes" then the specified Xpath must be included with at least one instance of a non-null <UniqueIdentifier>
MMMM0191Percent Petroleum Based. It appears that the value you entered in the reporting form is not being processed as a percent. If you are using an Older MM reporting form (created before 10/19/2016), you will need to add a percent sign after the value entered for it to be interpreted as a percent. percentPetroleumBased 
MMMM0192Carbon Share (mass %). It appears that the value you entered in the reporting form is not being processed as a percent. If you are using an Older MM reporting form (created before 10/19/2016), you will need to add a percent sign after the value entered for it to be interpreted as a percent. carbonShare 
MMMM0193Number of Samples. The number of samples reported on the "Aggregate Products" tab must be greater than zero because you have indicated that Calculation Method 2 was used for this product. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfSamples 
MMMM1000You have selected Subpart MM for reporting, but you have not yet uploaded a reporting form file. none 
NCEMSML-1Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have added one or more units monitored by CEMS, but have not yet added a CEMS Monitoring Location (CML). hasCEMSandNoCML 
NCEMSML-2CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have indicated that this unit is monitored by CEMS, but you have not yet associated it with any CEMS Monitoring Locations (CMLs). From the Subpart Overview page, click on the CML Name/Identifier to which this unit exhausts (or use the "ADD a CEMS Monitoring Location" link to create a new one). On the bottom of Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location page, use the "ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location" link to select this unit. hasCEMSandNoCMLUnits 
NCEMSML-3The same name or identifier already exists for this CEMS monitoring location in this facility. Please enter a unique name or identifier. cml 
NCML-027aFraction of nitrous oxide emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionN2oEmissions 
NCML-038Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalOperatingHrs 
NCML-039The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
NCML-040The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
NCML-041The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas moisture content. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasMoisture 
NCML-043The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This data element is required. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
NCML-046CEMS Monitoring Location process units. You did not select any process unit(s) for this CML. processUnits 
NCML-047aFraction of methane emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionCh4Emissions 
NCML-051Total Non-biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalNonbiogenicCo2emission 
NCML-052Total Biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalBiogenicCo2emission 
NCML-053Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totalch4emission 
NCML-054Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totaln2oemission 
NCML-055Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions measured by the CEMS. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPart ”any”/Tier4CEMSDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMStotalCo2ByCemsOrPart75If a subpart include CEM or Part75 reporting that subpart must include the <Tier4CEMSDetails> node with a <AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMS> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
NCML-056Total annual CO2 mass emissions (biogenic and non-biogenic) measured by the CEMS. This data element must be greater than or equal to biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. totalCo2ByCemsOrPart75 
NCML-057Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This data element is required. totalOperatingHrs 
NCML-058The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This data element is required. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
NCML-059You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. Please revise and make sure the Start Date is earlier than the End Date. methodologyEndDate 
NCML-060Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyStartDate 
NCML-061Configuration type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cemsConfigType 
NCML-062Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyEndDate 
NCML-063Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
NCML-064Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
NCML-065Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
NCML-066Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
NCML-067Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
NCML-068Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
NCML-069Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
NCML-070Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
NCML-071CEMS Monitoring Location Name/ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cmlName 
NCML-072Type(s) of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. fuelsCombusted 
NCML-076Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total methane emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totalch4emission 
NCML-077Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total nitrous oxide emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totaln2oemission 
NCML-078Types of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported fuel(s) and leave the types of fuel field blank, or click CANCEL. fuelsCombusted 
NCML-083Carbon dioxide emissions attributable to combustion. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported emissions and leave the types of emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. combustionCo2Emissions 
NCML-086The Calculation Methodology Start Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
NCML-087The Calculation Methodology Start Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
NCML-088The Calculation Methodology End Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
NCML-089The Calculation Methodology End Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
NN001Annual quantity of limestone charged to all furnaces. This data element is required. If limestone was not charged to any furnaces at your facility during the reporting year, please enter zero. aggregatedQuantityOfLimeStone 
NN002Annual quantity of limestone charged to all furnaces. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. aggregatedQuantityOfLimeStone 
NN004Annual quantity of dolomite charged to all furnaces. This data element is required. If dolomite was not charged to any furnaces at your facility during the reporting year, please enter zero. aggregatedQuantityOfDolomite 
NN005Annual quantity of dolomite charged to all furnaces. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. aggregatedQuantityOfDolomite 
NN007Annual quantity of sodium carbonate charged to all furnaces. This data element is required. If sodium carbonate was not charged to any furnaces at your facility during the reporting year, please enter zero. aggregatedQuantityOfSodiumCarbonate 
NN008Annual quantity of sodium carbonate charged to all furnaces. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. aggregatedQuantityOfSodiumCarbonate 
NN010Annual quantity of barium carbonate charged to all furnaces. This data element is required. If barium carbonate was not charged to any furnaces at your facility during the reporting year, please enter zero. aggregatedQuantityOfBariumCarbonate 
NN011Annual quantity of barium carbonate charged to all furnaces. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. aggregatedQuantityOfBariumCarbonate 
NN012Annual quantity of potassium carbonate charged to all furnaces. This data element is required. If potassium carbonate was not charged to any furnaces at your facility during the reporting year, please enter zero. aggregatedQuantityOfPotassiumCarbonate 
NN013Annual quantity of potassium carbonate charged to all furnaces. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. aggregatedQuantityOfPotassiumCarbonate 
NN014Annual quantity of lithium carbonate charged to all furnaces. This data element is required. If lithium carbonate was not charged to any furnaces at your facility during the reporting year, please enter zero. aggregatedQuantityOfLithiumCarbonate 
NN015Annual quantity of lithium carbonate charged to all furnaces. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. aggregatedQuantityOfLithiumCarbonate 
NN016Annual quantity of strontium carbonate charged to all furnaces. This data element is required. If strontium carbonate was not charged to any furnaces at your facility during the reporting year, please enter zero. aggregatedQuantityOfStrontiumCarbonate 
NN017Annual quantity of strontium carbonate charged to all furnaces. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. aggregatedQuantityOfStrontiumCarbonate 
NN018Please make a selection or click CANCEL. hasCEMS 
NN019Annual quantity of glass produced by the furnace. This data element is required. annualQuantity 
NN020Annual quantity of glass produced by the furnace. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualQuantity 
NN022Selection of at least one raw material type is required for each furnace. Please select one or more raw material types or click CANCEL. selectedFuelIDs 
NN023Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure monthly quantity of limestone. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['limestone'].m_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN024The number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure a monthly quantity of limestone. This value should be reported as a number and should be within the range of 0 to 12 months. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelDTOsMap['limestone'].m_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN025Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure monthly mass fraction of limestone. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['limestone'].mf_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN026The number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure a monthly mass fraction of limestone. This value should be reported as a number and should be within the range of 0 to 12 months. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelDTOsMap['limestone'].mf_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN027Method used to determine the fraction of calcination for limestone. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['limestone'].f_method 
NN028Method used to determine the fraction of calcination for limestone. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['limestone'].f_methodOther 
NN029Mass fraction verification test data for limestone. These data elements are required. fuelDTOsMap['limestone'].mf_testDetails 
NN030Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure monthly quantity of dolomite. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['dolomite'].m_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN031The number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure a monthly quantity of dolomite. This value should be reported as a number and should be within the range of 0 to 12 months. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelDTOsMap['dolomite'].m_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN032Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure monthly mass fraction of dolomite. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['dolomite'].mf_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN033The number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure a monthly mass fraction of dolomite. This value should be reported as a number and should be within the range of 0 to 12 months. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelDTOsMap['dolomite'].mf_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN034Method used to determine the fraction of calcination for dolomite. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['dolomite'].f_method 
NN035Method used to determine the fraction of calcination for dolomite. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['dolomite'].f_methodOther 
NN036Mass fraction verification test data for dolomite. These data elements are required. fuelDTOsMap['dolomite'].mf_testDetails 
NN037Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure monthly quantity of sodium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['sodium_carbonate'].m_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN038The number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure a monthly quantity of sodium carbonate. This value should be reported as a number and should be within the range of 0 to 12 months. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelDTOsMap['sodium_carbonate'].m_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN039Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure monthly mass fraction of sodium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['sodium_carbonate'].mf_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN040The number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure a monthly mass fraction of sodium carbonate. This value should be reported as a number and should be within the range of 0 to 12 months. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelDTOsMap['sodium_carbonate'].mf_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN041Method used to determine the fraction of calcination for sodium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['sodium_carbonate'].f_method 
NN042Method used to determine the fraction of calcination for sodium carbonate. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['sodium_carbonate'].f_methodOther 
NN043Mass fraction verification test data for sodium carbonate. These data elements are required. fuelDTOsMap['sodium_carbonate'].mf_testDetails 
NN044Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure monthly quantity of barium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['barium_carbonate'].m_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN045The number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure a monthly quantity of barium carbonate. This value should be reported as a number and should be within the range of 0 to 12 months. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelDTOsMap['barium_carbonate'].m_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN046Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure monthly mass fraction of barium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['barium_carbonate'].mf_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN047The number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure a monthly mass fraction of barium carbonate. This value should be reported as a number and should be within the range of 0 to 12 months. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelDTOsMap['barium_carbonate'].mf_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN048Method used to determine the fraction of calcination for barium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['barium_carbonate'].f_method 
NN049Method used to determine the fraction of calcination for barium carbonate. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['barium_carbonate'].f_methodOther 
NN050Mass fraction verification test data for barium carbonate. These data elements are required. fuelDTOsMap['barium_carbonate'].mf_testDetails 
NN051Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure monthly quantity of potassium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['potassium_carbonate'].m_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN052The number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure a monthly quantity of potassium carbonate. This value should be reported as a number and should be within the range of 0 to 12 months. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelDTOsMap['potassium_carbonate'].m_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN053Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure monthly mass fraction of potassium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['potassium_carbonate'].mf_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN054The number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure a monthly mass fraction of potassium carbonate. This value should be reported as a number and should be within the range of 0 to 12 months. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelDTOsMap['potassium_carbonate'].mf_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN055Method used to determine the fraction of calcination for potassium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['potassium_carbonate'].f_method 
NN056Method used to determine the fraction of calcination for potassium carbonate. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['potassium_carbonate'].f_methodOther 
NN057Mass fraction verification test data for potassium carbonate. These data elements are required. fuelDTOsMap['potassium_carbonate'].mf_testDetails 
NN058Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure monthly quantity of lithium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['lithium_carbonate'].m_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN059The number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure a monthly quantity of lithium carbonate. This value should be reported as a number and should be within the range of 0 to 12 months. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelDTOsMap['lithium_carbonate'].m_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN060Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure monthly mass fraction of lithium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['lithium_carbonate'].mf_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN061The number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure a monthly mass fraction of lithium carbonate. This value should be reported as a number and should be within the range of 0 to 12 months. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelDTOsMap['lithium_carbonate'].mf_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN062Method used to determine the fraction of calcination for lithium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['lithium_carbonate'].f_method 
NN063Method used to determine the fraction of calcination for lithium carbonate. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['lithium_carbonate'].f_methodOther 
NN064Mass fraction verification test data for lithium carbonate. These data elements are required. fuelDTOsMap['lithium_carbonate'].mf_testDetails 
NN065Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure monthly quantity of strontium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['strontium_carbonate'].m_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN066The number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure a monthly quantity of strontium carbonate. This value should be reported as a number and should be within the range of 0 to 12 months. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelDTOsMap['strontium_carbonate'].m_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN067Number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure monthly mass fraction of strontium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['strontium_carbonate'].mf_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN068The number of months in the reporting year that missing data procedures were followed to measure a monthly mass fraction of strontium carbonate. This value should be reported as a number and should be within the range of 0 to 12 months. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelDTOsMap['strontium_carbonate'].mf_monthsOfMissingdataProc 
NN069Method used to determine the fraction of calcination for strontium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['strontium_carbonate'].f_method 
NN070Method used to determine the fraction of calcination for strontium carbonate. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['strontium_carbonate'].f_methodOther 
NN071Mass fraction verification test data for strontium carbonate. These data elements are required. fuelDTOsMap['strontium_carbonate'].mf_testDetails 
NN075Mass fraction verification test date. This data element is required. testDate 
NN077The mass fraction of the sample. This data element is required. samples[0] 
NN078The mass fraction of the sample, expressed as a decimal fraction, should be within the range of 0 to 1. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. samples[0] 
NN079The mass fraction of the sample. This data element is required. samples[1] 
NN080The mass fraction of the sample, expressed as a decimal fraction, should be within the range of 0 to 1. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. samples[1] 
NN081The mass fraction of the sample. This data element is required. samples[2] 
NN082The mass fraction of the sample, expressed as a decimal fraction, should be within the range of 0 to 1. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. samples[2] 
NN083The mass fraction of the sample. This data element is required. samples[3] 
NN084The mass fraction of the sample, expressed as a decimal fraction, should be within the range of 0 to 1. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. samples[3] 
NN085The mass fraction of the sample. This data element is required. samples[4] 
NN086The mass fraction of the sample, expressed as a decimal fraction, should be within the range of 0 to 1. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. samples[4] 
NN088The method (and any variations) used to determine the mass fraction for limestone. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['limestone'].a_method 
NN089The method (and any variations) used to determine the mass fraction for limestone. You selected "Test Method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['limestone'].a_methodTest 
NN090The method (and any variations) used to determine the mass fraction for dolomite. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['dolomite'].a_method 
NN091The method (and any variations) used to determine the mass fraction for dolomite. You selected "Test Method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['dolomite'].a_methodTest 
NN092The method (and any variations) used to determine the mass fraction for sodium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['sodium_carbonate'].a_method 
NN093The method (and any variations) used to determine the mass fraction for sodium carbonate. You selected "Test Method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['sodium_carbonate'].a_methodTest 
NN094The method (and any variations) used to determine the mass fraction for barium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['barium_carbonate'].a_method 
NN095The method (and any variations) used to determine the mass fraction for barium carbonate. You selected "Test Method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['barium_carbonate'].a_methodTest 
NN096The method (and any variations) used to determine the mass fraction for potassium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['potassium_carbonate'].a_method 
NN097The method (and any variations) used to determine the mass fraction for potassium carbonate. You selected "Test Method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['potassium_carbonate'].a_methodTest 
NN098The method (and any variations) used to determine the mass fraction for lithium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['lithium_carbonate'].a_method 
NN099The method (and any variations) used to determine the mass fraction for lithium carbonate. You selected "Test Method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['lithium_carbonate'].a_methodTest 
NN100The method (and any variations) used to determine the mass fraction for strontium carbonate. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['strontium_carbonate'].a_method 
NN101The method (and any variations) used to determine the mass fraction for strontium carbonate. You selected "Test Method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelDTOsMap['strontium_carbonate'].a_methodTest 
NN200Annual quantity of limestone charged to furnace (tons). This data element is required. cemsFuelDTOsMap['limestone'].annualQuantityCharged 
NN201Annual quantity of dolomite charged to furnace (tons). This data element is required. cemsFuelDTOsMap['dolomite'].annualQuantityCharged 
NN202Annual quantity of sodium carbonate charged to furnace (tons). This data element is required. cemsFuelDTOsMap['sodium_carbonate'].annualQuantityCharged 
NN203Annual quantity of barium carbonate charged to furnace (tons). This data element is required. cemsFuelDTOsMap['barium_carbonate'].annualQuantityCharged 
NN204Annual quantity of potassium carbonate charged to furnace (tons). This data element is required. cemsFuelDTOsMap['potassium_carbonate'].annualQuantityCharged 
NN205Annual quantity of lithium carbonate charged to furnace (tons). This data element is required. cemsFuelDTOsMap['lithium_carbonate'].annualQuantityCharged 
NN206Annual quantity of strontium carbonate charged to furnace (tons). This data element is required. cemsFuelDTOsMap['strontium_carbonate'].annualQuantityCharged 
NN207You have selected Subpart N for reporting, but you have not yet added a furnace. groupUnit 
NN504You indicated that a unit [{1}] is monitored by CEMS, but you have not associated it with any CEMS Monitoring Locations (CMLs). From the Subpart N Overview page, click on the CML Name/Identifier to which this unit exhausts (or use the "ADD a CEMS Monitoring Location" link to create a new one). On the bottom of Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location page, use the "ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location" link to select this unit. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[monitored] 
NUM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
NUM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
NNALL0001CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveCasNumber'] 
NNALL0002Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveChemicalFormula'] 
NNNN001Supplier Type. This data element is required. supplierCategory 
NNNN002Natural gas delivered to Residential consumers. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. subPartNNEndUsesLDC.volumeResidentialConsumers 
NNNN003Residential consumers. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. subPartNNEndUsesLDC.volumeResidentialConsumers 
NNNN005Natural gas delivered to Commercial consumers. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. subPartNNEndUsesLDC.volumeCommercialConsumers 
NNNN006Commercial consumers. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. subPartNNEndUsesLDC.volumeCommercialConsumers 
NNNN008Natural gas delivered to Industrial consumers. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. subPartNNEndUsesLDC.volumeIndustrialConsumers 
NNNN009Industrial consumers. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. subPartNNEndUsesLDC.volumeIndustrialConsumers 
NNNN011Natural gas delivered to Electricity generating facilities. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. subPartNNEndUsesLDC.volumeGeneratingFacs 
NNNN012Electricity generating facilities. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. subPartNNEndUsesLDC.volumeGeneratingFacs 
NNNN014Annual Volume of Natural Gas received for processing. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. subPartNNMiscInfoNGL.naturalGasReceived 
NNNN015Annual Volume of Natural Gas received for processing. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. subPartNNMiscInfoNGL.naturalGasReceived 
NNNN019Annual quantity of Propane odorized at the facility and delivered to others. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. subPartNNMiscInfoNGL.propaneDelivered 
NNNN020Annual quantity of Propane odorized at the facility and delivered to others. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. subPartNNMiscInfoNGL.propaneDelivered 
NNNN022Supplier Type. This data element is required. supplierCategory 
NNNN023Total annual volume of natural gas received at the city gate(s). This data element is required. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.fuelVolume 
NNNN024Total annual volume of natural gas received at the city gate(s). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.fuelVolume 
NNNN026Days in reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used. This data element is required. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN027Number of days in the reporting year for which missing data procedures were used. This value should be within the range of 0 to 365 days (or 366 days for leap years). The value you provided is outside this range. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN029Industry standard used to measure the volume. This data element is required. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.standardOfMeasure 
NNNN030Industry standard used to measure the volume. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.standardOfMeasureOtherDesc 
NNNN031Total annual volume of product supplied. This data element is required. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.fuelVolume 
NNNN032Total annual volume of product supplied. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.fuelVolume 
NNNN038Days in reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used. This data element is required. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN039Number of days in the reporting year for which missing data procedures were used. This value should be between 0 and 365 days (or 366 days for a leap year). The value you provided is outside this range. You must correct the value before submitting your report. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN041Industry standard used to measure the volume. This data element is required. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.standardOfMeasure 
NNNN042Industry standard used to measure the volume. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.standardOfMeasureOtherDesc 
NNNN043Higher heating value. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. hhv.hhvValue 
NNNN044Higher heating value. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the value before submitting your report. hhv.hhvValue 
NNNN046Higher heating value. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. hhv.hhvValue 
NNNN047Days in reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. hhv.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN048Number of days in the reporting year for which missing data procedures were used. This value should be between 0 and 365 days (366 days for leap years). The value you provided is outside this range. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. hhv.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN050Industry standard used to measure Higher Heating Value. This data element is required. hhv.standardOfDevelopment 
NNNN051Industry standard used to measure Higher Heating Value. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. hhv.standardOfDevelopmentOtherDesc 
NNNN052CO2 Emissions Factor. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ef1.efValue 
NNNN053CO2 Emissions Factor. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ef1.efValue 
NNNN055CO2 emissions factor. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. ef1.isReporterSpecific 
NNNN056Days in reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ef1.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN057Number of days in the reporting year for which missing data procedures were used. This value should be between 0 and 365 days (366 days for leap years). The value you provided is outside this range. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. ef1.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN059Industry standard used to measure CO2 emissions factor. This data element is required. ef1.standardOfDevelopment 
NNNN060Industry standard used to measure CO2 emissions factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. ef1.standardOfDevelopmentOtherDesc 
NNNN061Higher heating value. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. hhv.hhvValue 
NNNN062Higher heating value. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. hhv.hhvValue 
NNNN068Higher heating value. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. hhv.hhvValue 
NNNN069Days in reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. hhv.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN070Number of days in the reporting year for which missing data procedures were used. This value should be between 0 and 365 days (366 days for leap years). The value you provided is outside this range. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. hhv.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN072Industry standard used to measure Higher Heating Value. This data element is required. hhv.standardOfDevelopment 
NNNN073Industry standard used to measure Higher Heating Value. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. hhv.standardOfDevelopmentOtherDesc 
NNNN074CO2 Emissions Factor. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ef1.efValue 
NNNN075CO2 Emissions Factor. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ef1.efValue 
NNNN081CO2 emissions factor. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. ef1.isReporterSpecific 
NNNN082Days in reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ef1.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN083Number of days in the reporting year for which missing data procedures were used. This value should be between 0 and 365 days (366 days for leap years). The value you provided is outside this range. You must correct the value before submitting your report. ef1.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN085Industry standard used to measure CO2 emissions factor. This data element is required. ef1.standardOfDevelopment 
NNNN086Industry standard used to measure CO2 emissions factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. ef1.standardOfDevelopmentOtherDesc 
NNNN087CO2 quantities associated with Natural Gas Received at the City Gate(s). This data element is required. co2iEmissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
NNNN088CO2 quantities associated with Natural Gas Received at the City Gate(s). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. co2iEmissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
NNNN089What result do you want to report to EPA? This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. co2iEmissions.isUserOverriddenCo2 
NNNN090What result do you want to report to EPA?. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. co2iEmissions.isUserOverriddenCo2 
NNNN091You selected "Enter my own result" but did not enter a value. Either enter a value or select "Use the calculated result rounded". co2iEmissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
NNNN092Report this value. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. co2iEmissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
NNNN093Total annual volume of product received at the city gate(s). This data element is required. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.fuelVolume 
NNNN094Total annual volume of product received at the city gate(s). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.fuelVolume 
NNNN096Days in reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used. This data element is required. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN097Number of days in the reporting year for which missing data procedures were used. This value should be between 0 and 365 days (366 days for leap years). The value you provided is outside this range. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN099Industry standard used to measure the volume. This data element is required. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.standardOfMeasure 
NNNN100Industry standard used to measure the volume. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.standardOfMeasureOtherDesc 
NNNN101Total annual volume of product supplied. This data element is required. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.fuelVolume 
NNNN102Total annual volume of product supplied. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.fuelVolume 
NNNN108Days in reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used. This data element is required. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN109Number of days in the reporting year for which missing data procedures were used. This value should be between 0 and 365 days (366 days for leap years). The value you provided is outside this range. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN111Industry standard used to measure the volume. This data element is required. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.standardOfMeasure 
NNNN112Industry standard used to measure the volume. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. fuelVolumeNN1_NN2.standardOfMeasureOtherDesc 
NNNN113CO2 emissions factor. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ef2.efValue 
NNNN114CO2 emissions factor. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ef2.efValue 
NNNN116Emission Factor. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ef2.isReporterSpecific 
NNNN117Days in reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ef2.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN118Number of days in the reporting year for which missing data procedures were used. This value should be between 0 and 365 days (366 days for leap years). The value you provided is outside this range. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. ef2.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN120Industry standard used to measure CO2 emissions factor. This data element is required. ef2.standardOfDevelopment 
NNNN121Industry standard used to measure CO2 emissions factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. ef2.standardOfDevelopmentOtherDesc 
NNNN122CO2 emissions factor. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ef2.efValue 
NNNN123CO2 emissions factor. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ef2.efValue 
NNNN129Emission Factor. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. ef2.isReporterSpecific 
NNNN130Days in reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ef2.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN131Number of days in the reporting year for which missing data procedures were used. This value should be between 0 and 365 days (366 days for leap years). The value you provided is outside this range. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. ef2.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN133Industry standard used to measure CO2 emissions factor. This data element is required. ef2.standardOfDevelopment 
NNNN134Industry standard used to measure CO2 emissions factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. ef2.standardOfDevelopmentOtherDesc 
NNNN135What result do you want to report to EPA?. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. co2iEmissions.isUserOverriddenCo2 
NNNN136CO2 quantities associated with Natural Gas Received at the City Gate(s). This data element is required. co2iEmissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
NNNN137CO2 quantities associated with Natural Gas Received at the City Gate(s). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. co2iEmissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
NNNN138What result do you want to report to EPA?. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. co2iEmissions.isUserOverriddenCo2 
NNNN139You selected "Enter my own result" but did not enter a value. Either enter a value or select "Use the calculated result rounded". co2iEmissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
NNNN140Report this value. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. co2iEmissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
NNNN141Total annual volume of natural gas delivered to downstream pipelines and other LDCs. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. fuelVolumeNN3.fuelVolume 
NNNN142Total annual volume of natural gas delivered to downstream pipelines and other LDCs. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelVolumeNN3.fuelVolume 
NNNN144Days in reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. fuelVolumeNN3.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN145Number of days in the reporting year for which missing data procedures were used. This value should be between 0 and 365 days (366 days for leap years). The value you provided is outside this range. You must correct the value before submitting your report. fuelVolumeNN3.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN147CO2 emissions factor. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ef3.efValue 
NNNN148CO2 emissions factor. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ef3.efValue 
NNNN150EF. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. ef3.isReporterSpecific 
NNNN151Days in reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ef3.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN152Number of days in the reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used. This value should be between 0 and 365 days (366 days for leap years). The value you provided is outside this range. You must correct the value before submitting your report. ef3.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN154Industry standard used to measure CO2 emissions factor. This data element is required. ef3.standardOfDevelopment 
NNNN155Industry standard used to measure CO2 emissions factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. ef3.standardOfDevelopmentOtherDesc 
NNNN156What result do you want to report to EPA? This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. co2jEmissions.isUserOverriddenCo2 
NNNN157CO2 quantities associated with Natural Gas delivered to Transmission Pipelines or Other LDCs. This data element is required. co2jEmissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
NNNN158CO2 quantities associated with Natural Gas delivered to Transmission Pipelines or Other LDCs. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. co2jEmissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
NNNN159CO2 emissions factor. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ef4.efValue 
NNNN160CO2 emissions factor. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ef4.efValue 
NNNN162EF. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. ef4.isReporterSpecific 
NNNN163Days in reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ef4.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN164Number of days in the reporting year for which missing data procedures were used. This value should be between 0 and 365 days (366 days for leap years). The value you provided is outside this range. You must correct the value before submitting your report. ef4.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN166Industry standard used to measure CO2 emissions factor. This data element is required. ef4.standardOfDevelopment 
NNNN167Industry standard used to measure CO2 emissions factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. ef4.standardOfDevelopmentOtherDesc 
NNNN168You selected "Enter my own result" but did not enter a value. Either enter a value or select "Use the calculated result rounded". co2kEmissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
NNNN169Report this value. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. co2kEmissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
NNNN170What result do you want to report to EPA? This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. co2kEmissions.isUserOverriddenCo2 
NNNN171Annual volume of natural gas delivered to a large end-user\'s facility or the amount delivered to a specific meter located at a large end-user\'s facility. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. fuelVolume.fuelVolume 
NNNN172Annual volume of natural gas delivered to a large end-user\'s facility or the amount delivered to a specific meter located at a large end-user\'s facility. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelVolume.fuelVolume 
NNNN213GHG Quantities Calculation Methodology. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodology 
NNNN214Total annual volume of NGL product received. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. fuelVolumeNN7.fuelVolume 
NNNN215Total annual volume of NGL product supplied. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. fuelVolumeNN7.fuelVolume 
NNNN221Days in reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. fuelVolumeNN7.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN222Number of days in the reporting year for which missing data procedures were used. This value should be between 0 and 365 days (366 days for leap years). The value you provided is outside this range. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. fuelVolumeNN7.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN224CO2 emissions factor. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ef7.efValue 
NNNN225CO2 emissions factor. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ef7.efValue 
NNNN231EF. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. ef7.isReporterSpecific 
NNNN232Days in reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ef7.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN233Number of days in the reporting year for which missing data procedures were used. This value should be between 0 and 365 days (366 days for leap years). The value you provided is outside this range. You must correct the value before submitting your report. ef7.daysSubstituteDataProceduresUsed 
NNNN235Industry standard used to measure CO2 emissions factor. This data element is required. ef7.standardOfDevelopment 
NNNN236Industry standard used to measure CO2 emissions factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. ef7.standardOfDevelopmentOtherDesc 
NNNN237What result do you want to report to EPA?. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. co2mEmissions.isUserOverriddenCo2 
NNNN238You selected "Enter my own result" but did not enter a value. Either enter a value or select "Use the calculated result rounded". co2mEmissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
NNNN239Report this value. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. co2mEmissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
NNNN240GHG Emissions Calculation Methodology. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodology 
NNNN280Large End-User Name. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. customerName 
NNNN281Large End-User Address. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. customerAddress 
NNNN282Meter Number. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. meterNumber 
NNNN400The annual GHG quantity for Subpart NN has not been reported. This data element is required pursuant to 40 CFR 98.3(c)(5)(ii). transientData['subpartNNAnnualCO2'] 
NNNN401The annual GHG quantity for Subpart NN has not been reported. This data element is required pursuant to 40 CFR 98.3(c)(5)(ii). transientData['subpartNNAnnualCO2'] 
NNNN403No NGL product has been reported for Subpart NN. nglProductMap['Ethane'] 
NNNN404The name of a supplied NGL product has not been reported. This data element is required. suppliedFuelName 
NNNN405The name of a received NGL product has not been reported. This data element is required. receivedFuelName 
NNNN407The GHG {1} is not valid for Subpart NN. Please check the value you entered and correct before continuing. transientData['gasName'] 
NNNN410More than one NGL fuel details have been reported for ethane. Please correct before continuing. transientData['ethaneSuppliedCount'] 
NNNN411More than one NGL fuel details have been reported for butane. Please correct before continuing. transientData['butaneSuppliedCount'] 
NNNN412More than one NGL fuel details have been reported for isobutane. Please correct before continuing. transientData['isobutaneSuppliedCount'] 
NNNN413More than one NGL fuel details have been reported for propane. Please correct before continuing. transientData['propaneSuppliedCount'] 
NNNN414More than one NGL fuel details have been reported for pentanes plus. Please correct before continuing. transientData['pentanesPlusSuppliedCount'] 
NNNN415The CO2 units of measure of {1} for Subpart NN is not valid. It should be Metric Tons. Please check the value you entered and correct before continuing. transientData['co2UOM'] 
NNNN416The units of measure for the GHG quantity calculated using Equation NN-1 for the NGL product is not valid. It should be Metric Tons. Please check the value you entered and correct before continuing. transientData['nn1UOM_NGL'] 
NNNN417The units of measure for the GHG quantity calculated using Equation NN-2 for the NGL product is not valid. It should be Metric Tons. Please check the value you entered and correct before continuing. transientData['nn2UOM_NGL'] 
NNNN418The units of measure for the GHG quantity calculated using Equation NN-7 for the NGL product is not valid. It should be Metric Tons. Please check the value you entered and correct before continuing. transientData['nn7UOM'] 
NNNN419The units of measure for the GHG quantity calculated using Equation NN-1 for the LDC product is not valid. It should be Metric Tons. Please check the value you entered and correct before continuing. transientData['nn1UOM_LDC'] 
NNNN420The units of measure for the GHG quantity calculated using Equation NN-2 for the LDC product is not valid. It should be Metric Tons. Please check the value you entered and correct before continuing. transientData['nn2UOM_LDC'] 
NNNN421The units of measure for the GHG quantity calculated using Equation NN-3 for the LDC product is not valid. It should be Metric Tons. Please check the value you entered and correct before continuing. transientData['nn3UOM'] 
NNNN422The units of measure for the GHG quantity calculated using Equation NN-4 for the LDC product is not valid. It should be Metric Tons. Please check the value you entered and correct before continuing. transientData['nn4UOM'] 
NNNN423The units of measure for the GHG quantity calculated using Equation NN-5a for the LDC product is not valid. It should be Metric Tons. Please check the value you entered and correct before continuing. transientData['nn5aUOM'] 
NNNN424The units of measure for the GHG quantity calculated using Equation NN-5b for the LDC product is not valid. It should be Metric Tons. Please check the value you entered and correct before continuing. transientData['nn5bUOM'] 
NNNN425The annual GHG quantity calculated using equation NN-5a for the LDC has not been reported. This data element is required. transientData['annualCo2FromEquationNN5a'] 
NNNN426The annual GHG quantity calculated using equation NN-5b for the LDC has not been reported. This data element is required. transientData['annualCo2FromEquationNN5b'] 
NNNN470US State or Territory covered in this report. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. transientData['stateTerritoryCovered'] 
NNNN600You have not indicated your supplier type (natural gas local distribution company or fractionator of natural gas liquids). supplierCategory 
OIVT-O100aYou have not added any equation inputs data for the annual mass of HCFC-22 produced. Please use the Inputs Verifier Tool to enter equation inputs for the annual mass of HCFC-22 produced for this process. systemCalculatedUnroundedAnnualMass 
OIVT-O101aYou have not added any equation inputs data for the annual HFC-23 emissions from the Process (calculated using equation O-4). Please use the Inputs Verifier Tool to enter equation inputs for annual HFC-23 emissions from the process calculated using equation O-4. systemCalculatedUnroundedHFC23EqO4 
OO-001You have selected Subpart O for reporting, but you have not yet initiated it. isSetupInitiated 
OO-002Please indicate if the facility produces HCFC-22. This data element is required. doesFacilityProduceHCFC22 
OO-003Please indicate if the facility sends any HFC-23 offsite for destruction. This data element is required. doesFacilityDestroyHFCOffsite 
OO-004Please indicate if the facility destroys HFC-23 onsite. This data element is required. doesFacilityDestroyHFCOnsite 
OO-008You have indicated that your facility sends HFC-23 offsite for destruction but haven\'t added any Off-Site HFC-23 Destruction Facility Information. doesFacilityDestroyHFCOffsite 
OO-010You have indicated that your facility destroys HFC-23 onsite but haven\'t added any On-Site HFC-23 Destruction Process Information. doesFacilityDestroyHFCOnsite 
OO-012The combined mass of all materials other than HCFC-22 and HFC-23. This data element is required. combinedMassOfMaterialsRemoved 
OO-013aIndicate whether the annual mass of combined mass of all materials other than HCFC-22 and HFC-23 for the process is based on a missing data procedure. This data element is required. isAnnualMassBasedOnMDP 
OO-014aIf the annual mass of combined mass of all materials other than HCFC-22 and HFC-23 for the process is based on a missing data procedure then enter Number of hours that a missing data procedure was used. This data element is required. nOHMissingDataProcedureWasUsed 
OO-015Method for tracking startups, shutdowns, and malfunctions and HFC-23 generation/emissions during these events. This data element is required. trackingMethod 
OO-017Add reactants that are fed into the process. This data element is required. reactants 
OO-019aAnnual mass of HFC-23 emitted from all equipment leaks from the process. This data element is required. annualMassOfHFC23EquLeaks 
OO-020aWas the annual mass of HFC-23 emitted from all equipment leaks from the process based on a missing data procedure. This data element is required. isAnnualMassOfHFC23BasedOnMDPEquLeaks 
OO-021Number of hours a missing data procedure was used to determine the annual mass of HFC-23 emitted from all equipment leaks. This data element is required. numberOfHoursMDPWereUsedEquLeaks 
OO-022aAnnual mass of HFC-23 emitted from all process vents for the process. This data element is required. annualMassOfHFC23ProcessVents 
OO-023aWas the annual mass of HFC-23 emitted from all process vents for the process based on a missing data procedure. This data element is required. isAnnualMassOfHFC23BasedOnMDPProcessVents 
OO-024Number of hours a missing data procedure was used to determine the annual mass of HFC-23 emitted from all process vents. This data element is required. numberOfHoursMDPWereUsedProcessVents 
OO-026Reactant fed into the process. This data element is required. nameOfReactant 
OO-027Identify other reactant fed into the process. This data element is required. otherNameOfreactant 
OO-028Annual mass of reactant fed into the process. This data element is required. annualMassFedIntoReactant 
OO-029Indicate whether the annual mass of the reactant fed into the process is based on a missing data procedure. This data element is required. isAnnualMassBasedOnMDP 
OO-030Number of hours that a missing data procedure was used to determine the annual mass of the reactant fed into the process. This data element is required. numberOfHoursMDPWasUsed 
OO-031Facility Name. Please provide a unique name. facilityName 
OO-032Facility Name. This data element is required. facilityName 
OO-033Street Address. This data element is required. streetAddress 
OO-034City. This data element is required. city 
OO-035City. Please enter a valid city name. city 
OO-036State. This data element is required. state 
OO-037Zip/Postal Code. This data element is required. zip 
OO-038Zip/Postal Code. US Zip needs to be 5 or 10 numbers. zip 
OO-039Quantity of HFC-23 sent to this facility. This data element is required. quantityofHFC23 
OO-040Is the quantity of HFC-23 sent to this facility based on a missing data procedure. This data element is required. isQuantityofHFC23BasedOnMDP 
OO-041Number of hours a missing data procedure was used to determine the quantity of HFC-23 sent to this facility. This data element is required. noOfHrsMDPUsedForQuantityofHFC23 
OO-042Unit Name. This data element is required. unitName 
OO-043Unit Description. This data element is required. unitDescription 
OO-044Is the annual mass of HFC-23 fed into the destruction device at the facility based on a missing data procedure. This data element is required. isAnnualMassOfHFCFedBasedOnMDP 
OO-045Number of hours a missing data procedure was used to determine the annual mass of HFC-23 fed into the destruction device. This data element is required. noOfHrsAnnualMassOfHFCFedBasedOnMDP 
OO-046Is the annual mass of HFC-23 emitted from the destruction device at the facility based on a missing data procedure. This data element is required. isAnnualMassOfHFCEmittedBasedOnMDP 
OO-047Number of hours a missing data procedure was used to determine the annual mass of HFC-23 emitted from the destruction device. This data element is required. noOfHrsAnnualMassOfHFCEmittedBasedOnMDP 
OO-048Concentration of HFC-23 measured at the outlet of the destruction device during the facility\'s annual HFC-23 concentration measurements at the outlet of the device. This data element is required. concentrationOfHFC23Measured 
OO-050Detection limit concentration. This data element is required. detectionLimitConcentration 
OO-051Detection limit concentration units. This data element is required. concentrationUnits 
OO-052Was the HFC-23 concentration measured pursuant to §98.154(l) greater than that measured during the performance test that was the basis for the destruction efficiency. This data element is required. isConGTPerformanceTest 
OO-058Methods used to determine destruction efficiency. This data element is required. methodsUsedToDetermineDE 
OO-059Methods used to record the mass of HFC-23 destroyed. This data element is required. methodsUsedToRecordMassOfHFC23Destroyed 
OO-060Name of other relevant federal or state regulations that may apply to the destruction process. This data element is required. nameOfOtherFederalOrStateReg 
OO-062Unit Name. Please provide a unique name. unitName 
OO-063For the "Indication if the facility produces HCFC-22," "Indication if the facility sends any HFC-23 offsite for destruction," and "Indication if the facility destroys HFC-23 onsite," all 3 cannot be selected as NO. doesFacilityProduceHCFC22 
OO-064Parameter for which missing data were used. This data element is required. parameterMissingDataUsed 
OO-065Other parameter. This data element is required. otherParameterMissingData 
OO-066Other parameter should be maximum 200 characters long. otherParameterMissingData 
OO-067Equipment Leaks, EL (part of Equation O-5): Parameter for which missing data were used. This data element is required. parameterEquLeaks 
OO-068Equipment Leaks, EL (part of Equation O-5): Other parameter. This data element is required. otherParameterEquLeaks 
OO-069Equipment Leaks, EL (part of Equation O-5): Other parameter should be maximum 200 characters long. otherParameterEquLeaks 
OO-070Process Vents, EPV (part of Equation O-5): Parameter for which missing data were used. This data element is required. parameterProcessVents 
OO-071Process Vents, EPV (part of Equation O-5): Other parameter. This data element is required. otherParameterProcessVents 
OO-072Process Vents, EPV (part of Equation O-5): Other parameter should be maximum 200 characters long. otherParameterProcessVents 
OO-073Parameter for which missing data were used. This data element is required. parameterMissingDataProcedure 
OO-074Other parameter. This data element is required. otherParameterMissingDataProcedure 
OO-075Other parameter should be maximum 200 characters long. otherParameterMissingDataProcedure 
OO-076HFC-23 Fed into the Destruction Device: Parameter for which missing data were used. This data element is required. parameterFedIntoDestructionDevice 
OO-077HFC-23 Fed into the Destruction Device: Other parameter. This data element is required. otherParameterFedIntoDestructionDevice 
OO-078HFC-23 Fed into the Destruction Device: Other parameter should be maximum 200 characters long. otherParameterFedIntoDestructionDevice 
OO-079HFC-23 emitted from the Destruction Device: Parameter for which missing data were used. This data element is required. parameterEmittedFromDestructionDevice 
OO-080HFC-23 emitted from the Destruction Device: Other parameter. This data element is required. otherParameterEmittedFromDestructionDevice 
OO-081HFC-23 emitted from the Destruction Device: Other parameter should be maximum 200 characters long. otherParameterEmittedFromDestructionDevice 
OO-082Indicate the method used to calculate the revised destruction efficiency, specifying whether §98.154(l)(1) or (2) was used. This data element is required. revisedDestructionEfficiencyCalculationMethod 
OO-083You have indicated that your facility produces HCFC-22 but have not added any HCFC-22 Production Process Information doesFacilityProduceHCFC22 
OO-084Unique Product Process Name/ID. This data element is required. productProcessNameOrId 
OO-085Please indicate how your HFC-23 emissions are estimated. This data element is required. areHFC23EmissionsBasedOnEquO4 
OO-086Unique Product Process Name/ID. Please provide a unique Name/ID. productProcessNameOrId 
OO-089Was the HFC-23 fed into the on-site destruction process originally generated by an on-site HCFC-22 production process? This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. eqO8HFCAddedToTotalEmissions 
OO-094You have indicated this production process uses a destruction device that is connected to the HCFC-22 production equipment, but haven\'t added a destruction device. transientData['foundDesDevice'] 
OOGHG-ADD-1The greenhouse gas you are attempting to add is invalid because it already exists on the selection list provided, or you are attempting to add "carbon dioxide" or "methane" which are not applicable to Subpart OO reporting. Please enter a unique greenhouse gas, or click CANCEL. ghgExists 
OOGHG-ADD-3The greenhouse gas you are attempting to add is invalid because it has a chemical formula of "CO2", "CH4", "N2O", "CF4", "C2F6" or "CHF3". Greenhouse gases with these chemical formulas cannot be added as an "other" gas. Please enter a unique greenhouse gas, or click CANCEL. ghgInvalidFormula 
OOOO-006You have not uploaded a reporting form file. jctSubPartFacility 
OOOO0251Chemical Formula: Chemical Formula must be reported if an Other F-GHG is listed in Column O. (Exports Tab, Column Q) chemicalFormula 
OOOO0252Chemical Formula: Chemical Formula must be reported if an Other GHG is listed in Column I. (Imports Tab, Column K) chemicalFormula 
OOOO0253Chemical Formula: Chemical Formula must be reported if an Other F-GHG is listed in Column L. (Import Destruction Tab, Column N) chemicalFormula 
OOOO0254Chemical Formula: Chemical Formula must be reported if an Other F-GHG is listed in Column J. (Import Transformation Tab, Column L) chemicalFormula 
OOOO0255Chemical Formula must be reported if an Other F-GHG is listed in Column F. (Offsite Destruction Tab, Part 5b, Column H) chemicalFormula 
OOOO0256Chemical Formula must be reported if an Other F-GHG is listed in Column F. (Offsite Destruction Tab, Part 4b, Column H) chemicalFormula 
OOOO0257Chemical Formula: Chemical Formula must be reported of an Other F-GHG is listed in Column E. (Onsite Destruction Tab, Column G) chemicalFormula 
OOOO0258Chemical Formula must be reported if an Other GHG is listed in Column F. (Onsite Transformation Tab, Column H) chemicalFormula 
OOOO0259Chemical Formula: Chemical Formula must be reported if an Other F-GHG is listed in Column F. (Products Tab, Column H) chemicalFormula 
OOOO0260Does the process transform a GHG produced at an off-site location. A Yes or No response is required for this data element. (Processes Tab, Column F) processTransformIndicator 
OOOO0261Was the mass determined using a missing data procedure? A Yes or No response is required for this data element. (Onsite Transformation Tab, Column L) massMissingProcedureInd 
OOOO0262Was any of the mass that was fed into the transformation process determined using a missing data procedure? A Yes or No response is required for this data element. (Onsite Transformation Tab, Column L) massFedMissingProcedureInd 
OOOO0263Was the F-GHG or F-HTF mass determined using a missing data procedure? A Yes or No response is required for this data element. (Onsite Destruction Tab, Column K) massMissingProcedureInd 
OOOO0264You have entered a blend name on the [Imports tab] that we do not recognize. Please check [{1}] and ensure you have selected an entry from the picklist. If you determine that the blend you have listed is not on the F-GHG Tab please report each of the blend\'s components on separate rows. importedN2OorFGHG 
OOOO0265You have entered a blend name on the [Imports tab] that we do not recognize. Please check [{1}] and ensure you have selected an entry from the picklist. If you determine that the blend you have listed is not on the F-GHG Tab please report each of the blend\'s components on separate rows. importedN2OorFGHGExtended 
OOOO0266You have entered a blend name on the [Import Destruction tab] that we do not recognize. Please check [{1}] and ensure you have selected an entry from the picklist. If you determine that the blend you have listed is not on the F-GHG Tab please report each of the blend\'s components on separate rows. destroyedFGHG 
OOOO0267You have entered a blend name on the [Import Destruction tab] that we do not recognize. Please check [{1}] and ensure you have selected an entry from the picklist. If you determine that the blend you have listed is not on the F-GHG Tab please report each of the blend\'s components on separate rows. destroyedFGHGExtended 
OOOO0268You have entered a blend name on the [Import Transformation tab] that we do not recognize. Please check [{1}] and ensure you have selected an entry from the picklist. If you determine that the blend you have listed is not on the F-GHG Tab please report each of the blend\'s components on separate rows. transferredFGHG 
OOOO0269You have entered a blend name on the [Import Transformation tab] that we do not recognize. Please check [{1}] and ensure you have selected an entry from the picklist. If you determine that the blend you have listed is not on the F-GHG Tab please report each of the blend\'s components on separate rows. transferredFGHGExtended 
OOOO0270You have entered a blend name on the [Exports tab] that we do not recognize. Please check [{1}] and ensure you have selected an entry from the picklist. If you determine that the blend you have listed is not on the F-GHG Tab please report each of the blend\'s components on separate rows. fghgDestroyedSoldTransferred 
OOOO0271You have entered a blend name on the [Exports tab] that we do not recognize. Please check [{1}] and ensure you have selected an entry from the picklist. If you determine that the blend you have listed is not on the F-GHG Tab please report each of the blend\'s components on separate rows. fghgDestroyedSoldTransExtended 
PALL0001CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveCasNumber'] 
PALL0002Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveChemicalFormula'] 
PCEMSML-1Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have added one or more units monitored by CEMS, but have not yet added a CEMS Monitoring Location (CML). hasCEMSandNoCML 
PCEMSML-2CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have indicated that this unit is monitored by CEMS, but you have not yet associated it with any CEMS Monitoring Locations (CMLs). From the Subpart Overview page, click on the CML Name/Identifier to which this unit exhausts (or use the "ADD a CEMS Monitoring Location" link to create a new one). On the bottom of Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location page, use the "ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location" link to select this unit. hasCEMSandNoCMLUnits 
PCEMSML-3The same name or identifier already exists for this CEMS monitoring location in this facility. Please enter a unique name or identifier. cml 
PCML-027aFraction of nitrous oxide emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionN2oEmissions 
PCML-038Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalOperatingHrs 
PCML-039The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
PCML-040The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
PCML-041The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas moisture content. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasMoisture 
PCML-043The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This data element is required. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
PCML-046CEMS Monitoring Location process units. You did not select any process unit(s) for this CML. processUnits 
PCML-047aFraction of methane emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionCh4Emissions 
PCML-051Total Non-biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalNonbiogenicCo2emission 
PCML-052Total Biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalBiogenicCo2emission 
PCML-053Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totalch4emission 
PCML-054Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totaln2oemission 
PCML-055Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions measured by the CEMS. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPart ”any”/Tier4CEMSDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMStotalCo2ByCemsOrPart75If a subpart include CEM or Part75 reporting that subpart must include the <Tier4CEMSDetails> node with a <AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMS> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
PCML-056Total annual CO2 mass emissions (biogenic and non-biogenic) measured by the CEMS. This data element must be greater than or equal to biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. totalCo2ByCemsOrPart75 
PCML-057Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This data element is required. totalOperatingHrs 
PCML-058The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This data element is required. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
PCML-059You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. Please revise and make sure the Start Date is earlier than the End Date. methodologyEndDate 
PCML-060Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyStartDate 
PCML-061Configuration type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cemsConfigType 
PCML-062Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyEndDate 
PCML-063Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
PCML-064Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
PCML-065Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
PCML-066Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
PCML-067Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
PCML-068Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
PCML-069Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
PCML-070Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
PCML-071CEMS Monitoring Location Name/ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cmlName 
PCML-072Type(s) of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. fuelsCombusted 
PCML-076Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total methane emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totalch4emission 
PCML-077Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total nitrous oxide emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totaln2oemission 
PCML-078Types of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported fuel(s) and leave the types of fuel field blank, or click CANCEL. fuelsCombusted 
PCML-083Carbon dioxide emissions attributable to combustion. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported emissions and leave the types of emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. combustionCo2Emissions 
PCML-086The Calculation Methodology Start Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
PCML-087The Calculation Methodology Start Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
PCML-088The Calculation Methodology End Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
PCML-089The Calculation Methodology End Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
PIVT-P101The annual quantity of {1} (metric tons) reported for the gaseous fuel or feedstock {2} does not match the sum of the monthly quantities entered into the Inputs Verifier Tool for this fuel or feedstock, which was calculated as {3} (metric tons). Please review the annual and monthly quantities, noting the units of measure and correct this critical error. transientData['annualFeedstockConsumed'] 
PIVT-P102The annual quantity of {1} (metric tons) reported for the liquid fuel or feedstock {2} does not match the sum of the monthly quantities entered into the Inputs Verifier Tool for this fuel or feedstock, which was calculated as {3} (metric tons). Please review the annual and monthly quantities, noting the units of measure and correct this critical error. transientData['annualFeedstockConsumed'] 
PIVT-P103The annual quantity of {1} (metric tons) reported for the solid fuel or feedstock {2} does not match the sum of the monthly quantities entered into the Inputs Verifier Tool for this fuel or feedstock, which was calculated as {3} (metric tons). Please review the annual and monthly quantities, noting the units of measure and correct this critical error. transientData['annualFeedstockConsumed'] 
PP001Please make a selection or click CANCEL. hasCEMS 
PP002Annual quantity of carbon other than CO2 collected and transferred off site in either gas, liquid, or solid forms, excluding methanol. This data element is required. annualOtherCarbonTransferred 
PP003Annual quantity of carbon other than CO2 collected and transferred off site in eiher gas, liquid, or solid forms, excluding methanol. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualOtherCarbonTransferred 
PP005Feedstock Name. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. feedstockName 
PP006Feedstock Type. This data element is required. feedstockType 
PP011Hydrogen Produced. This data element is required. If no hydrogen was produced in the reporting year, please enter 0. hydrogenProduced 
PP012Hydrogen Produced. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. hydrogenProduced 
PP014Annual quantity of ammonia intentionally produced as a desired product, if applicable. This data element is required. If no ammonia was intentionally produced as a desired product in the reporting year, please enter 0. ammoniaProduced 
PP015Annual quantity of ammonia intentionally produced as a desired product, if applicable. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ammoniaProduced 
PP018You have not yet added a fuel or feedstock for this unit. feedstocks 
PP019Annual quantity of ammonia intentionally produced as a desired product, if applicable. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ammoniaProduced 
PP020Hydrogen Produced. This data element is required. If no hydrogen was produced in the reporting year, please enter 0. hydrogenProduced 
PP022Hydrogen Produced. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. hydrogenProduced 
PP023Annual quantity of ammonia intentionally produced as a desired product, if applicable. This data element is required. If no ammonia was produced in the reporting year, please enter 0. ammoniaProduced 
PP100The annual CO2 emissions for Subpart P [{1} (metric tons)] does not equal the sum of the CO2 emissions for all the units [{2} (metric tons)]. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[subpartPAnnualCO2] 
PP206You have selected Subpart P for reporting, but you have not yet added a unit. groupUnit 
PP211Other feedstock name. This data element is required. Please enter the required data, select a feedstock name from the list provided, or click CANCEL. otherFeedstockName 
PP212You have selected an unexpected feedstock type based on the feedstock name selected. For the feedstock name "Natural Gas" in unit {1}, you have selected {2} but the expected type for this feedstock is "gaseous feedstock". Please double check these values and revise, if necessary. If you determine the values are correct, please submit them as is. feedstockName 
PP213You have selected an unexpected feedstock type based on the feedstock name selected. For the feedstock name "Refinery Fuel Gas" in unit {1}, you have selected {2} but the expected type for this feedstock is "gaseous feedstock". Please double check these values and revise, if necessary. If you determine the values are correct, please submit them as is. feedstockName 
PP214You have selected an unexpected feedstock type based on the feedstock name selected. For the feedstock name "Brine" in unit {1}, you have selected {2} but the expected type for this feedstock is "liquid feedstock". Please double check these values and revise, if necessary. If you determine the values are correct, please submit them as is. feedstockName 
PUM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
PUM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
PPALL0001CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveCasNumber'] 
PPALL0002Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveChemicalFormula'] 
PPPP001Quarterly flow rate measurement, for quarter(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. flowRate 
PPPP002Quarterly flow rate measurement, for quarter(s) [{1}]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. flowRate 
PPPP013Eq. PP-1 official emissions value unrounded. This data element is required. co2Emissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
PPPP014Eq. PP-1 official emissions value unrounded. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. co2Emissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
PPPP016Eq. PP-1 override value indicator. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. co2Emissions.isUserOverriddenCo2 
PPPP017Eq. PP-2 official emissions value rounded. This data element is required. co2Emissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
PPPP018Eq. PP-2 official emissions value rounded. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. co2Emissions.officialUnroundedCo2 
PPPP020Eq. PP-2 override value indicator. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. co2Emissions.isUserOverriddenCo2 
PPPP021Unit type (flow meter or CO2 stream). This data element is required. unitType 
PPPP022Measurement type. This data element is required. measurementType 
PPPP023Total extracted CO2, unrounded. This data element is required. extractedUnroundedCo2 
PPPP024Total extracted CO2, unrounded. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. extractedUnroundedCo2 
PPPP026Total imported CO2, unrounded. This data element is required. importedUnroundedCo2 
PPPP027Total imported CO2, unrounded. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. importedUnroundedCo2 
PPPP029Total exported CO2, unrounded. This data element is required. exportedUnroundedCo2 
PPPP030Total exported CO2, unrounded. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. exportedUnroundedCo2 
PPPP032Quarterly flow rate measurement, for quarter(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. flowRate 
PPPP033Quarterly flow rate measurement, for quarter(s) [{1}]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. flowRate 
PPPP044Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement for quarter(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. concentration 
PPPP045Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement for quarter(s) [{1}]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1.0. You must correct the current value before continuing. concentration 
PPPP056Quarterly CO2 or CO2 stream density measurement, for quarter(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. density 
PPPP057Quarterly CO2 or CO2 stream density measurement, for quarter(s) [{1}]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. density 
PPPP068Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement, for quarter(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. concentration 
PPPP069Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement, for quarter(s) [{1}]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1.0. You must correct the current value before continuing. concentration 
PPPP080Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to food and beverage. This data element is required. annualFoodAndBeverageCo2 
PPPP081Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to food and beverage. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFoodAndBeverageCo2 
PPPP083Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to industrial and municipal water/wastewater treatment. This data element is required. annualWaterTreatmentCo2 
PPPP084Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to industrial and municipal water/wastewater treatment. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualWaterTreatmentCo2 
PPPP086Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to metal fabrication, including welding and cutting. This data element is required. annualMetalFabricationCo2 
PPPP087Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to metal fabrication, including welding and cutting. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualMetalFabricationCo2 
PPPP089Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to greenhouse uses for plant growth. This data element is required. annualPlantGrowthCo2 
PPPP090Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to greenhouse uses for plant growth. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualPlantGrowthCo2 
PPPP092Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to fumigants (e.g., grain storage) and herbicides. This data element is required. annualFumigantCo2 
PPPP093Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to fumigants (e.g., grain storage) and herbicides. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFumigantCo2 
PPPP095Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to pulp and paper. This data element is required. annualPulpAndPaperCo2 
PPPP096Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to pulp and paper. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualPulpAndPaperCo2 
PPPP098Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to cleaning and solvent use. This data element is required. annualCleaningAndSolventCo2 
PPPP099Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to cleaning and solvent use. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualCleaningAndSolventCo2 
PPPP101Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to fire fighting. This data element is required. annualFirefightingCo2 
PPPP102Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to fire fighting. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFirefightingCo2 
PPPP104Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to transportation and storage of explosives. This data element is required. annualExplosivesCo2 
PPPP105Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to transportation and storage of explosives. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualExplosivesCo2 
PPPP113Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to research and development. This data element is required. annualResearchAndDevelopmentCo2 
PPPP114Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to research and development. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualResearchAndDevelopmentCo2 
PPPP119Number of days for which substitute data procedures were used to measure CO2 mass or volume. This data element is required. massVolumeSubstituteDays 
PPPP120Number of days for which substitute data procedures were used to measure CO2 mass or volume. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 366. You must correct the current value before continuing. massVolumeSubstituteDays 
PPPP122Number of days for which substitute data procedures were used to measure CO2 concentration. This data element is required. concentrationSubstituteDays 
PPPP123Number of days for which substitute data procedures were used to measure CO2 concentration. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 366. You must correct the current value before continuing. concentrationSubstituteDays 
PPPP125Number of days for which substitute data procedures were used to measure CO2 stream density. This data element is required. densitySubstituteDays 
PPPP126Number of days for which substitute data procedures were used to measure CO2 stream density. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than 366. You must correct the current value before continuing. densitySubstituteDays 
PPPP128Equipment type name. This data element is required. equipmentTypeName 
PPPP129Equipment type name. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. equipmentTypeOtherDesc 
PPPP130Unit type (flow meter or CO2 stream). This data element is required. unitType 
PPPP131Measurement type. This data element is required. measurementType 
PPPP132Flow meter location. This data element is required. flowMeterLocation 
PPPP133Was the CO2 metered by the flow meter imported or exported? This data element is required. co2ImportedOrExported 
PPPP134Percent of CO2 that is biomass-based. This data element is required. biomassBasedPercent 
PPPP136Percent of CO2 that is biomass-based. This value should be reported as a percentage, and should be within the range of 0 to 100 (percent). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. biomassBasedPercent 
PPPP137Is any dehydration equipment located downstream of the flow meter? This data element is required. isDehydrationEquipmentDownstream 
PPPP138Is any dehydration equipment located upstream of the flow meter? This data element is required. isDehydrationEquipmentUpstream 
PPPP139Is any compression equipment located downstream of the flow meter? This data element is required. isCompressionEquipmentDownstream 
PPPP140Is any compression equipment located upstream of the flow meter? This data element is required. isCompressionEquipmentUpstream 
PPPP141Is any other processing equipment located downstream of the flow meter? This data element is required. isOtherEquipmentDownstream 
PPPP142Is any other processing equipment located upstream of the flow meter? This data element is required. isOtherEquipmentUpstream 
PPPP143Subpart PP Calculation Methodology. This data element is required. calculationMethodology 
PPPP144Subpart PP Supplier Type. This data element is required. supplierCategory 
PPPP145Total imported CO2, unrounded. This data element is required. importedUnroundedCo2 
PPPP146Total imported CO2, unrounded. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. importedUnroundedCo2 
PPPP148Total exported CO2, unrounded. This data element is required. exportedUnroundedCo2 
PPPP149Total exported CO2, unrounded. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. exportedUnroundedCo2 
PPPP150Standard used to measure CO2 Density. This data element is required. transientData['densityMethod'] 
PPPP151Describe what other processing equipment is present. You selected "Yes" on other processing equipment, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherEquipmentDesc 
PPPP152Standard used to measure CO2 concentration. This data element is required. transientData['concentrationStandard'] 
PPPP153Standard used to measure CO2 concentration. This data element is required. transientData['concentrationStandard'] 
PPPP155Type of Equipment. You must add at least one type of equipment in Miscellaneous Information for Suppliers of Carbon Dioxide. This is a required field. equipmentTypes 
PPPP156Percent of CO2 that is biomass-based. This data element is required. biomassBasedPercent 
PPPP158Percent of CO2 that is biomass-based. This value should be reported as a percentage, and should be within the range of 0 to 100 (percent). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. biomassBasedPercent 
PPPP159Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to food and beverage from imports. This data element is required. annualImportedFoodAndBeverageCo2 
PPPP160Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to food and beverage from imports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualImportedFoodAndBeverageCo2 
PPPP161Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to industrial and municipal water/wastewater treatment from imports. This data element is required. annualImportedWaterTreatmentCo2 
PPPP162Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to industrial and municipal water/wastewater treatment from imports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualImportedWaterTreatmentCo2 
PPPP163Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to metal fabrication, including welding and cutting, from imports. This data element is required. annualImportedMetalFabricationCo2 
PPPP164Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to metal fabrication, including welding and cutting, from imports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualImportedMetalFabricationCo2 
PPPP165Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to greenhouse uses for plant growth from imports. This data element is required. annualImportedPlantGrowthCo2 
PPPP166Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to greenhouse uses for plant growth from imports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualImportedPlantGrowthCo2 
PPPP167Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to fumigants (e.g., grain storage) and herbicides from imports. This data element is required. annualImportedFumigantCo2 
PPPP168Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to fumigants (e.g., grain storage) and herbicides from imports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualImportedFumigantCo2 
PPPP169Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to pulp and paper from imports. This data element is required. annualImportedPulpAndPaperCo2 
PPPP170Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to pulp and paper from imports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualImportedPulpAndPaperCo2 
PPPP171Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to cleaning and solvent use from imports. This data element is required. annualImportedCleaningAndSolventCo2 
PPPP172Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to cleaning and solvent use from imports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualImportedCleaningAndSolventCo2 
PPPP173Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to fire fighting from imports. This data element is required. annualImportedFirefightingCo2 
PPPP174Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to fire fighting from imports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualImportedFirefightingCo2 
PPPP175Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to transportation and storage of explosives from imports. This data element is required. annualImportedExplosivesCo2 
PPPP176Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to transportation and storage of explosives from imports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualImportedExplosivesCo2 
PPPP181Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to research and development from imports. This data element is required. annualImportedResearchAndDevelopmentCo2 
PPPP182Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to research and development from imports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualImportedResearchAndDevelopmentCo2 
PPPP185Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to food and beverage from exports. This data element is required. annualExportedFoodAndBeverageCo2 
PPPP186Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to food and beverage from exports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualExportedFoodAndBeverageCo2 
PPPP187Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to industrial and municipal water/wastewater treatment from exports. This data element is required. annualExportedWaterTreatmentCo2 
PPPP188Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to industrial and municipal water/wastewater treatment from exports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualExportedWaterTreatmentCo2 
PPPP189Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to metal fabrication, including welding and cutting, from exports. This data element is required. annualExportedMetalFabricationCo2 
PPPP190Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to metal fabrication, including welding and cutting, from exports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualExportedMetalFabricationCo2 
PPPP191Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to greenhouse uses for plant growth from exports. This data element is required. annualExportedPlantGrowthCo2 
PPPP192Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to greenhouse uses for plant growth from exports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualExportedPlantGrowthCo2 
PPPP193Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to fumigants (e.g., grain storage) and herbicides from exports. This data element is required. annualExportedFumigantCo2 
PPPP194Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to fumigants (e.g., grain storage) and herbicides from exports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualExportedFumigantCo2 
PPPP195Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to pulp and paper from exports. This data element is required. annualExportedPulpAndPaperCo2 
PPPP196Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to pulp and paper from exports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualExportedPulpAndPaperCo2 
PPPP197Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to cleaning and solvent use from exports. This data element is required. annualExportedCleaningAndSolventCo2 
PPPP198Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to cleaning and solvent use from exports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualExportedCleaningAndSolventCo2 
PPPP199Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to fire fighting from exports. This data element is required. annualExportedFirefightingCo2 
PPPP200Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to fire fighting from exports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualExportedFirefightingCo2 
PPPP201Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to transportation and storage of explosives from exports. This data element is required. annualExportedExplosivesCo2 
PPPP202Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to transportation and storage of explosives from exports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualExportedExplosivesCo2 
PPPP207Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to research and development from exports. This data element is required. annualExportedResearchAndDevelopmentCo2 
PPPP208Annual quantity of CO2 transferred to research and development from exports. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualExportedResearchAndDevelopmentCo2 
PPPP220You have not indicated your facility/supplier type (capture facility, extract facility, or importer/exporter). supplierCategory 
PPPP221You have not yet added a flow meter. none 
PPPP222You have not yet added a CO2 stream. none 
PPPP223Type of Equipment. You specified "volumetric basis" as the measurement type for at least one flow meter, but you have not specified "Volumetric flow meter" as a type of equipment used. data['calculationMethodology'] 
PPPP224Type of Equipment. You specified "volumetric basis" as the measurement type for at least one CO2 stream, but you have not specified "Loaded container volume" as a type of equipment used. data['calculationMethodology'] 
PPPP227You have not yet added a flow meter or CO2 stream. none 
PPPP228Importer or Exporter Type. This data element is required. importerExporterType 
PPPP250GHGRP ID of a subpart D facility from which you capture a CO2 stream from an electricity generating unit. This data element is required. ghgrpid 
PPPP251Facility Name (State). This data element is required. facilityName 
PPPP252The GHGRP ID you entered does not exist. transientData['retrievedFacility'] 
PPPP253Facility Name (State). This data element is required. facilityName 
PPPP254Quantity of CO2 transferred to that facility. This data element is required. co2Quantity 
PPPP255The GHGRP ID you entered does not exist. transientData['retrievedFacility'] 
PPPP256GHGRP ID of a subpart RR facility from which you capture a CO2 stream from an electricity generating unit. This data element is required. ghgrpid 
PPPP425Type of Equipment. You specified "Mass basis" as the measurement type for at least one flow meter, but you have not specified "Mass flow meter" as a type of equipment used. data['calculationMethodology'] 
PPUM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
PPUM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
QCEMSML-1Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have added one or more units monitored by CEMS, but have not yet added a CEMS Monitoring Location (CML). hasCEMSandNoCML 
QCEMSML-2CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have indicated that this unit is monitored by CEMS, but you have not yet associated it with any CEMS Monitoring Locations (CMLs). From the Subpart Overview page, click on the CML Name/Identifier to which this unit exhausts (or use the "ADD a CEMS Monitoring Location" link to create a new one). On the bottom of Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location page, use the "ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location" link to select this unit. hasCEMSandNoCMLUnits 
QCEMSML-3The same name or identifier already exists for this CEMS monitoring location in this facility. Please enter a unique name or identifier. cml 
QCML-027aFraction of nitrous oxide emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionN2oEmissions 
QCML-038Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalOperatingHrs 
QCML-039The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
QCML-040The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
QCML-041The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas moisture content. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasMoisture 
QCML-043The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This data element is required. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
QCML-046CEMS Monitoring Location process units. You did not select any process unit(s) for this CML. processUnits 
QCML-047aFraction of methane emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionCh4Emissions 
QCML-051Total Non-biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalNonbiogenicCo2emission 
QCML-052Total Biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalBiogenicCo2emission 
QCML-053Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totalch4emission 
QCML-054Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totaln2oemission 
QCML-055Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions measured by the CEMS. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPart ”any”/Tier4CEMSDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMStotalCo2ByCemsOrPart75If a subpart include CEM or Part75 reporting that subpart must include the <Tier4CEMSDetails> node with a <AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMS> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
QCML-056Total annual CO2 mass emissions (biogenic and non-biogenic) measured by the CEMS. This data element must be greater than or equal to biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. totalCo2ByCemsOrPart75 
QCML-057Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This data element is required. totalOperatingHrs 
QCML-058The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This data element is required. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
QCML-059You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. Please revise and make sure the Start Date is earlier than the End Date. methodologyEndDate 
QCML-060Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyStartDate 
QCML-061Configuration type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cemsConfigType 
QCML-062Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyEndDate 
QCML-063Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
QCML-064Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
QCML-065Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
QCML-066Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
QCML-067Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
QCML-068Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
QCML-069Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
QCML-070Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
QCML-071CEMS Monitoring Location Name/ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cmlName 
QCML-072Type(s) of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. fuelsCombusted 
QCML-076Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total methane emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totalch4emission 
QCML-077Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total nitrous oxide emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totaln2oemission 
QCML-078Types of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported fuel(s) and leave the types of fuel field blank, or click CANCEL. fuelsCombusted 
QCML-083Carbon dioxide emissions attributable to combustion. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported emissions and leave the types of emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. combustionCo2Emissions 
QCML-086The Calculation Methodology Start Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
QCML-087The Calculation Methodology Start Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
QCML-088The Calculation Methodology End Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
QCML-089The Calculation Methodology End Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
QIOE-1The "Input/Output name" you are attempting to add is invalid because it already exists in this facility. Please enter a unique name, or click CANCEL. ioExists 
QQ002Unit Name or ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. groupUnitName 
QQ003Unit Type. This data element is required. groupUnitType 
QQ005Input or Output Name. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. name 
QQ006Input or Output Type. This data element is required. type 
QQ016Number of months that missing data procedures were followed. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. iGPnumbermonths 
QQ017Number of months that missing data procedures were followed. This value should be reported as a number of months in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 12 (months). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. iGPnumbermonths 
QQ019Carbon content determination method. This data element is required. iGPCCDetmethod 
QQ020Carbon content determination method. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the "Specify carbon content determination method" text box provided. This data element is required. ccdetOtherMethod 
QQ024The number of times that missing data procedures were followed and the performance test was repeated to determine the site-specific emission factor. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. numberOfMonths 
QQ025The number of times that missing data procedures were followed and the performance test was repeated to determine the site-specific emission factor. This value should be reported as a number of months in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 12 (months). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfMonths 
QQ026Annual production of taconite pellets (metric tons). This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualTaconitePellets 
QQ027Annual production of molten raw steel (metric tons). This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualMoltenSteel 
QQ029Annual production of sinter (metric tons). This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualSinter 
QQ031Annual production of taconite pellets (metric tons). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualTaconitePellets 
QQ032Annual production of molten raw steel (metric tons). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualMoltenSteel 
QQ034Annual production of sinter (metric tons). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualSinter 
QQ035Annual production of direct reduced iron (metric tons). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualDirectReducedIron 
QQ036You have selected Subpart Q for reporting, but you have not yet added a unit. groupUnit 
QQ039You have not yet added an input for this unit. numberOfInputs 
QQ040You have not yet added an output for this unit. numberOfOutputs 
QQ041Method used to develop the substitute data value(s). This data element is required. iGPmethod 
QQ071Annual production of Coke (metric tons). This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualCoke 
QQ072Annual production of Direct Reduced Iron (metric tons). This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualDirectReducedIron 
QQ073Unit Name or ID. This data element contains special characters. Please re-enter a new name or click CANCEL. groupUnitName 
QQ074Input or Output Name. This data element contains special characters. Please re-enter a new name or click CANCEL. name 
QY192Type of flare. This data element is required. Please make a selection. flareType 
QY193Flare service type. This data element is required. Please make a selection. flareServiceType 
QY194Flare service type. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. flareServiceTypeOther 
QY195Method used to calculate the CO2 emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodCo2 
QY196Equation Y-1a Inputs Method. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. equationY1aInputsMethod 
QY201Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
QY202Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
QY204Frequency of measurement data. This data element is required. Please make a selection. measurementFrequency 
QY205Annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolume 
QY206Annual volume of flare gas combusted. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolume 
QY208Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
QY209Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
QY211Annual average molecular weight. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgMolecularWeight 
QY212Annual average molecular weight. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgMolecularWeight 
QY214Method(s) used to determine the molecular weight of the flare gas. This data element is required. avgMolecularWeightMethods 
QY215Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average molecular weight of the flare gas. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgMolecularWeightDaysMissingProcedures 
QY216Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average molecular weight of the flare gas. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgMolecularWeightDaysMissingProcedures 
QY218Annual average carbon content of the flare gas. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgCarbonContent 
QY219Annual average carbon content of the flare gas. This value should be reported as a percentage expressed as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgCarbonContent 
QY221Method(s) used to determine the carbon content of the flare gas. This data element is required. avgCarbonContentMethods 
QY222Number of days missing data procedures were used for average carbon content of the flare gas. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgCarbonContentDaysMissingProcedures 
QY223Number of days missing data procedures were used for average carbon content of the flare gas. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgCarbonContentDaysMissingProcedures 
QY225Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
QY226Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
QY228Frequency of measurement data. This data element is required. Please make a selection. measurementFrequency 
QY229Annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolume 
QY230Annual volume of flare gas combusted. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolume 
QY232Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
QY233Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
QY235Annual average CO2 concentration. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgCo2Concentration 
QY236Annual average CO2 concentration. This value should be reported as a percentage expression, and should be within the range of 0 to 100 (percent). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgCo2Concentration 
QY238Method used to determine the annual average CO2 concentration. This data element is required. avgCo2ConcentrationBasis 
QY239Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average CO2 concentration. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgCo2ConcentrationDaysMissingProcedures 
QY240Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average CO2 concentration. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgCo2ConcentrationDaysMissingProcedures 
QY242Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
QY243Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
QY245Frequency of measurement data. This data element is required. Please make a selection. measurementFrequency 
QY246Annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolume 
QY247Annual volume of flare gas combusted. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolume 
QY249Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
QY250Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
QY252Conditions on which the annual volume of flare gas was determined. This data element is required. Please make a selection. annualFlareGasVolumeConditions 
QY253Annual average higher heating value of the flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgHighHeatingValue 
QY254Annual average higher heating value of the flare gas combusted. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgHighHeatingValue 
QY256Method used to determine the annual average higher heating value. This data element is required. avgHighHeatingValueBasis 
QY257Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average higher heating value. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgHighHeatingValueDaysMissingProcedures 
QY258Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average higher heating value. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgHighHeatingValueDaysMissingProcedures 
QY260Conditions on which the annual average higher heating value was determined. This data element is required. Please make a selection. avgHighHeatingValueConditions 
QY261Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
QY262Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
QY264Total number of start-up, shutdown, or malfunction (SSM) events exceeding 500,000 scf/day. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. numberOfSSMEventsExceeding500K 
QY265Total number of start-up, shutdown, or malfunction (SSM) events exceeding 500,000 scf/day. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfSSMEventsExceeding500K 
QY423Annual average concentration of each carbon-containing compound (other than CO2). This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. annualAverageConcentration 
QY424Annual average concentration of each carbon-containing compound (other than CO2). This value should be reported as a percentage expression, and should be within the range of 0 to 100 (percent). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualAverageConcentration 
QY426Method(s) used to determine the annual average concentration of the carbon-containing compound(s). This data element is required. annualAverageConcentrationMethods 
QY426aMethod(s) used to determine the annual average concentration of the carbon-containing compound(s). You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. annualAverageConcentrationMethodsOther 
QY427Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average concentration of carbon in the compound. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. annualAverageConcentrationDaysMissingProcedures 
QY428Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average concentration of carbon in the compound. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualAverageConcentrationDaysMissingProcedures 
QY431Annual CH4 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
QY438Annual N2O emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedN2o 
QY439Annual N2O emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
QY442Carbon-containing compound (other than carbon dioxide) in flare gas stream. You must enter at least one carbon-containing compound other than carbon dioxide in flare gas stream. This is a required field. carbonCompounds 
QY452Method(s) used to determine the molecular weight of the flare gas. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgMolecularWeightMethodsOther 
QY453Method(s) used to determine the carbon content of the flare gas. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgCarbonContentMethodsOther 
QY454Method used to determine the annual average CO2 concentration. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgCo2ConcentrationBasisOther 
QY455Method used to determine the annual average higher heating value. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgHighHeatingValueBasisOther 
QY491Flare type. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. flareTypeOther 
QY495Specific consensus-based standard method or describe the procedure specified by the flow meter manufacturer. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. flowMeterProcedure 
QY496Specific consensus-based standard method or describe the procedure specified by the flow meter manufacturer. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. flowMeterProcedure 
QY497Specific consensus-based standard method or describe the procedure specified by the flow meter manufacturer. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. flowMeterProcedure 
QY505Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. carbonFractionBasisOther 
QY506Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. carbonFractionBasisOther 
QY507Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. carbonFractionBasisOther 
QY513Annual CH4 emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCh4 
QY514Annual CH4 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
QY515Annual CH4 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
QY516Annual CH4 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
QY520Annual N2O emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedN2o 
QY521Annual N2O emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedN2o 
QY522Annual N2O emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedN2o 
QY526Annual N2O emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
QY527Annual N2O emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
QY528Annual N2O emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
QY555Is the flare serviced by a flare gas recovery system? This data element is required. Please make a selection. isTheFlareServicedByFlareGasRecoverySystem 
QY590Annual mass of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasMass 
QY591Annual mass of flare gas combusted. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasMass 
QY593Method(s) used to determine the mass of flare gas. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. massFlareGasMethods 
QY594Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual mass of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasMassDaysMissingProcedures 
QY595Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual mass of flare gas combusted. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasMassDaysMissingProcedures 
QQQQ0002You have not uploaded a reporting form file. jctSubPartFacility 
QQQQ0003You have selected Subpart QQ for reporting, but you have not yet uploaded a reporting form file. none 
QQQQ0005GHGRP ID. This data element is required and must be equal to the GHGRP ID for the facility. ghgrpID 
QQQQ0006Reporting Period. This data element is required and must be equal to the expected reporting year. reportingPeriod 
QQQQ0009Equipment/Appliance Name or ID. This data element is required. Note that merged cells are unacceptable in eGGRT. equipOrAppName 
QQQQ0010Equipment/Appliance Type. This data element is required. equipOrAppType 
QQQQ0011Is the appliance or electrical equipment type imported or exported? This data element is required. equipOrAppImpOrExp 
QQQQ0012Number of pieces of this appliance or electrical equipment type imported or exported. This data element is required. noOfPiecesImpOrExpInEquip 
QQQQ0013Number of pieces of this appliance or electrical equipment type imported or exported. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. noOfPiecesImpOrExpInEquip 
QQQQ0014Total charge or holding size per unit. This data element is required. totalChargeSizeInEquip 
QQQQ0015Total charge or holding size per unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalChargeSizeInEquip 
QQQQ0017F-GHG charged into Equipment/Appliance (1 of 5). This data element is required. ghgName1InEquip 
QQQQ0018Mass fraction of f-GHG in charge (1 of 5). This data element is required. massFractionOfGhg1InEquip 
QQQQ0020F-GHG charged into Equipment/Appliance (2 of 5). This data element is required. ghgName2InEquip 
QQQQ0021Mass fraction of f-GHG in charge (2 of 5). This data element is required. massFractionOfGhg2InEquip 
QQQQ0023F-GHG charged into Equipment/Appliance (3 of 5). This data element is required. ghgName3InEquip 
QQQQ0024Mass fraction of f-GHG in charge (3 of 5). This data element is required. massFractionOfGhg3InEquip 
QQQQ0026F-GHG charged into Equipment/Appliance (4 of 5). This data element is required. ghgName4InEquip 
QQQQ0027Mass fraction of f-GHG in charge (4 of 5). This data element is required. massFractionOfGhg4InEquip 
QQQQ0029F-GHG charged into Equipment/Appliance (5 of 5). This data element is required. ghgName5InEquip 
QQQQ0033Mass fraction of f-GHG in charge (5 of 5). This data element is required. massFractionOfGhg5InEquip 
QQQQ0035F-GHG in foam that is contained in Equipment/Appliance (1 of 3). This data element is required. ghgName1InFoamInApp 
QQQQ0036Manufacturer of Foam Containing Unknown GHG (1 of 3). This data element is required. foamManufacturerNameInFoamInApp 
QQQQ0037Mass of Unknown GHG (1 of 3). This data element is required. massOfUnknownGhgInFoamInApp 
QQQQ0038Mass of Unknown GHG (1 of 3). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. massOfUnknownGhgInFoamInApp 
QQQQ0039Certification (1 of 3). This data element is required. isCertifiedInFoamInApp 
QQQQ0040Mass of f-GHG in foam in each piece of Equipment/Appliance (1 of 3). This data element is required. massOfGhg1InFoamInApp 
QQQQ0041Mass of f-GHG in foam in each piece of Equipment/Appliance (1 of 3). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. massOfGhg1InFoamInApp 
QQQQ0042F-GHG in foam that is contained in Equipment/Appliance (2 of 3). This data element is required. ghgName2InFoamInApp 
QQQQ0043Mass of f-GHG in foam in each piece of Equipment/Appliance (2 of 3). This data element is required. massOfGhg2InFoamInApp 
QQQQ0044Mass of f-GHG in foam in each piece of Equipment/Appliance (2 of 3). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. massOfGhg2InFoamInApp 
QQQQ0045F-GHG in foam that is contained in Equipment/Appliance (3 of 3). This data element is required. ghgName3InFoamInApp 
QQQQ0049Mass of f-GHG in foam in each piece of Equipment/Appliance (3 of 3). This data element is required. massOfGhg3InFoamInApp 
QQQQ0050Mass of f-GHG in foam in each piece of Equipment/Appliance (3 of 3). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. massOfGhg3InFoamInApp 
QQQQ0085Foam Name or ID. This data element is required. foamName 
QQQQ0086Foam Type. This data element is required. foamType 
QQQQ0087Is the foam imported or exported? This data element is required. foamImpOrExp 
QQQQ0088Total volume of foam imported or exported. This data element is required. volumeOfFoamImpOrExp 
QQQQ0089Total volume of foam imported or exported. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. volumeOfFoamImpOrExp 
QQQQ0092F-GHG in foam that is NOT in appliance (1 of 3). This data element is required. ghgName1InFoam 
QQQQ0093Manufacturer of Foam Containing Unknown GHG (1 of 3). This data element is required. foamManufacturerNameInFoam 
QQQQ0094Mass of Unknown GHG (1 of 3). This data element is required. massOfUnknownGhgInFoam 
QQQQ0095Mass of Unknown GHG (1 of 3). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. massOfUnknownGhgInFoam 
QQQQ0096Certification (1 of 3). This data element is required. isCertifiedInFoam 
QQQQ0097Mass of f-GHG (1 of 3). This data element is required. massOfGhg1InFoam 
QQQQ0098Mass of f-GHG (1 of 3). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. massOfGhg1InFoam 
QQQQ0099F-GHG in foam that is NOT in appliance (2 of 3). This data element is required. ghgName2InFoam 
QQQQ0100Mass of f-GHG (2 of 3). This data element is required. massOfGhg2InFoam 
QQQQ0101Mass of f-GHG (2 of 3). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. massOfGhg2InFoam 
QQQQ0102F-GHG in foam that is NOT in appliance (3 of 3). This data element is required. ghgName3InFoam 
QQQQ0106Mass of f-GHG (3 of 3). This data element is required. massOfGhg3InFoam 
QQQQ0107Mass of f-GHG (3 of 3). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. massOfGhg3InFoam 
QQQQ0110Total Mass Imported or Exported (1 of 3). The value you have provided is outside the EPA estimated range for this data element. Please double check this value and revise, if necessary. If you believe it to be correct, please submit the value as is. totalMassInKg1InFoam 
QQQQ0111Total Mass Imported or Exported (1 of 3). The value you have provided is outside the EPA estimated range for this data element. Please double check this value and revise, if necessary. If you believe it to be correct, please submit the value as is. totalMassInKg1InFoam 
QQQQ0112Does the appliance or electrical equipment contain foam with f-GHGs? This data element is required. isFoamInApp 
QQQQ0113Specify Name of "other f-GHG" charged into Equipment/Appliance. This data element is required. otherGhgName1InEquip 
QQQQ0114Specify CAS Number of "other f-GHG" charged into Equipment/Appliance. This data element is required. otherCasNumber1InEquip 
QQQQ0115Specify Chemical Formula of "other f-GHG" charged into Equipment/Appliance. This data element is required. otherChemicalFormula1InEquip 
QQQQ0116Specify Name of "other f-GHG" in foam that is contained in Equipment/Appliance (1 of 3). This data element is required. otherGhgName1InFoamInApp 
QQQQ0117Specify CAS Number of "other f-GHG" in foam that is contained in Equipment/Appliance (1 of 3). This data element is required. otherCasNumber1InFoamInApp 
QQQQ0118Specify Chemical Formula of "other f-GHG" in foam that is contained in Equipment/Appliance (1 of 3). This data element is required. otherChemicalFormula1InFoamInApp 
QQQQ0119Specify Name of other f-GHG in foam that is NOT in Appliance (1 of 3). This data element is required. otherGhgName1InFoam 
QQQQ0120Specify CAS Number of other f-GHG in foam that is NOT in Appliance (1 of 3). This data element is required. otherCasNumber1InFoam 
QQQQ0121Specify Chemical Formula of other f-GHG in foam that is NOT in Appliance (1 of 3). This data element is required. otherChemicalFormula1InFoam 
QQQQ0139F-GHG charged into Equipment/Appliance (1 of 5). The value entered is not consistent with available values in the pick list. ghgName1InEquip 
QQQQ0140F-GHG charged into Equipment/Appliance (2 of 5). The value entered is not consistent with available values in the pick list. ghgName2InEquip 
QQQQ0141F-GHG charged into Equipment/Appliance (3 of 5). The value entered is not consistent with available values in the pick list. ghgName3InEquip 
QQQQ0142F-GHG charged into Equipment/Appliance (4 of 5). The value entered is not consistent with available values in the pick list. ghgName4InEquip 
QQQQ0143F-GHG charged into Equipment/Appliance (5 of 5). The value entered is not consistent with available values in the pick list. ghgName5InEquip 
QQQQ0144F-GHG in foam that is contained in Equipment/Appliance (1 of 3). The value entered is not consistent with available values in the pick list. ghgName1InFoamInApp 
QQQQ0145F-GHG in foam that is contained in Equipment/Appliance (2 of 3). The value entered is not consistent with available values in the pick list. ghgName2InFoamInApp 
QQQQ0146F-GHG in foam that is contained in Equipment/Appliance (3 of 3). The value entered is not consistent with available values in the pick list. ghgName3InFoamInApp 
QQQQ0147F-GHG in foam that is NOT in appliance (1 of 3). The value entered is not consistent with available values in the pick list. ghgName1InFoam 
QQQQ0148F-GHG in foam that is NOT in appliance (2 of 3). The value entered is not consistent with available values in the pick list. ghgName2InFoam 
QQQQ0149F-GHG in foam that is NOT in appliance (3 of 3). The value entered is not consistent with available values in the pick list. ghgName3InFoam 
QQQQ0162Specify Default GWP of other f-GHG charged into Equipment (1 of 5). The value entered is not consistent with available values in the pick list. other1DefaultGWPInEquip 
QQQQ0163Specify Default GWP of other f-GHG in foam that is contained in Equipment (1 of 3). The value entered is not consistent with available values in the pick list. other1DefaultGWPInFoamInApp 
QQQQ0164Specify Default GWP of "other f-GHG" in foam that is NOT in Equipment (1 of 3). The value entered is not consistent with available values in the pick list. other1DefaultGWPInFoam 
QQQQ0165Specify Default GWP of "other f-GHG" charged into Equipment (1 of 5). This data element is required. other1DefaultGWPInEquip 
QQQQ0166Specify Default GWP of "other f-GHG" in foam that is contained in Equipment (1 of 3). This data element is required. other1DefaultGWPInFoamInApp 
QQQQ0167Specify Default GWP of "other f-GHG" in foam that is NOT in Equipment (1 of 3). This data element is required. other1DefaultGWPInFoam 
QQQQ0168A record for this facility and reporting year of an &#39;Other f-GHG&#39; greenhouse gas with CAS Registry Number {1} already exists with an assigned GWP Category. This message indicates a greenhouse gas with the same CAS Registry Number has been included but with a different GWP Category. Please be aware that e-GGRT will use the already recorded GWP Category, and its GWP, when calculating emissions of this greenhouse gas. The greenhouse gas is already recorded as: CAS Registry Number: {6}; Gas Name: {7}; Chemical Formula: {8}; GWP Category: {9}. This GWP Category has a GWP value of {10}. The greenhouse gas was subsequently included in Subpart QQ [{11}] as: CAS Registry Number: {1}; Gas Name: {2}; Chemical Formula: {3}; GWP Category: {4}. This GWP Category has a GWP value of {5}. Note, the existing record may be a result of the same greenhouse gas being included in a subpart other than QQ; or, in another section within QQ; or, you may have changed the GWP Category between versions of your subpart QQ reporting form. If you wish to modify the already recorded GWP Category and GWP for this CAS Registry Number, <a href=http://www.ccdsupport.com/confluence/display/help/Contact+the+Help+Desk+-+Issues+Related+to+the+Identification+of+Specific+f-GHGs target=_blank>please contact the GHGRP Help Desk</a>. transientData['uploadedCategory'] 
QQQQ0170The sum of all Mass fraction of f-GHG charged into the Equipment [{2}] (Columns O, Q, S, U and W) is [{1}], which is greater than 1. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['totalMassFractionOfGhgInEquip'] 
QQQQ0171The sum of all Mass fraction of f-GHG charged into the Equipment [{2}] (Columns O, Q, S, U and W) is [{1}], which is less than 1. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['totalMassFractionOfGhgInEquip'] 
QQQQ0172Total Mass Imported or Exported (2 of 3). The value you have provided is outside the EPA estimated range for this data element. Please double check this value and revise, if necessary. If you believe it to be correct, please submit the value as is. totalMassInKg2InFoam 
QQQQ0173Total Mass Imported or Exported (2 of 3). The value you have provided is outside the EPA estimated range for this data element. Please double check this value and revise, if necessary. If you believe it to be correct, please submit the value as is. totalMassInKg2InFoam 
QQQQ0174Total Mass Imported or Exported (3 of 3). The value you have provided is outside the EPA estimated range for this data element. Please double check this value and revise, if necessary. If you believe it to be correct, please submit the value as is. totalMassInKg3InFoam 
QQQQ0175Total Mass Imported or Exported (3 of 3). The value you have provided is outside the EPA estimated range for this data element. Please double check this value and revise, if necessary. If you believe it to be correct, please submit the value as is. totalMassInKg3InFoam 
QQQQ179You cannot add this greenhouse gas because the CAS Registry Number you have provided for this &#39;other&#39; gas matches with an existing entry in e-GGRT&#39;s extended 40 CFR Part 98 Table A-1 gas list. The gas with the matching CAS Registry Number is identified within e-GGRT as follows: CAS Registry Number: {1}; Gas Name: {2}; Chemical Formula: {3}. If you would like to select this gas, click CANCEL and locate the gas in the selection list provided in the reporting form. If you are unable to locate this gas on the selection list provided, please <a href=http://www.ccdsupport.com/confluence/display/help/Contact+the+Help+Desk+-+Issues+Related+to+the+Identification+of+Specific+f-GHGs target=_blank>contact the GHGRP Help Desk</a>. facilityRY 
RCEMSML-1Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have added one or more units monitored by CEMS, but have not yet added a CEMS Monitoring Location (CML). hasCEMSandNoCML 
RCEMSML-2CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have indicated that this unit is monitored by CEMS, but you have not yet associated it with any CEMS Monitoring Locations (CMLs). From the Subpart Overview page, click on the CML Name/Identifier to which this unit exhausts (or use the "ADD a CEMS Monitoring Location" link to create a new one). On the bottom of Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location page, use the "ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location" link to select this unit. hasCEMSandNoCMLUnits 
RCEMSML-3The same name or identifier already exists for this CEMS monitoring location in this facility. Please enter a unique name or identifier. cml 
RCML-027aFraction of nitrous oxide emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionN2oEmissions 
RCML-038Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalOperatingHrs 
RCML-039The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
RCML-040The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
RCML-041The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas moisture content. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasMoisture 
RCML-043The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This data element is required. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
RCML-046CEMS Monitoring Location process units. You did not select any process unit(s) for this CML. processUnits 
RCML-047aFraction of methane emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionCh4Emissions 
RCML-051Total Non-biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalNonbiogenicCo2emission 
RCML-052Total Biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalBiogenicCo2emission 
RCML-053Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totalch4emission 
RCML-054Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totaln2oemission 
RCML-055Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions measured by the CEMS. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPart ”any”/Tier4CEMSDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMStotalCo2ByCemsOrPart75If a subpart include CEM or Part75 reporting that subpart must include the <Tier4CEMSDetails> node with a <AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMS> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
RCML-056Total annual CO2 mass emissions (biogenic and non-biogenic) measured by the CEMS. This data element must be greater than or equal to biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. totalCo2ByCemsOrPart75 
RCML-057Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This data element is required. totalOperatingHrs 
RCML-058The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This data element is required. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
RCML-059You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. Please revise and make sure the Start Date is earlier than the End Date. methodologyEndDate 
RCML-060Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyStartDate 
RCML-061Configuration type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cemsConfigType 
RCML-062Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyEndDate 
RCML-063Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
RCML-064Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
RCML-065Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
RCML-066Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
RCML-067Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
RCML-068Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
RCML-069Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
RCML-070Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
RCML-071CEMS Monitoring Location Name/ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cmlName 
RCML-072Type(s) of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. fuelsCombusted 
RCML-076Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total methane emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totalch4emission 
RCML-077Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total nitrous oxide emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totaln2oemission 
RCML-078Types of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported fuel(s) and leave the types of fuel field blank, or click CANCEL. fuelsCombusted 
RCML-083Carbon dioxide emissions attributable to combustion. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported emissions and leave the types of emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. combustionCo2Emissions 
RCML-086The Calculation Methodology Start Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
RCML-087The Calculation Methodology Start Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
RCML-088The Calculation Methodology End Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
RCML-089The Calculation Methodology End Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
RR0006GHGRP ID. This data element is required and must be equal to the GHGRP ID for the facility. ghgrpID 
RR0007Reporting Period. This data element is required and must be equal to the expected reporting year. reportingPeriod 
RR0008Is a CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions? This data element is required. isCEMSUsed 
RR0009CEMS Only - Total number of smelting furnaces at the facility. This data element is required. totalNumberOfSmeltingFurnacesCEMS 
RR0011CEMS Only - Total annual lead production capacity for the facility (short tons). This data element is required. totalAnnualLeadProductionCapacityCems 
RR0013No CEMS - Total number of smelting furnaces at the facility. This data element is required. totalNumberOfSmeltingFurnacesNoCEMS 
RR0015No CEMS - Total annual lead production capacity for the facility (short tons). This data element is required. totalAnnualLeadProductionCapacityNoCems 
RR0017Lead Product Produced. This data element is required. leadProductName 
RR0018Product Description. This data element is required. leadProductDescription 
RR0019Annual Production of Lead Product Produced at the facility. This data element is required. annualLeadProduction 
RR0021Furnace Name/ID. This data element is required. furnaceId 
RR0022Annual lead production capacity. This data element is required. annualLeadProdCapacity 
RR0023Annual lead production capacity. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualLeadProdCapacity 
RR0024Name of Each Carbon-Containing Material Fed, Charged, or Otherwise Introduced to a Furnace. This data element is required feedstockName 
RR0025Smelting Furnace Associated with Feedstock. This data element is required. furnaceAssociatedWithFeedstock 
RR0026Feedstock Type. This data element is required feedstockType 
RR0027"Other" Feedstock Description. This data element is required. otherFeedstockDescription 
RR0028Substitute Data Procedure for Monthly Mass of Material. This data element is required. substituteDataProcedure 
RR0029"Other" Substitute Data Procedure Description. This data element is required. otherSubstituteDataProcedure 
RR0030Number of Months that Missing Data Procedures Were Followed to Determine the Monthly Mass of Material. This data element is required. numberOfMonthsForMonthlyMassOfMaterial 
RR0031Method Used to Determine the Carbon Content of the Carbon-Containing Material. This data element is required. methodUsedToDetermineCarbonContent 
RR0032Number of Months that Missing Data Procedures Were Followed or Analysis was Repeated to Determine the Carbon Content of the Carbon-Containing Material(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. numberOfMonthsForCarbonContainingMaterial 
RR0037Multiple rows were found for {1}, {2}, {3} in the reporting form. feedstockName 
RR005You have not uploaded a reporting form file. jctSubPartFacility 
RRRR001Name of Project, This data element is required. projectName 
RRRR004CO2 injection (for R&D) End Date cannot be before Start Date. You must correct the current values before continuing. co2InjectionStartDate 
RRRR011Underground Injection Control permit End Date cannot be before Start Date. You must correct the current values before continuing. underGroundInjectionStartDate 
RRRR012Name of Project, This data element is required. projectName 
RRRR015The MRV plan submittal date cannot be extended by more than 180 days. Please enter a number of days fewer than 180 days maximum. noOfDaysDueDateExtendedBy 
RRRR016The MRV plan submittal due date extended by. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. noOfDaysDueDateExtendedBy 
RRRR017Select a file to upload, This data element is required. file 
RR (RPT)RR1000Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q1. This data element is required. q1Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1002Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1004Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q1. This data element is required. q1QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1005Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1006Number of days in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is required. q1QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1008Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q2. This data element is required. q2Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1009Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1011Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q2. This data element is required. q2QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1012Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1013Number of days in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is required. q2QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1015Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q3. This data element is required. q3Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1016Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1018Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q3. This data element is required. q3QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1019Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1020Number of days in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is required. q3QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1022Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q4. This data element is required. q4Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1023Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1025Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q4. This data element is required. q4QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1026Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1027Number of days in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is required. q4QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1029Mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q1. This data element is required. q1Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1030Mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1032Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q1. This data element is required. q1QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1033Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1034Number of days in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is required q1QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1036Mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q2. This data element is required. q2Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1037Mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1039Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q2. This data element is required. q2QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1040Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1041Number of days in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is required q2QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1043Mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q3. This data element is required. q3Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1044Mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1046Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q3. This data element is required. q3QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1047Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1048Number of days in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is required q3QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1050Mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q4. This data element is required. q4Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1051Mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1053Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q4. This data element is required. q4QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1054Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1055Number of days in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is required q4QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1057Volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter in Q1. This data element is required. q1Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1058Volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1060Standard or method used to calculate the volume of contents in the container in Q1. This data element is required. q1QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1061Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1062Number of containers in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volume of contents in the receiving container. This data element is required. q1QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1064Volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter in Q2. This data element is required. q2Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1065Volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1067Standard or method used to calculate the volume of contents in the container in Q2. This data element is required. q2QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1068Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1069Number of containers in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volume of contents in the receiving container. This data element is required. q2QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1071Volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter in Q3. This data element is required. q3Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1072Volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1074Standard or method used to calculate the volume of contents in the container in Q3. This data element is required. q3QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1075Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1076Number of containers in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volume of contents in the receiving container. This data element is required. q3QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1078Volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter in Q4. This data element is required. q4Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1079Volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1081Standard or method used to calculate the volume of contents in the container in Q4. This data element is required. q4QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1082Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1083Number of containers in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volume of contents in the receiving container. This data element is required. q4QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1085Mass of contents in the container in Q1. This data element is required. q1Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1086Mass of contents in the container in Q1. This data element is required. q1Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1088Standard or method used to calculate the mass of contents in the container in Q1. This data element is required. q1QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1089Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1090Number of containers in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass of contents in the receiving container. This data element is required q1QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1092Mass of contents in the container in Q2. This data element is required. q2Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1093Mass of contents in the container in Q2. This data element is required. q2Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1095Standard or method used to calculate the mass of contents in the container in Q2. This data element is required. q2QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1096Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1097Number of containers in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass of contents in the receiving container. This data element is required q2QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1099Mass of contents in the container in Q3. This data element is required. q3Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1100Mass of contents in the container in Q3. This data element is required. q3Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1102Standard or method used to calculate the mass of contents in the container in Q3. This data element is required. q3QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1103Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1104Number of containers in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass of contents in the receiving container. This data element is required q3QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1106Mass of contents in the container in Q4. This data element is required. q4Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1107Mass of contents in the container in Q4. This data element is required. q4Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR1109Standard or method used to calculate the mass of contents in the container in Q4. This data element is required. q4QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1110Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1111Number of containers in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass of contents in the receiving container. This data element is required q4QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1113Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. This data element is required. q1QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1114Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1116Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. This data element is required. q1QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1117Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1118Number of days in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required. q1QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1120Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. This data element is required. q2QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1121Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1123Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. This data element is required. q2QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1124Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1125Number of days in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required. q2QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1127Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. This data element is required. q3QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1128Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1130Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. This data element is required. q3QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1131Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1132Number of days in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required. q3QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1134Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. This data element is required. q4QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1135Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1137Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. This data element is required. q4QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1138Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1139Number of days in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required. q4QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1141Mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. This data element is required. q1QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1142Mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1144Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. This data element is required. q1QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1145Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1146Number of days in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required. q1QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1148Mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. This data element is required. q2QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1149Mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1151Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. This data element is required. q2QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1152Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1153Number of days in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required. q2QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1155Mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. This data element is required. q3QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1156Mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1158Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. This data element is required. q3QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1159Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1160Number of days in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required. q3QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1162Mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. This data element is required. q4QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1163Mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1165Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. This data element is required. q4QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1166Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1167Number of days in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required. q4QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1169Volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. This data element is required. q1QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1170Volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1172Standard or method used to calculate the volume received in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. This data element is required. q1QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1173Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1174Number of containers in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required. q1QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1176Volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. This data element is required. q2QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1177Volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1179Standard or method used to calculate the volume received in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. This data element is required. q2QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1180Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1181Number of containers in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required. q2QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1183Volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. This data element is required. q3QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1184Volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1186Standard or method used to calculate the volume received in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. This data element is required. q3QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1187Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1188Number of containers in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required. q3QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1190Volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. This data element is required. q4QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1191Volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1193Standard or method used to calculate the volume received in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. This data element is required. q4QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1194Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1195Number of containers in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required. q4QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1197Mass of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. This data element is required. q1QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1198Mass of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1200Standard or method used to calculate the mass received in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. This data element is required. q1QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1201Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1202Number of containers in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required. q1QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1204Mass of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. This data element is required. q2QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1205Mass of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1207Standard or method used to calculate the mass received in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. This data element is required. q2QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1208Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1209Number of containers in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required. q2QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1211Mass of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. This data element is required. q3QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1212Mass of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1214Standard or method used to calculate the mass received in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. This data element is required. q3QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1215Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1216Number of containers in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required. q3QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1219Mass of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. This data element is required. q4QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1220Mass of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4QuantityRedelivered 
RR (RPT)RR1222Standard or method used to calculate the mass received in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. This data element is required. q4QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1223Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1224Number of containers in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required. q4QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1226CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required. q1Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1227CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1229Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1230Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1231Were substitute data procedures used in Q1 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR1232CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required. q2Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1233CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1235Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1236Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1237Were substitute data procedures used in Q2 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR1238CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required. q3Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1239CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1241Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1242Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1243Were substitute data procedures used in Q3 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR1244CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required. q4Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1245CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1247Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1248Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1249Were substitute data procedures used in Q4 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR1250CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required. q1Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1251CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1253Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1254Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1255Were substitute data procedures used in Q1 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR1256CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required. q2Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1257CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1259Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1260Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1261Were substitute data procedures used in Q2 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR1262CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required. q3Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1263CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1265Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1266Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1267Were substitute data procedures used in Q3 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR1268CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required. q4Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1269CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1271Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1272Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1273Were substitute data procedures used in Q4 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR1274CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required. q1Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1275CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1277Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1278Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1279Number of containers in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1281CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required. q2Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1282CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1284Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1285Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1286Number of containers in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1288CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required. q3Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1289CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1291Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1292Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1293Number of containers in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1295CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required. q4Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1296CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1298Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1299Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1300Number of containers in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1302CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required. q1Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1303CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1305Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1306Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1307Number of containers in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1309CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required. q2Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1310CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1312Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1313Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1314Number of containers in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1316CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required. q3Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1317CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1319Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1320Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1321Number of containers in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1323CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required. q4Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1324CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR1326Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR1327Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR1328Number of containers in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR1330Total net mass of CO2 received annually. This data element is required. systemCalculatedUnroundedCo2 
RR (RPT)RR1334Total net mass of CO2 received annually. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
RR (RPT)RR1335Total net mass of CO2 received annually. This data element is required. officialUnroundedCo2 
RR (RPT)RR2001Volumetric flow through the injection flow meter in Q1. This data element is required. q1Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR2002Volumetric flow through the injection flow meter in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR2004Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the injection flow meter in Q1. This data element is required. q1QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR2005Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR2006Number of days in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the injection flow meter. This data element is required. q1QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR2008Volumetric flow through the injection flow meter in Q2. This data element is required. q2Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR2009Volumetric flow through the injection flow meter in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR2011Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the injection flow meter in Q2. This data element is required. q2QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR2012Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR2013Number of days in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the injection flow meter. This data element is required. q2QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR2015Volumetric flow through the injection flow meter in Q3. This data element is required. q3Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR2016Volumetric flow through the injection flow meter in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR2018Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the injection flow meter in Q3. This data element is required. q3QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR2019Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR2020Number of days in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the injection flow meter. This data element is required. q3QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR2022Volumetric flow through the injection flow meter in Q4. This data element is required. q4Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR2023Volumetric flow through the injection flow meter in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR2025Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the injection flow meter in Q4. This data element is required. q4QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR2026Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR2027Number of days in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the injection flow meter. This data element is required. q4QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR2029Mass flow through the injection flow meter in Q1. This data element is required. q1Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR2030Mass flow through the injection flow meter in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR2032Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the injection flow meter in Q1. This data element is required. q1QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR2033Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR2034Number of days in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the injection flow meter. This data element is required q1QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR2036Mass flow through the injection flow meter in Q2. This data element is required. q2Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR2037Mass flow through the injection flow meter in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR2039Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the injection flow meter in Q2. This data element is required. q2QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR2040Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR2041Number of days in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the injection flow meter. This data element is required q2QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR2043Mass flow through the injection flow meter in Q3. This data element is required. q3Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR2044Mass flow through the injection flow meter in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR2046Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the injection flow meter in Q3. This data element is required. q3QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR2047Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR2048Number of days in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the injection flow meter. This data element is required q3QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR2050Mass flow through the injection flow meter in Q4. This data element is required. q4Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR2051Mass flow through the injection flow meter in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR2053Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the injection flow meter in Q4. This data element is required. q4QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR2054Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR2055Number of days in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the injection flow meter. This data element is required q4QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR2057CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required. q1Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR2058CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR2060Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR2061Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR2062Were substitute data procedures used in Q1 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR2063CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required. q2Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR2064CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR2066Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR2067Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR2068Were substitute data procedures used in Q2 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR2069CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required. q3Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR2070CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR2072Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR2073Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR2074Were substitute data procedures used in Q3 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR2075CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required. q4Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR2076CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR2078Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR2079Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR2080Were substitute data procedures used in Q4 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR2081CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required. q1Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR2082CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR2084Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR2085Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR2086Were substitute data procedures used in Q1 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR2087CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required. q2Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR2088CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR2090Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR2091Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR2092Were substitute data procedures used in Q2 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR2093CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required. q3Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR2094CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR2096Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR2097Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR2098Were substitute data procedures used in Q3 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR2099CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required. q4Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR2100CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR2102Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR2103Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR2104Were substitute data procedures used in Q4 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR2105Total net mass of CO2 injected annually. This data element is required. systemCalculatedUnroundedCo2 
RR (RPT)RR2108Total net mass of CO2 injected annually. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
RR (RPT)RR2109Total net mass of CO2 received annually. This data element is required. officialUnroundedCo2 
RR (RPT)RR3001Volumetric flow through the separator flow meter in Q1. This data element is required. q1Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR3002Volumetric flow through the separator flow meter in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR3004Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the separator flow meter in Q1. This data element is required. q1QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR3005Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR3006Number of days in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the separator flow meter. This data element is required. q1QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR3008Volumetric flow through the separator flow meter in Q2. This data element is required. q2Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR3009Volumetric flow through the separator flow meter in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR3011Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the separator flow meter in Q2. This data element is required. q2QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR3012Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR3013Number of days in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the separator flow meter. This data element is required. q2QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR3015Volumetric flow through the separator flow meter in Q3. This data element is required. q3Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR3016Volumetric flow through the separator flow meter in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR3018Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the separator flow meter in Q3. This data element is required. q3QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR3019Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR3020Number of days in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the separator flow meter. This data element is required. q3QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR3022Volumetric flow through the separator flow meter in Q4. This data element is required. q4Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR3023Volumetric flow through the separator flow meter in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR3025Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the separator flow meter in Q4. This data element is required. q4QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR3026Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR3027Number of days in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the separator flow meter. This data element is required. q4QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR3029Mass flow through the separator flow meter in Q1. This data element is required. q1Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR3030Mass flow through the separator flow meter in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR3032Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the separator flow meter in Q1. This data element is required. q1QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR3033Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR3034Number of days in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the separator flow meter. This data element is required q1QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR3036Mass flow through the separator flow meter in Q2. This data element is required. q2Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR3037Mass flow through the separator flow meter in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR3039Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the separator flow meter in Q2. This data element is required. q2QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR3040Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR3041Number of days in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the separator flow meter. This data element is required q2QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR3043Mass flow through the separator flow meter in Q3. This data element is required. q3Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR3044Mass flow through the separator flow meter in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR3046Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the separator flow meter in Q3. This data element is required. q3QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR3047Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR3048Number of days in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the separator flow meter. This data element is required q3QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR3050Mass flow through the separator flow meter in Q4. This data element is required. q4Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR3051Mass flow through the separator flow meter in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4Quantity 
RR (RPT)RR3053Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the separator flow meter in Q4. This data element is required. q4QuantityMethod 
RR (RPT)RR3054Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4QuantityMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR3055Number of days in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the separator flow meter. This data element is required q4QuantityMissingProcedures 
RR (RPT)RR3057CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required. q1Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR3058CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR3060Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR3061Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR3062Were missing data procedures used in Q1 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR3063CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required. q2Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR3064CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR3066Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR3067Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR3068Were missing data procedures used in Q2 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR3069CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required. q3Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR3070CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR3072Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR3073Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR3074Were missing data procedures used in Q3 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR3075CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required. q4Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR3076CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR3078Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR3079Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR3080Were missing data procedures used in Q4 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR3081CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required. q1Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR3082CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q1Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR3084Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR3085Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR3086Were missing data procedures used in Q1 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q1Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR3087CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required. q2Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR3088CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q2Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR3090Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR3091Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR3092Were missing data procedures used in Q2 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q2Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR3093CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required. q3Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR3094CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q3Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR3096Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR3097Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR3098Were missing data procedures used in Q3 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q3Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR3099CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required. q4Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR3100CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing. q4Co2Concentration 
RR (RPT)RR3102Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMethod 
RR (RPT)RR3103Other Standard or Method. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
RR (RPT)RR3104Were missing data procedures used in Q4 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required. q4Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
RR (RPT)RR3105Total net mass of CO2 produced annually. This data element is required. systemCalculatedUnroundedCo2 
RR (RPT)RR3108Total net mass of CO2 produced annually. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
RR (RPT)RR3109The entrained CO2 in produced oil or other fluid divided by the CO2 separated through all separators in the reporting year. This data element is required. entrainedCO2DividedBySeparators 
RR (RPT)RR3111Total net mass of CO2 received annually. This data element is required. officialUnroundedCo2 
RR (RPT)RR3112Cumulative mass of CO2 (metric tons) reported as sequestered in subsurface geologic formations in all years since the well or group of wells became subject to reporting requirements under this subpart. You have indicated that you want to override this value, and did not input a new value. cummulativeMassCO2Override 
RR (RPT)RR3113Annual CO2 received. This data element is required. officialUnroundedCo2 
RR (RPT)RR4001You have selected Subpart RR for reporting, but you have not yet added a flow meter or container. fmUnits 
RR (RPT)RR4002You have selected Subpart RR for reporting, but you have not yet added an injection flow meter. ifUnits 
RR (RPT)RR4003You have selected Subpart RR for reporting, but you have not yet added a separator flow meter. sfUnits 
RR (RPT)RR4005Equation used to calculate annual mass of CO2 sequestered. This data element is required. rrEquation 
RR (RPT)RR4006Mass of CO2 emitted annually from equipment leaks and vented emissions of CO2 from equipment located on the surface between the flow meter used to measure injection quantity and the injection wellhead. This data element is required. equipmentLeaksInjectionCo2 
RR (RPT)RR4007Mass of CO2 emitted annually from equipment leaks and vented emissions of CO2 from equipment located on the surface between the production wellhead and the flow meter used to measure production quantity. This data element is required. equipmentLeaksProductionCo2 
RR (RPT)RR4008Sources of CO2 Received. This data element is required. co2Sources 
RR (RPT)RR4009Does the facility have an approved MRV plan? This data element is required. hasMRVPlan 
RR (RPT)RR4010EPA approval date of most recently approved MRV plan. This data element is required. latestMRVPlanApprovalDate 
RR (RPT)RR4011MRV Plan approval number that was issued by EPA. This data element is required. issuedMRVPlanApprovalNumber 
RR (RPT)RR4012Measurement Type. This data element is required. measurementType 
RR (RPT)RR4013Is CO2 received at the facility mixed with other supplies of CO2 or are the procedures in 98.444(a)(4) followed? This data element is required. co2Injection 
RR (RPT)RR4014Measurement Type. This data element is required. measurementType 
RR (RPT)RR4015Location of flow meter. This data element is required. location 
RR (RPT)RR4016Measurement Type. This data element is required. measurementType 
RR (RPT)RR4017Mass of CO2 emitted through the pathway in the reporting year. This data element is required. officialUnroundedCo2 
RR (RPT)RR4018Please select a file to upload. file.size 
RR (RPT)RR4020Identification Number. Row {1}. This data element is required. wellID 
RR (RPT)RR4021Underground Injection Control Permit Class. Row {1}. This data element is required. permitClass 
RR (RPT)RR4022ID For The Legal Instrument Authorizing Geologic Sequestration. This data element is required. instrumentID 
RR (RPT)RR4023You have selected Subpart RR for reporting, but you have not yet uploaded an annual monitoring report. hasAnnualMonitoringReport 
RR (RPT)RR4024You have selected Subpart RR for reporting, but you have not yet added an injection well. hasInjectionWells 
RR (RPT)RR4026Date the facility began collecting data for calculating total amount sequestered according to §98.448(a)(7) of this subpart. This data element is required. dataCollectionStartDate 
RR (RPT)RR4027Identification Number. Row {1}. This identification number is already used. transientData['nameAlreadyUsed'] 
RR (RPT)RR5001GHGRP ID (Facility and injection wells tab, cell D20). This data element is required and must be equal to the GHGRP ID for the facility. ghgrpID 
RR (RPT)RR5002Reporting Period (Facility and injection wells tab, cell D1). This data element is required and must be equal to the expected reporting year. reportingPeriod 
RR (RPT)RR5003Name or ID. Please provide a numerical identifier; use of alphabetic characters is not permitted. transientData['isNameIDNumeric'] 
RR (RPT)UM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
RR (RPT)UM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
SCEMSML-1Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have added one or more units monitored by CEMS, but have not yet added a CEMS Monitoring Location (CML). hasCEMSandNoCML 
SCEMSML-2CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have indicated that this unit is monitored by CEMS, but you have not yet associated it with any CEMS Monitoring Locations (CMLs). From the Subpart Overview page, click on the CML Name/Identifier to which this unit exhausts (or use the "ADD a CEMS Monitoring Location" link to create a new one). On the bottom of Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location page, use the "ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location" link to select this unit. hasCEMSandNoCMLUnits 
SCEMSML-3The same name or identifier already exists for this CEMS monitoring location in this facility. Please enter a unique name or identifier. cml 
SCML-027aFraction of nitrous oxide emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionN2oEmissions 
SCML-038Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalOperatingHrs 
SCML-039The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
SCML-040The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
SCML-041The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas moisture content. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasMoisture 
SCML-043The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This data element is required. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
SCML-046CEMS Monitoring Location process units. You did not select any process unit(s) for this CML. processUnits 
SCML-047aFraction of methane emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionCh4Emissions 
SCML-051Total Non-biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalNonbiogenicCo2emission 
SCML-052Total Biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalBiogenicCo2emission 
SCML-053Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totalch4emission 
SCML-054Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totaln2oemission 
SCML-055Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions measured by the CEMS. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPart ”any”/Tier4CEMSDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMStotalCo2ByCemsOrPart75If a subpart include CEM or Part75 reporting that subpart must include the <Tier4CEMSDetails> node with a <AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMS> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
SCML-056Total annual CO2 mass emissions (biogenic and non-biogenic) measured by the CEMS. This data element must be greater than or equal to biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. totalCo2ByCemsOrPart75 
SCML-057Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This data element is required. totalOperatingHrs 
SCML-058The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This data element is required. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
SCML-059You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. Please revise and make sure the Start Date is earlier than the End Date. methodologyEndDate 
SCML-060Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyStartDate 
SCML-061Configuration type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cemsConfigType 
SCML-062Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyEndDate 
SCML-063Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
SCML-064Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
SCML-065Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
SCML-066Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
SCML-067Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
SCML-068Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
SCML-069Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
SCML-070Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
SCML-071CEMS Monitoring Location Name/ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cmlName 
SCML-072Type(s) of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. fuelsCombusted 
SCML-076Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total methane emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totalch4emission 
SCML-077Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total nitrous oxide emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totaln2oemission 
SCML-078Types of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported fuel(s) and leave the types of fuel field blank, or click CANCEL. fuelsCombusted 
SCML-083Carbon dioxide emissions attributable to combustion. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported emissions and leave the types of emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. combustionCo2Emissions 
SCML-086The Calculation Methodology Start Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
SCML-087The Calculation Methodology Start Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
SCML-088The Calculation Methodology End Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
SCML-089The Calculation Methodology End Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
SS001Beginning of year inventory. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. beginningOfYearInventory 
SS002End of year inventory. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. endOfYearInventory 
SS003Quantity of calcined-lime product sold determination method for month(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. clacinedLimeProductSoldDeterminationMethod 
SS004Quantity of calcined-lime product sold determination method for month(s) [{1}]. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. clacinedLimeProductSoldDeterminationOtherMethod 
SS027CaO content determination method for month(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. caOContentDeterminationMethod 
SS028CaO content determination method for month(s) [{1}]. You selected "NLA Protocol method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. caOContentDeterminationOtherMethod 
SS051MgO content determination method for month(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. mgOContentDeterminationMethod 
SS052MgO content determination method for month(s) [{1}]. You selected "NLA Protocol method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. mgOContentDeterminationOtherMethod 
SS0700Facility Name. This data element is required. facilityName 
SS0701GHGRP ID. This data element is required and must be equal to the GHGRP ID for the facility. ghgrpID 
SS0702Reporting Period. This data element is required and must be equal to the expected reporting year. reportingPeriod 
SS0703Type of lime product produced during the reporting year (98.196(a)). This data element is required. producedType 
SS0704If "Other" lime product is produced, enter description. If "Type of lime product produced during the reporting year" is reported as "Other," this data element is required. producedTypeOtherDescription 
SS0705Beginning of year inventory of lime product produced (tons, 98.196(a)(3)). This data element is required. beginningOfYearInventoryInTons 
SS0706End of year inventory of lime product produced (tons, 98.196(a)(3)). This data element is required. endOfYearInventoryInTons 
SS0707Annual quantity of lime product sold (tons, 98.196(a)(6)). This data element is required. annualQuantitySoldInTons 
SS0708Method used to determine the quantity produced and sold (98.196(a)(1)). This data element is required. methodUsed 
SS0709If "Other" method is used, enter description. If "Method used to determine the quantity produced and sold" is reported as "Other," this data element is required. methodUsedOtherDescription 
SS0710Is the annual quantity sold based on one more substitute data values? (98.3(c )(8)). This data element is required. isAnnualSoldBasedOnOneOrMoreSubstitutes 
SS0711Annual quantity of lime product not sold (tons, 98.196(a)(8)). This data element is required. annualNotSoldInTons 
SS0712Is the annual quantity of calcined lime byproduct /waste not sold based on one or more substitute data values? (98.3(c)(8)). This data element is required. isNotSoldBasedOnOneOrMoreSubstitutes 
SS0713Type of calcined lime byproduct or calcined lime waste generated during the reporting year (98.196(a)). This data element is required. generatedType 
SS0714Beginning of year inventory of calcined lime byproduct or calcined lime waste sold (tons, 98.196(a)(4)). This data element is required. beginningOfYearInventoryInTons 
SS0715End of year inventory of calcined lime byproduct or calcined lime waste sold (tons, 98.196(a)(4)). This data element is required. endOfYearInventoryInTons 
SS0716Annual quantity of calcined lime byproduct/waste sold (tons, 98.196(a)(5)). This data element is required. annualQuantitySoldInTons 
SS0717Method used to determine the quantity of calcined lime byproduct/ waste sold (98.196(a)(2)). This data element is required. methodUsed 
SS0718If "Other" method is used, enter description. If "Method used to determine the quantity of calcine lime byproduct/waste sold" is reported as "Other," this data element is required. methodUsedOtherDescription 
SS0719Is the annual quantity of calcined lime byproduct/waste sold based on one or more substitute data values? (98.3(c)(8)). This data element is required. isAnnualSoldBasedOnOneOrMoreSubstitutes 
SS0720Annual quantity of calcined lime byproduct/waste not sold (tons, 98.196(a)(7)). This data element is required. annualNotSoldInTons 
SS0721Is the annual quantity of calcined lime byproduct/waste not sold based on one or more substitute data values? (98.3)(c)(8)). This data element is required. isNotSoldBasedOnOneOrMoreSubstitutes 
SS0722Part 2a - Lime Product Information. Table must have at least one lime product. limeProductInformation 
SS0723Part 2b - Calcined-lime Byproduct/Waste Information. Table must have at least one calcined lime by-product or waste row. calcinedLimeByproductOrWasteInformation 
SS075Beginning of year inventory. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. beginningOfYearInventory 
SS076End of year inventory. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. endOfYearInventory 
SS077Quantity of lime product produced determination method for month(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. limeProductProducedDeterminationMethod 
SS078Quantity of lime product produced determination method for month(s) [{1}]. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. limeProductProducedDeterminationOtherMethod 
SS0799CEMS Unit Summary. One or more CEMS Units are required. transientData 
SS101Quantity of lime product sold determination method for month(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. limeProductSoldDeterminationMethod 
SS102Quantity of lime product sold determination method for month(s) [{1}]. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. limeProductSoldDeterminationOtherMethod 
SS125CaO content determination method for month(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. caOContentDeterminationMethod 
SS137MgO content determination method for month(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. mgOContentDeterminationMethod 
SS149Name of Product. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. name 
SS150Was this calcined-lime by-product or waste sold during the reporting year? This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. isCalcinedLimeByProductSold 
SS151Name of Product. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. name 
SS155Annual lime production capacity for the entire facility. This data element is required. annualLimeProduction 
SS156Annual lime production capacity for the entire facility. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualLimeProduction 
SS158If CO2 was used on-site, the annual quantity used. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualCO2CapturedOnSite 
SS160If CO2 was used on-site, the method used to determine the amount. This data element is required. cO2MeasurementMethod 
SS161If CO2 was used on-site, the method used to determine the amount. You selected "Other method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. cO2OtherMeasurementMethodDesc 
SS162If CO2 was used on-site, the annual quantity used. This data element is required. annualCO2CapturedOnSite 
SS163Lime Product Type. This data element is required. limeProductType 
SS164Lime Product Type. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. limeProductOtherType 
SS165Beginning of year inventory. This data element is required. beginningOfYearInventory 
SS166End of year inventory. This data element is required. endOfYearInventory 
SS167CaO content determination method for month(s) [{1}]. You selected "NLA Protocol method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. caOContentDeterminationOtherMethod 
SS179MgO content determination method for month(s) [{1}]. You selected "NLA Protocol method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. mgOContentDeterminationOtherMethod 
SS191Beginning of year inventory. This data element is required. beginningOfYearInventory 
SS192End of year inventory. This data element is required. endOfYearInventory 
SS194Methodology type is required. Please select the methodology type or click cancel. monitoredByCems 
SS199You have not reviewed or answered questions about substitute data procedures for this by-product or waste. Click on this message to review these questions and click SAVE even if you do not check any of the boxes, in order to confirm that you have reviewed these questions. name 
SS202You have not uploaded a reporting form file. jctSubPartFacility 
SS203You have not added a lime product. subPartSLimeProductList 
SS204You have not added a calcined lime by-product or waste. subPartSCalcinedLimeByProductList 
SS205You have not selected the Subpart S calculation methodology for your facility. monitoredByCems 
SS206CaO content determination method for month(s) [{1}]. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. caOContentDeterminationOtherMethod 
SS218MgO content determination method for month(s) [{1}]. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. mgOContentDeterminationOtherMethod 
SS230CaO content determination method for month(s) [{1}]. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. caOContentDeterminationOtherMethod 
SS242MgO content determination method for month(s) [{1}]. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. mgOContentDeterminationOtherMethod 
SS263Was CO2 used on site? This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. isCo2OnSite 
SUM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
SUM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
SSSS0002Reporting Period. This data element is required and must be the same as the calendar year for which data is reported. reportingPeriod 
SSSS005You have selected Subpart SS for reporting, but you have not yet uploaded a reporting form file. jctSubPartFacility 
SSSS0374Sulfur Hexafluoride: If missing data procedures were used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataEfcValueSF6Reason 
SSSS0375Sulfur Hexafluoride: If missing data procedures were used for total number of filling operations for each valve combination (FCiv in Equation SS-5), you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationSF6Reason 
SSSS0376PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): If missing data procedures were used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataEfcValuePFC14Reason 
SSSS0377PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): If missing data procedures were used for the total number of filling operations for each valve combination, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationPFC14Reason 
SSSS0378PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): If missing data procedures were used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataEfcValuePFC116Reason 
SSSS0379PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): If missing data procedures were used for the total number of filling operations for each valve combination, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationPFC116Reason 
SSSS0380PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): If missing data procedures were used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataEfcValuePFC218Reason 
SSSS0381PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): If missing data procedures were used for the total number of filling operations for each valve combination, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationPFC218Reason 
SSSS0382Perfluorocyclopropane: If missing data procedures were used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataEfcValueCC3F6Reason 
SSSS0383Perfluorocyclopropane: If missing data procedures were used for the total number of filling operations for each valve combination, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationCC3F6Reason 
SSSS0386Perfluorocyclobutane: If missing data procedures were used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataEfcValueCC4F8Reason 
SSSS0387Perfluorocyclobutane: If missing data procedures were used for the total number of filling operations for each valve combination, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationCC4F8Reason 
SSSS0388PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): If missing data procedures were used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataEfcValuePFC4112Reason 
SSSS0389PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): If missing data procedures were used for the total number of filling operations for each valve combination, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationPFC4112Reason 
SSSS0390PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): If missing data procedures were used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination, you must provide a reason the data are missing. missingDataEfcValuePFC5114Reason 
SSSS0391PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): If missing data procedures were used for the total number of filling operations for each valve combination, you must provide a reason the data are missing. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationPFC5114Reason 
SSSS0392PFC-9-1-18: If missing data procedures were used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination, you must provide a reason the data are missing. missingDataEfcValuePFC9118Reason 
SSSS0393PFC-9-1-18: If missing data procedures were used for the total number of filling operations for each valve combination, you must provide a reason the data are missing. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationPFC9118Reason 
SSSS0394Please indicate whether you used the method specified in 98.453(h). This data element is required. methodSpecified 
SSSS0395Sulfur Hexafluoride: If missing data procedures were used for the mean value, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataMeanValueSF6Reason 
SSSS0396Sulfur Hexafluoride: If missing data procedures were used for the number of samples, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataNumofSamplesSF6Reason 
SSSS0397PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): If missing data procedures were used for the mean value, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataMeanValuePFC14Reason 
SSSS0398PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): If missing data procedures were used for the number of samples, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataNumofSamplesPFC14Reason 
SSSS0399PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): If missing data procedures were used for the mean value, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataMeanValuePFC116Reason 
SSSS0400PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): If missing data procedures were used for the number of samples, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataNumofSamplesPFC116Reason 
SSSS0401PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): If missing data procedures were used for the mean value, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataMeanValuePFC218Reason 
SSSS0402PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): If missing data procedures were used for the number of samples, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataNumofSamplesPFC218Reason 
SSSS0403Perfluorocyclopropane: If missing data procedures were used for the mean value, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataMeanValueCC3F6Reason 
SSSS0404Perfluorocyclopropane: If missing data procedures were used for the number of samples, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataNumofSamplesCC3F6Reason 
SSSS0405PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): If missing data procedures were used for the mean value, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataMeanValuePFC3110Reason 
SSSS0406PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): If missing data procedures were used for the number of samples, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataNumofSamplesPFC3110Reason 
SSSS0407Perfluorocyclobutane: If missing data procedures were used for the mean value, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataMeanValueCC4F8Reason 
SSSS0408Perfluorocyclobutane: If missing data procedures were used for the number of samples, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataNumofSamplesCC4F8Reason 
SSSS0409PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): If missing data procedures were used for the mean value, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataMeanValuePFC4112Reason 
SSSS0410PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): If missing data procedures were used for the number of samples, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataNumofSamplesPFC4112Reason 
SSSS0411PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): If missing data procedures were used for the mean value, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataMeanValuePFC5114Reason 
SSSS0412PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): If missing data procedures were used for the number of samples, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataNumofSamplesPFC5114Reason 
SSSS0413PFC-9-1-18: If missing data procedures were used for the mean value, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataMeanValuePFC9118Reason 
SSSS0414PFC-9-1-18: If missing data procedures were used for the number of samples, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataNumofSamplesPFC9118Reason 
SSSS0416Sulfur Hexafluoride: Were missing data procedures used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination? This data element is required. missingDataEfcValueSF6 
SSSS0417Sulfur Hexafluoride: Were missing data procedures used for the total number of filling operations for each valve combination (FCiv in Equation SS-5)? This data element is required. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationSF6 
SSSS0418PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Were missing data procedures used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination? This data element is required. missingDataEfcValuePFC14 
SSSS0419PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Were missing data procedures used for the total number of filling operations for each valve combination (FCiv in Equation SS-5)? This data element is required. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationPFC14 
SSSS0420PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Were missing data procedures used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination? This data element is required. missingDataEfcValuePFC116 
SSSS0421PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Were missing data procedures used for the total number of filling operations for each valve combination (FCiv in Equation SS-5)? This data element is required. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationPFC116 
SSSS0422PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Were missing data procedures used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination? This data element is required. missingDataEfcValuePFC218 
SSSS0423PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Were missing data procedures used for the total number of filling operations for each valve combination (FCiv in Equation SS-5)? This data element is required. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationPFC218 
SSSS0424Perfluorocyclopropane: Were missing data procedures used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination? This data element is required. missingDataEfcValueCC3F6 
SSSS0425Perfluorocyclopropane: Were missing data procedures used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination? This data element is required. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationCC3F6 
SSSS0428Perfluorocyclobutane: Were missing data procedures used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination? This data element is required. missingDataEfcValueCC4F8 
SSSS0429Perfluorocyclobutane: Were missing data procedures used for the total number of filling operations for each valve combination (FCiv in Equation SS-5)? This data element is required. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationCC4F8 
SSSS0430PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): Were missing data procedures used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination? This data element is required. missingDataEfcValuePFC4112 
SSSS0431PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): Were missing data procedures used for the total number of filling operations for each valve combination (FCiv in Equation SS-5)? This data element is required. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationPFC4112 
SSSS0432PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Were missing data procedures used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination? This data element is required. missingDataEfcValuePFC5114 
SSSS0433PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Were missing data prodecures used for the total number of filling operations for each valve combination (FCiv in Equation SS-5)? This data element is required. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationPFC5114 
SSSS0434PFC-9-1-18: Were missing data procedures used for determining the value for EFC for the hose and valve combination? This data element is required. missingDataEfcValuePFC9118 
SSSS0435PFC-9-1-18: Were missing data prodecures used for the total number of filling operations for each valve combination (FCiv in Equation SS-5)? This data element is required. missingDataTotalNumfillOperationPFC9118 
SSSS0436You must provide a unique identifier for the make, model, and group of conditions. This data element is required. makeModelGroupConditionID 
SSSS0437Sulfur Hexafluoride: Were missing data procedures used for the mean value? This data element is required. missingDataMeanValueSF6 
SSSS0438Sulfur Hexafluoride: Were missing data procedures used for the number of samples for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataNumofSamplesSF6 
SSSS0439PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Were missing data procedures used for the mean value? This data element is required. missingDataMeanValuePFC14 
SSSS0440PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Were missing data procedures used for the number of samples for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataNumofSamplesPFC14 
SSSS0441PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Were missing data procedures used for the mean value? This data element is required. missingDataMeanValuePFC116 
SSSS0442PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Were missing data procedures used for the number of samples for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataNumofSamplesPFC116 
SSSS0443PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Were missing data procedures used for the mean value? This data element is required. missingDataMeanValuePFC218 
SSSS0444PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Were missing data procedures used for the number of samples for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataNumofSamplesPFC218 
SSSS0445Perfluorocyclopropane: Were missing data procedures used for the mean value? This data element is required. missingDataMeanValueCC3F6 
SSSS0446Perfluorocyclopropane: Were missing data procedures used for the number of samples for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataNumofSamplesCC3F6 
SSSS0447PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Were missing data procedures used for the mean value? This data element is required. missingDataMeanValuePFC3110 
SSSS0448PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Were missing data procedures used for the number of samples for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataNumofSamplesPFC3110 
SSSS0449Perfluorocyclobutane: Were missing data procedures used for the mean value? This data element is required. missingDataMeanValueCC4F8 
SSSS0450Perfluorocyclobutane: Were missing data procedures used for the number of samples for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataNumofSamplesCC4F8 
SSSS0451PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): Were missing data procedures used for the mean value? This data element is required. missingDataMeanValuePFC4112 
SSSS0452PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): Were missing data procedures used for the number of samples for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataNumofSamplesPFC4112 
SSSS0453PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Were missing data procedures used for the mean value? This data element is required. missingDataMeanValuePFC5114 
SSSS0454PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Were missing data procedures used for the number of samples for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataNumofSamplesPFC5114 
SSSS0455PFC-9-1-18: Were missing data procedures used for the mean value? This data element is required. missingDataMeanValuePFC9118 
SSSS0456PFC-9-1-18: Were missing data procedures used for the number of samples for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataNumofSamplesPFC9118 
SSSS0457Please indicate whether the reported emissions are estimated values. This data element is required. estimatedGHG 
SSSS0460Were missing data procedures used for the pounds of this GHG stored in containers at the beginning of the year? This data element is required. missingDataBeginYr 
SSSS0461If missing data procedures were used for the pounds of this GHG stored in containers at the beginning of the year, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataBeginYrReason 
SSSS0462Were missing data procedures used for the pounds of this GHG stored in containers at the end of the year? This data element is required. missingDataEndYr 
SSSS0463If missing data procedures were used for the pounds of this GHG stored in containers at the end of the year, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataEndYrReason 
SSSS0464Were missing data procedures used for the pounds of this GHG purchased in bulk during the year? This data element is required. missingDataBlkPurchase 
SSSS0465If missing data procedures were used for the pounds of this GHG purchased in bulk during the year. This data element is required. missingDataBlkPurchaseReason 
SSSS0466Were missing data procedures used for the pounds of this GHG returned by equipment users with or inside equipment during the year? This data element is required. missingDataReturnedEqpt 
SSSS0467If missing data procedures were used for the pounds of this GHG returned by equipment users with or inside equipment during the year, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataReturnedEqptReason 
SSSS0468Were missing data procedures used for the pounds of this GHG returned to the site from offsite after recycling during the year? This data element is required. missingDataRecycle 
SSSS0469If missing data procedures were used for the pounds of this GHG returned to the site from offsite recycling, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataRecycleReason 
SSSS0470Were missing data procedures used for the pounds of this GHG inside new equipment delivered to customers during the year? This data element is required. missingDataNewEqpt 
SSSS0471If missing data procedures were used for the pounds of this GHG inside new equipment delivered to customers during the year, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataNewEqptReason 
SSSS0472Were missing data procedures used for the pounds of this GHG delivered to equipment users during the year? This data element is required. missingDataEqptUser 
SSSS0473If missing data procedures were used for the pounds of this GHG delivered to equipment users during the year, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataEqptUserReason 
SSSS0474Were missing data procedures used for the pounds of this GHG returned to suppliers during the year? This data element is required. missingDataReturnedSuppliers 
SSSS0475If missing data procedures were used for the pounds of this GHG returned to suppliers during the year, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataReturnedSuppliersReason 
SSSS0476Were missing data procedures used for the pounds of this GHG sent offsite for destruction during the year? This data element is required. missingDataOffsiteDestruction 
SSSS0477If missing data procedures were used for the pounds of this GHG sent offsite for destruction during the year, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataOffsiteDestructionReason 
SSSS0478Were missing data procedures used for the pounds of this GHG sent offsite to be recycled during the year? This data element is required. missingDataOffsiteRecycle 
SSSS0479If missing data procedures were used for the pounds of this GHG sent offsite to be recycled during the year, you must provide a reason the data were missing. missingDataOffsiteRecycleReason 
SSSS0480Were missing data procedures used for determining the nameplate capacity of the equipment delivered to customers with GHG inside? This data element is required. missingDataEqptNameplateCapacity 
SSSS0481If missing data procedures were used for determining the nameplate capacity of the equipment delivered to customers with GHG inside, you must report the reason the data were missing. This data element is required. missingDataEqptNameplateCapacityReason 
SSSS0488Is the nameplate capacity of the equipment, in pounds, delivered to customers with each GHG inside the same as the quantity reported as present inside new equipment delivered to customers? This data element is required. qtyReported 
SSSS0489If the nameplate capacity of the equipment delivered to customers with each GHG inside is not the same as the quantity reported as present inside new equipment delivered to customers, you must report the nameplate capacity of the equipment delivered with GHG inside. This data element is required. qtyReportedReason 
SSSS0490Nameplate capacity of the equipment delivered with GHG inside. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. qtyReportedReason 
SSSS0491Sulfur Hexafluoride: Describe the engineering methods and calculations used to determine emissions from hoses or other flow lines that connect the container to the equipment being filled. This data element is required. engineeringMethodSF6 
SSSS0492Was Equation SS-5 used for calculating the parameter EL for this GHG? If you answer "yes" for any GHG you must complete the tab "Equation SS-5". This data element is required. equationSS5 
SSSS0493Was the mass of GHG disbursed to customers in new equipment determined by assuming it is equal to the equipments nameplate capacity or partial shipping charge and using the method in 98.453(h)? If you answer "yes" for any GHG you must complete the tab "98.453(h)". This data element is required. gHGMass 
SSSS0494GHGRP ID. You must report the GHGRP ID for this facility. The ID must match the GHGRP ID for the facility. ghgrpID 
SSSS0495Sulfur Hexafluoride: Number of samples. This data element is required. numOfSamplesSF6 
SSSS0496Sulfur Hexafluoride: Number of samples. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numOfSamplesSF6 
SSSS0497Sulfur Hexafluoride: Upper bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. upperBoundSF6 
SSSS0499Sulfur Hexafluoride: Were missing data procedures used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundSF6 
SSSS0500Sulfur Hexafluoride: If missing data procedures were used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI, you must report the reason the data were missing. This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundSF6Reason 
SSSS0501Sulfur Hexafluoride: Lower bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. lowerBoundSF6 
SSSS0503Sulfur Hexafluoride: Were missing data procedures used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundSF6 
SSSS0504Sulfur Hexafluoride: If missing data procedures were used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI, you must provide a reason the data were missing. This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundSF6Reason 
SSSS0505PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Number of samples. This data element is required. numOfSamplesPFC14 
SSSS0507PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Upper bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. upperBoundPFC14 
SSSS0509PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Were missing data procedures used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundPFC14 
SSSS0510PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): If missing data procedures were used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI, you must provide a reason the data are missing. This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundPFC14Reason 
SSSS0511PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Lower bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. lowerBoundPFC14 
SSSS0513PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Were missing data procedures used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundPFC14 
SSSS0514PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): If missing data procedures were used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI, you must provide a reason the data are missing. This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundPFC14Reason 
SSSS0515PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Number of samples. This data element is required. numOfSamplesPFC116 
SSSS0517PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Upper bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. upperBoundPFC116 
SSSS0519PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Were missing data procedures used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundPFC116 
SSSS0520PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): If missing data procedures were used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI, you must provide the reason the data are missing. This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundPFC116Reason 
SSSS0521PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Lower bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. lowerBoundPFC116 
SSSS0523PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Were missing data procedures used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundPFC116 
SSSS0524PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): If missing data procedures were used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI, you must report a reason the data are missing. This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundPFC116Reason 
SSSS0525PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Number of samples. This data element is required. numOfSamplesPFC218 
SSSS0526PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Number of samples. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numOfSamplesPFC218 
SSSS0527PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Upper bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. upperBoundPFC218 
SSSS0528PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Upper bound on the 95 percent CI. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. upperBoundPFC218 
SSSS0529PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Were missing data procedures used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundPFC218 
SSSS0530PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): If missing data procedures were used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI, you must report a reason the data are missing. This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundPFC218Reason 
SSSS0531PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Lower bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. lowerBoundPFC218 
SSSS0532PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Lower bound on the 95 percent CI. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. lowerBoundPFC218 
SSSS0533PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Were missing data procedures used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundPFC218 
SSSS0534PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): If missing data procedures were used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI, you must provide a reason the data are missing. This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundPFC218Reason 
SSSS0535Perfluorocyclopropane: Number of samples. This data element is required. numOfSamplesCC3F6 
SSSS0536Perfluorocyclopropane: Number of samples. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numOfSamplesCC3F6 
SSSS0537Perfluorocyclopropane: Upper bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. upperBoundCC3F6 
SSSS0538Perfluorocyclopropane: Upper bound on the 95 percent CI. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. upperBoundCC3F6 
SSSS0539Perfluorocyclopropane: Were missing data procedures used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundCC3F6 
SSSS0540Perfluorocyclopropane: If missing data procedures were used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI, you must provide a reason the data are missing. This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundCC3F6Reason 
SSSS0541Perfluorocyclopropane: Lower bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. lowerBoundCC3F6 
SSSS0542Perfluorocyclopropane: Lower bound on the 95 percent CI. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. lowerBoundCC3F6 
SSSS0543Perfluorocyclopropane: Were missing data procedures used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundCC3F6 
SSSS0544Perfluorocyclopropane: If missing data procedures were used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI, you must provide a reason the data are missing. This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundCC3F6Reason 
SSSS0545PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Number of samples. This data element is required. numOfSamplesPFC3110 
SSSS0546PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Number of samples. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numOfSamplesPFC3110 
SSSS0547PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Upper bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. upperBoundPFC3110 
SSSS0548PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Upper bound on the 95 percent CI. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. upperBoundPFC3110 
SSSS0549PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Were missing data procedures used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundPFC3110 
SSSS0550PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): If missing data procedures were used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI, you must provide a reason the data are missing. This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundPFC3110Reason 
SSSS0551PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Lower bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. lowerBoundPFC3110 
SSSS0552PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Lower bound on the 95 percent CI. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. lowerBoundPFC3110 
SSSS0553PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Were missing data procedures used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundPFC3110 
SSSS0554PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): If missing data provisions were used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI, you must provide a reason the data are missing. This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundPFC3110Reason 
SSSS0555Perfluorocyclobutane: Number of samples. This data element is required. numOfSamplesCC4F8 
SSSS0556Perfluorocyclobutane: Number of samples. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numOfSamplesCC4F8 
SSSS0557Perfluorocyclobutane: Upper bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. upperBoundCC4F8 
SSSS0558Perfluorocyclobutane: Upper bound on the 95 percent CI. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. upperBoundCC4F8 
SSSS0559Perfluorocyclobutane: Were missing data procedures used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundCC4F8 
SSSS0560Perfluorocyclobutane: If missing data procedures were used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI, you must provide a reason the data are missing. This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundCC4F8Reason 
SSSS0561Perfluorocyclobutane: Lower bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. lowerBoundCC4F8 
SSSS0562Perfluorocyclobutane: Lower bound on the 95 percent CI. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. lowerBoundCC4F8 
SSSS0563Perfluorocyclobutane: Were missing data procedures used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundCC4F8 
SSSS0564Perfluorocyclobutane: If missing data procedures were used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI, you must provide a reason the data are missing. This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundCC4F8Reason 
SSSS0565PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluorobutane): Number of samples. This data element is required. numOfSamplesPFC4112 
SSSS0566PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluorobutane): Number of samples. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numOfSamplesPFC4112 
SSSS0567PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluorobutane): Upper bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. upperBoundPFC4112 
SSSS0568PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluorobutane): Upper bound on the 95 percent CI. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. upperBoundPFC4112 
SSSS0569PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluorobutane) : Were missing data procedures used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundPFC4112 
SSSS0570PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluorobutane): If missing data procedures were used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI, you must provide a reason the data are missiong. This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundPFC4112Reason 
SSSS0571PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluorobutane): Lower bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. lowerBoundPFC4112 
SSSS0572PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluorobutane): Lower bound on the 95 percent CI. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. lowerBoundPFC4112 
SSSS0573PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluorobutane) : Were missing data procedures used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundPFC4112 
SSSS0574PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluorobutane): If missing data procedures were used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI, you must provide a reason the data are missing. This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundPFC4112Reason 
SSSS0575PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Number of samples. This data element is required. numOfSamplesPFC5114 
SSSS0576PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Number of samples. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numOfSamplesPFC5114 
SSSS0577PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Upper bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. upperBoundPFC5114 
SSSS0579PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane) : Were missing data procedures used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundPFC5114 
SSSS0580PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): If missing data procedures were used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI, you must provide a reason data are missing. This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundPFC5114Reason 
SSSS0581PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Lower bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. lowerBoundPFC5114 
SSSS0582PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Lower bound on the 95 percent CI. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. lowerBoundPFC5114 
SSSS0583PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Were missing data procedures used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundPFC5114 
SSSS0584PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): If missing data procedures were used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI, you must provide a reason data are missing. This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundPFC5114Reason 
SSSS0585PFC-9-1-18: Number of samples. This data element is required. numOfSamplesPFC9118 
SSSS0586PFC-9-1-18: Number of samples. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numOfSamplesPFC9118 
SSSS0587PFC-9-1-18: Upper bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. upperBoundPFC9118 
SSSS0588PFC-9-1-18: Upper bound on the 95 percent CI. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. upperBoundPFC9118 
SSSS0589PFC-9-1-18: Were missing data procedures used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundPFC9118 
SSSS0590PFC-9-1-18: If missing data procedures were used for the upper bound on the 95 percent CI, you must provide a reason data are missing. This data element is required. missingDataUpperBoundPFC9118Reason 
SSSS0591PFC-9-1-18: Lower bound on the 95 percent CI. This data element is required. lowerBoundPFC9118 
SSSS0592PFC-9-1-18: Lower bound on the 95 percent CI. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. lowerBoundPFC9118 
SSSS0593PFC-9-1-18: Were missing data procedures used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI for this GHG? This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundPFC9118 
SSSS0594PFC-9-1-18: If missing data procedures were used for the lower bound on the 95 percent CI, you must provide a reason the data are missing. This data element is required. missingDataLowerBoundPFC9118Reason 
SSSS0595Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for pounds of SF6 or PFC stored in containers at the beginning of the year. This data element is required. methodUsedBeginYr 
SSSS0596Pounds of SF6 or PFC stored in containers at the beginning of the year. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. poundsBeginYr 
SSSS0597Pounds of SF6 or PFC stored in containers at the beginning of the year. This data element is required. poundsBeginYr 
SSSS0598Pounds of SF6 or PFC stored in containers at the end of the year. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. poundsEndYr 
SSSS0599Pounds of SF6 or PFC stored in containers at the end of the year. This data element is required. poundsEndYr 
SSSS0600Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for pounds of SF6 or PFC stored in containers at the end of the year. This data element is required. methodUsedEndYr 
SSSS0601Pounds of SF6 or PFC purchased from chemical producers or suppliers in bulk. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. pndsPurchInBulk 
SSSS0602Pounds of SF6 or PFC purchased from chemical producers or suppliers in bulk. This data element is required. pndsPurchInBulk 
SSSS0603Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for pounds of SF6 or PFC purchased from chemical producers or suppliers in bulk. This data element is required. methodUsedBlkPurchase 
SSSS0604Pounds of SF6 or PFC returned by equipment users. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. pndsRetnEqptUsers 
SSSS0605Pounds of SF6 or PFC returned by equipment users. This data element is required. pndsRetnEqptUsers 
SSSS0606Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for pounds of SF6 or PFC returned by equipment users. This data element is required. methodUsedReturnedEqpt 
SSSS0607Pounds of SF6 or PFC returned from off-site recycling. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. pndsRetnOffRecycling 
SSSS0608Pounds of SF6 returned from off-site recycling. This data element is required. pndsRetnOffRecycling 
SSSS0609Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for pounds of SF6 returned from off-site recycling. This data element is required. methodUsedRecycle 
SSSS0610Pounds of SF6 or PFC contained in new equipment delivered to customers. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. pndsContNewEqptDelivered 
SSSS0611Pounds of SF6 or PFC contained in new equipment delivered to customers. This data element is required. pndsContNewEqptDelivered 
SSSS0612Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for pounds of SF6 or PFC contained in new equipment delivered to customers. This data element is required. methodUsedNewEqpt 
SSSS0613Pounds of SF6 or PFC delivered to equipment users in containers. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. pndsDelEqptInCont 
SSSS0614Pounds of SF6 or PFC delivered to equipment users in containers. This data element is required. pndsDelEqptInCont 
SSSS0615Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for pounds of SF6 or PFC delivered to equipment users in containers. This data element is required. methodUsedEqptUser 
SSSS0616Pounds of SF6 or PFC returned to suppliers. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. pndsRetnToSuppliers 
SSSS0617Pounds of SF6 or PFC returned to suppliers. This data element is required. pndsRetnToSuppliers 
SSSS0618Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for pounds of SF6 or PFC returned to suppliers. This data element is required. methodUsedReturnedSuppliers 
SSSS0619Pounds of SF6 or PFC sent off-site for destruction. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. pndsOffsiteDestruction 
SSSS0620Pounds of SF6 or PFC sent off-site for destruction. This data element is required. pndsOffsiteDestruction 
SSSS0621Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for pounds of SF6 or PFC sent off-site for destruction. This data element is required. methodUsedOffsiteDestruction 
SSSS0622Pounds of SF6 sent off site for recycling. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. pndsOffsiteRecycling 
SSSS0623Pounds of SF6 or PFC sent off site for recycling. This data element is required. pndsOffsiteRecycling 
SSSS0624Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for pounds of SF6 or PFC sent off-site for recycling. This data element is required. methodUsedOffsiteRecycle 
SSSS0625Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the nameplate capacity of the equipment delivered to customers with SF6 or PFC inside. This data element is required. methodUsedEqptNameplateCapacity 
SSSS0626Total annual mass of the SF6 or PFCs, in pounds, used to fill equipment. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalFillEqpt 
SSSS0627Total annual mass of the SF6 or PFCs, in pounds, used to fill equipment. This data element is required. totalFillEqpt 
SSSS0628Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for total annual mass of the SF6 or PFCs used to fill equipment. This data element is required. methodUsedFillEqptOffsite 
SSSS0629Total annual mass of the SF6 or PFCs (in pounds) used to charge the equipment prior to leaving this manufacturing facility. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before submitting your report. totalChargeEqpt 
SSSS0630Total annual mass of the SF6 or PFCs (in pounds) used to charge the equipment prior to leaving this manufacturing facility. This data element is required. totalChargeEqpt 
SSSS0631Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for total annual mass of the SF6 or PFCs used to charge equipment prior to leaving this manufacturing facility. This data element is required. methodUsedDataChargeEqpt 
SSSS0632Total annual nameplate capacity of the equipment, in pounds, installed at electric transmission or distribution facilities. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalNameplateCap 
SSSS0633Total annual nameplate capacity of the equipment, in pounds, installed at electric transmission or distribution facilities. This data element is required. totalNameplateCap 
SSSS0634Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for total annual nameplate capacity of the equipment installed at off-site electric transmission or distribution facilities. This data element is required. methodUsedNameplateCap 
SSSS0636SF6: The emission factor for the valve-hose combination Ci (units per A4 or A5). This data element is required. emissionFactorSF6 
SSSS0637SF6: Report the units of measure for EFC for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. unitOfMeasureSF6 
SSSS0638SF6: Report the valve fitting sizes and hose diameters for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. valveFitSizeHoseDmSF6 
SSSS0640SF6: The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalNoOfFillOperationSF6 
SSSS0641SF6: The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. This data element is required. totalNoOfFillOperationSF6 
SSSS0642SF6: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for total number of filling operations. This data element is required. mehtodUsedTotalNumfillOperationSF6 
SSSS0644SF6: Mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. meanValueMassSF6 
SSSS0646SF6:Describe the associated make, model, and group of conditions. This data element is required. descMakeModelSF6 
SSSS0647Sulfur hexafluoride: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. methodUsedMeanValueSF6 
SSSS0648Sulfur hexafluoride: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for number of samples. This data element is required. methodUsedNumofSamplesSF6 
SSSS0649Total facility GHG emissions according to Equation SS-1. This data element is required. pndsUserEmission 
SSSS0650Total facility GHG emissions according to Equation SS-1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. pndsUserEmission 
SSSS0655PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Describe the engineering methods and calculations used to determine emissions from hoses or other flow lines that connect the container to the equipment being filled. This data element is required. engineeringMethodPFC14 
SSSS0657PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): The emission factor for the valve-hose combination Ci (units per A11 or A12). This data element is required. emissionFactorPFC14 
SSSS0658PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Report the units of measure for EFC for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. unitOfMeasurePFC14 
SSSS0659PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Report the valve fitting sizes and hose diameters for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. valveFitSizeHoseDmPFC14 
SSSS0660PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalNoOfFillOperationPFC14 
SSSS0661PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. This data element is required. totalNoOfFillOperationPFC14 
SSSS0662PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Describe the engineering methods and calculations used to determine emissions from hoses or other flow lines that connect the container to the equipment being filled. This data element is required. engineeringMethodPFC116 
SSSS0664PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): The emission factor for the valve-hose combination Ci (units per A18 or A19). This data element is required. emissionFactorPFC116 
SSSS0665PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Report the units of measure for EFC for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. unitOfMeasurePFC116 
SSSS0666PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Report the valve fitting sizes and hose diameters for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. valveFitSizeHoseDmPFC116 
SSSS0667PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalNoOfFillOperationPFC116 
SSSS0668PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. This data element is required. totalNoOfFillOperationPFC116 
SSSS0669PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Describe the engineering methods and calculations used to determine emissions from hoses or other flow lines that connect the container to the equipment being filled. This data element is required. engineeringMethodPFC218 
SSSS0671PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): The emission factor for the valve-hose combination Ci (units per A25 or A26). This data element is required. emissionFactorPFC218 
SSSS0672PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Report the units of measure for EFC for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. unitOfMeasurePFC218 
SSSS0673PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Report the valve fitting sizes and hose diameters for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. valveFitSizeHoseDmPFC218 
SSSS0674PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalNoOfFillOperationPFC218 
SSSS0675PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. This data element is required. totalNoOfFillOperationPFC218 
SSSS0676Perfluorocyclopropane: Describe the engineering methods and calculations used to determine emissions from hoses or other flow lines that connect the container to the equipment being filled.. This data element is required. engineeringMethodCC3F6 
SSSS0678Perfluorocyclopropane: The emission factor for the valve-hose combination Ci (units per A32 or A33). This data element is required. emissionFactorCC3F6 
SSSS0679Perfluorocyclopropane: Report the units of measure for EFC for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. unitOfMeasureCC3F6 
SSSS0680Perfluorocyclopropane: Report the valve fitting sizes and hose diameters for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. valveFitSizeHoseDmCC3F6 
SSSS0681Perfluorocyclopropane: The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalNoOfFillOperationCC3F6 
SSSS0682Perfluorocyclopropane: The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. This data element is required. totalNoOfFillOperationCC3F6 
SSSS0683PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Describe the engineering methods and calculations used to determine emissions from hoses or other flow lines that connect the container to the equipment being filled. This data element is required. engineeringMethodPFC3110 
SSSS0685PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): The emission factor for the valve-hose combination Ci (units per A39 or A40). This data element is required. emissionFactorPFC3110 
SSSS0686PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Report the units of measure for EFC for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. unitOfMeasurePFC3110 
SSSS0687PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Report the valve fitting sizes and hose diameters for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. valveFitSizeHoseDmPFC3110 
SSSS0688PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalNoOfFillOperationPFC3110 
SSSS0689PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. This data element is required. totalNoOfFillOperationPFC3110 
SSSS0690Perfluorocyclobutane : Describe the engineering methods and calculations used to determine emissions from hoses or other flow lines that connect the container to the equipment being filled.. This data element is required. engineeringMethodCC4F8 
SSSS0692Perfluorocyclobutane: The emission factor for the valve-hose combination Ci (units per A46 or A47). This data element is required. emissionFactorCC4F8 
SSSS0693Perfluorocyclobutane: Report the units of measure for EFC for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. unitOfMeasureCC4F8 
SSSS0694Perfluorocyclobutane: Report the valve fitting sizes and hose diameters for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. valveFitSizeHoseDmCC4F8 
SSSS0695Perfluorocyclobutane: The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalNoOfFillOperationCC4F8 
SSSS0696Perfluorocyclobutane: The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. This data element is required. totalNoOfFillOperationCC4F8 
SSSS0697PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): Describe the engineering methods and calculations used to determine emissions from hoses or other flow lines that connect the container to the equipment being filled. This data element is required. engineeringMethodPFC4112 
SSSS0699PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): The emission factor for the valve-hose combination Ci (units per A53 or A54). This data element is required. emissionFactorPFC4112 
SSSS0700PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): Report the units of measure for EFC for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. unitOfMeasurePFC4112 
SSSS0701PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): Report the valve fitting sizes and hose diameters for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. valveFitSizeHoseDmPFC4112 
SSSS0702PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalNoOfFillOperationPFC4112 
SSSS0703PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. This data element is required. totalNoOfFillOperationPFC4112 
SSSS0704PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Describe the engineering methods and calculations used to determine emissions from hoses or other flow lines that connect the container to the equipment being filled. This data element is required. engineeringMethodPFC5114 
SSSS0706PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): The emission factor for the valve-hose combination Ci (units per A60 or A61). This data element is required. emissionFactorPFC5114 
SSSS0707PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Report the units of measure for EFC for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. unitOfMeasurePFC5114 
SSSS0708PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Report the valve fitting sizes and hose diameters for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. valveFitSizeHoseDmPFC5114 
SSSS0709PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalNoOfFillOperationPFC5114 
SSSS0710PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. This data element is required. totalNoOfFillOperationPFC5114 
SSSS0711PFC-9-1-18: Describe the engineering methods and calculations used to determine emissions from hoses or other flow lines that connect the container to the equipment being filled. This data element is required. engineeringMethodPFC9118 
SSSS0713PFC-9-1-18: The emission factor for the valve-hose combination Ci (units per A67 or A68). This data element is required. emissionFactorPFC9118 
SSSS0714PFC-9-1-18: Report the units of measure for EFC for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. unitOfMeasurePFC9118 
SSSS0715PFC-9-1-18: Report the valve fitting sizes and hose diameters for each hose and valve combination. This data element is required. valveFitSizeHoseDmPFC9118 
SSSS0716PFC-9-1-18: The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalNoOfFillOperationPFC9118 
SSSS0717PFC-9-1-18: The total number of fill operations during the reporting year for the valve-hose combination Ci. This data element is required. totalNoOfFillOperationPFC9118 
SSSS0718PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data used for determining the value for EFC. This data element is required. methodUsedEfcValuePFC116 
SSSS0719PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for determining the value for EFC. This data element is required. methodUsedEfcValuePFC218 
SSSS0720Perfluorocyclopropane: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for determining the value for EFC. This data element is required. methodUsedEfcValueCC3F6 
SSSS0722Perfluorocyclobutane: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for determining the value for EFC. This data element is required. methodUsedEfcValueCC4F8 
SSSS0723PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for determining the value for EFC. This data element is required. methodUsedEfcValuePFC4112 
SSSS0724PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for determining the value for EFC. This data element is required. methodUsedEfcValuePFC5114 
SSSS0725PFC-9-1-18: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for determining the value for EFC. This data element is required. methodUsedEfcValuePFC9118 
SSSS0726PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for total number of filling operations. This data element is required. mehtodUsedTotalNumfillOperationPFC14 
SSSS0727PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for total number of filling operations. This data element is required. mehtodUsedTotalNumfillOperationPFC116 
SSSS0728PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for total number of filling operations. This data element is required. mehtodUsedTotalNumfillOperationPFC218 
SSSS0729Perfluorocyclopropane: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for total number of filling operations. This data element is required. mehtodUsedTotalNumfillOperationCC3F6 
SSSS0731Perfluorocyclobutane: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for total number of filling operations. This data element is required. mehtodUsedTotalNumfillOperationCC4F8 
SSSS0732PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for total number of filling operations. This data element is required. mehtodUsedTotalNumfillOperationPFC4112 
SSSS0733PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for total number of filling operations. This data element is required. mehtodUsedTotalNumfillOperationPFC5114 
SSSS0734PFC-9-1-18: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for total number of filling operations. This data element is required. mehtodUsedTotalNumfillOperationPFC9118 
SSSS0735PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. meanValueMassPFC14 
SSSS0737PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Describe the associated make, model, and group of conditions. This data element is required. descMakeModelPFC14 
SSSS0738PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. meanValueMassPFC116 
SSSS0740PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Describe the associated make, model, and group of conditions. This data element is required. descMakeModelPFC116 
SSSS0741PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. meanValueMassPFC218 
SSSS0742PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Mean value of nameplate capacity. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. meanValueMassPFC218 
SSSS0743PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Describe the associated make, model, and group of conditions. This data element is required. descMakeModelPFC218 
SSSS0744Perfluorocyclopropane: Mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. meanValueMassCC3F6 
SSSS0745Perfluorocyclopropane: Mean value of nameplate capacity. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. meanValueMassCC3F6 
SSSS0746Perfluorocyclopropane: Describe the associated make, model, and group of conditions. This data element is required. descMakeModelCC3F6 
SSSS0747PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. meanValueMassPFC3110 
SSSS0748PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Mean value of nameplate capacity. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. meanValueMassPFC3110 
SSSS0749PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Describe the associated make, model, and group of conditions. This data element is required. descMakeModelPFC3110 
SSSS0750Perfluorocyclobutane: Mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. meanValueMassCC4F8 
SSSS0751Perfluorocyclobutane: Mean value of nameplate capacity. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. meanValueMassCC4F8 
SSSS0752Perfluorocyclobutane: Describe the associated make, model, and group of conditions. This data element is required. descMakeModelCC4F8 
SSSS0753PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): Mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. meanValueMassPFC4112 
SSSS0754PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): Mean value of nameplate capacity. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. meanValueMassPFC4112 
SSSS0755PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): Describe the associated make, model, and group of conditions. This data element is required. descMakeModelPFC4112 
SSSS0756PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. meanValueMassPFC5114 
SSSS0757PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Mean value of nameplate capacity. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. meanValueMassPFC5114 
SSSS0758PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Describe the associated make, model, and group of conditions. This data element is required. descMakeModelPFC5114 
SSSS0759PFC-9-1-18: Mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. meanValueMassPFC9118 
SSSS0760PFC-9-1-18: Mean value of nameplate capacity. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. meanValueMassPFC9118 
SSSS0761PFC-9-1-18: Describe the associated make, model, and group of conditions. This data element is required. descMakeModelPFC9118 
SSSS0762PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. methodUsedMeanValuePFC14 
SSSS0763PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. methodUsedMeanValuePFC116 
SSSS0764PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. methodUsedMeanValuePFC218 
SSSS0765Perfluorocyclopropane: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. methodUsedMeanValueCC3F6 
SSSS0767Perfluorocyclobutane: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. methodUsedMeanValueCC4F8 
SSSS0768PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. methodUsedMeanValuePFC4112 
SSSS0769PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. methodUsedMeanValuePFC5114 
SSSS0770PFC-9-1-18: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for mean value of nameplate capacity. This data element is required. methodUsedMeanValuePFC9118 
SSSS0771PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for number of samples. This data element is required. methodUsedNumofSamplesPFC14 
SSSS0772PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for number of samples. This data element is required. methodUsedNumofSamplesPFC116 
SSSS0773PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for number of samples. This data element is required. methodUsedNumofSamplesPFC218 
SSSS0774Perfluorocyclopropane: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for number of samples. This data element is required. methodUsedNumofSamplesCC3F6 
SSSS0775PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for number of samples. This data element is required. methodUsedNumofSamplesPFC3110 
SSSS0776Perfluorocyclobutane: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for number of samples. This data element is required. methodUsedNumofSamplesCC4F8 
SSSS0777PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for number of samples. This data element is required. methodUsedNumofSamplesPFC4112 
SSSS0778PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for number of samples. This data element is required. methodUsedNumofSamplesPFC5114 
SSSS0779PFC-9-1-18: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for number of samples. This data element is required. methodUsedNumofSamplesPFC9118 
SSSS0780Sulfur hexafluoride: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the upper bound. This data element is required. methodUsedUpperBoundSF6 
SSSS0781PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the upper bound. This data element is required. methodUsedUpperBoundPFC14 
SSSS0782PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the upper bound. This data element is required. methodUsedUpperBoundPFC116 
SSSS0783PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the upper bound. This data element is required. methodUsedUpperBoundPFC218 
SSSS0784Perfluorocyclopropane: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the upper bound. This data element is required. methodUsedUpperBoundCC3F6 
SSSS0785PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the upper bound. This data element is required. methodUsedUpperBoundPFC3110 
SSSS0786Perfluorocyclobutane: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the upper bound. This data element is required. methodUsedUpperBoundCC4F8 
SSSS0787PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the lower bound. This data element is required. methodUsedUpperBoundPFC4112 
SSSS0788PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the upper bound. This data element is required. methodUsedUpperBoundPFC5114 
SSSS0789PFC-9-1-18: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the upper bound. This data element is required. methodUsedUpperBoundPFC9118 
SSSS0790Sulfur hexafluoride: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the lower bound. This data element is required. methodUsedLowerBoundSF6 
SSSS0791PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the lower bound. This data element is required. methodUsedLowerBoundPFC14 
SSSS0792PFC-116 (Perfluoroethane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the lower bound. This data element is required. methodUsedLowerBoundPFC116 
SSSS0793PFC-218 (Perfluoropropane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the lower bound. This data element is required. methodUsedLowerBoundPFC218 
SSSS0794Perfluorocyclopropane: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the lower bound. This data element is required. methodUsedLowerBoundCC3F6 
SSSS0795PFC-3-1-10 (Perfluorobutane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the lower bound. This data element is required. methodUsedLowerBoundPFC3110 
SSSS0796PFC-4-1-12 (Perfluoropentane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the lower bound. This data element is required. methodUsedLowerBoundPFC4112 
SSSS0797PFC-5-1-14 (Perfluorohexane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the lower bound. This data element is required. methodUsedLowerBoundPFC5114 
SSSS0798PFC-9-1-18: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the lower bound. This data element is required. methodUsedLowerBoundPFC9118 
SSSS0799Were missing data procedures used for the pounds of GHG used to fill equipment at off-site electric power transmission or distribution locations (MF in Equation SS-6)? This data element is required. missingDataFillEqptOffsite 
SSSS0800If missing data procedures were used for the pounds of GHG used to fill equipment at off-site electric power transmission or distribution locations, you must report the data used. This data element is required. missingDataFillEqptOffsiteReason 
SSSS0801Were missing data procedures used for the pounds of GHG used to charge the equipment prior to leaving the electrical equipment manufacturer or refurbishment facility (MC in Equation SS-6)? This data element is required. missingDataChargeEqpt 
SSSS0802If missing data procedures were used for the pounds of GHG used to charge the equipment prior to leaving the electrical equipment manufacturer or refurbishment facility, you must report the data used. This data element is required. missingDataChargeEqptReason 
SSSS0803Were missing data procedures used for the nameplate capacity of the equipment installed at off-site electric power transmission or distribution locations used to determine emissions from installation (NI in Equation SS-6)? This data element is required. missingDataNameplateCap 
SSSS0804PFC-14 (Perfluoromethane): Report the method used to estimate the substitute data used for determining the value for EFC. This data element is required. methodUsedEfcValuePFC14 
SSSS0805Perfluorocyclobutane: Report the method used to estimate the substitute data for the lower bound. This data element is required. methodUsedLowerBoundCC4F8 
TGHG-ADD-2The greenhouse gas you are attempting to add is invalid because it already exists on the selection list provided. Please enter a unique greenhouse gas, or click CANCEL. ghgExisting 
TT0001You have not added a Production Process Type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. productProcessType 
TT0002Production Process Type. You selected "Other Process" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide a description of the process in the text box provided. This data element is required. You must enter a description of the "other" production process before continuing. productProcessTypeOther 
TT0003The quantity of magnesium produced or processed for this production process. This data element is required. magnesiumAmount 
TT0004The quantity of magnesium produced or processed by this production process. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. magnesiumAmount 
TT0005You have not added a production unit. You must enter a production unit for this production process. This data element is required. subPartTProcessUnitList 
TT0006Flow Rate of Cover/Carrier Gas. This data element is required. flowRate 
TT0007Flow Rate of Cover/Carrier Gas. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. flowRate 
TT0008You have not added a cover or carrier gas to the Cover/Carrier Gas Composition Table. You must complete the Cover/Carrier Gas Composition Table before submitting your report. ghgMixture 
TT0009Gas Type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. gasType 
TT001You have not added a production process. You must add at least one production process and then report the required information for each process unit within the production process. subPartTProductionProcessesList 
TT0010GHG Name. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. coverGasName 
TT0011GHG Name. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. carrierGasName 
TT0012Volume Percent. The volume percent is missing for this cover gas. The percentage composition data for each cover gas is a required data element. You must enter a volume percent for this cover gas before submitting your report. coverVolPercent 
TT0013Volume Percent. This value should be reported as a percentage, and should be within the range of 0 to 100 %. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. coverVolPercent 
TT0014GHG Gas. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. coverCarrierGas 
TT0015F-GHG Name. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. gasName 
TT0017Annual Cover Gas Usage Rate. This data element is required. annualCoverGas 
TT0018Annual Cover Gas Usage Rate. For cover gases you must enter a value that is greater than zero. For carrier gases you must enter zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualCoverGas 
TT0019Total Annual Emissions resulting from use of GHG. This data element is required. totalAnnualEmission 
TT002You have not added a GHG to the GHG Emissions Table. This data element is required. You must select a GHG in the GHG Emissions Table before continuing. subPartTCoverCarrierList 
TT0020Total annual emissions resulting from use of this GHG. You must enter the annual emissions for this GHG in metric tons. This data element is required. totalAnnualEmission 
TT0021Were missing data provisions used to estimate emissions for this GHG? This data element is required. wereMissingDataUsed 
TT0022Missing Data Method used to estimate emissions. This data element is required. missingDataMethod 
TT0023Time period (p) during which method was used. This data element is required. timePeriodUsed 
TT0024Time period during which missing data procedures were used. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year and should be within the range of 0 to 365 days (or 366 days for leap years). The value you provided is outside this range. Please correct the value before submitting your report. timePeriodUsed 
TT0025Quantity of emissions estimated using missing data method procedures. This data element is required. quantityEmission 
TT0026Quantity of emissions estimated using the missing data procedures. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. quantityEmission 
TT0028Cover Gas Name. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. coverName 
TT0029Carrier Gas Name. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. carrierName 
TT0030Specify "Other Non-GHG Carrier Gas". You selected "Other Non-GHG Carrier Gas" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherNonghgCarrier 
TT0031Volume Percent. The volume percent is missing for this carrier gas. You must enter the volume percent composition for each carrier gas you used during the reporting year. carrierVolPercent 
TT0032Volume Percent. This value should be reported as a percentage, and should be within the range of 0 to 100 %. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. carrierVolPercent 
TT0033Method used to calculate emissions. This data element is required. Please select the calculation method used to calculate emissions of this GHG. calcMethodUsed 
TT0034Units of time in either hours or days for the time period during which missing data provisions were used. This data element is required. timePeriodUsedScale 
TT0036Time period during which the missing data procedures were used. This value should be reported as the total number of hours in the reporting year and must be between 0 and 8,760 hours (or 8,784 hours for leap years). The value you provided is outside this range. timePeriodUsed 
TT0046Unit Type. You selected "Other Unit" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide a description of the unit in the text box provided. This data element is required. You must enter a description of the production unit before continuing. otherUnit 
TT0048Chemical Abstract Registry Number. A match is found with the same cas number. The gas cannot be added. gasCasNum 
TT0050CAS Number. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. coverGasCasNum 
TT0052CAS Number. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. carrierGasCasNum 
TT0054Specify "Other Non-GHG Cover Gas". You selected "Other Non-GHG Cover Gas" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherNonghgCover 
TT0056You cannot add this greenhouse gas because the CAS Registry Number you have provided for this "other" gas matches with an existing 40 CFR Part 98 Table A-1 gas, or it matches with an "other" gas that has already been added. It is possible it is included in the selection list provided, but with a different chemical name than the one you are using. The gas with the matching CAS Registry Number is identified within e-GGRT as follows: CAS Registry Number: {1}; Gas Name: {2}; Chemical Formula: {3}. If you would like to select this gas, click CANCEL and locate the gas on the selection list provided. If you are unable to locate this gas on the selection list provided, please <a href=http://www.ccdsupport.com/confluence/display/help/Contact+the+Help+Desk+-+Issues+Related+to+the+Identification+of+Specific+f-GHGs target=_blank>contact the GHGRP Help Desk</a>. casNumber 
TT0060Chemical Formula for other GHG cover or carrier gas. Please provide the chemical formula of the other GHG cover or carrier gas. gasFormula 
TT0061Chemical Formula for other GHG cover gas. If known, please provide the chemical formula of the other GHG cover gas. coverGasFormula 
TT0062Chemical Formula for other GHG carrier gas. If known, please provide the chemical formula of the other GHG carrier gas. carrierGasFormula 
TT0064Your facility reported the GHG [{1}] in the emissions table (GHG COVER/CARRIER GASES table on the Subpart Overview screen). But your facility failed to report the GHG as a carrier and/or cover gas in the composition table of any production units. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['inCompositions'] 
TT0065Your facility reported the GHG carrier gas [{1}] in the composition table of the production unit [{2}]. But your facility failed to report emissions of this GHG in the emissions table (GHG COVER/CARRIER GASES table on the Subpart Overview screen). Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['inCarrierMix'] 
TT0066Your facility reported the GHG cover gas [{1}] in the composition table of the production unit [{2}]. But your facility failed to report emissions of this GHG in the emissions table (GHG COVER/CARRIER GASES table on the Subpart Overview screen). Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['inCoverMix'] 
TT100The Production Process Type you have selected already exists. none 
TT101The GHG you have selected already exists in the GHG Emissions Table. none 
TT102The GHG Gas Name or CAS Number you have selected already exists. none 
TUM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
TUM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
TTALL0001CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveCasNumber'] 
TTALL0002Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveChemicalFormula'] 
TTHH0345An indication that a gas collection system is at your facility has been made, but a unique name or identifier for the landfill gas measurement location has not been provided. This data element is required. Please provide a name, or click CANCEL. name 
TTHH0349Annual operating hours for the landfill gas measurement location. The annual operating hours must be a number between zero and 8760 (or between zero and 8784 in a leap year). Please enter a valid number of operating hours, or click CANCEL. annualOperatingHours 
TTHH0350An indication that a gas collection system is at your facility has been made, but the operating hours for the landfill gas measurement location has not been provided. This data element is required. annualOperatingHours 
TTHH0358You have added a measurement location, but have not yet added a destruction device. If a destruction device is associated with this measurement location, but is located off-site, select the ADD a Destruction Device link and enter the total annual hours for the reporting year (8760 or 8784 if it is a leap year) and enter a value of 1 for destruction efficiency (DE). destructionDevices 
TTHH300You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the gas collection system collection efficiency (CE). You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedEstimatedGasCollectionSysEfficiency 
TTHH301Collection efficiency estimated at the landfill. Please enter the collection efficiency as a decimal fraction between zero and one. You must correct this before continuing. officialUnroundedEstimatedGasCollectionSysEfficiency 
TTHH307You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the annual modeled methane generation calculated using Equation HH-6. You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedEqHH6Ch4 
TTHH308For Equation HH-6, was the value for CH4 generation modeled (using Equation HH-1) or measured (using Equation HH-4)? This data element is required. Please be sure that you have entered results for both Equation HH-1 and Equation HH-4. officialRoundedEqHH6Ch4 
TTHH309You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the annual modeled methane generation calculated using Equation HH-7. You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedAnnualCh4GenerationEqHH7 
TTHH310Back-calculated methane generation (Equation HH-7). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedAnnualCh4GenerationEqHH7 
TTHH311You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the annual modeled methane generation calculated using Equation HH-8. You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedEqHH8Ch4 
TTHH312Methane emissions (Equation HH-8). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedEqHH8Ch4 
TTHH320The value for Equation HH-8 (methane emissions) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. This data element is required.GHG\FacilitySiteInformation\FacilitySiteDetails\ SubPartInformation\SubPartHH\GasCollectionSystemDetails\ MethaneGenerationEquationHH8\CalculatedValueofficialUnroundedEqHH8Ch4For Landfills with gas collection systems include a non-null numeric value for the data element with the specified xpath for MethaneGenerationEquationHH8
TTHH321The value for Equation HH-7 (back-calculated methane generation) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. This data element is required.GHG\FacilitySiteInformation\FacilitySiteDetails\ SubPartInformation\SubPartHH\GasCollectionSystemDetails\ MethaneGenerationEquationHH7\CalculatedValueofficialUnroundedAnnualCh4GenerationEqHH7For Landfills with gas collection systems include a non-null numeric value for the data element with the specified xpath for MethaneGenerationEquationHH7
TTHH322The value reported for Equation HH-6 (methane emissions) from the landfill in the reporting year is outside the range expected by EPA. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedEqHH6Ch4 
TTHH323The value for Equation HH-6 (methane emissions) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG\FacilitySiteInformation\FacilitySiteDetails\ SubPartInformation\SubPartHH\ GasCollectionSystemDetails\ MethaneGenerationEquationHH6\CalculatedValueofficialUnroundedEqHH6Ch4For Landfills with gas collection systems include a non-null numeric value for the data element with the specified xpath for MethaneGenerationEquationHH6
TTHH324The estimated gas collection system efficiency has not been reported. Please go back and revise this value before submitting your report. This data is required. officialUnroundedEstimatedGasCollectionSysEfficiency 
TTHH330The value for the oxidation factor (OX) used in Equation HH-6 has not been provided. This is a required data element.GHG\FacilitySiteInformation\FacilitySiteDetails\ SubPartInformation\SubPartHH\GasCollectionSystemDetails\ MethaneOxidation Fractions\MethaneOxidationFractionHH6oxHH6For Landfills with gas collection systems include the this data element with value between 0 and 1
TTHH331The value for the oxidation factor (OX) used in Equation HH-7 has not been provided. This is a required data element.GHG\FacilitySiteInformation\FacilitySiteDetails\ SubPartInformation\SubPartHH\GasCollectionSystemDetails\ MethaneOxidation Fractions\MethaneOxidationFractionHH7oxHH7For Landfills with gas collection systems include the this data element with value between 0 and 1
TTHH332The value for the oxidation factor (OX) used in Equation HH-8 has not been provided. This is a required data element.GHG\FacilitySiteInformation\FacilitySiteDetails\ SubPartInformation\SubPartHH\GasCollectionSystemDetails\ MethaneOxidation Fractions\ MethaneOxidationFractionHH8oxHH8For Landfills with gas collection systems include the this data element with value between 0 and 1
TTHH372The number of annual operating hours for the measurement location cannot be lower than the number of annual operating hours for the destruction device. Please enter a valid number of operating hours, or click CANCEL. destructionDevices 
TTHH373The number of annual operating hours for the destruction device cannot be higher than the number of annual operating hours for the measurement location. Please enter a valid number of operating hours, or click CANCEL. annualOperatingHours 
TTHH374The number of annual operating hours ({1}) for the destruction device {2} cannot be higher than the number of annual operating hours ({3}) for the measurement location {4}. You must enter number of annual operating hours for either the destruction device or the measurement location. destructionDevices 
TTHH378You reported 0 for the Annual operating hours for the landfill gas measurement location ({1}). However, for the same measurement location you have reported an Annual quantity of recovered CH4 ({2} (metric tons)) greater than 0, implying the measurement location was operational for a period of time during the reporting year. You must report Annual operating hours for the measurement location greater than zero, if Annual quantity of recovered CH4 is greater than zero. Please check the values you entered and correct before continuing. recoveredCh4Quantity 
TTTT0001Landfill Details. You have selected Subpart TT for reporting, but you have not yet completed the landfill details page. rySpecificLandfillAndEmissionsMapDTO 
TTTT0002Waste Stream Summary. You have selected Subpart TT for reporting, but you have not yet added a waste stream. streamName 
TTTT0004Was the landfill open or closed. This data element is required. isOpen 
TTTT0005Does the landfill have a landfill gas collection system? This data element is required. hasLFGCollectionSystem 
TTTT0007Capacity of the gas collection system. This data element is required. gasCollectionSystem.systemCapacity 
TTTT0008Capacity of the gas collection system. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. gasCollectionSystem.systemCapacity 
TTTT0009Number of wells. This data element is required. gasCollectionSystem.numberOfwells 
TTTT0010Landfill Gas Collection System. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. gasCollectionSystem.numberOfwells 
TTTT0013The typical frequency of use of leachate recirculation over the past ten years. This data element is required. leachateCirculationFrequency 
TTTT0018Aeration blower capacity. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. blowerCapacity 
TTTT0025If the landfill is open, the estimated year of landfill closure. This data element is required for open landfills. esimatedClosureYear 
TTTT0027Landfill capacity. This data element is required. landfillCapacity 
TTTT0030If the landfill is closed, the last year the landfill received waste. This data element is required. lastYearReceivedWaste 
TTTT0044Total volumetric flow of landfill gas collected for destruction (scf). This data element is required. otherGasCollectionSystemDetails.annualVolume 
TTTT0048Number of days substitute data were used to determine the volume. The value you provide must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 366. You must correct the current value before continuing. otherGasCollectionSystemDetails.numberOfDaysSubDataUsedAnnualVolume 
TTTT0049Annual average CH4 concentration. This data element is required. otherGasCollectionSystemDetails.annualAverageCh4Concentration 
TTTT0053If methane is monitored daily, the number of days substitute data was used to determine the annual average CH4 concentration of landfill gas collected for destruction. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. otherGasCollectionSystemDetails.numberOfDaysSubDataUsedAvgCh4Con 
TTTT0055If methane is monitored weekly, the number of weeks substitute data was used to determine the annual average CH4 concentration of landfill gas collected for destruction. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 52 (weeks). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. otherGasCollectionSystemDetails.numberOfWeeksSubDataUsedAvgCh4Con 
TTTT0056Was temperature incorporated into internal calculations run by the collection system\'s monitoring equipment? This data element is required. otherGasCollectionSystemDetails.isTempIncorporated 
TTTT0057Average monthly temperature at which flow is measured, for month(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. averageTemperature 
TTTT0081Was pressure incorporated into internal calculations run by the collection system\'s monitoring equipment? This data element is required. otherGasCollectionSystemDetails.isPressureIncorporated 
TTTT0082Average monthly pressure at which flow is measured, for month(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. averagePressure 
TTTT0106Was landfill gas flow measured on a wet or dry basis? This data element is required. otherGasCollectionSystemDetails.isGasFlowWetBasis 
TTTT0107Was CH4 concentration measured on a wet or dry basis? This data element is required. otherGasCollectionSystemDetails.isCh4ConcentrationWetBasis 
TTTT0108Average monthly moisture content, for month(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. averageMoistureContent 
TTTT0132Destruction occurred at the facility or offsite? This data element is required. otherGasCollectionSystemDetails.destructionOccurredAt 
TTTT0135Depth of area with no waste in-place (meters). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. wasteDepthWithNoWasteA1 
TTTT0136The depth of area without active gas collection, regardless of cover type (A2 in Table HH-3) has not been reported. This data element is required and must be reported even if the value is 0. Please double check and revise this value before submitting the report. wasteDepthWithOutActiveGasCollectionA2 
TTTT0138The depth of area with daily soil cover and active gas collection (A3) has not been reported. This data element is required and must be reported even if the value is 0. Please double check and revise this value before submitting the report. wasteDepthWithDailySoilCoverAndActiveGasA3 
TTTT0140A4: Depth of area with an intermediate soil cover, or a final soil cover not meeting the criteria for A5. This data element is required. wasteDepthWithSoilCoverNotMeetingCriteriaA4 
TTTT0141A4: Depth of area with an intermediate soil cover, or a final soil cover not meeting the criteria for A5. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. wasteDepthWithSoilCoverNotMeetingCriteriaA4 
TTTT0142A5: Depth of area with a final soil cover of 3 feet or thicker of clay and/or geomembrane cover system and active gas collection. This data element is required. wasteDepthWithSoilCover3FeetOrGeoCoverA5 
TTTT0143A5: Depth of area with a final soil cover of 3 feet or thicker of clay and/or geomembrane cover system and active gas collection. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. wasteDepthWithSoilCover3FeetOrGeoCoverA5 
TTTT0145Name or Identifier. This data element is required. streamName 
TTTT0146Waste Stream Description. This data element is required. streamDescription 
TTTT0147Identify each type of waste present in the waste stream. This data element is required. isAnyWasteTypeSelected 
TTTT015560-day anaerobic test method used. Because you have indicated that in one or more years the DOCx value for the waste stream was based on a measured value using a 60-day anaerobic biodegradation test, this data element is required. testMethodUsed 
TTTT0156Specify other method (60-day anaerobic test method used). Because you selected \'Other (specify)\' for the 60-day anaerobic test method used, this data element is required. otherTestMethodUsed 
TTTT0160Information related to a waste stream that is disposed of at your facility has been provided, but the same waste stream name or identifier text already exists. Please enter a unique stream name. streamName 
TTTT0161Cover material used. Please select at least one type of cover material used. organicCoverMaterialType 
TTTT0195The surface area for A1 (area with no waste-in-place) has not been reported. This data element is required even if the value to report is 0 square meters. surfaceAreaWithNoWasteA1 
TTTT0196A1: Surface area of area with no waste in-place. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. surfaceAreaWithNoWasteA1 
TTTT0197The surface area for A2 (area without active gas collection, regardless of cover type) has not been reported. This data element is required even if the value to report is 0 square meters. surfaceAreaWithOutActiveGasCollectionA2 
TTTT0198A2: Surface area of area without active gas collection, regardless of cover type. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. surfaceAreaWithOutActiveGasCollectionA2 
TTTT0199The surface area for A3 (area with daily soil cover and active gas collection) has not been reported. This data element is required even if the value to report is 0 square meters. surfaceAreaWithDailySoilCoverAndActiveGasA3 
TTTT0200A3: Surface area of area with daily soil cover and active gas collection. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. surfaceAreaWithDailySoilCoverAndActiveGasA3 
TTTT0201The surface area of area with an intermediate soil cover, or a final soil cover not meeting the criteria for A5 (area type A4 in Table HH-3) has not been reported. This data element is required even if the value to report is 0 square meters. surfaceAreaWithSoilCoverNotMeetingCriteriaA4 
TTTT0202A4: Surface area of area with an intermediate soil cover, or a final soil cover not meeting the criteria for A5. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. surfaceAreaWithSoilCoverNotMeetingCriteriaA4 
TTTT0203The surface area of area with a final soil cover of 3 feet or thicker of clay and/or geomembrane cover system and active gas collection (area type A5 in Table HH-3) has not been reported. This data element is required even if the value to report is 0 square meters. Please double check and revise this value before submitting the report. surfaceAreaWithSoilCover3FeetOrGeoCoverA5 
TTTT0204A5: Surface area of area with a final soil cover of 3 feet or thicker of clay and/or geomembrane cover system and active gas collection. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. surfaceAreaWithSoilCover3FeetOrGeoCoverA5 
TTTT0207You have selected the \'organic cover\' cover material type, but have not provided surface area (square meters). This data element is required. organicCoverMaterialType.coverTypeSurfaceArea 
TTTT0208You have selected the \'clay cover\' cover material type, but have not provided surface area (square meters). This data element is required. clayMaterialType.coverTypeSurfaceArea 
TTTT0209You have selected the \'sand cover\' cover material type, but have not provided surface area (square meters). This data element is required. sandMaterialType.coverTypeSurfaceArea 
TTTT0210You have selected the \'other soil mixture\' cover material type, but have not provided surface area (square meters). This data element is required. otherSoilMixtureMaterialType.coverTypeSurfaceArea 
TTTT0211You have indicated the fraction of methane in landfill gas (F) is based on a measured value, not the default value of 0.5, but have not provided the measured value. This data element is required. fractionOfCh4Value 
TTTT0212You have indicated the methane correction factor (MCF) is based on a measured value, not the default value of 1, but have not provided the measured value. This data element is required. mcfValue 
TTTT0215You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the annual modeled methane generation calculated using Equation TT-1. You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedTotalAnnualModeledCh4Generation 
TTTT0217You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the annual modeled methane generation calculated using Equation TT-1. You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedTotalAnnualModeledCh4Generation 
TTTT0219You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the annual modeled methane generation calculated using Equation TT-6. You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedModeledCh4Generation 
TTTT0221You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the gas collection system collection efficiency (CE). You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedEstimatedGasCollectionSysEfficiency 
TTTT0222Collection efficiency estimated at the landfill. Please enter the collection efficiency as a decimal fraction between zero and one. You must correct this before continuing. officialUnroundedEstimatedGasCollectionSysEfficiency 
TTTT0226You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the annual modeled methane generation calculated using Equation TT-6. You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedModeledCh4Generation 
TTTT0228You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the annual modeled methane generation calculated using Equation HH-6. You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedEqHH6Ch4 
TTTT0229For HH-6 was the value for CH4 generation modeled or measured. This data element is required. officialRoundedEqHH6Ch4 
TTTT0230You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the annual modeled methane generation calculated using Equation HH-7. You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedAnnualCh4GenerationEqHH7 
TTTT0231Back-calculated methane generation (Equation HH-7). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedAnnualCh4GenerationEqHH7 
TTTT0232You have elected to enter your own result, but have not entered a value for the annual modeled methane generation calculated using Equation HH-8. You must enter a value, or select the \'Use the calculated result\' option. officialUnroundedEqHH8Ch4 
TTTT0233Methane emissions (Equation HH-8). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedEqHH8Ch4 
TTTT0234First year the landfill accepted waste. This data element is required. acceptWasteStartYear 
TTTT0235First year the landfill accepted waste. Please enter a value greater than zero. You must correct this before continuing. acceptWasteStartYear 
TTTT0240Annual quantity of waste disposed in the year(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. wasteDisposalQuantity 
TTTT0242Degradable organic carbon (DOC) value for the year(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. docValue 
TTTT0244Decay rate (k) for the year(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. decayRate 
TTTT0246Method used to determine historical waste stream quantity in the year(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. isMethod1Selected 
TTTT0247Method used to determine DOC value for the year(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. isDefaultValueSelected 
TTTT0248Annual average CH4 concentration. The value you provide must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 100. You must correct the current value before continuing. otherGasCollectionSystemDetails.annualAverageCh4Concentration 
TTTT0249Range of years for which both disposal and production data were used in Equation TT-2 to calculate the average waste disposal factor for the landfill. Because you have indicated that you used Equation TT-2 (Method #2 on the Waste Stream Information page) to estimate historic waste quantities for the waste stream, this data element is required. rangeOfYearsDiposalAndProductionDataUsed 
TTTT0251Capacity of the landfill used (or the total quantity of waste-in-place) at the end of the \'YrData\' from design drawings or engineering estimates. The value must be greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. landfillCapacityUsedYrData 
TTTT0252Capacity of the landfill used (or the total quantity of waste-in-place) at the end of the \'YrData\' from design drawings or engineering estimates. Because you have indicated that you used Equation TT-4a (Method #3 on the Waste Stream Information page) to estimate historic waste quantities for one or more waste streams, this data element is required. landfillCapacityUsedYrData 
TTTT0254Are waste quantity data available? Because you have indicated that you used Equation TT-4a (Method #3 on the Waste Stream Information page) to estimate historic waste quantities for one or more waste streams, this data element is required. isWasteQtyDataAvailable 
TTTT0256The year prior to the year when waste disposal data are first available (YrData). The value must be greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. wasteDisposalDataAvailableYr 
TTTT0257The year prior to the year when waste disposal data are first available (YrData). Because you have indicated that you used Equation TT-4a (Method #3 on the Waste Stream Information page) to estimate historic waste quantities for one or more waste streams and because you have indicated that waste quantity data are available for some years, this data element is required. wasteDisposalDataAvailableYr 
TTTT0259The year in which the landfill last received waste (YrData). The value must be greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. lastReceivedWasteDisposalYr 
TTTT0260The year in which the landfill last received waste (YrData). Because you have indicated that you used Equation TT-4a (Method #3 on the Waste Stream Information page) to estimate historic waste quantities for one or more waste streams, this data element is required. lastReceivedWasteDisposalYr 
TTTT0262Do you know the year when the landfill opened? Because you have indicated that you used Equation TT-4a (Method #3 on the Waste Stream Information page) to estimate historic waste quantities for one or more waste streams, this data element is required. isLandFillOpenedYr 
TTTT0264The year that the landfill first received waste from company records or 1960 (whichever is more recent). The value must be greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. landFillReceivedWasteYear 
TTTT0265The year that the landfill first received waste from company records or 1960 (whichever is more recent). Because you have indicated that you used Equation TT-4a (Method #3 on the Waste Stream Information page) to estimate historic waste quantities for one or more waste streams and because you have indicated that you know the year when the landfill opened, this data element is required. landFillReceivedWasteYear 
TTTT0267Total hours during the reporting year aeration blower was operated. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 8784. You must correct the current value before continuing. totlaBlowerOperatedHours 
TTTT0268Fraction of the landfill containing waste affected by the aeration system (percentage expressed as a decimal fraction). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one. You must correct the current value before continuing fractionOfLandFillAffected 
TTTT0270The value for Equation HH-8 (methane emissions) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. This data element is required. officialUnroundedEqHH8Ch4 
TTTT0271The value for Equation HH-7 (back-calculated methane generation) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. This data element is required. officialUnroundedAnnualCh4GenerationEqHH7 
TTTT0272The value reported for Equation HH-6 (methane emissions) from the landfill in the reporting year is outside the range expected by EPA. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedEqHH6Ch4 
TTTT0273The value for Equation HH-6 (methane emissions) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedEqHH6Ch4 
TTTT0274The estimated gas collection system efficiency has not been reported. Please go back and revise this value before submitting your report. This data is required. officialUnroundedEstimatedGasCollectionSysEfficiency 
TTTT0276The value for the oxidation factor (OX) used in Equation TT-6 has not been provided. This is a required data element. oxTT6 
TTTT0277The value for the oxidation factor (OX) used in Equation HH-6 has not been provided. This is a required data element. oxHH6 
TTTT0278The value for the oxidation factor (OX) used in Equation HH-7 has not been provided. This is a required data element. oxHH7 
TTTT0279The value for the oxidation factor (OX) used in Equation HH-8 has not been provided. This is a required data element. oxHH8 
TTTT0280-1The value reported for Equation TT-6 (methane generation, adjusted for oxidation) from the landfill in the reporting year is outside the range expected by EPA. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedModeledCh4Generation 
TTTT0280-2The value reported for Equation TT-6 (methane generation, adjusted for oxidation) from the landfill in the reporting year is outside the range expected by EPA. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedModeledCh4Generation 
TTTT0281-1The value for Equation TT-6 (methane generation, adjusted for oxidation) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedModeledCh4Generation 
TTTT0281-2The value for Equation TT-6 (methane generation, adjusted for oxidation) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedModeledCh4Generation 
TTTT0281-3The value for Equation TT-6 (methane generation, adjusted for oxidation) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedModeledCh4Generation 
TTTT0282If methane is monitored monthly, the number of months substitute data was used to determine the annual average CH4 concentration of landfill gas collected for destruction. This value should be reported as a number of months in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 12 (months). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. otherGasCollectionSystemDetails.numberOfMonthsSubDataUsedAvgCh4Con 
TTTT0283-1The value for the modeled methane generation calculated using Equation TT-1. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct this before continuing. officialUnroundedTotalAnnualModeledCh4Generation 
TTTT0283-2The value for the modeled methane generation calculated using Equation TT-1. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct this before continuing. officialUnroundedTotalAnnualModeledCh4Generation 
TTTT0284-1The value for Equation TT-1 (modeled methane generation) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. This data element is required. officialUnroundedTotalAnnualModeledCh4Generation 
TTTT0284-2The value for Equation TT-1 (modeled methane generation) from the landfill in the reporting year has not been reported. This data element is required. officialUnroundedTotalAnnualModeledCh4Generation 
TTTT0285Quantity of waste-in-place at the start of the reporting year from design drawings or engineering estimates. The value must be greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. wasteInPlaceQuantity 
TTTT0286Quantity of waste-in-place at the start of the reporting year from design drawings or engineering estimates. Because you have indicated that you used Equation TT-4b (Method #4 on the Waste Stream Information page) to estimate historic waste quantities for one or more waste streams, this data element is required. wasteInPlaceQuantity 
TTTT0288Are waste-in-place quantity data known? Because you have indicated that you used Equation TT-4b (Method #4 on the Waste Stream Information page) to estimate historic waste quantities for one or more waste streams, this data element is required. wasteInPlaceQuantityKnown 
TTTT0290Quantity of waste-in-place at the start of the reporting year. Because you have indicated that you used Equation TT-4b (Method #4 on the Waste Stream Information page) to estimate historic waste quantities for one or more waste streams, this data element is required. wasteInPlaceQuantityClosed 
TTTT0292Landfill design capacity. Because you have indicated that you used Equation TT-4b (Method #4 on the Waste Stream Information page) to estimate historic waste quantities for one or more waste streams, this data element is required. landfillDesignCapacity 
TTTT0294Cumulative quantity of waste placed in the landfill for the years for which disposal quantities are available from company records or from Equation TT-3 of this subpart. Because you have indicated that you used Equation TT-4b (Method #4 on the Waste Stream Information page) to estimate historic waste quantities for one or more waste streams, this data element is required. cumulativeWasteQuantity 
TTTT0296The year prior to the year when waste disposal data are first available (YrData). The value must be greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. landfillReceivedWasteYrLast 
TTTT0297The year prior to the year when waste disposal data are first available (YrData). Because you have indicated that you used Equation TT-4b (Method #4 on the Waste Stream Information page) to estimate historic waste quantities for one or more waste streams, this data element is required. landfillReceivedWasteYrLast 
TTTT0299Do you know the year when the landfill opened? Because you have indicated that you used Equation TT-4b (Method #4 on the Waste Stream Information page) to estimate historic waste quantities for one or more waste streams, this data element is required. landfillOpenKnown 
TTTT0301The year that the landfill first received waste from company records or 1960 (whichever is more recent). Because you have indicated that you used Equation TT-4b (Method #4 on the Waste Stream Information page) to estimate historic waste quantities for one or more waste streams and because you have indicated that you know the year when the landfill opened, this data element is required. landfillYrOpen 
TTTT0302The year that the landfill first received waste from company records or 1960 (whichever is more recent). This data element should not be reported since you have not indicated that Equation TT-4a (Method #3 on the Waste Stream Information page) was used to calculate waste disposal quantities for the waste stream(s) disposed in your landfill. landfillYrOpen 
TTTT0304The number of years, from YrOpen to YrLast in Equation TT-4b, for which annual waste disposal quantities are available from company records or the number of years used to calculate Equation TT-3. The value must be greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. yearsQuantityAvailable 
TTTT0305The number of years, from YrOpen to YrLast in Equation TT-4b, for which annual waste disposal quantities are available from company records or the number of years used to calculate Equation TT-3. Because you have indicated that you used Equation TT-4b (Method #4 on the Waste Stream Information page) to estimate historic waste quantities for one or more waste streams, this data element is required. yearsQuantityAvailable 
TTTT0307Quantity of waste-in-place at the start of the reporting year. The value must be greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. wasteInPlaceQuantityClosed 
TTTT0308Landfill design capacity. The value must be greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. landfillDesignCapacity 
TTTT0309Cumulative quantity of waste placed in the landfill for the years for which disposal quantities are available from company records or from Equation TT-3 of this subpart. The value must be greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. cumulativeWasteQuantity 
TTTT0337Total methane emissions for Subpart TT. The total methane emissions for Subpart TT is less than or equal to zero, but is expected to be greater than zero. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['totalMethaneEmission'] 
UU000-2You have added Subpart U, but have not yet selected a calculation method used to determine annual CO2 emissions from miscellaneous uses of carbonates. The calculation method data element is required. calcMethod 
UU000-3You have added Subpart U, but have not yet selected a calculation method used to determine annual CO2 emissions from miscellaneous uses of carbonates. The calculation method data element is required. calcMethod 
UU001-2You have added Subpart U, but have not yet selected at least one carbonate type. carbonateMap 
UU002You have added Subpart U, but have not yet selected a calculation method used to determine annual CO2 emissions from miscellaneous uses of carbonates. The calculation method data element is required. calcMethod 
UU103Enter Own result for Annual CO2 mass emissions from consumption of carbonates. This data element is required if you select Enter/Report Alternate Result. officialUnroundedCo2 
UU200Carbonate type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. carbonateType 
UU201Calcination fraction measurement method. This data element is required. calcinationFractionMethod 
UU202"Other" Calcination fraction measurement method. The Method Description data element is required. calcinationFractionMethodDescr 
UU203-1Mass of Carbonate measurement method. This data element is required. massCarbonateMethod 
UU203-2Mass of Carbonate measurement method. This data element is required. massCarbonateMethod 
UU204-1"Other" Mass of Carbonate measurement method. The Method Description data element is required. massCarbonateMethodDescr 
UU204-2"Other" Mass of Carbonate measurement method. The Method Description data element is required. massCarbonateMethodDescr 
UU205Number of months missing data procedures used to determine the monthly mass of the carbonate. This value should be reported as a number of months in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 12 (months). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. numbMonthsMissingData 
UU206Number of months missing data procedures used to determine the monthly mass of the carbonate. This data element is required. numbMonthsMissingData 
UU208Number of months missing data procedures used to determine mass of the carbonate input. This value should be reported as a number of months in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 12 (months). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. numbMonthsMissingDataInput 
UU209Number of months missing data procedures used to determine mass of the carbonate input. This data element is required. numbMonthsMissingDataInput 
UU211Number of months missing data procedures used to determine mass of the carbonate output. This value should be reported as a number of months in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 12 (months). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. numbMonthsMissingDataOutput 
UU212Number of months missing data procedures used to determine mass of the carbonate output. This data element is required. numbMonthsMissingDataOutput 
UU214A carbonate of the selected type already exists for this facility. carbonateType 
UU215A CO2 emissions value of 0 metric tons was reported for Subpart U. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[subpartUAnnualCo2] 
UUALL0001CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveCasNumber'] 
UUALL0002Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveChemicalFormula'] 
UUUM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
UUUM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
UUUU0006Sources of CO2 Received. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameco2Sources 
UUUU0008Measurement Type. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamemeasurementType 
UUUU001You have selected Subpart UU for reporting, but you have not yet added a flow meter or container.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameunits 
UUUU0010Total net mass of CO2 received annually. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamesystemCalculatedUnroundedCo2 
UUUU0014Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Quantity 
UUUU0015Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Quantity 
UUUU0017Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityMethod 
UUUU0018Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityMethodOther 
UUUU0019Number of days in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityMissingProcedures 
UUUU0022Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Quantity 
UUUU0023Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Quantity 
UUUU0025Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityMethod 
UUUU0026Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityMethodOther 
UUUU0027Number of days in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityMissingProcedures 
UUUU0030Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Quantity 
UUUU0031Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Quantity 
UUUU0033Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityMethod 
UUUU0034Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityMethodOther 
UUUU0035Number of days in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityMissingProcedures 
UUUU0038Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Quantity 
UUUU0039Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Quantity 
UUUU0041Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityMethod 
UUUU0042Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityMethodOther 
UUUU0043Number of days in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityMissingProcedures 
UUUU0045Mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Quantity 
UUUU0046Mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Quantity 
UUUU0048Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityMethod 
UUUU0049Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityMethodOther 
UUUU0050Number of days in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is requiredGHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityMissingProcedures 
UUUU0052Mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Quantity 
UUUU0053Mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Quantity 
UUUU0055Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityMethod 
UUUU0056Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityMethodOther 
UUUU0057Number of days in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is requiredGHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityMissingProcedures 
UUUU0059Mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Quantity 
UUUU0060Mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Quantity 
UUUU0062Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityMethod 
UUUU0063Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityMethodOther 
UUUU0064Number of days in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is requiredGHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityMissingProcedures 
UUUU0066Mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Quantity 
UUUU0067Mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Quantity 
UUUU0069Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityMethod 
UUUU0070Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityMethodOther 
UUUU0071Number of days in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is requiredGHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityMissingProcedures 
UUUU0073Volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Quantity 
UUUU0074Volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Quantity 
UUUU0076Standard or method used to calculate the volume of contents in the container in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityMethod 
UUUU0077Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityMethodOther 
UUUU0078Were substitute data procedures used in Q1 to calculate the volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0079Volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Quantity 
UUUU0080Volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Quantity 
UUUU0082Standard or method used to calculate the volume of contents in the container in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityMethod 
UUUU0083Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityMethodOther 
UUUU0084Were substitute data procedures used in Q2 to calculate the volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0085Volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Quantity 
UUUU0086Volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Quantity 
UUUU0088Standard or method used to calculate the volume of contents in the container in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityMethod 
UUUU0089Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityMethodOther 
UUUU0090Were substitute data procedures used in Q3 to calculate the volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0091Volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Quantity 
UUUU0092Volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Quantity 
UUUU0094Standard or method used to calculate the volume of contents in the container in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityMethod 
UUUU0095Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityMethodOther 
UUUU0096Were substitute data procedures used in Q4 to calculate the volume of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0097Mass of contents in the container in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Quantity 
UUUU0098Mass of contents in the container in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Quantity 
UUUU0100Standard or method used to calculate the mass of contents in the container in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityMethod 
UUUU0101Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityMethodOther 
UUUU0102Were substitute data procedures used in Q1 to calculate the mass of contents in the container. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0103Mass of contents in the container in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Quantity 
UUUU0104Mass of contents in the container in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Quantity 
UUUU0106Standard or method used to calculate the mass of contents in the container in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityMethod 
UUUU0107Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityMethodOther 
UUUU0108Were substitute data procedures used in Q2 to calculate the mass of contents in the container. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0109Mass of contents in the container in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Quantity 
UUUU0110Mass of contents in the container in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Quantity 
UUUU0112Standard or method used to calculate the mass of contents in the container in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityMethod 
UUUU0113Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityMethodOther 
UUUU0114Were substitute data procedures used in Q3 to calculate the mass of contents in the container. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0115Mass of contents in the container in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Quantity 
UUUU0116Mass of contents in the container in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Quantity 
UUUU0118Standard or method used to calculate the mass of contents in the container in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityMethod 
UUUU0119Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityMethodOther 
UUUU0120Were substitute data procedures used in Q4 to calculate the mass of contents in the container. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0121Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1 . This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0122Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0124Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1 . This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
UUUU0125Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
UUUU0126Number of days in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
UUUU0128Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2 . This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0129Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0131Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2 . This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
UUUU0132Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
UUUU0133Number of days in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
UUUU0135Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3 . This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0136Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0138Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
UUUU0139Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
UUUU0140Number of days in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
UUUU0142Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0143Volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0145Standard or method used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
UUUU0146Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
UUUU0147Number of days in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the volumetric flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
UUUU0149Mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0150Mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0152Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
UUUU0153Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
UUUU0154Number of days in Q1 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
UUUU0156Mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0157Mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0159Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
UUUU0160Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
UUUU0161Number of days in Q2 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
UUUU0163Mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0164Mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0166Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
UUUU0167Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
UUUU0168Number of days in Q3 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
UUUU0170Mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0171Mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0173Standard or method used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
UUUU0174Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
UUUU0175Number of days in Q4 for which substitute data procedures were used to calculate the mass flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedeliveredMissingProcedures 
UUUU0177Volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0178Volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0180Were substitute data procedures used in Q1 to calculate the volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedeliveredMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0181Volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0182Volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0184Were substitute data procedures used in Q2 to calculate the volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedeliveredMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0185Volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0186Volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0188Were substitute data procedures used in Q3 to calculate the volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedeliveredMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0189Volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0190Volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0192Were substitute data procedures used in Q4 to calculate the volume of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedeliveredMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0193Mass of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0194Mass of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0196Were substitute data procedures used in Q1 to calculate the mass of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedeliveredMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0197Mass of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0198Mass of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0200Were substitute data procedures used in Q2 to calculate the mass of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedeliveredMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0201Mass of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0202Mass of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0204Were substitute data procedures used in Q3 to calculate the mass of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedeliveredMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0205Mass of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0206Mass of contents in containers flow through the receiving flow meter that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedelivered 
UUUU0208Were substitute data procedures used in Q4 to calculate the mass of contents in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedeliveredMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0209CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2Concentration 
UUUU0210CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2Concentration 
UUUU0212Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2ConcentrationMethod 
UUUU0213Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
UUUU0214Were missing data procedures used in Q1 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0215CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2Concentration 
UUUU0216CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2Concentration 
UUUU0218Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2ConcentrationMethod 
UUUU0219Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
UUUU0220Were missing data procedures used in Q2 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0221CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2Concentration 
UUUU0222CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2Concentration 
UUUU0224Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2ConcentrationMethod 
UUUU0225Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
UUUU0226Were missing data procedures used in Q3 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0227CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2Concentration 
UUUU0228CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2Concentration 
UUUU0230Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2ConcentrationMethod 
UUUU0231Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
UUUU0232Were missing data procedures used in Q4 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0233CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2Concentration 
UUUU0234CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2Concentration 
UUUU0236Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2ConcentrationMethod 
UUUU0237Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
UUUU0238Were missing data procedures used in Q1 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0239CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2Concentration 
UUUU0240CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2Concentration 
UUUU0242Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2ConcentrationMethod 
UUUU0243Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
UUUU0244Were missing data procedures used in Q2 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0245CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2Concentration 
UUUU0246CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2Concentration 
UUUU0248Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2ConcentrationMethod 
UUUU0249Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
UUUU0250Were missing data procedures used in Q3 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0251CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2Concentration 
UUUU0252CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2Concentration 
UUUU0254Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2ConcentrationMethod 
UUUU0255Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
UUUU0256Were missing data procedures used in Q4 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0257CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2Concentration 
UUUU0258CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2Concentration 
UUUU0260Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2ConcentrationMethod 
UUUU0261Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
UUUU0262Were missing data procedures used in Q1 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0263CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2Concentration 
UUUU0264CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2Concentration 
UUUU0266Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2ConcentrationMethod 
UUUU0267Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
UUUU0268Were missing data procedures used in Q2 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0269CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2Concentration 
UUUU0270CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2Concentration 
UUUU0272Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2ConcentrationMethod 
UUUU0273Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
UUUU0274Were missing data procedures used in Q3 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0275CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2Concentration 
UUUU0276CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2Concentration 
UUUU0278Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2ConcentrationMethod 
UUUU0279Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
UUUU0280Were missing data procedures used in Q4 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0281CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2Concentration 
UUUU0282CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2Concentration 
UUUU0284Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2ConcentrationMethod 
UUUU0285Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
UUUU0286Were missing data procedures used in Q1 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0287CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2Concentration 
UUUU0288CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2Concentration 
UUUU0290Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2ConcentrationMethod 
UUUU0291Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
UUUU0292Were missing data procedures used in Q2 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0293CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2Concentration 
UUUU0294CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2Concentration 
UUUU0296Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2ConcentrationMethod 
UUUU0297Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
UUUU0298Were missing data procedures used in Q3 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0299CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2Concentration 
UUUU0300CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. You must correct the current value before continuing.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2Concentration 
UUUU0302Standard or method used to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2ConcentrationMethod 
UUUU0303Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2ConcentrationMethodOther 
UUUU0304Were missing data procedures used in Q4 to calculate the CO2 concentration in the flow. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4Co2ConcentrationMissingProceduresUsed 
UUUU0305Standard or method used to calculate the volume received in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
UUUU0306Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
UUUU0307Standard or method used to calculate the volume received in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
UUUU0308Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
UUUU0309Standard or method used to calculate the volume received in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
UUUU0310Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
UUUU0311Standard or method used to calculate the volume received in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4 . This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
UUUU0312Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
UUUU0313Standard or method used to calculate the mass received in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q1. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
UUUU0314Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq1QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
UUUU0315Standard or method used to calculate the mass received in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q2. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
UUUU0316Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq2QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
UUUU0317Standard or method used to calculate the mass received in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q3. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
UUUU0318Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq3QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
UUUU0319Standard or method used to calculate the mass received in the container that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in Q4. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedeliveredMethod 
UUUU0320Other Standard or Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameq4QuantityRedeliveredMethodOther 
UUUU0400Total net mass of CO2 received annually. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameofficialUnroundedCo2 
UUUU0420You have not identified the purpose of CO2 Injection. This is a required data element (40 CFR 98.476(e)). You must choose one purpose from the following options: (1) Geologic Sequestration Research & Development Exemption from reporting under Subpart RR; (2) to enhance the recovery of oil; (3) to enhance the recovery of natural gas; (4) for acid gas disposal; or (5) for another purpose (if choosing other, report the purpose).GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamepurposeOfInjection 
UUUU0421You have selected "The facility includes a well or group of wells where a CO2 stream was injected for a purpose other than those listed" as the purpose of CO2 injection, however you have not specified the purpose. This is a required data element (40 CFR 98.476(e)).GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamepurposeOfInjectionOther 
VALL0001CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveCasNumber'] 
VALL0002Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveChemicalFormula'] 
VIVT-V064You reported a Nitric Acid "{1}" and N2O Abatement Technology "{2}" or ID combination "{3}" under Equation V-3c Inputs that does not exist under Equation V-2 Inputs. Please review and correct. nitricAcidTrainId 
VV0010GHGRP ID. This data element is required and must be equal to the GHGRP ID for the facility.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameghgrpID 
VV0011Reporting Period. This data element is required and must be equal to the expected reporting year.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamereportingPeriod 
VV0012Total Number of Nitric Acid Trains at the Facility. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNametotalNumberOfNitricAcidTrains 
VV0014Total Annual Nitric Acid Production for the Facility. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNametotalAnnualNitricAcidProduction 
VV0016Nitric Acid Train ID. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamenitricAcidTrainId 
VV0017Number of Months that a Missing Data Procedure Was Used to Determine a Monthly Quantity of Nitric Acid Production. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamemissingDataProcedureUsedMonths 
VV0019Type of Nitric Acid Process Used by the Train. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamenitricAcidProcessType 
VV0020Are N2O Emissions Estimated Using an Administrator-Approved Alternative Method? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameisAdminApprovedAlternateMethodUsed 
VV0021Enter the name of the Alternative Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamealternateMethodName 
VV0022A description of the Alternative Method. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamealternateMethodDescription 
VV0023The request date. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamealternateMethodRequestDate 
VV0025The approval date. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamealternateMethodApprovalDate 
VV0027Number of Times in the Reporting Year that a Performance Test had to be Repeated. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamenumberOfPerfomanceTestsRepeated 
VV0029Performance Test (1 of 3): ID/Description. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameperformanceTestId1 
VV0030Performance Test (1 of 3): Test Method Used. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameperformanceTestMethod1 
VV0031Is Nitrous Oxide from the Nitric Acid Train Reduced Through the Use of an N2O Abatement Technology? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamedoesNitricAcidTrainExhaust 
VV0032Was Nonselective catalytic reduction (NSCR) used as an abatement technology? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameisNSCRUsed 
VV0033Were any "other" abatement technologies used? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameotherAbatementTechnologiesUsed 
VV0034A description of the "Other" Abatement Technology. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameotherAbatementTechnologyDescription 
VV0037Multiple rows were found for Nitric Acid Train "{1}" in the reporting form.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamenitricAcidTrainId 
VV0040Is this a previously approved alternative method? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameisAlternateMethodPreviouslyApproved 
VV0041Date of Installation of Abatement Technology. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameotherAbatementTechnologyInstallationDate 
VV0042Date of Installation of Abatement Technology. The date cannot be after 12/31/{1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNameotherAbatementTechnologyInstallationDate 
VV005You have not uploaded a reporting form file.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamejctSubPartFacility 
VVVV001Invalid Begin reporting year. Please enter a four digit number ryBegin 
VVVV002Invalid End reporting year. Please enter a four digit number ryEnd 
VVVV003Invalid Begin reporting year. Please enter a four digit number ryBegin 
VVVV004Invalid End reporting year. Please enter a four digit number ryEnd 
WALL0001CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveCasNumber'] 
WALL0002Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveChemicalFormula'] 
WW0005V3Quantity of natural gas received at gas processing plant [98.236(aa)(3)(i)]. This element is required for this industry segment. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/AnnualLiquidThroughputdata['quantityOfGasReceived'] 
WW0006V3Quantity of natural gas received at gas processing plant [98.236(aa)(3)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/AnnualLiquidThroughputdata['quantityOfGasReceived'] 
WW0007V3Does facility fractionate NGLs? [98.236(aa)(3)(vii)]. This element is required for this industry segment. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/AnnualLiquidThroughputdata['fractionateNGL'] 
WW0008V3Quantity of natural gas added to in-system storage [98.236(aa)(9)(iii)]. This element is required for this industry segment. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/AnnualLiquidThroughputdata['quantityGasAdded'] 
WW0009V3Quantity of natural gas added to in-system storage [98.236(aa)(9)(iii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/AnnualLiquidThroughputdata['quantityGasAdded'] 
WW0010V3Quantity of natural gas transferred to third parties [98.236(aa)(9)(v)]. This element is required for this industry segment. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/AnnualLiquidThroughputdata['quantityGasTransferred'] 
WW0011V3Quantity of natural gas transferred to third parties [98.236(aa)(9)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/AnnualLiquidThroughputdata['quantityGasTransferred'] 
WW0031V3In your XML report, you indicated "No" for the data element "RequiredForIndustrySegment" for the [{1}] emission source type(s) in the "SubpartWSummaryDetails" node even though the [{2}] emission source type(s) is required for the [{3}] industry segment. Please revise your report to have this indicator as "Yes" as well as a completed [{4}] node(s) and resubmit your report.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/NaturalGasDrivenPneumaticPumpsDetails/DoesFacilityHavePneumaticPumpsdata[selectedIndustrySegmentNumber] 
WW0032V3In your XML report, you indicated "No" for the data element "RequiredForIndustrySegment" for the [{1}] emission source type(s) in the "SubpartWSummaryDetails" node even though the [{2}] emission source type(s) is required for the [{3}] industry segment. Please revise your report to have this indicator as "Yes" as well as a completed [{4}] node(s) and resubmit your report.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/NaturalGasDrivenPneumaticPumpsDetails/DoesFacilityHavePneumaticPumpsdata[selectedIndustrySegmentNumber] 
WW0033V3In your XML report, you indicated "No" for the data element "RequiredForIndustrySegment" for the [{1}] emission source type(s) in the "SubpartWSummaryDetails" node even though the [{2}] emission source type(s) is required for the [{3}] industry segment. Please revise your report to have this indicator as "Yes" as well as a completed [{4}] node(s) and resubmit your report.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/DoesFacilityHaveAcidGasRemovalUnitsdata[selectedIndustrySegmentNumber] 
WW0034V3In your XML report, you indicated "No" for the data element "RequiredForIndustrySegment" for the [{1}] emission source type(s) in the "SubpartWSummaryDetails" node even though the [{2}] emission source type(s) is required for the [{3}] industry segment. Please revise your report to have this indicator as "Yes" as well as a completed [{4}] node(s) and resubmit your report.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/DoesFacilityHaveAcidGasRemovalUnitsdata[selectedIndustrySegmentNumber] 
WW0035V3In your XML report, you indicated "No" for the data element "RequiredForIndustrySegment" for the [{1}] emission source type(s) in the "SubpartWSummaryDetails" node even though the [{2}] emission source type(s) is required for the [{3}] industry segment. Please revise your report to have this indicator as "Yes" as well as a completed [{4}] node(s) and resubmit your report.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/DoesFacilityHaveAcidGasRemovalUnitsdata[selectedIndustrySegmentNumber] 
WW0036V3In your XML report, you indicated "No" for the data element "RequiredForIndustrySegment" for the [{1}] emission source type(s) in the "SubpartWSummaryDetails" node even though the [{2}] emission source type(s) is required for the [{3}] industry segment. Please revise your report to have this indicator as "Yes" as well as a completed [{4}] node(s) and resubmit your report.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/DoesFacilityHaveAcidGasRemovalUnitsdata[selectedIndustrySegmentNumber] 
WW0037V3In your XML report, you indicated "No" for the data element "RequiredForIndustrySegment" for the [{1}] emission source type(s) in the "SubpartWSummaryDetails" node even though the [{2}] emission source type(s) is required for the [{3}] industry segment. Please revise your report to have this indicator as "Yes" as well as a completed [{4}] node(s) and resubmit your report.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/DoesFacilityHaveAcidGasRemovalUnitsdata[selectedIndustrySegmentNumber] 
WW0038V3In your XML report, you indicated "No" for the data element "RequiredForIndustrySegment" for the [{1}] emission source type(s) in the "SubpartWSummaryDetails" node even though the [{2}] emission source type(s) is required for the [{3}] industry segment. Please revise your report to have this indicator as "Yes" as well as a completed [{4}] node(s) and resubmit your report.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/DoesFacilityHaveAcidGasRemovalUnitsdata[selectedIndustrySegmentNumber] 
WW0039V3In your XML report, you indicated "No" for the data element "RequiredForIndustrySegment" for the [{1}] emission source type(s) in the "SubpartWSummaryDetails" node even though the [{2}] emission source type(s) is required for the [{3}] industry segment. Please revise your report to have this indicator as "Yes" as well as a completed [{4}] node(s) and resubmit your report.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/DoesFacilityHaveAcidGasRemovalUnitsdata[selectedIndustrySegmentNumber] 
WW0040V3In your XML report, you indicated "No" for the data element "RequiredForIndustrySegment" for the [{1}] emission source type(s) in the "SubpartWSummaryDetails" node even though the [{2}] emission source type(s) is required for the [{3}] industry segment. Please revise your report to have this indicator as "Yes" as well as a completed [{4}] node(s) and resubmit your report.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/DoesFacilityHaveAcidGasRemovalUnitsdata[selectedIndustrySegmentNumber] 
WW1000V3The DehydratorsDetails node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetailsdehydratorsData 
WW1001V3The WellsWithFracturing node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellsWithFracturingDetailswellsWithFracturingData 
WW1002V3The AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetailsgasVentingFlaringData 
WW1003V3The FlareStacksDetails node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetailsflareStacksData 
WW1004V3The TransmissionTanksDetails node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetailstransmissionTanksData 
WW1005V3The WellsWithoutFracturing node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellsWithoutFracturingDetailswellsWithoutFracturingData 
WW1006V3The PneumaticDeviceVentingData node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/PneumaticDeviceVentingDetailspneumaticDeviceVentingData 
WW1007V3The PneumaticPumpsData node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/NaturalGasDrivenPneumaticPumpsDetailspneumaticPumpsData 
WW1008V3The WellTestingData node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetailswellTestingData 
WW1009V3The CentrifugalCompressorsData node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetailscentrifugalCompressorsData 
WW1010V3The ReciprocatingCompressorsData node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetailsreciprocatingCompressorsData 
WW1011V3The EquipmentLeaksData node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetailsequipmentLeaksData 
WW1012V3The OffshoreEmissionsData node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OffshoreEmissionsDetailsoffshoreEmissionsData 
WW1013V3The CombustionEmissionsData node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CombustionEmissionsDetailscombustionEmissionsData 
WW1014V3Facility Name. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/FacilitySite/FacilitySiteNamefacilityName 
WW1015V3The FacilityOverviewData node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetailsfacilityOverviewData 
WW1580V3Select the applicable industry segment. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OffshoreEmissionsDetailsselectedIndustrySegmentNumber 
WW1581V3Reporting Period. This data element is required and must be equal to the expected reporting year.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/ReportingPeriodreportingPeriod 
WW1582V3GHGRP ID. This data element is required and must be equal to the GHGRP ID for the facility.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/FacilitySite/FacilitySiteIdentifierghgrpID 
WW1583V3Does the Facility have any continuous high bleed pneumatic devices subject to reporting under 98.232? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/PneumaticDeviceVentingDetails/DoesFacilityHaveHighBleedDevicesdoesFacilityHaveHighBleedDevices 
WW1584V3Does the Facility have any intermittent bleed pneumatic devices subject to reporting under 98.232? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/PneumaticDeviceVentingDetails/DoesFacilityHaveIntermittentBleedDevicesdoesFacilityHaveIntermittentBleedDevices 
WW1585V3Does the Facility have any continuous low bleed pneumatic devices subject to reporting under 98.232? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/PneumaticDeviceVentingDetails/DoesFacilityHaveLowBleedDevicesdoesFacilityHaveLowBleedDevices 
WW1586V3Actual Count. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production facilities and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities that estimate their number of pneumatic devices. actualCount 
WW1587V3Actual Count. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/PneumaticDeviceVentingDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesRowDetails/ActualCountactualCount 
WW1588V3Estimated Count. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities that are in the first or second year of estimating their number of pneumatic devices, and have not otherwise provided an actual count. estimatedCount 
WW1589V3Estimated Count. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/PneumaticDeviceVentingDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesRowDetails/EstimatedCountestimatedCount 
WW1590V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW1591V3Total Count for High-bleed Pneumatic Devices. This data element is required. totalCount 
WW1592V3Total Count for High-bleed Pneumatic Devices. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/PneumaticDeviceVentingDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesRowDetails/TotalCounttotalCount 
WW1593V3Total Count for Intermittent Bleed Pneumatic Devices. This data element is required. totalCount 
WW1594V3Total Count for Intermittent Bleed Pneumatic Devices. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/PneumaticDeviceVentingDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesRowDetails/TotalCounttotalCount 
WW1595V3Total Count for Low-Bleed Pneumatic Devices. This data element is required. totalCount 
WW1596V3Total Count for Low-Bleed Pneumatic Devices. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/PneumaticDeviceVentingDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesRowDetails/TotalCounttotalCount 
WW1597V3Is the Total Number of high bleed devices estimated? This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities. isTotalNumberEstimated 
WW1598V3Is the Total Number of intermittent bleed devices estimated? This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities. isTotalNumberEstimated 
WW1599V3Is the Total Number of low bleed devices estimated? This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities. isTotalNumberEstimated 
WW1600V3Total CO2 Emissions (mt CO2). This data element is required if any pneumatic device venting is reported.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/PneumaticDeviceVentingDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesRowDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW1601V3Total CO2 Emissions (mt CO2). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/PneumaticDeviceVentingDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesRowDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW1602V3Total CH4 Emissions (mt CH4). This data element is required if any pneumatic device venting is reported.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/PneumaticDeviceVentingDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesRowDetails/TotalCh4EmissionstotalCh4Emissions 
WW1603V3Total CH4 Emissions (mt CH4). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/PneumaticDeviceVentingDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesRowDetails/TotalCh4EmissionstotalCh4Emissions 
WW1604V3Specify whether this calendar year is the first or second calendar year of reporting. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production facilities and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities estimating their total number of pneumatic devices. firstCalendarYearOrSecond 
WW1605V3Estimated average number of hours in the calendar year that the pneumatic devices were operating. This data element is required. estimatedNumberOfHours 
WW1606V3Estimated average number of hours in the calendar year that the pneumatic devices were operating. You must enter a value between 1 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/PneumaticDeviceVentingDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesDetails/PneumaticDeviceTypesRowDetails/EstimatedNumberOfHoursestimatedNumberOfHours 
WW1613V3Select the Basin in which applicable Sub-Basins are located. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production facilities. basinAssociatedWithFacility 
WW1615V3Does the Facility have any natural gas driven pneumatic pumps subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(c)]? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/NaturalGasDrivenPneumaticPumpsDetails/DoesFacilityHavePneumaticPumpsdoesFacilityHavePneumaticPumps 
WW1618V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions [98.235]? This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW1619V3Total CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(c)(3)]. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/NaturalGasDrivenPneumaticPumpsDetails/PneumaticPumpTypesDetails/PneumaticPumpTypesRowDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW1620V3Total CO2 Emissions (mt CO2). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/NaturalGasDrivenPneumaticPumpsDetails/PneumaticPumpTypesDetails/PneumaticPumpTypesRowDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW1621V3Total CH4 Emissions [98.236(c)(4)]. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/NaturalGasDrivenPneumaticPumpsDetails/PneumaticPumpTypesDetails/PneumaticPumpTypesRowDetails/TotalCh4EmissionstotalCh4Emissions 
WW1622V3Total CH4 Emissions. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/NaturalGasDrivenPneumaticPumpsDetails/PneumaticPumpTypesDetails/PneumaticPumpTypesRowDetails/TotalCh4EmissionstotalCh4Emissions 
WW1627V3Total count of Natural Gas Driven Pneumatic pumps [98.236(c)(1)]. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/NaturalGasDrivenPneumaticPumpsDetails/PneumaticPumpTypesDetails/PneumaticPumpTypesRowDetails/TotalCh4EmissionstotalPneumaticPumpCount 
WW1628V3Total count of Natural Gas Driven Pneumatic pumps. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/NaturalGasDrivenPneumaticPumpsDetails/PneumaticPumpTypesDetails/PneumaticPumpTypesRowDetails/TotalPneumaticPumpCounttotalPneumaticPumpCount 
WW1630V3Average estimated number of hours in the calendar year that the natural gas driven pneumatic pumps were operated [98.236(c)(2)]. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/NaturalGasDrivenPneumaticPumpsDetails/PneumaticPumpTypesDetails/PneumaticPumpTypesRowDetails/TotalPneumaticPumpCountestimatedNumberOfHours 
WW1631V3Average estimated number of hours in the calendar year that the natural gas driven pneumatic pumps were operated. You must enter a value between 1 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/NaturalGasDrivenPneumaticPumpsDetails/PneumaticPumpTypesDetails/PneumaticPumpTypesRowDetails/EstimatedNumberOfHoursestimatedNumberOfHours 
WW1635V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/NaturalGasDrivenPneumaticPumpsDetails/NatGasPumpsMissingDataProcTypesDetails/NatGasPumpsMissingDataProcTypesRowDetails/PpMissingQuartersppMissingQuarters 
WW1637V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/NaturalGasDrivenPneumaticPumpsDetails/NatGasPumpsMissingDataProcTypesDetails/NatGasPumpsMissingDataProcTypesRowDetails/PpMissingHoursppMissingHours 
WW1639V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/PneumaticDeviceVentingDetails/PneumaticMissingDataProcTypesDetails/PneumaticMissingDataProcTypesRowDetails/PdMissingQuarterspdMissingQuarters 
WW1640V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between 1 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/PneumaticDeviceVentingDetails/PneumaticMissingDataProcTypesDetails/PneumaticMissingDataProcTypesRowDetails/PdMissingHourspdMissingHours 
WW1643V3The SubpartWSummaryDetails node is required for all segments. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetailssummaryData 
WW1644V3Natural Gas Pneumatic Devices [98.236(b)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1645V3Natural Gas Driven Pneumatic Pumps [98.236(c)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1646V3Acid Gas Removal Units [98.236(d)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1647V3Dehydrators [98.236(e)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1648V3Well Venting for Liquids Unloading [98.236(f)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1649V3Completions and Workovers with Hydraulic Fracturing [98.236(g)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1650V3Blowdown Vent Stacks [98.236(i)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1651V3Gas from Produced Oil Sent to Atmospheric Tanks [98.236(j)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1652V3Transmission Tanks [98.236(k)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1653V3Well Testing Venting and Flaring [98.236(l)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1654V3Associated Gas Venting and Flaring [98.236(m)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1655V3Flare Stacks [98.236(n)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1656V3Centrifugal Compressors [98.236(o)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1657V3Reciprocating Compressors [98.236(p)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1658V3Other Emissions from Equipment Leaks Estimated Using Emission Factors [98.236(q, r)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1659V3Enhanced Oil Recovery Injection Pumps [98.236(w)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1660V3Enhanced Oil Recovery Hydrocarbon Liquids [98.236(x)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1661V3Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production, Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Gathering and Boosting, and Natural Gas Distribution Combustion Emissions [98.236(z)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1662V3Offshore Sources [98.236(s)]. This source is not required by the selected industry segment. Please do not include emissions from this source.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/ReportingCategoryreportingCategory 
WW1664V3Select the County and State in which the Sub-Basin is located. This data element is required for facilities in the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production segment. subBasinCounty 
WW1665V3Select the Formation Type of the Sub-Basin. This data element is required for the selected County/State. subBasinFormationType 
WW1666V3Average API Gravity of all wells (degrees). This data element is required for oil formations. apiGravity 
WW1667V3Average API Gravity of all wells (degrees). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsSubBasinRowDetails/ApiGravityapiGravity 
WW1668V3Average Gas-to-Oil Ratio (thousand standard cubic feet per barrel). This data element is required for oil formations. gasOilWellRatio 
WW1669V3Average Gas-to-Oil Ratio (thousand standard cubic feet per barrel). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsSubBasinRowDetails/GasOilWellRatiogasOilWellRatio 
WW1670V3Average Low Pressure Separator Pressure (psig). This data element is required for oil formations. averageLowPressure 
WW1674V3Average API Gravity (degrees). This data element is not required. This data element is required for sub-basin formation types of oil only. apiGravity 
WW1675V3Average Gas-to-Oil Ratio (thousand standard cubic feet of gas per barrel of oil). This data element is not required. This data element is required for sub-basin formation types of oil only. gasOilWellRatio 
WW1676V3Average Low Pressure Separator Pressure (psig). This data element is not required. This data element is required for sub-basin formation types of oil only. averageLowPressure 
WW1677V3The OnshoreRequirementsDetails node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetailsonshoreRequirementsData 
WW1679V3Quantity of gas produced from wells. This element is required for facilities in the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production sector. gasProducedCalendarYearFromWells 
WW1680V3Quantity of gas produced for sales. This element is required for facilities in the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production sector. gasProducedCalendarYearForSales 
WW1681V3Quantity of crude oil and condensate produced for sales. This element is required for facilities in the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production sector. oilProducedCalendarYearForSales 
WW1682V3Number of producing wells. This element is required for the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment. wellProducingEndOfYear 
WW1683V3Number of producing wells. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsSubBasinRowDetails/WellProducingEndOfYearwellProducingEndOfYear 
WW1684V3Number of producing wells acquired. This element is required for the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment. producingWellsAcquired 
WW1685V3Number of producing wells acquired. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsSubBasinRowDetails/ProducingWellsAcquiredproducingWellsAcquired 
WW1686V3Number of producing wells divested. This element is required for the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment. producingWellsDivested 
WW1687V3Number of producing wells divested. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsSubBasinRowDetails/ProducingWellsDivestedproducingWellsDivested 
WW1688V3Number of wells completed. This element is required for the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment. wellsCompleted 
WW1689V3Number of wells completed. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsSubBasinRowDetails/WellsCompletedwellsCompleted 
WW1690V3Number of wells permanently taken out of production. This element is required for this industry segment. wellRemovedFromProduction 
WW1691V3Number of wells permanently taken out of production. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsSubBasinRowDetails/WellRemovedFromProductionwellRemovedFromProduction 
WW1692V3Average mole fraction of CH4 in produced gas. This element is required for the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment. ch4AverageMoleFraction 
WW1693V3Average mole fraction of CH4 in produced gas. You must enter a value that is between zero and 1.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsSubBasinRowDetails/Ch4AverageMoleFractionch4AverageMoleFraction 
WW1694V3Average mole fraction of CO2 in produced gas. This element is required for the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment. co2AverageMoleFraction 
WW1695V3Average mole fraction of CO2 in produced gas. You must enter a value that is between zero and 1.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsDetails/OnshoreProductionRequirementsSubBasinRowDetails/Co2AverageMoleFractionco2AverageMoleFraction 
WW1696V3Total quantity of gas handled at the offshore platform [98.236(aa)(2)(i)]. This element is required for this industry segment. quantityOfGasHandled 
WW1697V3Total quantity of gas handled at the offshore platform [98.236(aa)(2)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewOffshoreProductionDetails/FacilityOverviewOffshoreProductionRowDetails/QuantityOfGasHandledquantityOfGasHandled 
WW1698V3Total quantity of oil and condensate handled at the offshore platform [98.236(aa)(2)(ii)]. This element is required for this industry segment. quantityOfOilHandled 
WW1699V3Total quantity of oil and condensate handled at the offshore platform [98.236(aa)(2)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewOffshoreProductionDetails/FacilityOverviewOffshoreProductionRowDetails/QuantityOfOilHandledquantityOfOilHandled 
WW1702V3Quantity of processed gas leaving the gas processing plant [98.236(aa)(3)(ii)]. This element is required for this industry segment. quantityOfResidueGasLeaving 
WW1703V3Quantity of processed gas leaving the gas processing plant [98.236(aa)(3)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasProcessingDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasProcessingRowDetails/QuantityOfResidueGasLeavingquantityOfResidueGasLeaving 
WW1705V3Cumulative quantity of NGLs received at gas processing plant [98.236(aa)(3)(iii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasProcessingDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasProcessingRowDetails/QuantityOfAllNGLReceivedquantityOfAllNGLReceived 
WW1707V3Cumulative quantity of NGLs leaving the gas processing plant [98.236(aa)(3)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasProcessingDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasProcessingRowDetails/QuantityOfAllNGLLeavingquantityOfAllNGLLeaving 
WW1708V3Average mole fraction of CH4 in natural gas received [98.236(aa)(3)(v)]. This element is required for this industry segment. ch4AverageMoleFraction 
WW1709V3Average mole fraction of CH4 in natural gas received [98.236(aa)(3)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasProcessingDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasProcessingRowDetails/Ch4AverageMoleFractionch4AverageMoleFraction 
WW1710V3Average mole fraction of CO2 in natural gas received [98.236(aa)(3)(vi)]. This element is required for this industry segment. co2AverageMoleFraction 
WW1711V3Average mole fraction of CO2 in natural gas received [98.236(aa)(3)(vi)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasProcessingDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasProcessingRowDetails/Co2AverageMoleFractionco2AverageMoleFraction 
WW1713V3Quantity of gas transported through compressor station [98.236(aa)(4)(i)]. This element is required for this industry segment. quantityOfGasTransported 
WW1714V3Quantity of gas transported through compressor station [98.236(aa)(4)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasTransmissionDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasTransmissionRowDetails/QuantityOfGasTransportedquantityOfGasTransported 
WW1715V3Number of compressors [98.236(aa)(4)(ii)]. This element is required for this industry segment. numberOfCompressors 
WW1716V3Number of compressors [98.236(aa)(4)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasTransmissionDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasTransmissionRowDetails/NumberOfCompressorsnumberOfCompressors 
WW1717V3Total compressor power rating [98.236(aa)(4)(iii)]. This element is required for this industry segment. compressorPowerRating 
WW1718V3Total compressor power rating [98.236(aa)(4)(iii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasTransmissionDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasTransmissionRowDetails/CompressorPowerRatingcompressorPowerRating 
WW1719V3Average upstream pipeline pressure [98.236(aa)(4)(iv)]. This element is required for this industry segment. upstreamPipelinePressure 
WW1721V3Average downstream pipeline pressure [98.236(aa)(4)(v)]. This element is required for this industry segment. downstreamPipelinePressure 
WW1723V3Quantity of gas injected into storage [98.236(aa)(5)(i)]. This element is required for this industry segment. quantityOfGasInjected 
WW1724V3Quantity of gas injected into storage [98.236(aa)(5)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewUndergroundNaturalGasDetails/FacilityOverviewUndergroundNaturalGasRowDetails/QuantityOfGasInjectedquantityOfGasInjected 
WW1725V3Quantity of gas withdrawn from storage [98.236(aa)(5)(ii)]. This element is required for this industry segment. quantityOfGasWithdrawn 
WW1726V3Quantity of gas withdrawn from storage [98.236(aa)(5)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewUndergroundNaturalGasDetails/FacilityOverviewUndergroundNaturalGasRowDetails/QuantityOfGasWithdrawnquantityOfGasWithdrawn 
WW1727V3Total storage capacity [98.236(aa)(5)(iii)]. This element is required for this industry segment. totalStorageCapacity 
WW1728V3Total storage capacity [98.236(aa)(5)(iii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewUndergroundNaturalGasDetails/FacilityOverviewUndergroundNaturalGasRowDetails/TotalStorageCapacitytotalStorageCapacity 
WW1729V3Quantity imported [98.236(aa)(6)]. This element is required for this industry segment. quantityImported 
WW1730V3Quantity imported [98.236(aa)(6)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewLngImportExportEquipmentDetails/FacilityOverviewLngImportExportEquipmentRowDetails/QuantityImportedquantityImported 
WW1731V3Quantity exported [98.236(aa)(7)]. This element is required for this industry segment. quantityExported 
WW1732V3Quantity exported [98.236(aa)(7)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewLngImportExportEquipmentDetails/FacilityOverviewLngImportExportEquipmentRowDetails/QuantityExportedquantityExported 
WW1733V3Quantity of LNG added to storage [98.236(aa)(8)(i)]. This element is required for this industry segment. quantityLNGAdded 
WW1734V3Quantity of LNG added to storage [98.236(aa)(8)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewLngStorageDetails/FacilityOverviewLngStorageRowDetails/QuantityLNGAddedquantityLNGAdded 
WW1735V3Quantity of LNG withdrawn from storage [98.236(aa)(8)(ii)]. This element is required for this industry segment. quantityLNGWithdrawn 
WW1736V3Quantity of LNG withdrawn from storage [98.236(aa)(8)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewLngStorageDetails/FacilityOverviewLngStorageRowDetails/QuantityLNGWithdrawnquantityLNGWithdrawn 
WW1737V3Total storage capacity [98.236(aa)(8)(iii)]. This element is required for this industry segment. totalStorageCapacity 
WW1738V3Total storage capacity [98.236(aa)(8)(iii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewLngStorageDetails/FacilityOverviewLngStorageRowDetails/TotalStorageCapacitytotalStorageCapacity 
WW1739V3Quantity of natural gas received at custody transfer stations [98.236(aa)(9)(i)]. This element is required for this industry segment. quantityGasReceived 
WW1740V3Quantity of natural gas received at custody transfer stations [98.236(aa)(9)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasDistributionDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasDistributionRowDetails/QuantityGasReceivedquantityGasReceived 
WW1741V3Quantity of natural gas withdrawn from in-system storage [98.236(aa)(9)(ii)]. This element is required for this industry segment. quantityGasWithdrawn 
WW1742V3Quantity of natural gas withdrawn from in-system storage [98.236(aa)(9)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasDistributionDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasDistributionRowDetails/QuantityGasWithdrawnquantityGasWithdrawn 
WW1745V3Quantity of natural gas delivered to end users [98.236(aa)(9)(iv)]. This element is required for this industry segment. quantityGasDelivered 
WW1746V3Quantity of natural gas delivered to end users [98.236(aa)(9)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasDistributionDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasDistributionRowDetails/QuantityGasDeliveredquantityGasDelivered 
WW1749V3Quantity of natural gas consumed by LDC for operational purposes [98.236(aa)(9)(vi)]. This element is required for this industry segment. quantityGasConsumed 
WW1750V3Quantity of natural gas consumed by LDC for operational purposes [98.236(aa)(9)(vi)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasDistributionDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasDistributionRowDetails/QuantityGasConsumedquantityGasConsumed 
WW1751V3Quantity of natural gas stolen [98.236(aa)(9)(vii)]. This element is required for this industry segment. quantityGasStolen 
WW1752V3Quantity of natural gas stolen [98.236(aa)(9)(vii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FacilityOverviewDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasDistributionDetails/FacilityOverviewNaturalGasDistributionRowDetails/QuantityGasStolenquantityGasStolen 
WW1753V3Does the Facility have any acid gas removal units that vent directly to the atmosphere, to a flare or engine, or to a sulfur recovery plant subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(d)]? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/DoesFacilityHaveAcidGasRemovalUnitsdoesFacilityHaveAcidGasRemovalUnits 
WW1754V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions [98.235]? This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW1755V3Unit ID or Name. This data element is required for each unit reported. unitId 
WW1756V3Sub-Basin ID [98.236(d)(1)(vi)]. This data element is required. subBasinId 
WW1757V3Calculation Methodology Used. This data element is required for each unit reported. calculationMethodology 
WW1758V3Total CO2 Emissions. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasInfoDetails/AcidGasInfoRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW1759V3Total CO2 Emissions. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasInfoDetails/AcidGasInfoRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW1760V3Are any CO2 emissions from the acid gas removal unit recovered and transferred outside the facility? This data element is required for each unit reported. co2EmissionsRecoveredAndTransfered 
WW1761V3Annual average fraction of CO2 content in the vent from the acid gas removal unit. This data element is required for Calculation Method 1. averageVentCo2Fraction 
WW1762V3Annual average fraction of CO2 content in the vent from the acid gas removal unit. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. The value you provided is outside that range.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod1EmissionsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod1EmissionsRowDetails/AverageVentCo2FractionaverageVentCo2Fraction 
WW1763V3Total feed rate entering the acid gas removal unit for the year (million cubic feet) [98.236(d)(1)(ii)]. This data element is required. totalAnnualFeedRate 
WW1765V3Acid Gas Removal Units Table. Data is required. table1Data 
WW1766V3Unit ID or Name. This data element is required for each unit reported. Please check that a Unit ID is provided in Table D.1 with the calculation method of "Calculation Methodology 1 [98.233(d)(1)]" and that the information for that unit is provided on the correct row of Table D.2. For XML reporters, please check that a Unit ID is provided in AcidGasCalcMethod1EmissionsRowDetails/UnitId. Please review and correct. unitId 
WW1767V3Annual volume of gas vented from the acid gas removal unit. This data element is required. annualVolumeVentCo2Method1 
WW1768V3Annual volume of gas vented from the acid gas removal unit. This value should be reported as a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod1EmissionsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod1EmissionsRowDetails/AnnualVolumeVentCo2Method1annualVolumeVentCo2Method1 
WW1770V3Annual average fraction of CO2 content in the vent from the acid gas removal unit. This data element is required. averageVentCo2Fraction 
WW1771V3Annual average fraction of CO2 content in the vent from the acid gas removal unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod2EmissionsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod2EmissionsRowDetails/AverageVentCo2FractionaverageVentCo2Fraction 
WW1772V3Annual volume of gas vented from the acid gas removal unit. This data element is required. annualVolumeVentCo2Method2 
WW1773V3Annual volume of gas vented from the acid gas removal unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod2EmissionsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod2EmissionsRowDetails/AnnualVolumeVentCo2Method2annualVolumeVentCo2Method2 
WW1775V3Annual average volume fraction of CO2 content of natural gas into the acid gas removal unit. This data element is required. averageFractionCo2ContentInUnit 
WW1776V3Annual average fraction of CO2 content of natural gas into the acid gas removal unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod3EmissionsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod3EmissionsRowDetails/AverageFractionCo2ContentInUnitaverageFractionCo2ContentInUnit 
WW1777V3Equation Used (W-4A/W-4B). This data element is required. equationUsedMethod3 
WW1778V3Natural gas flow rate into the acid gas removal unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod3EmissionsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod3EmissionsRowDetails/NaturalGasFlowRateInMethod3naturalGasFlowRateInMethod3 
WW1779V3Natural gas flow rate into the acid gas removal unit. This data element is required only for equation W-4A. naturalGasFlowRateInMethod3 
WW1780V3Natural gas flow rate out of the acid gas removal unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod3EmissionsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod3EmissionsRowDetails/NaturalGasFlowRateOutMethod3naturalGasFlowRateOutMethod3 
WW1781V3Natural gas flow rate out of the acid gas removal unit. This data element is required only for equation W-4B. naturalGasFlowRateOutMethod3 
WW1782V3Annual average fraction of CO2 content of natural gas out of the acid gas removal unit. This data element is required. averageFractionCo2ContentOutUnit 
WW1783V3Annual average fraction of CO2 content of natural gas out of the acid gas removal unit. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. The value you provided is outside that range.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod3EmissionsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod3EmissionsRowDetails/AverageFractionCo2ContentOutUnitaverageFractionCo2ContentOutUnit 
WW1785V3Temperature used to calculate natural gas flow rates [98.233]. This data element is required. naturalGasCalculationTempMethod3 
WW1788V3Name of simulation software package used. This data element is required for each unit reported. simulationSoftware 
WW1789V3Natural gas feed temperature. This data element is required for each unit reported. naturalGasFeedTemp 
WW1791V3Natural gas feed pressure. This data element is required for each unit reported. naturalGasFeedPressure 
WW1793V3Natural gas feed flow rate. This data element is required for each unit reported. naturalGasFlowRate 
WW1794V3Natural gas feed flow rate. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod4EmissionsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod4EmissionsRowDetails/NaturalGasFlowRatenaturalGasFlowRate 
WW1795V3Acid gas content of feed natural gas. This data element is required for each unit reported. naturalGasAcidGasContent 
WW1796V3Acid gas content of feed natural gas. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than one hundred. The value you provided is outside that range.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod4EmissionsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod4EmissionsRowDetails/NaturalGasAcidGasContentnaturalGasAcidGasContent 
WW1797V3Acid gas content of outlet natural gas. This data element is required for each unit reported. outletNaturalGasAcidGasContent 
WW1798V3Acid gas content of outlet natural gas. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than one hundred. The value you provided is outside that range.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod4EmissionsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod4EmissionsRowDetails/OutletNaturalGasAcidGasContentoutletNaturalGasAcidGasContent 
WW1799V3Unit operating hours. This data element is required for each unit reported. unitOperatingHours 
WW1800V3Unit operating hours. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than {1}. The value you provided is outside that range.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod4EmissionsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod4EmissionsRowDetails/UnitOperatingHoursunitOperatingHours 
WW1801V3Exit temperature of the natural gas. This data element is required for each unit reported. naturalGasExitTemp 
WW1803V3Solvent pressure. This data element is required for each unit reported. solventPressure 
WW1805V3Solvent temperature. This data element is required for each unit reported. solventTemp 
WW1807V3Solvent circulation rate. This data element is required for each unit reported. solventCirculationRate 
WW1808V3Solvent circulation rate. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod4EmissionsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod4EmissionsRowDetails/SolventCirculationRatesolventCirculationRate 
WW1809V3Solvent weight. This data element is required for each unit reported. solventWeight 
WW1810V3Solvent weight. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod4EmissionsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod4EmissionsRowDetails/SolventWeightsolventWeight 
WW1811V3Pressure used to calculate natural gas flow rates. This data element is required. naturalGasCalculationPressureMethod3 
WW1812V3Temperature used to calculate volume of gas vented (<sup>o</sup>F) [98.233]. This data element is required. volumeVentCalculationTempMethod2 
WW1813V3Temperature used to calculate volume of gas vented (<sup>o</sup>F) [98.233]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod2EmissionsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod2EmissionsRowDetails/VolumeVentCalculationTempMethod2volumeVentCalculationTempMethod2 
WW1814V3Pressure used to calculate volume of gas vented (psi) [98.233]. This data element is required. volumeVentCalculationPressureMethod2 
WW1815V3Pressure used to calculate volume of gas vented (psi) [98.233]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod2EmissionsDetails/AcidGasCalcMethod2EmissionsRowDetails/VolumeVentCalculationPressureMethod2volumeVentCalculationPressureMethod2 
WW1822V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four. The value you provided is outside that range.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidMissingAcidDataProcUsedDetails/AcidMissingAcidDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingNumberofQuartersmissingNumberofQuarters 
WW1823V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidMissingAcidDataProcUsedDetails/AcidMissingAcidDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingNumberofHoursmissingNumberofHours 
WW1826V3Total feed rate entering the acid gas removal unit for the year (million cubic feet) [98.236(d)(1)(ii)]. This value should be reported as a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/AcidGasInfoDetails/AcidGasInfoRowDetails/TotalAnnualFeedRatetotalAnnualFeedRate 
WW1827V3The AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetailsacidGasRemovalData 
WW1828V3Did the facility send hydrocarbon liquids to atmospheric tanks that are subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(j)]? This data element is required for facilities in the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry and the Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting industry segment.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/DidFacilityHaveGasFromProducedOildidFacilityHaveGasFromProducedOil 
WW1829V3Was Calculation Method 1 used to calculate emissions [(98.233(j)(1)]? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/CalcMethod1UsedcalcMethod1Used 
WW1830V3Was Calculation Method 2 used to calculate emissions [(98.233(j)(2)]? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/CalcMethod2UsedcalcMethod2Used 
WW1831V3Was Calculation Method 3 used to calculate emissions [(98.233(j)(3)]? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/CalcMethod3UsedcalcMethod3Used 
WW1832V3If Calculation Method 1 or 2 were used, were any atmospheric tanks observed to have malfunctioning dump valves during the calendar year? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/MalfunctioningDumpValvesmalfunctioningDumpValves 
WW1833V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions [98.235]? This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW1834V3Sub-Basin ID [98.236(j)(1)(i)]. You are in the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment and reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2. This data element is required. subBasinIdentifier 
WW1835V3Select Calculation Methodology Used (Select from list) [98.236(j)(1)(ii)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2. This data element is required. calculationMethodology 
WW1836V3Name of software package used for Calculation Method 1 [98.236(j)(1)(ii)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1. This data element is required. softwarePackageUsed 
WW1837V3Are the only wells used to calculate "total volume of oil" in the sub-basin wildcat or delineation wells subject to a 2-year delay in reporting? [98.236(j)(1)(iii)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production facilities. twoYearDelayIndicator 
WW1838V3Total volume of oil sent to tanks from all gas-liquid separators and direct from wells or non-separator equipment (bbl per yr) [98.236(j)(1)(iii)]. This data element is required. totalVolumeOfOil 
WW1839V3Total volume of oil sent to tanks from all gas-liquid separators and direct from wells or non-separator equipment (bbl per yr) [98.236(j)(1)(iii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/TotalVolumeOfOiltotalVolumeOfOil 
WW1840V3Average gas-liquid separator or non-separator equipment temperature (<sup>o</sup>F) [98.236(j)(1)(iv)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2. This data element is required. averageSeparatorTemperature 
WW1842V3Average gas-liquid separator pressure or non-separator equipment (psig) [98.236(j)(1)(v)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2. This data element is required. averagePressure 
WW1844V3Average sales oil or stabilized oil API gravity (degrees) [98.236(j)(1)(vi)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2. This data element is required. averageAPIGravity 
WW1845V3Average sales oil or stabilized oil API gravity (degrees) [98.236(j)(1)(vi)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/AverageAPIGravityaverageAPIGravity 
WW1846V3Minimum concentration of CO2 in flash gas (mole fraction) [98.236(j)(1)(vii)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2. This data element is required. minimumFlashGasCo2Concentration 
WW1847V3Minimum concentration of CO2 in flash gas (mole fraction) [98.236(j)(1)(vii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/MinimumFlashGasCarbonDioxideConcentrationminimumFlashGasCo2Concentration 
WW1848V3Maximum concentration of CO2 in flash gas (mole fraction) [98.236(j)(1)(vii)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2. This data element is required. maximumFlashGasCo2Concentration 
WW1849V3Maximum concentration of CO2 in flash gas (mole fraction) [98.236(j)(1)(vii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/MaximumFlashGasCarbonDioxideConcentrationmaximumFlashGasCo2Concentration 
WW1850V3Minimum concentration of CH4 in flash gas (mole fraction) [98.236(j)(1)(viii)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2. This data element is required. minimumFlashGasCh4Concentration 
WW1851V3Minimum concentration of CH4 in flash gas (mole fraction) [98.236(j)(1)(viii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/MinimumFlashMethaneConcentrationminimumFlashGasCh4Concentration 
WW1852V3Maximum concentration of CH4 in flash gas (mole fraction) [98.236(j)(1)(viii)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2. This data element is required. maximumFlashGasCh4Concentration 
WW1853V3Maximum concentration of CH4 in flash gas (mole fraction) [98.236(j)(1)(viii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/MaximumFlashMethaneConcentrationmaximumFlashGasCh4Concentration 
WW1854V3Number of wells sending oil to gas-liquid separators or directly to atmospheric tanks [98.236(j)(1)(ix)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production facilities. numberOfWellHeadSeparators 
WW1855V3Number of wells sending oil to gas-liquid separators or directly to atmospheric tanks [98.236(j)(1)(ix)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/NumberOfWellHeadSeparatorsnumberOfWellHeadSeparators 
WW1856V3Count of atmospheric tanks [98.236(j)(1)(x)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2. This data element is required. atmosphericTankCount 
WW1857V3Count of atmospheric tanks [98.236(j)(1)(x)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/AtmosphericTankCountatmosphericTankCount 
WW1858V3Estimated number of atmospheric tanks not on well pads [98.236(j)(1)(xi)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production facilities. notOnWellPadTankCount 
WW1859V3Estimated number of atmospheric tanks not on well pads [98.236(j)(1)(xi)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/NotOnWellPadTankCountnotOnWellPadTankCount 
WW1860V3Were any emissions from atmospheric tanks controlled with vapor recovery systems? [98.236(j)(1)(xii)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2. This data element is required. wereEmissionsVaporRecovery 
WW1861V3Count of tanks that control emissions with vapor recovery systems [98.236(j)(1)(xii)(A)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2 and emissions controlled with vapor recovery systems. This data element is required. tanksWithVaporRecovery 
WW1862V3Count of tanks that control emissions with vapor recovery systems [98.236(j)(1)(xii)(A)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/TanksWithVaporRecoverytanksWithVaporRecovery 
WW1863V3Total CO2 mass that was recovered (mt CO2) [98.236(j)(1)(xii)(B)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/AnnualCarbonDioxideRecoveredannualCo2Recovered 
WW1864V3Total CO2 mass that was recovered (mt CO2) [98.236(j)(1)(xii)(B)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2 and emissions controlled with vapor recovery systems. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/AnnualCarbonDioxideRecoveredannualCo2Recovered 
WW1865V3Total CH4 mass that was recovered (mt CH4) [98.236(j)(1)(xii)(C)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2 and emissions controlled with vapor recovery systems. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/AnnualCarbonDioxideRecoveredannualCh4Recovered 
WW1866V3Total CH4 mass that was recovered (mt CH4) [98.236(j)(1)(xii)(C)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/AnnualMethaneRecoveredannualCh4Recovered 
WW1867V3Annual CO2 emissions from tanks with vapor recovery systems (mt CO2) [98.236(j)(1)(xii)(D)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2 and emissions controlled with vapor recovery systems. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/VaporRecoveryCO2EmissionsvaporRecoveryCO2Emissions 
WW1868V3Annual CO2 emissions from tanks with vapor recovery systems (mt CO2) [98.236(j)(1)(xii)(D)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/VaporRecoveryCO2EmissionsvaporRecoveryCO2Emissions 
WW1869V3Annual CH4 emissions from tanks with vapor recovery systems (mt CH4) [98.236(j)(1)(xii)(E)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2 and emissions controlled with vapor recovery systems. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/VaporRecoveryCH4EmissionsvaporRecoveryCH4Emissions 
WW1870V3Annual CH4 emissions from tanks with vapor recovery systems (mt CH4) [98.236(j)(1)(xii)(E)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/VaporRecoveryCH4EmissionsvaporRecoveryCH4Emissions 
WW1871V3Were any emissions from atmospheric tanks vented directly to the atmosphere? [98.236(j)(1)(xiii)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2. This data element is required. wereEmissionsAtmosphere 
WW1872V3Count of tanks that vented directly to the atmosphere [98.236(j)(1)(xiii)(A)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2 and venting emissions to the atmosphere. This data element is required. tanksWithEmissionControl 
WW1873V3Count of tanks that vented directly to the atmosphere [98.236(j)(1)(xiii)(A)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/TanksWithEmissionControltanksWithEmissionControl 
WW1874V3Annual CO2 emissions from venting (mt CO2) [98.236(j)(1)(xiii)(B)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2 and venting emissions to the atmosphere. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/VentingCarbonDioxideEmissionsventingCo2Emissions 
WW1875V3Annual CO2 emissions from venting (mt CO2) [98.236(j)(1)(xiii)(B)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/VentingCarbonDioxideEmissionsventingCo2Emissions 
WW1876V3Annual CH4 emissions from venting (mt CH4) [98.236(j)(1)(xiii)(C)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2 and venting emissions to the atmosphere. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/VentingCh4EmissionsventingCh4Emissions 
WW1877V3Annual CH4 emissions from venting (mt CH4) [98.236(j)(1)(xiii)(C)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/VentingCh4EmissionsventingCh4Emissions 
WW1878V3Were any emissions from atmospheric tanks vented to flare(s)? [98.236(j)(1)(xiv)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2. This data element is required. wereEmissionsFlares 
WW1879V3Count of tanks with flaring emission control measures [98.236(j)(1)(xiv)(A)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2 and flaring emissions. This data element is required. tanksWithFlaring 
WW1880V3Count of tanks with flaring emission control measures [98.236(j)(1)(xiv)(A)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/TanksWithFlaringtanksWithFlaring 
WW1881V3Annual CO2 emissions from flaring (mt CO2) [98.236(j)(1)(xiv)(B)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2 and flaring emissions. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/FlaringCarbonDioxideEmissionsflaringCo2Emissions 
WW1882V3Annual CO2 emissions from flaring (mt CO2) [98.236(j)(1)(xiv)(B)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/FlaringCarbonDioxideEmissionsflaringCo2Emissions 
WW1883V3Annual CH4 emissions from flaring (mt CH4) [98.236(j)(1)(xiv)(C)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2 and flaring emissions. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/FlaringCh4EmissionsflaringCh4Emissions 
WW1884V3Annual CH4 emissions from flaring (mt CH4) [98.236(j)(1)(xiv)(C)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/FlaringCh4EmissionsflaringCh4Emissions 
WW1885V3Annual N2O emissions from flaring (mt N2O) [98.236(j)(1)(xiv)(D)]. You reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2 and flaring emissions. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/FlaringN2OEmissionsflaringN2oEmissions 
WW1886V3Annual N2O emissions from flaring (mt N2O) [98.236(j)(1)(xiv)(D)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodOneOrTwoSubBasinRowDetails/FlaringN2OEmissionsflaringN2oEmissions 
WW1887V3Estimate of fraction of oil/condensate throughput sent to tanks in basin with flaring [98.236(j)(2)(i)(B)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3. This data element is required. fractionOfOilThroughputWithFlaring 
WW1888V3Estimate of fraction of oil/condensate throughput sent to tanks in basin with flaring [98.236(j)(2)(i)(B)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than zero and less than or equal to one.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodThreeDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodThreeRowDetails/FractionOfOilThroughputWithFlaringfractionOfOilThroughputWithFlaring 
WW1889V3Estimate of fraction of oil/condensate throughput sent to tanks with vapor recovery system control measures [98.236(j)(2)(i)(C)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3. This data element is required. fractionOfOilThroughputWithVapor 
WW1890V3Estimate of fraction of oil/condensate throughput sent to tanks with vapor recovery system control measures [98.236(j)(2)(i)(C)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than zero and less than or equal to one.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodThreeDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodThreeRowDetails/FractionOfOilThroughputWithVaporfractionOfOilThroughputWithVapor 
WW1891V3Count of atmospheric tanks in basin [98.236(j)(2)(i)(D)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3. This data element is required. atmosphericTankCount 
WW1892V3Count of atmospheric tanks in basin [98.236(j)(2)(i)(D)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodThreeDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodThreeRowDetails/AtmosphericTankCountatmosphericTankCount 
WW1893V3Count of wells with gas-liquid separators, Count [98.236(j)(2)(i)(E)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3. This data element is required for facilities in the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry. gasWellsCount 
WW1894V3Count of wells with gas-liquid separators, Count [98.236(j)(2)(i)(E)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodThreeDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodThreeRowDetails/GasWellsCountgasWellsCount 
WW1895V3Count of wells without gas-liquid separators, Count [98.236(j)(2)(i)(F)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3. This data element is required for facilities in the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry. wellsWithoutGasCount 
WW1896V3Count of wells without gas-liquid separators, Count [98.236(j)(2)(i)(F)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodThreeDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodThreeRowDetails/WellsWithoutGasCountwellsWithoutGasCount 
WW1897V3Are the only wells in the sub-basin used to calculate "annual oil/condensate throughput" wildcat or delineation wells subject to a 2-year delay in reporting? [98.236(j)(2)(i)(A)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3. This data element is required for facilities in the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry. twoYearDelayIndicator 
WW1898V3Total annual oil/condensate throughput that is sent to all atmospheric tanks (barrels per year) [98.236(j)(2)(i)(A)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3. This data element is required. annualOilThroughput 
WW1899V3Total annual oil/condensate throughput that is sent to all atmospheric tanks (barrels per year) [98.236(j)(2)(i)(A)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodThreeDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodThreeRowDetails/AnnualOilThroughputannualOilThroughput 
WW1900V3Sub-Basin ID [98.236(j)(2)(ii)(A)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3 and that your fraction of oil/condensate throughput sent to tanks with flaring is less than 1.0. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production facilities.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodThreeDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalculationMethodThreeRowDetails/AnnualOilThroughputsubBasinId 
WW1901V3Count of tanks that did not control emissions with flares [98.236(j)(2)(ii)(B)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3 and the use of tanks without flares. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeNoFlaringDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeNoFlaringRowDetails/EmissionsNotControlledWithFlareCountemissionsNotControlledWithFlareCount 
WW1902V3Count of tanks that did not control emissions with flares [98.236(j)(2)(ii)(B)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeNoFlaringDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeNoFlaringRowDetails/EmissionsNotControlledWithFlareCountemissionsNotControlledWithFlareCount 
WW1903V3Annual CO2 emissions from tanks without flares (mt CO2) [98.236(j)(2)(ii)(C)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3 and the use of tanks without flares. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeNoFlaringDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeNoFlaringRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW1904V3Annual CO2 emissions from tanks without flares (mt CO2) [98.236(j)(2)(ii)(C)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeNoFlaringDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeNoFlaringRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW1905V3Annual CH4 emissions from tanks without flares (mt CH4) [98.236(j)(2)(ii)(D)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3 and the use of tanks without flares. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeNoFlaringDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeNoFlaringRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW1906V3Annual CH4 emissions from tanks without flares (mt CH4) [98.236(j)(2)(ii)(D)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeNoFlaringDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeNoFlaringRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW1907V3Sub-Basin ID [98.236(j)(2)(iii)(A)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3 and that your fraction of oil/condensate throughput sent to tanks with flaring is greater than 0.0. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production facilities.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeNoFlaringDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeNoFlaringRowDetails/Ch4EmissionssubBasinId 
WW1908V3Count of tanks with flaring emission control measures [98.236(j)(2)(iii)(B)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3 and the use of tanks with flaring. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringRowDetails/EmissionsControlWithFlareCountemissionsControlWithFlareCount 
WW1909V3Count of tanks with flaring emission control measures [98.236(j)(2)(iii)(B)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringRowDetails/EmissionsControlWithFlareCountemissionsControlWithFlareCount 
WW1910V3Annual CO2 emissions from flaring (mt CO2) [98.236(j)(2)(iii)(C)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3 and the use of tanks with flaring. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW1911V3Annual CO2 emissions from flaring (mt CO2) [98.236(j)(2)(iii)(C)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW1912V3Annual CH4 emissions from flaring (mt CH4) [98.236(j)(2)(iii)(D)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3 and the use of tanks with flaring. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW1913V3Annual CH4 emissions from flaring (mt CH4) [98.236(j)(2)(iii)(D)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW1914V3Annual N2O emissions from flaring (mt N2O) [98.236(j)(2)(iii)(E)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3 and the use of tanks with flaring. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringRowDetails/N2OEmissionsn2oEmissions 
WW1915V3Annual N2O emissions from flaring (mt N2O) [98.236(j)(2)(iii)(E)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringRowDetails/N2OEmissionsn2oEmissions 
WW1916V3Sub-Basin ID [98.236(j)(3)]. You reported improperly functioning wellhead separator dump valves. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production facilities.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringDetails/AtmosphericTanksCalcMethodThreeWithFlaringRowDetails/N2OEmissionssubBasinId 
WW1917V3Count of gas-liquid separators whose liquid dump valves did not close properly [98.236(j)(3)(i)]. You reported improperly functioning gas-liquid separator dump valves. This data element is required. separatorsCount 
WW1918V3Count of gas-liquid separators whose liquid dump valves did not close properly [98.236(j)(3)(i)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksImproperDumpValvesDetails/AtmosphericTanksImproperDumpValvesRowDetails/SeparatorsCountseparatorsCount 
WW1919V3Total time the dump valves did not close properly, Tn (hours) [98.236(j)(3)(ii)]. You reported improperly functioning gas-liquid separator dump valves. This data element is required. hoursDumpValvesDidNotClose 
WW1920V3Total time the dump valves did not close properly, Tn (hours) [98.236(j)(3)(ii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksImproperDumpValvesDetails/AtmosphericTanksImproperDumpValvesRowDetails/HoursDumpValvesDidNotClosehoursDumpValvesDidNotClose 
WW1921V3CO2 emissions from improperly functioning dump valves (mt CO2) [98.236(j)(3)(iii)]. You reported improperly functioning gas-liquid separator dump valves. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksImproperDumpValvesDetails/AtmosphericTanksImproperDumpValvesRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW1922V3CO2 emissions from improperly functioning dump valves (mt CO2) [98.236(j)(3)(iii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksImproperDumpValvesDetails/AtmosphericTanksImproperDumpValvesRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW1923V3CH4 emissions from improperly functioning dump valves (mt CH4) [98.236(j)(3)(iv)]. You reported improperly functioning gas-liquid separator dump valves. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksImproperDumpValvesDetails/AtmosphericTanksImproperDumpValvesRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW1924V3CH4 emissions from improperly functioning dump valves (mt CH4) [98.236(j)(3)(iv)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksImproperDumpValvesDetails/AtmosphericTanksImproperDumpValvesRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW1925V3Atmospheric Storage Tanks emission source. This form is required for this industry segment.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksImproperDumpValvesDetails/AtmosphericTanksImproperDumpValvesRowDetails/Ch4EmissionsdidFacilityHaveGasFromProducedOil 
WW1926V3The AtmosphericTanksDetails node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetailsatmosphericTanksData 
WW1927V3Sub-Basin ID. This data element is required if Missing data procedures were used for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production facilities. subBasinId 
WW1928V3Parameter: For gas-liquid separator, non-separator equipment, or well with oil throughput >= 10 barrels/day using Calculation Methodology 1 or 2 [Table J.1]. This data element is required if Missing data procedures were used. calcMethod1Or2Parameters 
WW1929V3Parameter: If separator dump valve is functioning improperly during the calendar year [Table J.3]. This data element is required if Missing data procedures were used. calcMethod3Parameters 
WW1930V3Measurement frequency for parameter for which missing data procedures were used. This data element is required if Missing data procedures were used. missingFrequency 
WW1931V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. This data element is required if the measurement frequency is "quarterly" for the parameter for which missing data procedures were used. missingQuarters 
WW1932V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used and the normal measurement frequency is quarterly. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksMissingDataProcUsedDetails/AtmosphericTanksMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW1933V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used [98.3(c)(8)] and [98.236(bb)(2)]. This data element is required if the measurement frequency for the parameter for which missing data procedures were used is more frequent than annually (except if the frequency is quarterly). missingHours 
WW1934V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksMissingDataProcUsedDetails/AtmosphericTanksMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW1935V3Missing data procedures that were used. This data element is required if Missing data procedures were used. missingProceduresUsed 
WW1939V3Missing Data Procedures Table. Data is required. table8Data[1] 
WW1946V3Offshore Production Table. Data is required. offshoreProductionTableData[1] 
WW1947V3Natural Gas Processing Table. Data is required. naturalGasProcessingTableData[1] 
WW1948V3Natural Gas Transmission Compression Table. Data is required. naturalGasTransmissionTableData[1] 
WW1949V3Underground Natural Gas Storage Table. Data is required. undergroundNaturalGasTableData[1] 
WW1950V3LNG Import/Export Equipment Table. Data is required. lngImportExportEquipmentTableData[1] 
WW1951V3LNG Storage Table. Data is required. lngStorageTableData[1] 
WW1952V3Natural Gas Distribution Table. Data is required. naturalGasDistributionTableData[1] 
WW1954V3The sum of CH4 emissions from all Pneumatic Pumps did not equal the reported Pneumatic Pumps CH4 emission roll-up total. Please check your Pneumatic Pumps roll-up calculation for accuracy.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksDelayedDataDetails/AtmosphericTanksDelayedDataRowDetails/TotalVolumeOfOilSalestotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions 
WW1955V3The sum of CO2 emissions from all Pneumatic Pumps did not equal the reported Pneumatic Pumps CO2 emission roll-up total. Please check your Pneumatic Pumps roll-up calculation for accuracy.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksDelayedDataDetails/AtmosphericTanksDelayedDataRowDetails/TotalVolumeOfOilSalestotalCo2Emissions 
WW1957V3Calculation Methodology 1 Table. Data is required. transientData['isTable2HasData'] 
WW1958V3Calculation Methodology 2 Table. Data is required. transientData['isTable3HasData'] 
WW1959V3Calculation Methodology 3 Table. Data is required. transientData['isTable4HasData'] 
WW1960V3Calculation Methodology 4 Table. Data is required. transientData['isTable5HasData'] 
WW1970V3The natural gas flow rates reported on an actual or standard basis for unit [{1}] was not reported. This data element is required. Please review your report and provide the identified value(s), as necessary. annualVolumeVentReportBasis 
WW1972V3The annual volume of gas vented reported on an actual or standard basis for [{1}] was not reported. This data element is required. Please review your report and provide the identified value(s), as necessary. annualVolumeVentReportBasis 
WW2000V3CO2 Emissions [98.236(e)]. The sum of CO2 emissions from all Dehydrators did not equal the reported Dehydrators CO2 emission roll-up total. Please check your Dehydrators roll-up calculation for accuracy.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksDelayedDataDetails/AtmosphericTanksDelayedDataRowDetails/TotalVolumeOfOilSalestotalCo2Emissions 
WW2001V3CH4 Emissions [98.236(e)]. The sum of CH4 emissions from all Dehydrators did not equal the reported Dehydrators CH4 emission roll-up total. Please check your Dehydrators roll-up calculation for accuracy.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksDelayedDataDetails/AtmosphericTanksDelayedDataRowDetails/TotalVolumeOfOilSalestotalCh4Emissions 
WW2002V3N2O Emissions [98.236(e)]. The sum of N2O emissions from all Dehydrators did not equal the reported Dehydrators N2O emission roll-up total. Please check your Dehydrators roll-up calculation for accuracy.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/AtmosphericTanksDelayedDataDetails/AtmosphericTanksDelayedDataRowDetails/TotalVolumeOfOilSalestotalN2oEmissions 
WW2003V3Does the Facility have any glycol dehydrators with annual average daily natural gas throughputs less than 0.4MMscfd subject to reporting under 98.232? [98.236(e)]. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorLowThroughputglycolDehydratorLowThroughput 
WW2004V3Does the Facility have any desiccant dehydrators subject to reporting under 98.232? [98.236(e)]. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DoesFacilityHaveDesiccantDehydratorsdoesFacilityHaveDesiccantDehydrators 
WW2005V3Does the Facility have any glycol dehydrators with annual average daily natural gas throughputs greater than OR equal to 0.4MMscfd subject to reporting under 98.232? [98.236(e)]. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorHighThroughputglycolDehydratorHighThroughput 
WW2006V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]. This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW2007V3Count of small glycol dehydrators (W-5) [98.236(e)(2)(i)]. You indicated that this facility operates small glycol dehydrators that are subject to reporting. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorHighThroughputglycolDehydratorCount 
WW2008V3Count of small glycol dehydrators (W-5) [98.236(e)(2)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorCountglycolDehydratorCount 
WW2009V3Do any small glycol dehydrators vent to vapor recovery? [98.236(e)(2)(ii)]. You indicated that this facility operates small glycol dehydrators that are subject to reporting. This data element is required. vaporRecoveryUsedVentControl 
WW2010V3Count of small glycol dehydrators that vent to vapor recovery [98.236(e)(2)(ii)]. You indicated that this facility operates small glycol dehydrators that are subject to reporting and that vent to vapor recovery. This data element is required. vaporRecoveryDehydratorCount 
WW2011V3Count of small glycol dehydrators that vent to vapor recovery [98.236(e)(2)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/VaporRecoveryDehydratorCountvaporRecoveryDehydratorCount 
WW2012V3Do any small glycol dehydrators vent to flares OR regenerator firebox/fire tubes? [98.236(e)(2)(iv)]. You indicated that this facility operates small glycol dehydrators that are subject to reporting. This data element is required. smallDehydratorVentToFlares 
WW2013V3Count of small glycol dehydrators vent to flares OR regenerator firebox/fire tubes [98.236(e)(2)(iv)(A)]. You indicated that this facility operates small glycol dehydrators that are subject to reporting and that vent to flares OR firebox/fire tubes. This data element is required. smallDehydratorVentToFlaresCount 
WW2014V3Count of small glycol dehydrators that vent to flares or regenerator firebox/fire tubes [98.236(e)(2)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/SmallDehydratorVentToFlaresCountsmallDehydratorVentToFlaresCount 
WW2015V3Do any small glycol dehydrators vent to control devices other than vapor recovery, flare OR regenerator firebox/fire tubes? [98.236(e)(2)(iii)]. This data element is required. controlDevicesVentControl 
WW2016V3Total CO2 Emissions from flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes for small glycol dehydrators (mt CO2) [98.236(e)(2)(iv)(B)]. You selected "Yes" for "dehydrator vents to flares or regenerator firebox/fire tubes". This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/EmissionPointVentedToFlareCO2EmissionsemissionPointVentedToFlareCO2Emissions 
WW2017V3Total CO2 Emissions from flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes for small glycol dehydrators (mt CO2) [98.236(e)(2)(iv)(B)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/EmissionPointVentedToFlareCO2EmissionsemissionPointVentedToFlareCO2Emissions 
WW2018V3Total CH4 Emissions from flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes for small glycol dehydrators (mt CH4) [98.236(e)(2)(iv)(C)]. You selected "Yes" for "dehydrator vents to flares or regenerator firebox/fire tubes". This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/EmissionPointVentedToFlareCH4EmissionsemissionPointVentedToFlareCH4Emissions 
WW2019V3Total CH4 Emissions from flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes for small glycol dehydrators (mt CH4) [98.236(e)(2)(iv)(C)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/EmissionPointVentedToFlareCH4EmissionsemissionPointVentedToFlareCH4Emissions 
WW2020V3Total N2O Emissions from flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes for small glycol dehydrators (mt N2O) [98.236(e)(2)(iv)(D)]. You selected "Yes" for "dehydrator vents to flares or regenerator firebox/fire tubes". This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/EmissionPointVentedToFlareN2OEmissionsemissionPointVentedToFlareN2OEmissions 
WW2021V3Total N2O Emissions from flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes for small glycol dehydrators (mt N2O) [98.236(e)(2)(iv)(D)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/EmissionPointVentedToFlareN2OEmissionsemissionPointVentedToFlareN2OEmissions 
WW2022V3Total CO2 Emissions from small glycol dehydrators NOT vented to flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes (mt CO2) [98.236(e)(2)(v)(A)]. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/EmissionPointNotVentedToFlareCO2EmissionsemissionPointNotVentedToFlareCO2Emissions 
WW2023V3Total CO2 Emissions from small glycol dehydrators NOT vented to flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes (mt CO2) [98.236(e)(2)(v)(A)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/EmissionPointNotVentedToFlareCO2EmissionsemissionPointNotVentedToFlareCO2Emissions 
WW2024V3Total CH4 Emissions from small glycol dehydrators NOT vented to flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes (mt CH4) [98.236(e)(2)(v)(B)]. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/EmissionPointNotVentedToFlareCH4EmissionsemissionPointNotVentedToFlareCH4Emissions 
WW2025V3Total CH4 Emissions from small glycol dehydrators NOT vented to flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes (mt CH4) [98.236(e)(2)(v)(B)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/EmissionPointNotVentedToFlareCH4EmissionsemissionPointNotVentedToFlareCH4Emissions 
WW2026V3Total number of Desiccant Dehydrators [98.236(e)(3)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DesiccantDehydratorCountdesiccantDehydratorCount 
WW2027V3Do any desiccant dehydrators vent to vapor recovery? [98.236(e)(3)(i)]. You indicated that this facility operates desiccant dehydrators that are subject to reporting. This data element is required. desiccantvaporRecoveryUsedVentControl 
WW2028V3Count of desiccant dehydrators that vent to vapor recovery [98.236(e)(3)(i)]. You indicated that this facility operates desiccant dehydrators that are subject to reporting and that vent to vapor recovery. This data element is required. desiccantvaporRecoveryDehydratorCount 
WW2029V3Count of desiccant dehydrators that vent to vapor recovery [98.236(e)(3)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DesiccantvaporRecoveryDehydratorCountdesiccantvaporRecoveryDehydratorCount 
WW2030V3Do any desiccant dehydrators vent to flare OR regenerator firebox/fire tubes? [98.236(e)(3)(i)]. You indicated that this facility operates desiccant dehydrators that are subject to reporting. This data element is required. desiccantDehydratorVentToFlares 
WW2031V3Count of desiccant dehydrators that vent to flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes [98.236(e)(3)(i)]. You indicated that this facility operates desiccant dehydrators that vent to flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes. This data element is required. desiccantDehydratorVentToFlaresCount 
WW2032V3Count of desiccant dehydrators that vent to flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes [98.236(e)(3)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DesiccantDehydratorVentToFlaresCountdesiccantDehydratorVentToFlaresCount 
WW2033V3Total CO2 Emissions from flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes for desiccant dehydrators (mt CO2) [98.236(e)(3)(i)]. You selected "Yes" for "dehydrator vents to flares or regenerator firebox/fire tubes". This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DesiccantemissionPointVentedToFlareCO2EmissionsdesiccantemissionPointVentedToFlareCO2Emissions 
WW2034V3Total CO2 Emissions from flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes for desiccant dehydrators (mt CO2) [98.236(e)(3)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DesiccantemissionPointVentedToFlareCO2EmissionsdesiccantemissionPointVentedToFlareCO2Emissions 
WW2035V3Total CH4 Emissions from flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes for desiccant dehydrators (mt CH4) [98.236(e)(3)(i)]. You selected "Yes" for "dehydrator vents to flares or regenerator firebox/fire tubes". This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DesiccantemissionPointVentedToFlareCH4EmissionsdesiccantemissionPointVentedToFlareCH4Emissions 
WW2036V3Total CH4 Emissions from flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes for desiccant dehydrators (mt CH4) [98.236(e)(3)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DesiccantemissionPointVentedToFlareCH4EmissionsdesiccantemissionPointVentedToFlareCH4Emissions 
WW2037V3Total N2O Emissions from flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes for desiccant dehydrators (mt N2O) [98.236(e)(3)(i)]. You selected "Yes" for "dehydrator vents to flares or regenerator firebox/fire tubes". This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DesiccantemissionPointVentedToFlareN2OEmissionsdesiccantemissionPointVentedToFlareN2OEmissions 
WW2038V3Total N2O Emissions from flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes for desiccant dehydrators (mt N2O) [98.236(e)(3)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DesiccantemissionPointVentedToFlareN2OEmissionsdesiccantemissionPointVentedToFlareN2OEmissions 
WW2039V3Total CO2 Emissions from desiccant dehydrators NOT vented to flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes (mt CO2) [98.236(e)(3)(ii)]. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DesiccantemissionPointNotVentedToFlareCO2EmissionsdesiccantemissionPointNotVentedToFlareCO2Emissions 
WW2040V3Total CO2 Emissions from desiccant dehydrators NOT vented to flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes (mt CO2) [98.236(e)(3)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DesiccantemissionPointNotVentedToFlareCO2EmissionsdesiccantemissionPointNotVentedToFlareCO2Emissions 
WW2041V3Total CH4 Emissions from desiccant dehydrators NOT vented to flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes (mt CH4) [98.236(e)(3)(iii)]. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DesiccantemissionPointNotVentedToFlareCH4EmissionsdesiccantemissionPointNotVentedToFlareCH4Emissions 
WW2042V3Total CH4 Emissions from desiccant dehydrators NOT vented to flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes (mt CH4) [98.236(e)(3)(iii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DesiccantemissionPointNotVentedToFlareCH4EmissionsdesiccantemissionPointNotVentedToFlareCH4Emissions 
WW2043V3Do any desiccant dehydrators vent to control devices that are not vapor recovery OR flares OR regenerator firebox/fire tubes? [98.236(e)(3)(i)]. You indicated that this facility operates desiccant dehydrators that are subject to reporting. This data element is required. desiccantcontrolDevicesVentControl 
WW2044V3Unit ID [98.236(e)(1)(i)]. You indicated that this facility has large dehydrators subject to reporting. This data element is required. unitIdentifier 
WW2045V3Sub-basin ID [98.236(e)(1)(xviii)]. This data element is required for facilities in the Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production industry. subBasinId 
WW2046V3Glycol dehydrator feed natural gas flow rate in MMscfd, determined by engineering estimate based on best available data [98.236(e)(1)(ii)]. This data element is required. naturalGasFlowRate 
WW2047V3Glycol dehydrator feed natural gas flow rate in MMscfd, determined by engineering estimate based on best available data 98.236(e)(1)(ii). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/NaturalGasFlowRatenaturalGasFlowRate 
WW2048V3Dehydrator feed natural gas water content [98.236(e)(1)(iii)]. This data element is required. feedNaturalGasWaterContent 
WW2049V3Dehydrator feed natural gas water content [98.236(e)(1)(iii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than OR equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/FeedNaturalGasWaterContentfeedNaturalGasWaterContent 
WW2050V3Dehydrator outlet natural gas water content [98.236(e)(1)(iv)]. This data element is required. outletNaturalGasWaterContent 
WW2051V3Dehydrator outlet natural gas water content [98.236(e)(1)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than OR equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/OutletNaturalGasWaterContentoutletNaturalGasWaterContent 
WW2052V3Glycol dehydrator absorbent circulation pump type [98.236(e)(1)(v)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. This data element is required. absorbentCirculationPumpType 
WW2053V3Absorbent circulation rate [98.236(e)(1)(vi)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. This data element is required. absorbentCirculationRate 
WW2054V3Absorbent circulation rate [98.236(e)(1)(vi)]. You must enter a value that is greater than OR equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/AbsorbentCirculationRateabsorbentCirculationRate 
WW2055V3Report type of absorbent [98.236(e)(1)(vii)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. This data element is required. absorbentType 
WW2056V3Report whether stripper gas is used in glycol dehydrator [98.236(e)(1)(viii)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. This data element is required. isStripperGasUsed 
WW2057V3Report whether a flash tank separator is used in glycol dehydrator [98.236(e)(1)(ix)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. This data element is required. isFlashTankSeparatorUsed 
WW2058V3Total time the glycol dehydrator is operating in hours [98.236(e)(1)(x)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. This data element is required. glycolDehydratorOperatingHours 
WW2059V3Total time the glycol dehydrator is operating in hours [98.236(e)(1)(x)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/GlycolDehydratorOperatingHoursglycolDehydratorOperatingHours 
WW2060V3Temperature of the wet natural gas (deg F) [98.236(e)(1)(xi)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. This data element is required. wetNaturalGasTemperature 
WW2061V3Temperature of the wet natural gas (deg F) [98.236(e)(1)(xi)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/WetNaturalGasTemperaturewetNaturalGasTemperature 
WW2062V3Pressure of the wet natural gas (psig) [98.236(e)(1)(xii)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. This data element is required. wetNaturalGasPressure 
WW2063V3Pressure of the wet natural gas (psig) [98.236(e)(1)(xii)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/WetNaturalGasPressurewetNaturalGasPressure 
WW2064V3Concentration of CO2 in wet natural gas (as a fraction) [98.236(e)(1)(xiv)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. This data element is required. wetNaturalGasCo2Concentration 
WW2065V3Concentration of CO2 in wet natural gas (as a fraction) [98.236(e)(1)(xiv)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. You must enter a value from zero to 1.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/WetNaturalGasCarbonDioxideConcentrationwetNaturalGasCo2Concentration 
WW2066V3Concentration of CH4 in wet natural gas (as a fraction) [98.236(e)(1)(xiii)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. This data element is required. wetNaturalGasCh4Concentration 
WW2067V3Concentration of CH4 in wet natural gas (as a fraction) [98.236(e)(1)(xiii)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. You must enter a value from zero to one.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/WetNaturalGasMethaneConcentrationwetNaturalGasCh4Concentration 
WW2068V3Report whether emissions were vented to vapor recovery [98.236(e)(1)(xv)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. This data element is required. dehydratorEmissionsVentedVaporRecovery 
WW2069V3Report whether emissions were vented to flare OR regenerator firebox/fire tubes [98.236(e)(1)(xvi)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. This data element is required. dehydratorEmissionsVentedFlareOrTubes 
WW2070V3CO2 Emissions from Flares OR Regenerators (mt CO2) [98.236(e)(1)(xvi)(A)]. You indicated this large dehydrator is vented to a flare OR regenerator. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/FlaringCarbonDioxideEmissionsflaringCo2Emissions 
WW2071V3CO2 Emissions from Flaring (mt CO2) [98.236(e)(1)(xvi)(A)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/FlaringCarbonDioxideEmissionsflaringCo2Emissions 
WW2072V3CH4 Emissions from Flare OR Regenerator (mt CH4) [98.236(e)(1)(xvi)(B)]. You indicated this large dehydrator is vented to a flare OR regenerator. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/FlaringCh4EmissionsflaringCh4Emissions 
WW2073V3CH4 Emissions from Flare or Regenerator (mt CH4) 98.236(e)(1)(xvi)(B)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/FlaringCh4EmissionsflaringCh4Emissions 
WW2074V3N2O Emissions from Flare OR Regenerator (mt N2O) [98.236(e)(1)(xvi)(C)}. You indicated this large dehydrator is vented to a flare OR regenerator. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/FlaringN2OEmissionsflaringN2oEmissions 
WW2075V3N2O Emissions from Flare or Regenerator (mt N2O) [98.236(e)(1)(xvi)(C)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/FlaringN2OEmissionsflaringN2oEmissions 
WW2076V3Report whether emissions were vented to atmosphere [98.236(e)(1)(xvii)]. You indicated that this facility operates large glycol dehydrators. This data element is required. dehydratorEmissionsVentedWithoutFlareOrTubes 
WW2077V3CO2 Emissions from Venting (mt CO2) [98.236(e)(1)(xvii)(A)]. You indicated that this large dehydrator is vented to the atmosphere without being routed through a flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/VentingCarbonDioxideEmissionsventingCo2Emissions 
WW2078V3CO2 Emissions from Venting (mt CO2). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/VentingCarbonDioxideEmissionsventingCo2Emissions 
WW2079V3CH4 Emissions from Venting (mt CH4) [98.236(e)(1)(xvii)(B)]. You indicated that this large dehydrator is vented to the atmosphere without being routed through a flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/VentingCh4EmissionsventingCh4Emissions 
WW2080V3CH4 Emissions from Venting (mt CH4). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueDetails/GlycolDehydratorsMoreThanSpecifiedValueRowDetails/VentingCh4EmissionsventingCh4Emissions 
WW2081V3Specify type of other control devices for small glycol dehydrators [98.236(e)(2)(iii)]. You selected "Yes" for "Control devices other than vapor recovery, flare OR regenerator firebox/fire tubes", but failed to provide any additional information in the sub-table. This data element is required. controlDeviceType 
WW2082V3Count of small glycol dehydrators vent to control devices other than vapor recovery, flare OR regenerator firebox/fire tubes [98.236(e)(2)(iii)]. You indicated that there are other control devices (not vapor recovery OR flare/regenerator). This data element is required. otherVentControlDehydratorCount 
WW2083V3Count of small glycol dehydrators that vent to control devices other than vapor recovery, flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/OtherVentControlsTypeAndCountDetails/OtherVentControlsTypeAndCountRowDetails/OtherVentControlDehydratorCountotherVentControlDehydratorCount 
WW2084V3Specify type of other control devices for desiccant dehydrators [98.236(e)(2)(iii)]. You selected "Yes" for "Control devices other than vapor recovery, flare OR regenerator firebox/fire tubes", but failed to provide any additional information in the sub-table. This data element is required. controlDeviceType 
WW2085V3Count of desiccant dehydrators that vent to control devices other than vapor recovery, flare OR regenerator firebox/fire tubes [98.236(e)(2)(iii)]. You indicated that this facility operates desiccant dehydrators that are subject to reporting and that vent to devices that are not vapor recovery OR regenerator firebox/fire tubes. This data element is required. otherVentControlDehydratorCount 
WW2086V3Count of desiccant dehydrators that vent to control devices other than vapor recovery, flare or regenerator firebox/fire tubes. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DesiccantOtherVentControlsTypeAndCountDetails/DesiccantOtherVentControlsTypeAndCountRowDetails/OtherVentControlDehydratorCountotherVentControlDehydratorCount 
WW2087V3Type of dehydrator for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. This data element is required. missingDehydratorType 
WW2088V3Parameter for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. This data element is required. missingDataElements 
WW2089V3Measurement frequency for parameter for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. This data element is required. missingFrequency 
WW2090V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. This data element is required if the measurement frequency is "quarterly" for the parameter for which missing data procedures were used. missingQuarters 
WW2091V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DehydratorsMissingDataProcTypesDetails/DehydratorsMissingDataProcTypesRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW2092V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used [98.3(c)(8) and 98.236(bb)(2)]. This data element is required if the measurement frequency for the parameter for which missing data procedures were used is more frequent than annually (except if the frequency is quarterly). missingHours 
WW2093V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DehydratorsMissingDataProcTypesDetails/DehydratorsMissingDataProcTypesRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW2094V3Missing data procedures that were used. This data element is required if missing data procedures were used. missingProceduresUsed 
WW2095V3The County and State is not reported for this unit [98.236(e)(1)(xviii)]. This data element is required for each unit ID or name for this industry segment. countyAndState 
WW2101V3Unit ID (For Large Dehydrators) for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used for a large glycol dehydrator. This data element is required. unitIdentifier 
WW2103V3Table E.1 Small Glycol Dehydrators. You selected "Yes" for "Control devices other than vapor recovery, flare OR regenerator firebox/fire tubes", but failed to provide any additional information in the sub-table. This data table is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DehydratorsMissingDataProcTypesDetails/DehydratorsMissingDataProcTypesRowDetails/MissingHourstable4Data 
WW2104V3Table E.2 Desiccant Dehydrators. You selected "Yes" for "Control devices other than vapor recovery, flare OR regenerator firebox/fire tubes", but failed to provide any additional information in the sub-table. This data table is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DehydratorsMissingDataProcTypesDetails/DehydratorsMissingDataProcTypesRowDetails/MissingHourstable6Data 
WW2105V3Table E.3 Large Glycol Dehydrators. You indicated that this facility has large dehydrators subject to reporting. This data table is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DehydratorsMissingDataProcTypesDetails/DehydratorsMissingDataProcTypesRowDetails/MissingHourstable3Data 
WW2106V3Table E.4 Missing data procedures used for Dehydrator emission calculations. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. This data table is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/DehydratorsDetails/DehydratorsMissingDataProcTypesDetails/DehydratorsMissingDataProcTypesRowDetails/MissingHourstable5Data 
WW2500V3The WellVentingDetails node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetailswellVentingData 
WW2501V3Did the facility have any well venting for liquids unloading? [98.263(f)]. This data element is required for this industry segment.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/DidFacilityHaveWellVentingdidFacilityHaveWellVenting 
WW2504V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW2505V3Was Calculation Methodology 1 used? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WasMethod1UsedforCO2EmissionswasMethod1UsedforCO2Emissions 
WW2506V3Was Calculation Methodology 2 used? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WasMethod2UsedforCO2EmissionswasMethod2UsedforCO2Emissions 
WW2507V3Was Calculation Methodology 3 used? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WasMethod3UsedforCO2EmissionswasMethod3UsedforCO2Emissions 
WW2511V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingMissingDataProcUsedDetails/WellVentingMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW2513V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingMissingDataProcUsedDetails/WellVentingMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW2519V3Tubing Diameter Group/Pressure Group [98.236(f)(1)(ii)]. This data element is required. tubingDiameterAndPressure 
WW2520V3Number of Wells vented for liquids unloading [98.236(f)(1)(iv)]. You indicated that Calculation Methodology 1 was used. This data element is required. numberOfWells 
WW2521V3Number of Wells vented for liquids unloading. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneRowDetails/NumberOfWellsnumberOfWells 
WW2522V3Cumulative Number of Unloadings Vented [98.236(f)(1)(vii)]. You indicated that Calculation Methodology 1 was used. This data element is required. numberOfUnloadingsVented 
WW2523V3Cumulative Number of Unloadings Vented. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneRowDetails/NumberOfUnloadingsVentednumberOfUnloadingsVented 
WW2524V3Total CO2 Emissions [98.236(f)(1)(ix)]. You indicated that Calculation Methodology 1 was used. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneRowDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW2525V3Total CO2 Emissions. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneRowDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW2526V3Total CH4 Emissions [98.236(f)(1)(x)]. You indicated that Calculation Methodology 1 was used. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneRowDetails/TotalCh4EmissionstotalCh4Emissions 
WW2527V3Total CH4 Emissions. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneRowDetails/TotalCh4EmissionstotalCh4Emissions 
WW2529V3Sub-basin ID [98.236(f)(1)(i)]. You indicated that Calculation Methodology 1 was used. This data element is required. subBasinIdentifier 
WW2530V3Were plunger lifts used [98.236(f)(1)(iii)]? You indicated that Calculation Methodology 1 was used. This data element is required. plungerLiftsUsed 
WW2531V3Percentage of wells for which the monitoring period used to determine the cumulative amount of time venting was not the full calendar year [98.236(f)(1)(v)]. You indicated that Calculation Methodology 1 was used. This data element is required. percentageOfWellsNotFullCalendarYearMonitoring 
WW2532V3Percentage of wells for which the monitoring period used to determine the cumulative amount of time venting was not the full calendar year. You must enter a value between 0 and 100.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneRowDetails/PercentageOfWellsNotFullCalendarYearMonitoringpercentageOfWellsNotFullCalendarYearMonitoring 
WW2533V3Cumulative amount of time wells were vented [98.236(f)(1)(vi)]. You indicated that Calculation Methodology 1 was used. This data element is required. timeWellsVented 
WW2534V3Cumulative amount of time wells were vented [98.236(f)(1)(vi)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneRowDetails/TimeWellsVentedtimeWellsVented 
WW2535V3Annual natural gas emissions from well venting [98.236(f)(1)(viii)]. You indicated that Calculation Methodology 1 was used. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneRowDetails/AnnualNGEmissionsannualNGEmissions 
WW2536V3Annual natural gas emissions from well venting. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodOneRowDetails/AnnualNGEmissionsannualNGEmissions 
WW2554V3Number of Wells vented for liquids unloading [98.236(f)(2)(iv)]. This data element is required when Calculation Methods 2 OR 3 were used. numberOfWellsVented 
WW2555V3Number of Wells vented for liquids unloading. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodTwoAndThreeDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodTwoAndThreeRowDetails/NumberOfWellsVentednumberOfWellsVented 
WW2556V3Average internal casing diameter [98.236(f)(2)(ix)]. This data element is required if Calculation Method 2 was used. averageInternalCasingDiameter 
WW2557V3Average internal casing diameter. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodTwoAndThreeDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodTwoAndThreeRowDetails/AverageInternalCasingDiameteraverageInternalCasingDiameter 
WW2558V3Total CO2 Emissions [98.236(f)(2)(vii)]. This data element is required when Calculation Methods 2 OR 3 were used.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodTwoAndThreeDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodTwoAndThreeRowDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW2559V3Total CO2 Emissions. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodTwoAndThreeDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodTwoAndThreeRowDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW2560V3Total CH4 Emissions [98.236(f)(2)(viii)]. This data element is required when Calculation Methods 2 OR 3 were used.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodTwoAndThreeDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodTwoAndThreeRowDetails/TotalCh4EmissionstotalCh4Emissions 
WW2561V3Total CH4 Emissions. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodTwoAndThreeDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodTwoAndThreeRowDetails/TotalCh4EmissionstotalCh4Emissions 
WW2562V3Average internal tubing diameter [98.236(f)(2)(x)]. This data element is required if Calculation Method 3 was used. averageInternalTubingDiameter 
WW2563V3Average internal tubing diameter. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodThreeDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodThreeRowDetails/AverageInternalTubingDiameteraverageInternalTubingDiameter 
WW2565V3Sub-basin ID [98.236(f)(2)(i)]. This data element is required when Calculation Methods 2 or 3 were used. subBasinIdentifier 
WW2567V3Specify whether Calculation Method 2 OR 3 was used for this sub-basin [98.236(f)(2)(ii)]. This data element is required. calculationMethodology 
WW2568V3Cumulative number of unloadings vented to atmosphere [98.236(f)(2)(v)]. This data element is required when Calculation Methods 2 OR 3 were used. cumulativeNumberOfUnloadingsVented 
WW2569V3Cumulative number of unloadings vented to atmosphere. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodThreeDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodThreeRowDetails/CumulativeNumberOfUnloadingsVentedcumulativeNumberOfUnloadingsVented 
WW2570V3Annual natural gas emissions from well venting for liquids unloading [98.236(f)(2)(vi)]. This data element is required when Calculation Methods 2 OR 3 were used.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodTwoAndThreeDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodTwoAndThreeRowDetails/NaturalGasWellVentingEmissionsnaturalGasWellVentingEmissions 
WW2571V3Annual natural gas emissions from well venting. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellVentingDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodTwoAndThreeDetails/WellVentingCalculationMethodTwoAndThreeRowDetails/NaturalGasWellVentingEmissionsnaturalGasWellVentingEmissions 
WW2800V3You indicated "yes" in response to the question "If Calculation Method 1 or 2 were used, were any atmospheric tanks observed to have malfunctioning dump valves during the calendar year?" You indicated "no" in response to "Was Calculation Method 1 used to calculate emissions?" and "Was Calculation Method 2 used to calculate emissions?" Emissions from improperly functioning dump valves is not required unless you use either of these methods.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AtmosphericTanksDetails/MalfunctioningDumpValvesmalfunctioningDumpValves 
WW2803V3County and State [98.236(j)(1)(i)]. You are in the Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting industry segment and reported using Calculation Method 1 or 2. This data element is required. countyAndState 
WW2806V3County and State [98.236(j)(2)(ii)(A)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3 and that your fraction of oil/condensate throughput sent to tanks with flaring is less than 1.0. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities. countyAndState 
WW2807V3County and State [98.236(j)(2)(iii)(A)]. You reported using Calculation Method 3 and that your fraction of oil/condensate throughput sent to tanks with flaring is greater than 0. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities. countyAndState 
WW2808V3County and State [98.236(j)(3)]. You reported improperly functioning gas-liquid separator dump valves. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities. countyAndState 
WW2809V3County and State. This data element is required if Missing data procedures were used for Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities. countyAndState 
WW3000V3Did the facility have any gas well completions or workovers with hydraulic fracturing subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(g)]? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/DidFacilityHaveCompletionsWithHydraulicdidFacilityHaveCompletionsWithHydraulic 
WW3001V3You indicated that the facility had gas well completions or workovers with hydraulic fracturing subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(g)]. You must complete Tables G.1 and/or Table G.2. At least one of these tables will be applicable and are required. didFacilityHaveCompletionsWithHydraulic 
WW3002V3Did the facility have any gas well completions or workovers without hydraulic fracturing subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(h)]? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/DidFacilityHaveCompletionsWithoutHydraulicdidFacilityHaveCompletionsWithoutHydraulic 
WW3003V3You indicated that the facility had gas well completions or workovers without hydraulic fracturing subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(h)]. You must complete Tables H.1, Table H.2 and/or Table H.3, as applicable. At least one of these tables will be applicable and are required. didFacilityHaveCompletionsWithoutHydraulic 
WW3006V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235]. This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW3009V3Well Type [98.236(g)(2)]. You entered a sub-basin ID for this row. This data element is required. wellType 
WW3010V3Is gas flared? [98.236(g)(2)]. You entered a sub-basin ID for this row. This data element is required. isGasFlared 
WW3011V3Reduced Emission Completions? [98.236(g)(2)]. You entered a sub-basin ID for this row. This data element is required. reducedEmissionCompletions 
WW3012V3Total count of completions in the calendar year, W [98.236(g)(3)]. You entered a sub-basin ID for this row. This data element is required. totalCompletions 
WW3013V3Total count of completions in the calendar year, W [98.236(g)(3)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/TotalCompletionstotalCompletions 
WW3014V3Equation Used [98.236(g)(4)]. You entered a sub-basin ID for this row. This data element is required. equationUsed 
WW3015V3Are the only wells in the sub-basin used to calculate "cumulative gas flowback time" wildcat or delineation wells subject to a 2-year delay in reporting? [98.236(g)(5)(i)] [98.236(g)(5)(ii)]. You indicated that Eq. W-10A was used for this sub-basin. This data is element is required. twoYearDelayIndicator 
WW3016V3Cumulative gas flowback time from all wells during completions from when gas is first detected until sufficient quantities are present to enable separation, Sum of Tp,i values (hours) [98.236(g)(5)(i)]. You indicated that a two year delay is not claimed for this sub-basin. This data element is required. flowBackHoursBeforeSufficient 
WW3017V3Cumulative gas flowback time from all wells during completions from when gas is first detected until sufficient quantities are present to enable separation, Sum of Tp,i values (hours) [98.236(g)(5)(i)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/FlowBackHoursBeforeSufficientflowBackHoursBeforeSufficient 
WW3018V3Cumulative gas flowback time from all wells during completions after sufficient quantities of gas are present to enable separation, Sum of Tp,s values (hours) [98.236(g)(5)(i)]. You indicated that a two year delay is not being claimed for this sub-basin. This data element is required. flowBackHoursAfterSufficient 
WW3019V3Cumulative gas flowback time from all wells during completions after sufficient quantities of gas are present to enable separation, Sum of Tp,s values (hours) [98.236(g)(5)(i)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/FlowBackHoursAfterSufficientflowBackHoursAfterSufficient 
WW3026V3Annual gas emissions, Es,n (standard cubic feet) [98.236(g)(7)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin ID.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualGasEmissionsannualGasEmissions 
WW3027V3Annual gas emissions, Es,n(standard cubic feet) [98.236(g)(7)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualGasEmissionsannualGasEmissions 
WW3028V3Annual total CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(g)(8)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin ID.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualCo2EmissionsannualCo2Emissions 
WW3029V3Annual total CO2 emissions(mt CO2) [98.236(g)(8)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualCo2EmissionsannualCo2Emissions 
WW3030V3Annual total CH4 emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(g)(9)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin ID.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualCh4EmissionsannualCh4Emissions 
WW3031V3Annual total CH4 emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(g)(9)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualCh4EmissionsannualCh4Emissions 
WW3032V3Annual total N2O emissions (mt N2O) [98.236(g)(10)]. You indicated that the gas is flared for these wells. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualN2OEmissionsannualN2oEmissions 
WW3033V3Annual total N2O emissions (mt N2O) [98.236(g)(10)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellCompletionsWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualN2OEmissionsannualN2oEmissions 
WW3036V3Well Type [98.236(g)(2)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin ID. wellType 
WW3037V3Is gas flared? [98.236(g)(2)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin ID. isGasFlared 
WW3038V3Reduced Emission Workovers? [98.236(g)(2)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin ID. reducedEmissionWorkovers 
WW3039V3Total count of workovers [98.236(g)(3)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin ID. totalWorkovers 
WW3040V3Total count of workovers [98.236(g)(3)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/TotalWorkoverstotalWorkovers 
WW3041V3Equation Used [98.236(g)(4)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin ID. equationUsed 
WW3042V3Are the only wells in the sub-basin used to calculate "cumulative gas flowback time" wildcat or delineation wells subject to a 2-year delay in reporting? [98.236(g)(5)(i)] [98.236(g)(5)(ii)] You indicated that Eq. W-10A was used for this sub-basin ID. This data is element is required. twoYearDelayIndicator 
WW3043V3Cumulative gas flowback time from all wells during workovers from when gas is first detected until sufficient quantities are present to enable separation, Sum of Tp,i values (hours) [98.236(g)(5)(i)]. You indicated that the 2-yr delay has not been claimed for this sub-basin ID. This data element is required. backflowHoursBeforeSufficient 
WW3044V3Cumulative gas flowback time from all wells during workovers from when gas is first detected until sufficient quantities are present to enable separation, Sum of Tp,i values (hours) [98.236(g)(5)(i)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/BackflowHoursBeforeSufficientbackflowHoursBeforeSufficient 
WW3045V3Cumulative gas flowback time from all wells during workovers after sufficient quantities of gas are present to enable separation, Sum of Tp,s values (hours) [98.236(g)(5)(i)]. You indicated that a 2 year delay is not being claimed for this sub-basin ID. This data element is required. backflowHoursAfterSufficient 
WW3046V3Cumulative gas flowback time from all wells during workovers after sufficient quantities of gas are present to enable separation, Sum of Tp,s values (hours) [98.236(g)(5)(i)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/BackflowHoursAfterSufficientbackflowHoursAfterSufficient 
WW3053V3Annual gas emissions, Es,n (standard cubic feet) [98.236(g)(7)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin ID.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualGasEmissionsannualGasEmissions 
WW3054V3Annual gas emissions, Es,n(standard cubic feet) [98.236(g)(7)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualGasEmissionsannualGasEmissions 
WW3055V3Annual total CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(g)(8)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin ID.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualCo2EmissionsannualCo2Emissions 
WW3056V3Annual total CO2 emissions(mt CO2) [98.236(g)(8)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualCo2EmissionsannualCo2Emissions 
WW3057V3Annual total CH4 emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(g)(9)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin ID.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualCh4EmissionsannualCh4Emissions 
WW3058V3Annual total CH4 emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(g)(9)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualCh4EmissionsannualCh4Emissions 
WW3059V3Annual total N2O emissions (mt N2O) [98.236(g)(10)]. You indicated that gas is flared from these wells. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualN2OEmissionsannualN2oEmissions 
WW3060V3Annual total N2O emissions (mt N2O) [98.236(g)(10)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualN2OEmissionsannualN2oEmissions 
WW3063V3Total count of completions that vented directly to atmosphere without flaring [98.236(h)(1)(ii)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin ID. totalCompletionsVentedWithoutFlaring 
WW3064V3Total count of completions that vented directly to atmosphere without flaring [98.236(h)(1)(ii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithoutFlaringDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithoutFlaringRowDetails/TotalCompletionsVentedWithoutFlaringtotalCompletionsVentedWithoutFlaring 
WW3065V3Total number of hours that gas vented directly to atmosphere, Sum of all Tp [98.236(h)(1)(iii)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin ID. totalHoursVentedWithoutFlaring 
WW3066V3Total number of hours that gas vented directly to atmosphere, Sum of all Tp [98.236(h)(1)(iii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithoutFlaringDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithoutFlaringRowDetails/TotalHoursVentedWithoutFlaringtotalHoursVentedWithoutFlaring 
WW3067V3Are the only wells in the sub-basin used to calculate "average daily gas production rate" wildcat or delineation wells subject to a 2-year delay in reporting? [98.236(h)(1)(iv)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin ID. twoYearDelayIndicator 
WW3068V3Average daily gas production rate, Average of all Vp (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(h)(1)(iv)]. You indicated that a 2-year delay is not being claimed for this sub-basin. This data element is required. averageDailyGasProductionRate 
WW3069V3Average daily gas production rate, Average of all Vp(standard cubic feet/hour)[98.236(h)(1)(iv)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithoutFlaringDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithoutFlaringRowDetails/AverageDailyGasProductionRateaverageDailyGasProductionRate 
WW3070V3Annual total CO2 emissions that resulted from venting gas directly to the atmosphere for completions, Es,p (mt CO2) [98.236(h)(1)(v)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithoutFlaringDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithoutFlaringRowDetails/AnnualCo2EmissionsannualCo2Emissions 
WW3071V3Annual total CO2 emissions that resulted from venting gas directly to the atmosphere for completions, Es,p(mt CO2) [98.236(h)(1)(v)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithoutFlaringDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithoutFlaringRowDetails/AnnualCo2EmissionsannualCo2Emissions 
WW3072V3Annual total CH4 emissions that resulted from venting gas directly to the atmosphere for completions, Es,p (mt CH4) [98.236(h)(1)(vi)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithoutFlaringDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithoutFlaringRowDetails/AnnualCh4EmissionsannualCh4Emissions 
WW3073V3Annual total CH4 emissions that resulted from venting gas directly to the atmosphere for completions, Es,p (mt CH4) [98.236(h)(1)(vi)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithoutFlaringDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithoutFlaringRowDetails/AnnualCh4EmissionsannualCh4Emissions 
WW3076V3Total count of completions that flared gas [98.236(h)(2)(ii)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin. totalCompletionsVentedToFlare 
WW3077V3Total count of completions that flared gas [98.236(h)(2)(ii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringRowDetails/TotalCompletionsVentedToFlaretotalCompletionsVentedToFlare 
WW3078V3Total Number of hours that gas vented to a flare, Sum of all Tp [98.236(h)(2)(iii)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin. totalHoursVentedToFlare 
WW3079V3Total Number of hours that gas vented to a flare, Sum of all Tp [98.236(h)(2)(iii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringRowDetails/TotalHoursVentedToFlaretotalHoursVentedToFlare 
WW3080V3Are the only wells in the sub-basin used to calculate "average daily gas production rate" wildcat or delineation wells subject to a 2-year delay in reporting? [98.236(h)(2)(iv)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin. twoYearDelayIndicator 
WW3081V3Average daily gas production rate, Average of all Vp (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(h)(2)(iv)]. You indicated that a two year delay is not being claimed for this sub-basin. This data element is required. averageDailyGasProductionRate 
WW3082V3Average daily gas production rate, Average of all Vp(standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(h)(2)(iv)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringRowDetails/AverageDailyGasProductionRateaverageDailyGasProductionRate 
WW3083V3Annual total CO2 emissions that resulted from flares for completions (mt CO2) [98.236(h)(2)(v)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringRowDetails/AnnualCo2EmissionsannualCo2Emissions 
WW3084V3Annual total CO2 emissions that resulted from flares for completions (mt CO2) [98.236(h)(2)(v)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringRowDetails/AnnualCo2EmissionsannualCo2Emissions 
WW3085V3Annual total CH4 emissions that resulted from flares for completions (mt CH4) [98.236(h)(2)(vi)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringRowDetails/AnnualCh4EmissionsannualCh4Emissions 
WW3086V3Annual total CH4 emissions that resulted from flares for completions (mt CH4) [98.236(h)(2)(vi)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringRowDetails/AnnualCh4EmissionsannualCh4Emissions 
WW3087V3Annual total N2O emissions that resulted from flares for completions (mt N2O) [98.236(h)(2)(vii)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringRowDetails/AnnualN2OEmissionsannualN2oEmissions 
WW3088V3Annual total N2O emissions that resulted from flares for completions (mt N2O) [98.236(h)(2)(vii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringDetails/WellCompletionsWithoutHydraulicFracturingWithFlaringRowDetails/AnnualN2OEmissionsannualN2oEmissions 
WW3091V3Did the facility have gas well workovers without flaring within each sub-basin category? [98.236(h)(3)] [98.236(h)(4)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin. workoversWithoutFlaring 
WW3092V3Total count of workovers that vented directly to atmosphere without flaring [98.236(h)(3)(ii)]. You indicated that some gas from this sub-basin is not flared. This data element is required. totalWorkoversWithoutFlaring 
WW3093V3Total count of workovers that vented directly to atmosphere without flaring [98.236(h)(3)(ii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/TotalWorkoversWithoutFlaringtotalWorkoversWithoutFlaring 
WW3094V3Annual total CO2 emissions that resulted from venting gas directly to the atmosphere for workovers, Es,wo (mt CO2) [98.236(h)(3)(iii)]. You indicated that some gas is not flared from this sub-basin. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualCo2EmissionsWithoutFlaringannualCo2EmissionsWithoutFlaring 
WW3095V3Annual total CO2 emissions that resulted from venting gas directly to the atmosphere for workovers, Es,wo(mt CO2) [98.236(h)(3)(iii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualCo2EmissionsWithoutFlaringannualCo2EmissionsWithoutFlaring 
WW3096V3Annual total CH4 emissions that resulted from venting gas directly to the atmosphere for workovers, Es,wo (mt CH4) [98.236(h)(3)(iv)]. You indicated that gas is not flared from these wells. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualCh4EmissionsWithoutFlaringannualCh4EmissionsWithoutFlaring 
WW3097V3Annual total CH4 emissions that resulted from venting gas directly to the atmosphere for workovers, Es,wo (mt CH4) [98.236(h)(3)(iv)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualCh4EmissionsWithoutFlaringannualCh4EmissionsWithoutFlaring 
WW3098V3Total count of workovers with flaring [98.236(h)(4)(ii)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin. totalWorkoversWithFlaring 
WW3099V3Total count of workovers with flaring [98.236(h)(4)(ii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/TotalWorkoversWithFlaringtotalWorkoversWithFlaring 
WW3100V3Annual total CO2 emissions that resulted from flares for workovers (mt CO2) [98.236(h)(4)(iii)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualCo2EmissionsWithFlaringannualCo2EmissionsWithFlaring 
WW3101V3Annual total CO2 emissions that resulted from flares for workovers (mt CO2) [98.236(h)(4)(iii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualCo2EmissionsWithFlaringannualCo2EmissionsWithFlaring 
WW3102V3Annual total CH4 emissions that resulted from flares for workovers (mt CH4) [98.236(h)(4)(iv)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualCh4EmissionsWithFlaringannualCh4EmissionsWithFlaring 
WW3103V3Annual total CH4 emissions that resulted from flares for workovers (mt CH4) [98.236(h)(4)(iv)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualCh4EmissionsWithFlaringannualCh4EmissionsWithFlaring 
WW3104V3Annual total N2O emissions that resulted from flares for workovers (mt N2O) [98.236(h)(4)(v)]. This data element is required for this sub-basin.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualN2OEmissionsWithFlaringannualN2oEmissionsWithFlaring 
WW3105V3Annual total N2O emissions that resulted from flares for workovers (mt N2O) [98.236(h)(4)(v)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingDetails/WellWorkoversWithoutHydraulicFracturingRowDetails/AnnualN2OEmissionsWithFlaringannualN2oEmissionsWithFlaring 
WW3106V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? [98.235] This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW3118V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellsWithoutFracturingDetails/MissingDataWellCompletionWorkOverEmissionTabhElementDetails/MissingDataWellCompletionWorkOverEmissionTabhElementRowDetails/NumOfQuartersMissingDataProceduresnumOfQuartersMissingDataProcedures 
WW3120V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellsWithoutFracturingDetails/MissingDataWellCompletionWorkOverEmissionTabhElementDetails/MissingDataWellCompletionWorkOverEmissionTabhElementRowDetails/NumOfHoursMissingDataProceduresnumOfHoursMissingDataProcedures 
WW3140V3Oil or Gas Well [98.236(g)(2)]. You entered a sub-basin ID for this row. This data element is required. oilOrGasWell 
WW3141V3Oil or Gas Well [98.236(g)(2)]. You entered a sub-basin ID for this row. This data element is required. oilOrGasWell 
WW3142V3Oil or Gas Well [98.236(g)(2)]. You entered a sub-basin ID for this row. This data element is required. oilOrGasWell 
WW3148V3Reduced Emission Completions or Workovers [98.236(g)(2)]. You identified a sub-basin ID for which missing data procedures were used. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellsWithFracturingDetails/MissingDataWellCompletionWorkOverEmissionTabgDetails/MissingDataWellCompletionWorkOverEmissionTabgRowDetails/ReducedEmissionWorkoversCompletionsreducedEmissionWorkoversCompletions 
WW3153V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellsWithFracturingDetails/MissingDataWellCompletionWorkOverEmissionTabgDetails/MissingDataWellCompletionWorkOverEmissionTabgRowDetails/NumberOfQuartersnumberOfQuarters 
WW3155V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellsWithFracturingDetails/MissingDataWellCompletionWorkOverEmissionTabgDetails/MissingDataWellCompletionWorkOverEmissionTabgRowDetails/TotalNumHourstotalNumHours 
WW3500V3Total number of blowdowns for equipment or event type, N. You indicated that blowdowns are being reported by equipment or event type. This data element is required. totalBlowdowns 
WW3501V3Total number of blowdowns for equipment or event type, N. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownEquipmentOrEventEmissionsDetails/BlowdownEquipmentOrEventEmissionsRowDetails/TotalBlowdownstotalBlowdowns 
WW3502V3Annual total CO2 emissions for each equipment or event type (mt CO2) [98.236(i)(1)(ii)]. You indicated that blowdowns are being reported by equipment or event type. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownEquipmentOrEventEmissionsDetails/BlowdownEquipmentOrEventEmissionsRowDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissionstotalCarbonDioxideEmissions 
WW3503V3Annual total CO2 emissions for each equipment or event type (mt CO2) [98.236(i)(1)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownEquipmentOrEventEmissionsDetails/BlowdownEquipmentOrEventEmissionsRowDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissionstotalCarbonDioxideEmissions 
WW3504V3Annual total CH4 emissions for each equipment or event type (mt CH4) [98.236(i)(1)(iii)]. You indicated that blowdowns are being reported by equipment or event type. This data element is required. totalCh4Emissions 
WW3505V3Annual total CH4 emissions for each equipment or event type (mt CH4) [98.236(i)(1)(iii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownEquipmentOrEventEmissionsDetails/BlowdownEquipmentOrEventEmissionsRowDetails/TotalCh4EmissionstotalCh4Emissions 
WW3506V3Equipment or event type [98.236(i)(1)]. This data element is required. equipmentType 
WW3512V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownMissingDataProcUsedDetails/BlowdownMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW3514V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownMissingDataProcUsedDetails/BlowdownMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW3516V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions [98.235]? This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW3517V3Does the facility have any blowdown vent stacks subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(i)]? This data element is required for Onshore natural gas processing, Onshore natural gas transmission compression, LNG import and export equipment, Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting, and Onshore natural gas transmission pipeline facilities.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/DoesFacilityHaveBlowdownVentStacksdoesFacilityHaveBlowdownVentStacks 
WW3518V3Annual total CO2 emissions calculated by flow meter (mt CO2) [98.236(i)(2)(i)]. You indicated blowdown emissions are calculated using flow meters. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownVentStacksEmissionsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksEmissionsRowDetails/FlowMeterTotalCO2EmissionsflowMeterTotalCO2Emissions 
WW3519V3Annual total CO2 emissions calculated by flow meter (mt CO2) [98.236(i)(2)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownVentStacksEmissionsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksEmissionsRowDetails/FlowMeterTotalCO2EmissionsflowMeterTotalCO2Emissions 
WW3520V3Annual total CH4 emissions calculated by flow meter (mt CH4) [98.236(i)(2)(ii)]. You indicated blowdown emissions are calculated using flow meters. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownVentStacksEmissionsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksEmissionsRowDetails/FlowMeterTotalCH4EmissionsflowMeterTotalCH4Emissions 
WW3521V3Annual total CH4 emissions calculated by flow meter (mt CH4) [98.236(i)(2)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownVentStacksEmissionsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksEmissionsRowDetails/FlowMeterTotalCH4EmissionsflowMeterTotalCH4Emissions 
WW3522V3How were emissions determined [98.236(i)]? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/EmissionsTypeemissionsType 
WW3523V3The BlowdownVentStacksDetails node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetailsblowdownVentStacksData 
WW3527V3Blowdown Vent Stacks Emissions Calculated Using Flow Meters Table. Data is required. table2Data[1] 
WW3528V3Equipment or event type [98.236(i)(1)]. This data element is required. equipmentTypeForOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipeline 
WW3531V3Report the states through which the transmission pipelines go. This data element is required for facilities in the Natural gas transmission pipeline industry segment. usState 
WW3532V3Report the annual CO2 emissions for each state through which the transmission pipelines go. This data element is required for each reported state.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3533V3Report the annual CO2 emissions for each state through which the transmission pipelines go. This data element must be greater than or equal to 0.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3534V3Report the annual CH4 emissions for each state through which the transmission pipelines go. This data element is required for each reported state.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCh4EmissionstotalCh4Emissions 
WW3535V3Report the annual CH4 emissions for each state through which the transmission pipelines go. This data element must be greater than or equal to 0.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCh4EmissionstotalCh4Emissions 
WW3536V3Report the annual number of blowdown events for each state through which the transmission pipelines go. This data element is required for each reported state. numberBlowdownEvents 
WW3537V3Report the annual number of blowdown events for each state through which the transmission pipelines go. This data element must be greater than or equal to 0.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCh4EmissionsnumberBlowdownEvents 
WW3539V3Report the states through which the transmission pipelines go. The reported state is invalid. Please review your data and make corrections if needed. usState 
WW3540V3Blowdown Vent Stacks Emissions Calculated by Equipment or Event Type Table. Data is required. table1Data[1] 
WW3541V3Onshore Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Characterization Table. Data is required. onshrNatGasTransmPiplnCharzTable[1] 
WW3600V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for Acid Gas Removal Units are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and AcidGasRemovalUnitsDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3601V3The total methane emissions reported for AtmosphericTanks are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCh4Emissions and AtmosphericTanksDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions 
WW3602V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for AtmosphericTanks are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and AtmosphericTanksDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3603V3The total nitrous oxide emissions reported for AtmosphericTanks are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedN2OEmissions and AtmosphericTanksDetails/TotalN2OMetricTonsEmission are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalN2OMetricTonsEmissions 
WW3604V3The total methane emissions reported for Blowdown Vent Stacks are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCh4Emissions and BlowdownVentStacksDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions 
WW3605V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for Blowdown Vent Stacks are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and BlowdownVentStacksDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3606V3The total methane emissions reported for Centrifugal Compressors are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCh4Emissions and CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions 
WW3607V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for Centrifugal Compressors are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3608V3The total methane emissions reported for Combustion Equipment are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCh4Emissions and CombustionEmissionsDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions 
WW3609V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for Combustion Equipment are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and CombustionEmissionsDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3610V3The total nitrous oxide emissions reported for Combustion Equipment are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedN2OEmissions and CombustionEmissionsDetails/TotalN2OMetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalN2OMetricTonsEmissions 
WW3611V3The total methane emissions reported for Dehydrators are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCh4Emissions and DehydratorsDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCh4Emissions 
WW3612V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for Dehydrators are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and DehydratorsDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3613V3The total nitrous oxide emissions reported for Dehydrators are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedN2OEmissions and DehydratorsDetails/TotalN2OMetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalN2oEmissions 
WW3614V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for EOR Injection Pump Blowdowns are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and EnhancedOilRecoveryInjectionPumpBlowdownDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3615V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for EOR Hydrocarbon Liquids are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and EnhancedOilRecoveryHydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3616V3The total methane emissions reported for Equipment Leaks are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCh4Emissions and OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions 
WW3617V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for Equipment Leaks are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3618V3The total methane emissions reported for Flare Stacks are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCh4Emissions and FlareStacksDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCh4Emissions 
WW3619V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for Flare Stacks are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and FlareStacksDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3620V3The total nitrous oxide emissions reported for Flare Stacks are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedN2OEmissions and FlareStacksDetails/TotalN2OMetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalN2oEmissions 
WW3621V3The total methane emissions reported for Offshore Production Emission Sources are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCh4Emissions and OffshoreEmissionsDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions 
WW3622V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for Offshore Production Emission Sources are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and OffshoreEmissionsDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3623V3The total nitrous oxide emissions reported for Offshore Production Emission Sources are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedN2OEmissions and OffshoreEmissionsDetails/TotalN2OMetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalN2OMetricTonsEmissions 
WW3624V3The total methane emissions reported for Pneumatic Devices are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCh4Emissions and PneumaticDeviceVentingDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions 
WW3625V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for Pneumatic Devices are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and PneumaticDeviceVentingDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3626V3The total methane emissions reported for Pneumatic Pumps are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCh4Emissions and NaturalGasDrivenPneumaticPumpsDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions 
WW3627V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for Pneumatic Pumps are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and NaturalGasDrivenPneumaticPumpsDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3628V3The total methane emissions reported for Reciprocating Compressors are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCh4Emissions and ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions 
WW3629V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for Reciprocating Compressors are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3630V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for subpart W are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails and GasInfoDetails/GHGasQuantity are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalReportedCo2Emissions 
WW3631V3The total methane emissions reported for subpart W are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails and GasInfoDetails/GHGasQuantity are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalReportedCh4Emissions 
WW3632V3The total nitrous oxide emissions reported for subpart W are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWReportingFormDetails/SubpartWSummaryDetails and GasInfoDetails/GHGasQuantity are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalReportedN2OEmissions 
WW3633V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for subpart W in GasInfoDetails/GHGasQuantity does not equal the sum of the source-level carbon dioxide emissions values reported in each TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions element within the \'RowDetails\' node for each source. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstransientData['calculatedSubpartLevelTotalCo2'] 
WW3634V3The total methane emissions reported for subpart W in GasInfoDetails/GHGasQuantity does not equal the sum of the source-level methane emissions values reported in each TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions element within the \'RowDetails\' node for each source. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstransientData['calculatedSubpartLevelTotalCh4'] 
WW3635V3The total nitrous oxide emissions reported for subpart W in GasInfoDetails/GHGasQuantity does not equal the sum of the source-level nitrous oxide emissions values reported in each TotalN2OMetricTonsEmissions element within the \'RowDetails\' node for each source. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstransientData['calculatedSubpartLevelTotalN2o'] 
WW3636V3The total CO2 equivalent emissions reported for subpart W in SubpartWSummaryDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEquivalent does not equal the sum of the total CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions values reported in GasInfoDetails/GHGasQuantity after conversion to CO2 equivalent. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalReportedCo2Equivalent 
WW3637V3The total methane emissions reported for Transmission Tanks are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCh4Emissions and TransmissionTanksDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCh4Emissions 
WW3638V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for Transmission Tanks are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and TransmissionTanksDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3639V3The total nitrous oxide emissions reported for Transmission Tanks are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedN2OEmissions and TransmissionTanksDetails/TotalN2OMetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalN2oEmissions 
WW3640V3The total methane emissions reported for Associated Gas Venting and Flaring are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCh4Emissions and AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCh4Emissions 
WW3641V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for Associated Gas Venting and Flaring are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3642V3The total nitrous oxide emissions reported for Associated Gas Venting and Flaring are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedN2OEmissions and AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/TotalN2OMetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalN2oEmissions 
WW3643V3The total methane emissions reported for Well Testing Venting and Flaring are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCh4Emissions and WellTestingDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions 
WW3644V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for Well Testing Venting and Flaring are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and WellTestingDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3645V3The total methane emissions reported for Well Venting for Liquids Unloading are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCh4Emissions and WellVentingDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions 
WW3646V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for Well Venting for Liquids Unloading are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and WellVentingDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3647V3The total methane emissions reported for Completions and Workovers with Hydraulic Fracturing are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCh4Emissions and WellsWithFracturingDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCh4Emissions 
WW3648V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for Completions and Workovers with Hydraulic Fracturing are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3649V3The total nitrous oxide emissions reported for Completions and Workovers with Hydraulic Fracturing are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedN2OEmissions and WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/TotalN2OMetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalN2oEmissions 
WW3650V3The total methane emissions reported for Gas Well Completions and Workovers without Fracturing are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCh4Emissions and WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/TotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCh4Emissions 
WW3651V3The total carbon dioxide emissions reported for Gas Well Completions and Workovers without Fracturing are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedCarbonDioxideEmissions and WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/TotalCarbonDioxideEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW3652V3The total nitrous oxide emissions reported for Gas Well Completions and Workovers without Fracturing are not consistent within your annual report. The values reported in SubpartWSourceReportingFormRowDetails/TotalReportedN2OEmissions and WellCompletionsWorkoversDetails/TotalN2OMetricTonsEmissions are not equal. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionstotalN2oEmissions 
WW3664V3Well ID Number(s) [98.236(g)(5)(i) and (ii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero. wellIdNumbers 
WW3688V3For the Atmospheric Storage Tanks source category of subpart W, it appears that you used Calculation Methodology 3, but did not complete information in Table J.2.i for Wells, separators, and non-separator equipment using Calculation Method 3. These data are required by 98.236(j)(2)(i).GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2Emissionstable10Data[1] 
WW3693V3Well ID Number(s) [98.236(j)(1)(iii) and (2)(i)(A)]. Required if you delayed reporting either "Total annual volume of oil sent to tanks from all gas-liquid separators and direct from wells (Calculation Methods 1 or 2)" or "Total annual oil throughput that is sent to all atmospheric tanks in the basin (Calculation Method 3)". wellIdNumbers 
WW3695V3You indicated that Calculation Method 1 or 2 was used to calculate emissions but no data was reported in Table J.1 Emissions from gas-liquid separators, non-separator equipment, or well with oil throughput using Calculation Method 1 or 2. Please review and correct.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2Emissionstable1Data[1] 
WW3696V3You indicated that there were atmospheric tanks observed to have malfunctioning dump values, but no data reported in Table J.3 Emissions from improperly functioning dump valves. Please review and correct.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2Emissionstable7Data[1] 
WW3698V3The facility reported natural gas distribution and another Subpart W industry segment, which is unexpected. Due to the unique definition of "facility" for the natural gas distribution segment, it cannot be co-located with any other Subpart W industry segments.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/BlowdownVentStacksDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationDetails/BlowdownOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipelineCharacterizationRowDetails/TotalCo2EmissionsselectedIndustrySegmentNumber 
WW3713V3Count of desiccant dehydrators [98.236(e)(3)(i)]. You indicated that this facility operates desiccant dehydrators that are subject to reporting. This data element is required. desiccantDehydratorCount 
WW4000V3Did the facility have any transmission tanks subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(k)]? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionTanksSubjectToReportingtransmissionTanksSubjectToReporting 
WW4001V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions [98.235]? This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW4002V3Transmission Tanks Table. Data is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionTanksSubjectToReportingtransmissionTankEmissions 
WW4003V3Unique Name or ID number for the transmission tank vent stack [98.236(k)(1)(i)]. It appears that you have entered data for a transmission tank vent stack without entering a unique name or ID number for the stack. This data element is required. uniqueIdentifier 
WW4004V3Method used to determine if dump valve leakage occurred [98.236(k)(1)(ii)]. It appears that you have not reported the method used to determine if dump valve leakage occurred through transmission tank stack with the unique name or ID number [{1}]. This data element is required. Please review your report and provide the identified value(s), as necessary. dumpValveLeakageMethod 
WW4005V3Did dump valve leakage occur? [98.236(k)(1)(iii)]. It appears that you did not indicate if dump valve leakage occurred through transmission tank stack with the unique name or ID number [{1}] This data element is required. Please review your report and provide the identified value(s), as necessary. dumpValveLeakageOccur 
WW4006V3Was there a flare attached to the transmission storage tank vent? [98.236(k)(1)(iv)]. It appears that you did not indicate if a flare is attached to the transmission tank stack with the unique name or ID number [{1}]. This data element is required. Please review your report and provide the identified value(s), as necessary. flareAttachedToTransmissionTank 
WW4007V3Did scrubber valve leakage occur while the vent stack was vented directly to the atmosphere? [98.236(k)(2)]. It appears that you did not indicate if scrubber valve leakage occurred while the transmission tank vent stack [{1}] was vented directly to the atmosphere. This data element is required. Please review your report and provide the identified value(s), as necessary. scrubberValveLeakageOccurAtmosphere 
WW4008V3Method used to measure leak rate [98.236(k)(2)(i)]. It appears that you did not identify the method used to measure the leak rate for leakage that was vented directly to the atmosphere from transmission tank stack [{1}]. This data element is required if the leakage was vented directly to the atmosphere. leakRateMethod 
WW4009V3Measured leak rate(standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(k)(2)(ii)]. It appears that you did not indicate the measured leak rate (standard cubic feet/hour) for leakage directly to the atmosphere from transmission tank stack [{1}]. This data element is required if the leakage was vented directly to the atmosphere. measuredLeakRate 
WW4010V3Measured leak rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(k)(2)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksRowDetails/MeasuredLeakRatemeasuredLeakRate 
WW4011V3Duration of time leak is counted as having occurred (vented to atmosphere) (hours) [98.236(k)(2)(iii)]. It appears that you did not report the duration of time leakage directly to the atmosphere is counted as having occurred for transmission tank stack [{1}]. This data element is required if the leakage was vented directly to the atmosphere. timeLeakDuration 
WW4012V3Duration of time leak is counted as having occurred (vented to atmosphere) (hours) [98.236(k)(2)(iii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksRowDetails/TimeLeakDurationtimeLeakDuration 
WW4013V3CO2 emissions from venting gas directly to the atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(k)(2)(iv)]. This data element is required because the leakage is reported to be vented directly to the atmosphere.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksRowDetails/VentingCarbonDioxideEmissionsventingCo2Emissions 
WW4014V3CO2 emissions from venting gas directly to the atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(k)(2)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksRowDetails/VentingCarbonDioxideEmissionsventingCo2Emissions 
WW4015V3CH4 emissions from venting gas directly to the atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(k)(2)(v)]. This data element is required because the leakage is reported to be vented directly to the atmosphere.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksRowDetails/VentingCh4EmissionsventingCh4Emissions 
WW4016V3CH4 emissions from venting gas directly to the atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(k)(2)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksRowDetails/VentingCh4EmissionsventingCh4Emissions 
WW4017V3Did scrubber valve leakage occur while the vent stack was vented to a flare? [98.236(k)(3)]. You indicated that a flare was attached to transmission tank vent stack [{1}], but you did not indicate if scrubber valve leakage occurred while this vent stack was vented to a flare. This data element is required. Please review your report and provide the identified value(s), as necessary. scrubberValveLeakageOccurFlare 
WW4018V3Method used to measure leak rate [98.236(k)(3)(ii)]. You indicated that scrubber valve leakage occurred while transmission tank vent stack [{1}] was vented to a flare, but you did not indicate the method used to measure the leak rate to the flare. This data element is required. Please review your report and provide the identified value(s), as necessary. leakRateFlareMethod 
WW4019V3Measured leak rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(k)(3)(ii)]. It appears that you did not report the measured leak rate (standard cubic feet/hour) to the flare for transmission tank stack [{1}]. This data element is required. Please review your report and provide the identified value(s), as necessary. measuredFlareLeakRate 
WW4020V3Measured leak rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(k)(3)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksRowDetails/MeasuredFlareLeakRatemeasuredFlareLeakRate 
WW4021V3Duration of time that flaring occurred (hours) [98.236(k)(3)(iii)]. It appears that you did not report the duration of time that leakage to the flare occurred (hours) from transmission tank stack [{1}]. This data element is required. Please review your report and provide the identified value(s), as necessary. timeFlareLeakDuration 
WW4022V3Duration of time that flaring occurred (hours) [98.236(k)(3)(iii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksRowDetails/TimeFlareLeakDurationtimeFlareLeakDuration 
WW4023V3CO2 emissions from flaring gas (mt CO2) [98.236(k)(3)(iv)]. You indicated that this vent stack was flared. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksRowDetails/FlaringCarbonDioxideEmissionsflaringCo2Emissions 
WW4024V3CO2 emissions from flaring gas (mt CO2) [98.236(k)(3)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksRowDetails/FlaringCarbonDioxideEmissionsflaringCo2Emissions 
WW4025V3CH4 emissions from flaring gas (mt CH4) [98.236(k)(3)(v)]. You indicated that this vent stack was flared. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksRowDetails/FlaringCh4EmissionsflaringCh4Emissions 
WW4026V3CH4 emissions from flaring gas (mt CH4) [98.236(k)(3)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksRowDetails/FlaringCh4EmissionsflaringCh4Emissions 
WW4027V3N2O emissions from flaring gas (mt N2O) [98.236(k)(3)(vi)]. You indicated that this vent stack was flared. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksRowDetails/FlaringN2OEmissionsflaringN2oEmissions 
WW4028V3N2O emissions from flaring gas (mt N2O) [98.236(k)(3)(vi)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageTanksRowDetails/FlaringN2OEmissionsflaringN2oEmissions 
WW4029V3Unique Name or ID number for the vent stack [98.236(k)(1)(i)]. It appears that you have entered data related to missing data procedures for a transmission tank stack but you have not entered the unique name or ID number for the stack. This data element is required if missing data procedures were used. missingUniqueId 
WW4030V3Parameter for which missing data procedures were used. It appears that you have not indicated the parameter for which missing data procedures were used to develop substitute data for the transmission tank stack with Unique ID [{1}]. This data element is required if you used missing data procedures. missingDataElements 
WW4031V3Measurement frequency for parameter for which missing data procedures were used. For transmission tank stack with Unique ID [{1}], you have reported using missing data procedures to develop substitute data for parameter [{2}], but it appears that you have not indicated the measurement frequency for this parameter. This data element is required if you used missing data procedures. missingFrequency 
WW4032V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. This data element is required if the measurement frequency is "quarterly" for the parameter for which missing data procedures were used. missingQuarters 
WW4033V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageMissingDataProcUsedDetails/TransmissionStorageMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW4034V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used [98.3(c)(8) and 98.236(bb)(2)]. This data element is required if the measurement frequency for the parameter for which missing data procedures were used is more frequent than annually (except if the frequency is quarterly). missingHours 
WW4035V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageMissingDataProcUsedDetails/TransmissionStorageMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW4036V3Missing data procedures that were used. For transmission tank stack with Unique ID [{1}], you have reported using missing data procedures to develop substitute data for parameter [{2}], but it appears that you have not described the missing data procedures that were used to develop the substitute data. This data element is required if you used missing data procedures. missingProceduresUsed 
WW4037V3The sum of CO2 emissions from all Transmission Tanks did not equal the reported Transmission Tanks CO2 emission roll-up total. Please check your Transmission Tanks roll-up calculation for accuracy.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageMissingDataProcUsedDetails/TransmissionStorageMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHourstotalCo2Emissions 
WW4038V3The sum of CH4 emissions from all Transmission Tanks did not equal the reported Transmission Tanks CH4 emission roll-up total. Please check your Transmission Tanks roll-up calculation for accuracy.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageMissingDataProcUsedDetails/TransmissionStorageMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHourstotalCh4Emissions 
WW4039V3The sum of N2O emissions from all Transmission Tanks did not equal the reported Transmission Tanks N2O emission roll-up total. Please check your Transmission Tanks roll-up calculation for accuracy.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/TransmissionTanksDetails/TransmissionStorageMissingDataProcUsedDetails/TransmissionStorageMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHourstotalN2oEmissions 
WW4502V3Did the facility perform well testing that resulted in venting OR flaring? This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production facilities.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/DidFacilityPerformWellTestingdidFacilityPerformWellTesting 
WW4503V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? You indicated that well testing emissions are being reported. This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW4504V3Number of wells tested in calendar year [98.236(l)(1-4)(i)]. This data element is required for each specified equation used and vent/flare combination. numberOfWellsTested 
WW4505V3Number of wells tested in calendar year. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingBasinsDetails/WellTestingBasinsRowDetails/NumberOfWellsTestednumberOfWellsTested 
WW4506V3Average gas to oil ratio (cubic feet of gas per barrel oil) [98.236(l)(1-2)(iv)]. This data element is required. averageGasToOilRatio 
WW4507V3Average gas to oil ratio (cubic feet of gas per barrel oil). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingBasinsDetails/WellTestingBasinsRowDetails/AverageGasToOilRatioaverageGasToOilRatio 
WW4508V3Average number of days wells were tested [98.236(l)(1-4)(iii)]. This data element is required for each specified equation used and vent/flare combination. averageNumberOfDaysTested 
WW4509V3Average number of days wells were tested. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingBasinsDetails/WellTestingBasinsRowDetails/AverageNumberOfDaysTestedaverageNumberOfDaysTested 
WW4510V3Total CO2 Emissions from Venting (mt CO2) [98.236(l)(1)(v] and [98.236(l)(3)(iv)]. You reported that emissions are vented. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingBasinsDetails/WellTestingBasinsRowDetails/VentingCarbonDioxideEmissionsventingCo2Emissions 
WW4511V3Total CO2 Emissions from Venting (mt CO2). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingBasinsDetails/WellTestingBasinsRowDetails/VentingCarbonDioxideEmissionsventingCo2Emissions 
WW4512V3Total CH4 Emissions from Venting (mt CH4) [98.236(l)(1)(vi)] and [98.236(l)(3)(vi)]. You reported that emissions are vented. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingBasinsDetails/WellTestingBasinsRowDetails/VentingCh4EmissionsventingCh4Emissions 
WW4513V3Total CH4 Emissions from Venting (mt CH4). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingBasinsDetails/WellTestingBasinsRowDetails/VentingCh4EmissionsventingCh4Emissions 
WW4514V3Total CO2 Emissions from Flaring (mt CO2) [98.236(l)(2)(vi)] and [98.236(l)(4)(v)]. You reported that emissions are flared. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingBasinsDetails/WellTestingBasinsRowDetails/FlaringCarbonDioxideEmissionsflaringCo2Emissions 
WW4515V3Total CO2 Emissions from Flaring (mt CO2). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingBasinsDetails/WellTestingBasinsRowDetails/FlaringCarbonDioxideEmissionsflaringCo2Emissions 
WW4516V3Total CH4 Emissions from Flaring (mt CH4) [98.236(l)(2)(vii)] and [98.236(l)(4)(vi)]. You reported that emissions are flared. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingBasinsDetails/WellTestingBasinsRowDetails/FlaringCh4EmissionsflaringCh4Emissions 
WW4517V3Total CH4 Emissions from Flaring (mt CH4). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingBasinsDetails/WellTestingBasinsRowDetails/FlaringCh4EmissionsflaringCh4Emissions 
WW4518V3Total N2O Emissions from Flaring (mt N2O) [98.236(l)(2)(vii)] and [98.236(l)(4)(vii)]. You reported that emissions are flared. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingBasinsDetails/WellTestingBasinsRowDetails/FlaringN2OEmissionsflaringN2oEmissions 
WW4519V3Total N2O Emissions from Flaring (mt N2O). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingBasinsDetails/WellTestingBasinsRowDetails/FlaringN2OEmissionsflaringN2oEmissions 
WW4520V3This form is required for this industry segment.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingBasinsDetails/WellTestingBasinsRowDetails/FlaringN2OEmissionstableData[1] 
WW4521V3Report the equation used to calculate annual volumetric natural gas emissions [98.236(l)]. You reported that there is venting or flaring from well testing at this facility. This data element is required. naturalGasEquationUsed 
WW4522V3Were well testing emissions vented OR flared [98.236(l)]? This data element is required for each specified equation used to calculate natural gas emissions. emissionsVentedOrFlared 
WW4523V3Are the only wells used to calculate flow rates OR production rates wildcat OR delineation wells subject to 2-year delay in reporting [98.236(l)(1)(iv)] and [98.236(l)(2)(iv)]? This data element is required. wellsSubjectedToTwoYearDelay 
WW4524V3Average flow rate for wells tested [98.236(l)(1)(v)] and [98.236(l)(2)(v)]. This data element is required if Eq W-17A is used and the well is not subject to a 2-year delay in reporting. wellsTestedFlowRate 
WW4525V3Average flow rate for wells tested. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingBasinsDetails/WellTestingBasinsRowDetails/WellsTestedFlowRatewellsTestedFlowRate 
WW4526V3Average annual production rate for wells tested [98.236(l)(3)(iv)] and [98.236(l)(4)(iv)]. This data element is required if Eq. W-17B is used and the well is not subject to a 2-year delay in reporting. wellsTestedAnnualProductionRate 
WW4527V3Average annual production rate for wells tested. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingBasinsDetails/WellTestingBasinsRowDetails/WellsTestedAnnualProductionRatewellsTestedAnnualProductionRate 
WW4528V3Was the average GOR or annual production rate reported on an Actual OR Standard Basis? This data element is required in conjunction with the average GOR and the average annual production rate. productionRateForWellReported 
WW4529V3Report the temperature used to calculate GOR or production rate. This data element is required. productionRateCalcTemperature 
WW4531V3Report the pressure used to calculate GOR or production rate. This data element is required. productionRateCalcPressure 
WW4536V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingMissingDataProcUsedDetails/WellTestingMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW4538V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingMissingDataProcUsedDetails/WellTestingMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW4550V3The average number of days wells were tested is outside the expected range of 0 to {1}. Please confirm your calculations and reported values.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/WellTestingDetails/WellTestingMissingDataProcUsedDetails/WellTestingMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursaverageNumberOfDaysTested 
WW5000You have not uploaded an integrated reporting form file. none 
WW5004V3Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(o)(2)(i)(C)]. Facility reported data for centrifugal compressor leak or vent ID {1} in Table O.2.ii but did not enter corresponding data in Table O.2.i (required by 98.236(o)(2)(i)). Please review these reported IDs and correct, as necessary. leakOrVentId 
WW5010V3Did the facility have any associated gas venting or flaring? This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production facilities.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/DidFacilityHaveGasVentingdidFacilityHaveGasVenting 
WW5011V3Associated Gas Venting and Flaring Table. Data are required. associatedGasVentingFlaring 
WW5012V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW5013V3Sub-basin ID. You indicated that you vent or flare associated gas. This data element is required. subBasinId 
WW5014V3Specify whether the associated natural gas was vented OR flared. This data element is required for each sub-basin ID. naturalGasVentedOrFlared 
WW5015V3Average gas to oil ratio for the Sub-Basin (standard cubic feet of gas per barrel of oil). This data element is required for each sub-basin ID. averageGasToOilRatio 
WW5016V3Average gas to oil ratio for the Sub-Basin (standard cubic feet of gas per barrel of oil). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsRowDetails/AverageGasToOilRatioaverageGasToOilRatio 
WW5017V3Are the only wells in the sub-basin used to determine "volume of oil produced" OR "volume of associated gas sent to sales" wildcat OR delineation wells subject to a 2-year delay in reporting? This data element is required for each sub-basin ID. wellsSubjectedToTwoYearDelay 
WW5018V3Volume of oil produced during venting/flaring. This data element is required unless you have claimed a 2-year reporting delay. volumeOfOilProduced 
WW5019V3Volume of oil produced during venting/flaring. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsRowDetails/VolumeOfOilProducedvolumeOfOilProduced 
WW5020V3Volume of associated gas sent to sales. This data element is required unless you have claimed a 2-year reporting delay. volumeOfGasSentToSales 
WW5021V3Volume of associated gas sent to sales. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsRowDetails/VolumeOfGasSentToSalesvolumeOfGasSentToSales 
WW5022V3Number of wells venting associated gas. You reported venting for this sub-basin. This data element is required. numberOfWellsVenting 
WW5023V3Number of wells venting associated gas. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsRowDetails/NumberOfWellsVentingnumberOfWellsVenting 
WW5024V3CO2 Emissions from Venting (mt CO2). You reported venting for this sub-basin. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsRowDetails/VentingCarbonDioxideEmissionsventingCo2Emissions 
WW5025V3CO2 Emissions from Venting (mt CO2). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsRowDetails/VentingCarbonDioxideEmissionsventingCo2Emissions 
WW5026V3CH4 Emissions from Venting (mt CH4). You reported venting for this sub-basin. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsRowDetails/VentingCh4EmissionsventingCh4Emissions 
WW5027V3CH4 Emissions from Venting (mt CH4). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsRowDetails/VentingCh4EmissionsventingCh4Emissions 
WW5028V3Number of wells flaring associated gas. You reported flaring for this sub-basin. This data element is required. numberOfWellsFlaring 
WW5029V3Number of wells flaring associated gas. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsRowDetails/NumberOfWellsFlaringnumberOfWellsFlaring 
WW5030V3CO2 Emissions from Flaring (mt CO2). You reported flaring for this sub-basin. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsRowDetails/FlaringCarbonDioxideEmissionsflaringCo2Emissions 
WW5031V3CO2 Emissions from Flaring (mt CO2). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsRowDetails/FlaringCarbonDioxideEmissionsflaringCo2Emissions 
WW5032V3CH4 Emissions from Flaring (mt CH4). You reported flaring for this sub-basin This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsRowDetails/FlaringCh4EmissionsflaringCh4Emissions 
WW5033V3CH4 Emissions from Flaring (mt CH4). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsRowDetails/FlaringCh4EmissionsflaringCh4Emissions 
WW5034V3N2O Emissions from Flaring (mt N2O). You reported flaring for this sub-basin. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsRowDetails/FlaringN2OEmissionsflaringN2oEmissions 
WW5035V3N2O Emissions from Flaring (mt N2O). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringBasinsRowDetails/FlaringN2OEmissionsflaringN2oEmissions 
WW5039V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringMissingDataProcUsedDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW5041V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringMissingDataProcUsedDetails/AssociatedGasVentingFlaringMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW5102V3For transmission tank vent stack [{1}], emissions vented directly to the atmosphere were reported despite the leak rate being 0, which is unexpected. Please confirm your calculations and reported values and revise, as necessary. measuredLeakRate 
WW5103V3For transmission tank vent stack [{1}], flared emissions were reported despite the leak rate being 0, which is unexpected. Please confirm your calculations and reported values and revise, as necessary. measuredFlareLeakRate 
WW5115V3In your XML report for Reporting Year {1}, you entered "no" for the data element "DumpValveLeakageOccur" for transmission tank vent stack {2}, but this entry is inconsistent with the fact that you also either indicated "yes" for the data element "ScrubberValveLeakageOccurAtmosphere," entered a leak rate greater than 0, or entered CO2 and/or CH4 emissions greater than 0 for this vent stack. Please confirm your reported value(s) and revise, as necessary. dumpValveLeakageOccur 
WW5501V3Does the facility have flare stacks? This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production, Onshore natural gas processing, Onshore natural gas transmission compression, Underground natural gas storage, LNG storage, LNG import and export equipment, and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/DoesFacilityHaveFlareStacksdoesFacilityHaveFlareStacks 
WW5502V3Flare Stacks Table. Data is required. flareStacks 
WW5503V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? You indicated that flare stack emissions are being reported. This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW5505V3Were CEMS used to measure CO2 emissions for flare {1} [98.233(n)(8)] [98.236(n)(12)]? This data element is required. Please review your report and provide the identified value(s), as necessary. wereCemsUsed 
WW5506V3Does flare {1} have a continuous flow monitor [98.236(n)(2)]? This data element is required except when you report using CEMS to measure CO2 emissions from the flare stack. doesFlareHaveContinuousFlowMonitor 
WW5507V3Does flare {1} have a continuous gas analyzer [98.236(n)(3)]? This data element is required except when you report using CEMS to measure CO2 emissions from the flare stack. doesFlareHaveContinuousGasAnalyzer 
WW5508V3Volume of gas sent to flare {1} (standard cubic feet) [98.236(n)(4)]. This data element is required except when you report using CEMS to measure CO2 emissions from the flare stack. gasSentToFlare 
WW5509V3Volume of gas sent to flare (standard cubic feet). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksRowDetails/GasSentToFlaregasSentToFlare 
WW5510V3Fraction of gas sent to un-lit flare {1} [98.236(n)(5)]. This data element is required except when you report using CEMS to measure CO2 emissions from the flare stack. fractionOfGasSent 
WW5511V3Fraction of gas sent to un-lit flare. This value should be reported as a fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. The value you provided is outside that range. Please correct this value.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksRowDetails/FractionOfGasSentfractionOfGasSent 
WW5512V3Combustion efficiency of flare {1} [98.236(n)(6)]. This data element is required except when you report using CEMS to measure CO2 emissions from the flare stack. flareCombustionEfficiency 
WW5513V3Flare combustion efficiency. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksRowDetails/FlareCombustionEfficiencyflareCombustionEfficiency 
WW5514V3Mole fraction of CH4 in the gas feed to flare {1} [98.236(n)(7)]. This data element is required except when you report using CEMS to measure CO2 emissions from the flare stack. flareFeedGasCH4MoleFraction 
WW5515V3Mole fraction of CH4 in flare gas feed. This value should be reported as a fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. The value you provided is outside that range. Please correct this value.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksRowDetails/FlareFeedGasCH4MoleFractionflareFeedGasCH4MoleFraction 
WW5516V3Mole fraction of CO2 in the gas feed to flare {1} [98.236(n)(8)]. This data element is required except when you report using CEMS to measure CO2 emissions from the flare stack. flareFeedGasCO2MoleFraction 
WW5517V3Mole fraction of CO2 in flare gas feed. This value should be reported as a fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. The value you provided is outside that range. Please correct this value.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksRowDetails/FlareFeedGasCO2MoleFractionflareFeedGasCO2MoleFraction 
WW5518V3CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(n)(9)]. This data element is required for each flare stack.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW5519V3CO2 emissions (mt CO2). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW5520V3CH4 emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(n)(10)]. This data element is required except when you report using CEMS to measure CO2 emissions from the flare stack.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW5521V3CH4 emissions (mt CH4). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW5522V3N2O emissions (mt N2O) [98.236(n)(11)]. This data element is required except when you report using CEMS to measure CO2 emissions from the flare stack.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksRowDetails/N2OEmissionsn2oEmissions 
WW5523V3N2O emissions (mt N2O). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlareStacksRowDetails/N2OEmissionsn2oEmissions 
WW5527V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlarestacksMissingDataProcUsedDetails/UniqueFlarestacksMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW5529V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlarestacksMissingDataProcUsedDetails/UniqueFlarestacksMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW5531V3The sum of CO2 emissions from all Flare Stacks did not equal the reported Flare Stacks CO2 emission roll-up total. Please check your Flare Stacks roll-up calculation for accuracy.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlarestacksMissingDataProcUsedDetails/UniqueFlarestacksMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHourstotalCo2Emissions 
WW5532V3The sum of CH4 emissions from all Flare Stacks did not equal the reported Flare Stacks CH4 emission roll-up total. Please check your Flare Stacks roll-up calculation for accuracy.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlarestacksMissingDataProcUsedDetails/UniqueFlarestacksMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHourstotalCh4Emissions 
WW5533V3The sum of N2O emissions from all Flare Stacks did not equal the reported Flare Stacks N2O emission roll-up total. Please check your Flare Stacks roll-up calculation for accuracy.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/FlareStacksDetails/UniqueFlarestacksMissingDataProcUsedDetails/UniqueFlarestacksMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHourstotalN2oEmissions 
WW6000V3Does the facility have any centrifugal compressors subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(o)]? This data element is required for facilities in the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production, Onshore natural gas processing, Onshore natural gas transmission compression, Underground natural gas storage, Liquefied natural gas, LNG import and export equipment, and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting industry segments.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/DoesFacilityHaveCentrifugalCompressorsdoesFacilityHaveCentrifugalCompressors 
WW6003V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW6004V3Compressor ID or Unique Name [98.236(o)(1)(i)]. This data element is required (except for facilities in the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production or the Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting industry segments). compressorIdentifier 
WW6005V3Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(o)(1)(ii)]. This data element is required. totalOperatingModeHours 
WW6006V3Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(o)(1)(ii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsActivityDataDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsActivityDataRowDetails/TotalOperatingModeHourstotalOperatingModeHours 
WW6007V3Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(o)(1)(iii)]. This data element is required. totalNotOperatingModeHours 
WW6008V3Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(o)(1)(iii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsActivityDataDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsActivityDataRowDetails/TotalNotOperatingModeHourstotalNotOperatingModeHours 
WW6009V3Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(o)(1)(iv)]. This data element is required. compressorMeasuredOperatingMode 
WW6010V3Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(o)(1)(v)]. This data element is required. compressorMeasuredNotOperatingMode 
WW6011V3Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(o)(1)(x)]. This data element is required. blindFlangesInstalled 
WW6013V3Seal Type (wet or dry) [98.236(o)(1)(xi)]. This data element is required. sealType 
WW6014V3Number of wet seals [98.236(o)(1)(xii)]. You reported this compressor has wet seals. This data element is required. numberOfWetSeals 
WW6015V3Number of wet seals [98.236(o)(1)(xii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero. Please review and correct.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsActivityDataDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsActivityDataRowDetails/NumberOfWetSealsnumberOfWetSeals 
WW6016V3Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(o)(1)(xiii)]. This data element is required. compressorDriverPowerOutput 
WW6017V3Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(o)(1)(xiii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero. Please review and correct.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsActivityDataDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsActivityDataRowDetails/CompressorDriverPowerOutputcompressorDriverPowerOutput 
WW6018V3Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(o)(1)(xiv)]. This data element is required. hadScheduledShutdown 
WW6019V3Unique Compressor Name or ID [98.236(o)(2)(i)(A)]. This data element is required. compressorIdentifier 
WW6020V3Centrifugal compressor source [98.236(o)(2)(i)(B)]. This data element is required for each reported compressor ID. compressorSource 
WW6021V3Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(o)(2)(i)(C)]. This data element is required for the blowdown valve and isolation valve associated with each Unique Compressor Name/ID. leakOrVentId 
WW6022V3Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(o)(2)(i)(C)]. This Leak or Vent ID does not match any of the entries in Table O.2.ii. This data element is required for each leak or vent identified in Table O.2.i. leakOrVentId 
WW6023V3Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(o)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(o)(1)(vi)]. This data element is required for each unique leak or vent ID. singleSourceOrManifoldGroup 
WW6024V3Where are leak or vent emissions released to? [98.236(o)(1)(vii) through (ix)] [98.236(o)(2)(ii)(A)]. This data element is required for each unique leak or vent ID. leakOrVentEmissionsReleased 
WW6025V3Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(o)(2)(ii)(B)]. This data element is required for each unique leak or vent ID released to the atmosphere. asFoundMeasurementConducted 
WW6026V3Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(o)(2)(ii)(C)]. This data element is required for each unique leak or vent ID released to the atmosphere. continousMeasurementsConducted 
WW6027V3CO2 emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(o)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]. You indicated emissions are vented to the atmosphere from this leak or vent. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsLeakOrVentDataDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsLeakOrVentDataRowDetails/Co2EmissionsVentedco2EmissionsVented 
WW6028V3CO2 emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(o)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero. Please review and correct.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsLeakOrVentDataDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsLeakOrVentDataRowDetails/Co2EmissionsVentedco2EmissionsVented 
WW6029V3CH4 emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(o)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]. You indicated emissions are vented to the atmosphere from this leak or vent. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsLeakOrVentDataDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsLeakOrVentDataRowDetails/Ch4EmissionsVentedch4EmissionsVented 
WW6030V3CH4 emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(o)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero. Please review and correct.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsLeakOrVentDataDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsLeakOrVentDataRowDetails/Ch4EmissionsVentedch4EmissionsVented 
WW6031V3Percentage of time the device was operational when compressor source emissions were routed to device [98.236(o)(2)(ii)(E)]. This data element is required for each unique leak or vent ID.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsLeakOrVentDataDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsLeakOrVentDataRowDetails/PercentageOfTimeDeviceOperationalpercentageOfTimeDeviceOperational 
WW6032V3Percentage of time the device was operational when compressor source emissions were routed to device [98.236(o)(2)(ii)(E)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero but less than or equal 100. Please review and correct.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsLeakOrVentDataDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsLeakOrVentDataRowDetails/PercentageOfTimeDeviceOperationalpercentageOfTimeDeviceOperational 
WW6033V3Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(o)(3)(i)(A)]. This data element is required for all leak/vent IDs with "as found" measurements. leakOrVentId 
WW6034V3Measurement date (mm/dd/yyyy) [98.236(o)(3)(i)(B)]. This data element is required for each vent or leak ID with "as found" measurement sample data. measurementDate 
WW6035V3Measurement method [98.236(o)(3)(i)(C)]. This data element is required for each vent or leak ID with "as found" measurement sample data. measurementMethod 
WW6036V3Measured flow rate, MTs,m, MTs,g,avg (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(o)(3)(i)(D)]. This data element is required for each vent or leak ID with "as found" measurement sample data. measurementFlowRate 
WW6037V3Measured flow rate, MTs,m, MTs,g,avg (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(o)(3)(i)(D)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsLeakOrVentSampleDataDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsLeakOrVentSampleDataRowDetails/MeasurementFlowRatemeasurementFlowRate 
WW6038V3Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(o)(3)(i)(F)]. This data element is required for each vent or leak ID with "as found" measurement sample data. measurementLocation 
WW6042V3Compressor mode-source combination reporter emission factor, EFs,m (standard cubic feet per hour) [98.236(o)(3)(ii)(B)] for {1} and {2}. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero. Please review and correct.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsEmissionFactorsSampleDataDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsEmissionFactorsSampleDataRowDetails/CompressorModeEmissionFactorcompressorModeEmissionFactor 
WW6043V3Total number of compressors measured in the compressor mode-source combination in current reporting year and preceding two reporting years [98.236(o)(3)(ii)(C)] for {1} and {2}. This data element is required. Please review your report and provide the identified value(s), as necessary. totalNumberOfCompressors 
WW6044V3Total number of compressors measured in the compressor mode-source combination in current reporting year and preceding two reporting years [98.236(o)(3)(ii)(C)] for {1} and {2}. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero. Please review and correct.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsEmissionFactorsSampleDataDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsEmissionFactorsSampleDataRowDetails/TotalNumberOfCompressorstotalNumberOfCompressors 
WW6045V3Is the reporter emission factor facility-specific or based on all of the reporter\'s applicable facilities? [98.236(o)(3)(ii)(D)]. This data element is required. emissionFactorType 
WW6046V3Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(o)(4)(i)]. This data element is required for leak/vent IDs previously characterized as having continuous monitoring. leakOrVentId 
WW6047V3Measured volume of flow during the reporting year, Qs,v, Qs,g (million standard cubic feet) [98.236(o)(4)(ii)]. This data element is required. measuredVolume 
WW6048V3Measured volume of flow during the reporting year, Qs,v, Qs,g (million standard cubic feet) [98.236(o)(4)(ii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero. Please review and correct.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsLeakOrVentMeasurementDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsLeakOrVentMeasurementRowDetails/MeasuredVolumemeasuredVolume 
WW6049V3Did the measured volume of flow during the reporting year include compressor blowdowns? [98.236(o)(4)(iii)]. This data element is required. includeCompressorBlowdowns 
WW6050V3Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources [98.236(o)(4)(iv)]. This data element is required. measurementLocation 
WW6051V3Number of Centrifugal Compressors with wet seal oil degassing vents, Count [98.236(o)(5)(i)]. This data element is required for facilities in Onshore petroleum and natural gas production and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting industry segments. compressorCount 
WW6052V3Number of Centrifugal Compressors with wet seal oil degassing vents, Count [98.236(o)(5)(i)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero. Please review and correct.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CompressorCountcompressorCount 
WW6053V3Total annual Centrifugal Compressor CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(o)(5)(ii)]. This data element is required if the number of centrifugal compressors with wet seal oil degassing vents is greater than 0. Please review and correct.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/TotalAnnualCompressorCarbonDioxideEmissionstotalAnnualCompressorCo2Emissions 
WW6054V3Total annual Centrifugal Compressor CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(o)(5)(ii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero. Please review and correct.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/TotalAnnualCompressorCarbonDioxideEmissionstotalAnnualCompressorCo2Emissions 
WW6055V3Total annual Centrifugal Compressor CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(o)(5)(iii)]. This data element is required if the number of centrifugal compressors with wet seal oil degassing vents is greater than 0. Please review and correct.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/TotalAnnualCompressorMethaneEmissionstotalAnnualCompressorCh4Emissions 
WW6056V3Total annual Centrifugal Compressor CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(o)(5)(iii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero. Please review and correct.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/TotalAnnualCompressorMethaneEmissionstotalAnnualCompressorCh4Emissions 
WW6061V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CompressorActivityMissingDataProcUsedDetails/CompressorActivityMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW6063V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used [98.3(c)(8)], [98.236(bb)(2)]. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CompressorActivityMissingDataProcUsedDetails/CompressorActivityMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW6069V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CompressorEmissionFactorsMissingDataProcUsedDetails/CompressorEmissionFactorsMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW6071V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used [98.3(c)(8)], [98.236(bb)(2)]. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CompressorEmissionFactorsMissingDataProcUsedDetails/CompressorEmissionFactorsMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW6077V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CompressorLeakOrVentMissingDataProcUsedDetails/CompressorLeakOrVentMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW6079V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used [98.3(c)(8)], [98.236(bb)(2)]. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CompressorLeakOrVentMissingDataProcUsedDetails/CompressorLeakOrVentMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW6084V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CompressorMeasurementMissingDataProcUsedDetails/CompressorMeasurementMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW6086V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used [98.3(c)(8)], [98.236(bb)(2)]. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CompressorMeasurementMissingDataProcUsedDetails/CompressorMeasurementMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW6090V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CompressorPetroleumGasMissingDataProcUsedDetails/CompressorPetroleumGasMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW6092V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used [98.3(c)(8)], [98.236(bb)(2)]. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CompressorPetroleumGasMissingDataProcUsedDetails/CompressorPetroleumGasMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW6211V3Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(o)(2)(i)(C)]. The reported leak or vent ID in Table O.2.i (or the SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsCompressorSourceDetails node in an XML report) must also be listed in Table O.2.ii (or the SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsDetails/CentrifugalCompressorsLeakOrVentDataDetails node in an XML report). Please use the same leak or vent ID from Table O.2.i in Table O.2.ii by copying the entry from Table O.2.i and using Paste Special/Values when pasting the entry into Table O.2.ii. Please review and correct your report as indicated. leakOrVentId 
WW6500V3Does the facility have any reciprocating compressors subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(p)]? This data element is required for facilities in the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production, Onshore natural gas processing, Onshore natural gas transmission compression, Underground natural gas storage, Liquefied natural gas, LNG import and export equipment, and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting industry segments.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/DoesFacilityHaveReciprocatingCompressorsdoesFacilityHaveReciprocatingCompressors 
WW6503V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW6505V3Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]. This data element is required. operatingModeTotalTime 
WW6506V3Total time in operating-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(ii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsActivityDataDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsActivityDataRowDetails/OperatingModeTotalTimeoperatingModeTotalTime 
WW6507V3Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]. This data element is required. pressurizedModeTotalTime 
WW6508V3Total time in standby-pressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsActivityDataDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsActivityDataRowDetails/PressurizedModeTotalTimepressurizedModeTotalTime 
WW6509V3Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]. This data element is required. notOperatingTotalTime 
WW6510V3Total time in not-operating-depressurized-mode (hours) [98.236(p)(1)(iv)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsActivityDataDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsActivityDataRowDetails/NotOperatingTotalTimenotOperatingTotalTime 
WW6511V3Compressor measured in operating-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(v)] . This data element is required. compressorMeasuredOperatingMode 
WW6512V3Compressor measured in not-operating-depressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vii)]. This data element is required. compressorMeasuredNotOperatingMode 
WW6513V3Compressor measured in standby-pressurized-mode? [98.236(p)(1)(vi)] . This data element is required. compressorMeasuredPressurizedMode 
WW6514V3Compressor had blind flanges installed? [98.236(p)(1)(xii)] . This data element is required. blindFlangesInstalled 
WW6516V3Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)] . This data element is required. compressorDriverPowerOutput 
WW6517V3Power output of compressor driver (hp) [98.236(p)(1)(xiii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsActivityDataDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsActivityDataRowDetails/CompressorDriverPowerOutputcompressorDriverPowerOutput 
WW6518V3Compressor had scheduled depressurized shutdown during reporting year? [98.236(p)(1)(xiv)]. This data element is required. hadScheduledShutdown 
WW6521V3Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]. This data element is required for the blowdown valve, isolation valve and rod packing sources associated with each Unique Compressor Name/ID. leakOrVentId 
WW6522V3Was an "as found" measurement conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(B)]. This data element is required for each unique leak or vent ID released to the atmosphere. asFoundMeasurementConducted 
WW6523V3Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]. Facility reported data for reciprocating compressor leak or vent ID {1} in Table P.2.ii but did not enter corresponding data in Table P.2.i (required by 98.236(p)(2)(i)). Please review these reported IDs and correct, as necessary. leakOrVentId 
WW6524V3Leak or vent for a single compressor source or a manifolded group? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(A)] [98.236(p)(1)(viii)]. This data element is required for each unique leak or vent ID. singleSourceOrManifoldGroup 
WW6526V3Were continuous measurements conducted on the leak or vent? [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(C)]. This data element is required for each unique leak or vent ID released to the atmosphere. continousMeasurementsConducted 
WW6527V3CO2 emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]. You indicated emissions are vented to the atmosphere from this leak or vent. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsLeakOrVentDataDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsLeakOrVentDataRowDetails/Co2EmissionsVentedco2EmissionsVented 
WW6528V3CO2 emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(1)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsLeakOrVentDataDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsLeakOrVentDataRowDetails/Co2EmissionsVentedco2EmissionsVented 
WW6529V3CH4 emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)].You indicated emissions are vented to the atmosphere from this leak or vent. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsLeakOrVentDataDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsLeakOrVentDataRowDetails/Ch4EmissionsVentedch4EmissionsVented 
WW6530V3CH4 emissions vented to atmosphere (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(D)(2)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsLeakOrVentDataDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsLeakOrVentDataRowDetails/Ch4EmissionsVentedch4EmissionsVented 
WW6531V3Percentage of time the device was operational when compressor source emissions were routed to device [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(E)]. This data element is required for each unique leak or vent ID.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsLeakOrVentDataDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsLeakOrVentDataRowDetails/PercentageOfTimeDeviceOperationalpercentageOfTimeDeviceOperational 
WW6532V3Percentage of time the device was operational when compressor source emissions were routed to device [98.236(p)(2)(ii)(E)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero but less than or equal 100.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsLeakOrVentDataDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsLeakOrVentDataRowDetails/PercentageOfTimeDeviceOperationalpercentageOfTimeDeviceOperational 
WW6535V3Measurement method [98.236(p)(3)(i)(C)]. This data element is required for each vent or leak ID with "as found" measurement sample data. measurementMethod 
WW6536V3Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]. This data element is required for each vent or leak ID with "as found" measurement sample data. measurementFlowRate 
WW6537V3Measured flow rate (standard cubic feet/hour) [98.236(p)(3)(i)(D)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsLeakOrVentSampleDataDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsLeakOrVentSampleDataRowDetails/MeasurementFlowRatemeasurementFlowRate 
WW6538V3Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources? [98.236(p)(3)(i)(F)]. This data element is required for each vent or leak ID with "as found" measurement sample data. measurementLocation 
WW6540V3Compressor mode-source combination reporter emission factor, EFs,m (standard cubic feet per hour) [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(B)] for {1} and {2}. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsEmissionFactorsSampleDataDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsEmissionFactorsSampleDataRowDetails/CompressorModeEmissionFactorcompressorModeEmissionFactor 
WW6541V3Total number of compressors measured in the compressor mode-source combination in current reporting year and preceding two reporting years, Countm [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(C)] for {1} and {2}. This data element is required. Please review your report and provide the identified value(s), as necessary. totalNumberOfCompressors 
WW6542V3Total number of compressors measured in the compressor mode-source combination in current reporting year and preceding two reporting years, Countm [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(C)] for {1} and {2}. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsEmissionFactorsSampleDataDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsEmissionFactorsSampleDataRowDetails/TotalNumberOfCompressorstotalNumberOfCompressors 
WW6543V3Is the reporter emission factor facility-specific or based on all of the reporter\'s applicable facilities? [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(D)]. This data element is required. emissionFactorType 
WW6545V3Measured volume of flow during the reporting year (million standard cubic feet) (98.236(p)(4)(ii)]. This data element is required. measuredVolume 
WW6546V3Measured volume of flow during the reporting year(million standard cubic feet) [98.236(p)(4)(ii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsLeakOrVentMeasurementDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsLeakOrVentMeasurementRowDetails/MeasuredVolumemeasuredVolume 
WW6547V3Did the measured volume of flow during the reporting year include compressor blowdowns? [98.236(p)(4)(iii)]. This data element is required. includeCompressorBlowdowns 
WW6548V3Is the measurement location prior to or after commingling with non-compressor emission sources [98.236(p)(4)(iv)]. This data element is required. measurementLocation 
WW6549V3Count of Reciprocating Compressors [98.236(p)(5)(i)]. This data element is required for facilities in Onshore petroleum and natural gas production and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting industries. compressorCount 
WW6550V3Count of Reciprocating Compressors [98.236(p)(5)(i)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/CompressorCountcompressorCount 
WW6551V3Total Annual Reciprocating Compressor CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(5)(ii)]. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/TotalAnnualCompressorCarbonDioxideEmissionstotalAnnualCompressorCo2Emissions 
WW6552V3Total Annual Reciprocating Compressor CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(p)(5)(ii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/TotalAnnualCompressorCarbonDioxideEmissionstotalAnnualCompressorCo2Emissions 
WW6553V3Total Annual Reciprocating Compressor CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(5)(iii)]. This data element is required if the number of reciprocating compressors is greater than zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/TotalAnnualCompressorMethaneEmissionstotalAnnualCompressorCh4Emissions 
WW6554V3Total Annual Reciprocating Compressor CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(p)(5)(iii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/TotalAnnualCompressorMethaneEmissionstotalAnnualCompressorCh4Emissions 
WW6559V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorActivityMissingDataProcUsedDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorActivityMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW6561V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorActivityMissingDataProcUsedDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorActivityMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW6567V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingEmissionFactorsMissingDataProcUsedDetails/ReciprocatingEmissionFactorsMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW6569V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingEmissionFactorsMissingDataProcUsedDetails/ReciprocatingEmissionFactorsMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW6575V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingLeakOrVentMissingDataProcUsedDetails/ReciprocatingLeakOrVentMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW6577V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingLeakOrVentMissingDataProcUsedDetails/ReciprocatingLeakOrVentMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW6582V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingMeasurementMissingDataProcUsedDetails/ReciprocatingMeasurementMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW6584V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingMeasurementMissingDataProcUsedDetails/ReciprocatingMeasurementMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW6588V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingPetroleumGasMissingDataProcUsedDetails/ReciprocatingPetroleumGasMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW6590V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingPetroleumGasMissingDataProcUsedDetails/ReciprocatingPetroleumGasMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW6592V3Mode for each compressor during leak or vent measurement [98.236(o)(3)(i)(E)]. Compressors in "Operating mode" and "Not-operating mode". This data element is required for each vent or leak ID with "as found" measurement sample data. compressorOperatingMode 
WW6594V3Mode for each compressor during leak or vent measurement [98.236(p)(3)(i)(E)]. Compressors in "Operating mode", "Standby-pressurized" and "Not-operating mode". This data element is required for each vent or leak ID with "as found" measurement sample data. compressorOperatingMode 
WW6601V3Unique Compressor Name or ID [98.236(p)(2)(i)(A)]. This data element is required. uniqueIdentifier 
WW6602V3Reciprocating compressor source [98.236(p)(2)(i)(B)]. This data element is required for each reported compressor ID. compessorSource 
WW6603V3Compressor ID or Unique Name [98.236(p)(1)(i)]. This data element is required (except for facilities in the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production or the Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting industry segments). uniqueIdentifier 
WW6606V3Unique Name or ID for leak or vent [98.236(p)(2)(i)(C)]. This leak or vent ID must also be listed in Table P.2.ii. leakOrVentId 
WW6610V3Compressor mode [98.236(p)(3)(ii)(A)]. If you used Eq W-23 to calculate emission factors for "As Found" measurement samples, you must report the compressor mode (operating, standby-pressurized, or not-operating-depressurized). This data element is required. compressorMode 
WW7000V3This form is required for this industry segment.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/ReciprocatingCompressorsDetails/ReciprocatingPetroleumGasMissingDataProcUsedDetails/ReciprocatingPetroleumGasMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHourstableData[1] 
WW7002V3mt CO2 [98.236(s)(1)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OffshoreEmissionsDetails/OffshoreEmissionsSourcesDetails/OffshoreEmissionsSourcesRowDetails/CarbonDioxideEmissionsco2Emissions 
WW7003V3mt CH4 [98.236(s)(2)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OffshoreEmissionsDetails/OffshoreEmissionsSourcesDetails/OffshoreEmissionsSourcesRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW7004V3mt N2O [98.236(s)(3)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OffshoreEmissionsDetails/OffshoreEmissionsSourcesDetails/OffshoreEmissionsSourcesRowDetails/N2OEmissionsn2oEmissions 
WW7500V3Did the facility use CO2 EOR injection during the calendar year [98.236(w)]? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OffshoreEmissionsDetails/OffshoreEmissionsSourcesDetails/OffshoreEmissionsSourcesRowDetails/N2OEmissionsco2EORDuringCalendarYear 
WW7501V3Did any EOR injection pump blowdowns occur at the facility during the calendar year [98.236(w)]? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OffshoreEmissionsDetails/OffshoreEmissionsSourcesDetails/OffshoreEmissionsSourcesRowDetails/N2OEmissionseorBlowdownsDuringCalendearYear 
WW7502V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions [98.235]? This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW7503V3EOR Injection Pump Blowdown Table. Data is required. co2EORDuringCalendarYear 
WW7510V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryInjectionPumpBlowdownDetails/EorInjectionMissingDataProcUsedDetails/EorInjectionMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW7511V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryInjectionPumpBlowdownDetails/EorInjectionMissingDataProcUsedDetails/EorInjectionMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW7512V3Sub-Basin ID [98.236(w)(1)]. You indicated that the facility used CO2 EOR injection at the facility during the calendar year. This data element is required. subBasinIdentifier 
WW7513V3EOR injection pump system identifier [98.236(w)(2)]. This data element is required for the identified sub-basin in this row. eorPumpSystemIdentifier 
WW7514V3Pump capacity (barrels per day) [98.236(w)(3)]. This data element is required for the unit in the identified sub-basin in this row. pumpCapacity 
WW7515V3Pump capacity (barrels per day) [98.236(w)(3)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryInjectionPumpBlowdownDetails/UniqueInjectionPumpBlowdownsDetails/UniqueInjectionPumpBlowdownsRowDetails/PumpCapacitypumpCapacity 
WW7516V3Total volume of EOR injection pump system equipment chambers, Vv (cubic feet) [98.236(w)(4)]. This data element is required for the unit in the identified sub-basin in this row. criticalPhaseGasVolume 
WW7517V3Total volume of EOR injection pump system equipment chambers, Vv (cubic feet) [98.236(w)(4)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryInjectionPumpBlowdownDetails/UniqueInjectionPumpBlowdownsDetails/UniqueInjectionPumpBlowdownsRowDetails/CriticalPhaseGasVolumecriticalPhaseGasVolume 
WW7518V3Number of blowdowns per year [98.236(w)(5)]. This data element is required for the unit in the identified sub-basin in this row. numberOfBlowdowns 
WW7519V3Number of blowdowns per year [98.236(w)(5)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryInjectionPumpBlowdownDetails/UniqueInjectionPumpBlowdownsDetails/UniqueInjectionPumpBlowdownsRowDetails/NumberOfBlowdownsnumberOfBlowdowns 
WW7520V3Density of critical phase EOR injection gas, Rc (kg/ft3) [98.236(w)(6)]. This data element is required for the unit in the identified sub-basin in this row. criticalPhaseGasDensity 
WW7521V3Density of critical phase EOR injection gas, Rc (kg/ft3) [98.236(w)(6)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryInjectionPumpBlowdownDetails/UniqueInjectionPumpBlowdownsDetails/UniqueInjectionPumpBlowdownsRowDetails/CriticalPhaseGasDensitycriticalPhaseGasDensity 
WW7522V3Mass fraction of CO2 in critical phase EOR injection gas, GHGCO2 [98.236(w)(7)]. This data element is required for the unit in the identified sub-basin in this row. co2CriticalPhaseMassFraction 
WW7523V3Mass fraction of CO2 in critical phase EOR injection gas, GHGCO2 [98.236(w)(7)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than zero and less than one.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryInjectionPumpBlowdownDetails/UniqueInjectionPumpBlowdownsDetails/UniqueInjectionPumpBlowdownsRowDetails/Co2CriticalPhaseMassFractionco2CriticalPhaseMassFraction 
WW7524V3CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(w)(8)]. This data element is required for the unit in the identified sub-basin in this row. co2Emissions 
WW7525V3CO2 emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(w)(8)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryInjectionPumpBlowdownDetails/UniqueInjectionPumpBlowdownsDetails/UniqueInjectionPumpBlowdownsRowDetails/CarbonDioxideEmissionsco2Emissions 
WW7526V3The EnhancedOilRecoveryInjectionPumpBlowdownDetails node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryInjectionPumpBlowdownDetailseorInjectionPumpBlowdownData 
WW7527V3This form is required for this industry segment.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryInjectionPumpBlowdownDetailstableData[1] 
WW8000V3Does the Facility have combustion units subject to reporting under 98.232? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CombustionEmissionsDetails/DoesFacilityHaveCombustionUnitsdoesFacilityHaveCombustionUnits 
WW8003V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions [98.235]? This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW8004V3Are there external fuel combustion units with a rated heat capacity less than or equal to 5 mmBtu/hr? [98.236(z)(1)(i)]. This data element is required. externalUnitsHeatCapacityLessThanSpecifiedValue 
WW8005V3Are there internal fuel combustion units that are not compressor-drivers, with a rated heat capacity less than or equal to 1 mmBtu/hr? [98.236(z)(1)(i)]. This data element is required. internalUnitsHeatCapacityLessThanSpecifiedValue 
WW8006V3Total number of combustion units. This data element is required for external combustion units with rated heat capacities less than or equal to 5 MMBtu/hr or for internal combustion units that are not compressor drivers with rated heat capacities less than or equal to 1 MMBtu/hr per 98.236(z)(1)(ii). If this is indeed a substantive error, please correct the error and submit your report. If you believe it to be correct, please submit the value as is. totalNumberOfUnits 
WW8007V3Total Number of combustion units meeting 98.236(z)(1) descriptions. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CombustionEmissionsDetails/TotalNumberOfUnitstotalNumberOfUnits 
WW8008V3Are there external fuel combustion units with a rated heat capacity greater than 5 mmBtu/hr? [98.236(z)(2)(i)]. This data element is required. externalUnitsHeatCapacityGreaterThanSpecifiedValue 
WW8009V3Are there internal fuel combustion units that are not compressor-drivers, with a rated heat capacity greater than 1 mmBtu/hr? [98.236(z)(2)(i)]. This data element is required. internalUnitsHeatCapacityGreaterThanSpecifiedValue 
WW8010V3Are there Internal fuel combustion units of any heat capacity that are compressor-drivers? [98.236(z)(2)(i)]. This data element is required. compressorDrivenUnits 
WW8011V3Type of combustion unit [98.236(z)(2)(i)]. This data element is required. combustionUnitType 
WW8012V3Type of fuel combusted [98.236(z)(2)(ii)]. This data element is required. fuelCombustedType 
WW8013V3Quantity of fuel combusted in calendar year [98.236(z)(2)(iii)]. This data element is required. quantityOfFuelCombusted 
WW8014V3Quantity of fuel combusted in calendar year [98.236(z)(2)(iii)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CombustionEmissionsDetails/LargeCombustionUnitEmissionsDetails/LargeCombustionUnitEmissionsRowDetails/QuantityOfFuelCombustedquantityOfFuelCombusted 
WW8015V3Unit of measure [98.236(z)(2)(iii). This data element is required. unitOfMeasure 
WW8016V3CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(z)(2)(iv)]. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CombustionEmissionsDetails/LargeCombustionUnitEmissionsDetails/LargeCombustionUnitEmissionsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW8017V3CO2 Emissions (mt CO2) [98.236(z)(2)(iv)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CombustionEmissionsDetails/LargeCombustionUnitEmissionsDetails/LargeCombustionUnitEmissionsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW8018V3CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(z)(2)(v)]. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CombustionEmissionsDetails/LargeCombustionUnitEmissionsDetails/LargeCombustionUnitEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW8019V3CH4 Emissions (mt CH4) [98.236(z)(2)(v)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CombustionEmissionsDetails/LargeCombustionUnitEmissionsDetails/LargeCombustionUnitEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW8020V3N2O Emissions (mt N2O)[98.236(z)(2)(vi)]. This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CombustionEmissionsDetails/LargeCombustionUnitEmissionsDetails/LargeCombustionUnitEmissionsRowDetails/N2OEmissionsn2oEmissions 
WW8021V3N2O Emissions (mt N2O)[98.236(z)(2)(vi)]. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CombustionEmissionsDetails/LargeCombustionUnitEmissionsDetails/LargeCombustionUnitEmissionsRowDetails/N2OEmissionsn2oEmissions 
WW8027V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CombustionEmissionsDetails/CombustionEmissionsMissingDataProcUsedDetails/CombustionEmissionsMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW8029V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/CombustionEmissionsDetails/CombustionEmissionsMissingDataProcUsedDetails/CombustionEmissionsMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW8503V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryHydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedDetails/EorLiquidMissingDataProcUsedDetails/EorLiquidMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW8506V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryHydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedDetails/EorLiquidMissingDataProcUsedDetails/EorLiquidMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW8508V3Does the facility have hydrocarbon liquids that were produced from enhanced oil recovery operations subject to reporting under 98.232 [98.236(x)]? This data element is required.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryHydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedDetails/DoesFacilityHaveEorLiquidsDissolveddoesFacilityHaveEorLiquidsDissolved 
WW8509V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions [98.235]? This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW8510V3EOR Liquids Dissolved CO2 Table. Data is required. tableData[1] 
WW8512V3Average CO2 retained in hydrocarbon liquids, Shl (mt CO2 per barrel) [98.236(x)(3)]. This data element is required for the identified sub-basin. co2Retained 
WW8513V3Average CO2 retained in hydrocarbon liquids, Shl (mt CO2 per barrel) [98.236(x)(3)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryHydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedDetails/HydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedDetails/HydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedSubBasinRowDetails/CarbonDioxideRetainedco2Retained 
WW8514V3Volume of hydrocarbon liquid produced, Vhl (barrels per year) [98.236(x)(2)]. This data element is required for the identified sub-basin. crudeOilProduced 
WW8515V3Volume of hydrocarbon liquid produced, Vhl (barrels per year) [98.236(x)(2)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryHydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedDetails/HydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedDetails/HydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedSubBasinRowDetails/CrudeOilProducedcrudeOilProduced 
WW8517V3Annual CO2 emissions retained, MassCO2 (mt CO2) [98.236(x)(4)]. This data element is required for the reported sub-basin.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryHydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedDetails/HydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedDetails/HydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedSubBasinRowDetails/CarbonDioxideEmissionsco2Emissions 
WW8518V3Annual CO2 emissions retained, MassCO2 (mt CO2) [98.236(x)(4)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryHydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedDetails/HydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedDetails/HydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedSubBasinRowDetails/CarbonDioxideEmissionsco2Emissions 
WW8519V3Sub Basin ID [98.236(x)(1)]. This data element is required. subBasinIdentifier 
WW8520V3The EnhancedOilRecoveryHydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedDetails node is required for the selected industry segment. The submitted XML omits this node.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/EnhancedOilRecoveryHydrocarbonLiquidsDissolvedDetailseorLiquidsDissolvedData 
WW8529V3Were plunger lifts used [98.236(f)(2)(iii)]? You indicated that Calculation Methodology 2 or 3 was used. This data element is required. plungerLiftsUsed 
WW9003V3bDid this facility use leak surveys to calculate emissions from equipment leaks in accordance with 98.232 [per 98.236(q)]? This data element is required for facilities in the Onshore natural gas processing, Onshore natural gas transmission compression, Underground natural gas storage, Liquefied natural gas storage, LNG import and export equipment, Natural gas distribution industries, Onshore petroleum and natural gas production, and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/EquipmentLeaksViaSurveysequipmentLeaksViaSurveys 
WW9004V3bWere missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW9005V3(q,r) Equipment Leaks. This form is required for this industry segment. transientData['doesTabQRHaveData'] 
WW9007V3Total number of above grade T-D transfer stations surveyed in calendar year [98.236(q)(3)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/TotalTransferedStationsSurveyedInYeartotalTransferStationsSurveyedInYear 
WW9008V3bDid this facility use population counts to calculate emissions from equipment leaks in accordance with 98.232 [per 98.236(r)]? This data element is required for facilities in the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production, Underground natural gas storage, Liquefied natural gas storage, LNG import and export equipment, Natural Gas Distribution, and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting industries.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/EquipmentLeaksViaPopulationCountsequipmentLeaksViaPopulationCounts 
WW9009V3bNumber of complete equipment leak surveys performed during the calendar year [98.236(q)(1)(i)]. This data element is required for facilities reporting emission leaks via surveys. totalEquipmentLeaksDuringYear 
WW9010V3Number of complete equipment leak surveys performed during the calendar year [98.236(q)(1)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/TotalEquipmentLeaksDuringYeartotalEquipmentLeaksDuringYear 
WW9012V3For Natural gas distribution facilities conducting multi-year surveys, number of years in the leak survey cycle [98.236(q)(1)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/NumberYearsInSurveyCyclenumberYearsInSurveyCycle 
WW9015V3Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasProcessingEmissionsFactorsDetails/GasProcessingEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/TotalLeakingComponentTypestotalLeakingComponentTypes 
WW9017V3Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasProcessingEmissionsFactorsDetails/GasProcessingEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/AverageTimeComponentsSurveyedaverageTimeComponentsSurveyed 
WW9018V3CO2 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]. This data element is required for Onshore natural gas processing facilities reporting emission leaks via surveys.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasProcessingEmissionsFactorsDetails/GasProcessingEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9019V3CO2 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasProcessingEmissionsFactorsDetails/GasProcessingEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9020V3CH4 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]. This data element is required for Onshore natural gas processing facilities reporting emission leaks via surveys.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasProcessingEmissionsFactorsDetails/GasProcessingEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9021V3CH4 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasProcessingEmissionsFactorsDetails/GasProcessingEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9024V3Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasTransmissionCompressionEmissionFactorsDetails/GasTransmissionCompressionEmissionFactorsRowDetails/TotalLeakingComponentTypestotalLeakingComponentTypes 
WW9026V3Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasTransmissionCompressionEmissionFactorsDetails/GasTransmissionCompressionEmissionFactorsRowDetails/AverageTimeComponentsSurveyedaverageTimeComponentsSurveyed 
WW9027V3CO2 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]. This data element is required for Onshore natural gas transmission compression facilities reporting emission leaks via surveys.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasTransmissionCompressionEmissionFactorsDetails/GasTransmissionCompressionEmissionFactorsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9028V3CO2 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasTransmissionCompressionEmissionFactorsDetails/GasTransmissionCompressionEmissionFactorsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9029V3CH4 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]. This data element is required for Onshore natural gas transmission compression facilities reporting emission leaks via surveys.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasTransmissionCompressionEmissionFactorsDetails/GasTransmissionCompressionEmissionFactorsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9030V3CH4 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasTransmissionCompressionEmissionFactorsDetails/GasTransmissionCompressionEmissionFactorsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9033V3Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/UndergroundStorageEmissionsFactorsDetails/UndergroundStorageEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/TotalLeakingComponentTypestotalLeakingComponentTypes 
WW9035V3Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/UndergroundStorageEmissionsFactorsDetails/UndergroundStorageEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/AverageTimeComponentsSurveyedaverageTimeComponentsSurveyed 
WW9036V3CO2 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]. This data element is required for Underground natural gas storage facilities reporting emission leaks via surveys.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/UndergroundStorageEmissionsFactorsDetails/UndergroundStorageEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9037V3CO2 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/UndergroundStorageEmissionsFactorsDetails/UndergroundStorageEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9038V3CH4 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]. This data element is required for Underground natural gas storage facilities reporting emission leaks via surveys.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/UndergroundStorageEmissionsFactorsDetails/UndergroundStorageEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9039V3CH4 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/UndergroundStorageEmissionsFactorsDetails/UndergroundStorageEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9042V3Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LngStorageEmissionsFactorsDetails/LngStorageEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/TotalLeakingComponentTypestotalLeakingComponentTypes 
WW9044V3Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LngStorageEmissionsFactorsDetails/LngStorageEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/AverageTimeComponentsSurveyedaverageTimeComponentsSurveyed 
WW9045V3CO2 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]. This data element is required for LNG storage facilities reporting emission leaks via surveys.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LngStorageEmissionsFactorsDetails/LngStorageEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9046V3CO2 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LngStorageEmissionsFactorsDetails/LngStorageEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9047V3CH4 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]. This data element is required for LNG storage facilities reporting emission leaks via surveys.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LngStorageEmissionsFactorsDetails/LngStorageEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9048V3CH4 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LngStorageEmissionsFactorsDetails/LngStorageEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9051V3Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/ImportExportEmissionsFactorsDetails/ImportExportEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/TotalLeakingComponentTypestotalLeakingComponentTypes 
WW9053V3Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/ImportExportEmissionsFactorsDetails/ImportExportEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/AverageTimeComponentsSurveyedaverageTimeComponentsSurveyed 
WW9054V3CO2 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]. This data element is required for LNG import and export equipment facilities reporting emission leaks via surveys.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/ImportExportEmissionsFactorsDetails/ImportExportEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9055V3CO2 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/ImportExportEmissionsFactorsDetails/ImportExportEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9056V3CH4 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]. This data element is required for LNG import and export equipment facilities reporting emission leaks via surveys.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/ImportExportEmissionsFactorsDetails/ImportExportEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9057V3CH4 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/ImportExportEmissionsFactorsDetails/ImportExportEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9060V3Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionEmissionsFactorsDetails/GasDistributionEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/TotalLeakingComponentTypestotalLeakingComponentTypes 
WW9062V3Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionEmissionsFactorsDetails/GasDistributionEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/AverageTimeComponentsSurveyedaverageTimeComponentsSurveyed 
WW9063V3CO2 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities reporting emission leaks via surveys.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionEmissionsFactorsDetails/GasDistributionEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9064V3CO2 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionEmissionsFactorsDetails/GasDistributionEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9065V3CH4 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities reporting emission leaks via surveys.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionEmissionsFactorsDetails/GasDistributionEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9066V3CH4 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionEmissionsFactorsDetails/GasDistributionEmissionsFactorsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9068V3Number of meter/regulator runs at above grade T-D transfer stations surveyed in the calendar year [98.236(q)(3)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/TotalRunsSurveyedInYeartotalRunsSurveyedInYear 
WW9070V3Average time meter/regulator runs surveyed in calendar year were operational [98.236(q)(3)(iii)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/AverageHoursRunsSurveyedInYearaverageHoursRunsSurveyedInYear 
WW9072V3Total number of above grade T-D transfer stations surveyed in current leak survey cycle [98.236(q)(3)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/TotalTransferStationsSurveyedInCycletotalTransferStationsSurveyedInCycle 
WW9074V3Average time meter/regulator runs surveyed in current leak survey cycle were operational [98.236(q)(3)(vi)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/AverageHoursRunsSurveyedInCycleaverageHoursRunsSurveyedInCycle 
WW9076V3Meter/regulator run CO2 emission factor based on all surveyed T-D transfer stations in current leak cycle [98.236(q)(3)(vii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/MeterRunCO2EmissionFactormeterRunCO2EmissionFactor 
WW9078V3Number of meter/regulator runs at above grade T-D transfer stations surveyed in current leak survey cycle [98.236(q)(3)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/TotalRunsSurveyedInCycletotalRunsSurveyedInCycle 
WW9080V3Meter/regulator run CH4 emission factor based on all surveyed T-D transfer stations in current leak cycle [98.236(q)(3)(viii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/MeterRunCH44EmissionFactormeterRunCH44EmissionFactor 
WW9083V3Total number of meter/regulator runs at above grade T-D transfer stations [98.236(q)(3)(ix)(A)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/TotalNumberRunstotalNumberRuns 
WW9085V3Average estimated time that each meter/regulator run at above grade T-D transfer stations was operational in the calendar year [98.236(q)(3)(ix)(B)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/AverageTimeOperationalaverageTimeOperational 
WW9086V3Annual CO2 emissions from all above grade T-D transfer stations combined [98.236(q)(3)(ix)(C)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities that perform equipment leak surveys across multiple year leak survey cycles.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsannualCO2Emissions 
WW9087V3Annual CO2 emissions from all above grade T-D transfer stations combined [98.236(q)(3)(ix)(C)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsannualCO2Emissions 
WW9088V3Annual CH4 emissions from all above grade T-D transfer stations combined [98.236(q)(3)(ix)(D)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities that perform equipment leak surveys across multiple year leak survey cycles.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/AnnualCH4EmissionsannualCH4Emissions 
WW9089V3Annual CH4 emissions from all above grade T-D transfer stations combined [98.236(q)(3)(ix)(D)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/AnnualCH4EmissionsannualCH4Emissions 
WW9096V3Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year [98.236(r)(1)(iii)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LeaksCalculatedWithCountsFactorsDetails/LeaksCalculatedWithCountsFactorsRowDetails/AverageTimeOperationalaverageTimeOperational 
WW9097V3bCO2 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities for each specified emission source type.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LeaksCalculatedWithCountsFactorsDetails/LeaksCalculatedWithCountsFactorsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9098V3CO2 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LeaksCalculatedWithCountsFactorsDetails/LeaksCalculatedWithCountsFactorsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9099V3bCH4 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(v)]. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities for each specified emission source type.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LeaksCalculatedWithCountsFactorsDetails/LeaksCalculatedWithCountsFactorsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9100V3CH4 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LeaksCalculatedWithCountsFactorsDetails/LeaksCalculatedWithCountsFactorsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9103V3Total number of emission source type [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasEstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/SourceTypeCountsourceTypeCount 
WW9105V3Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year [98.236(r)(1)(iii)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasEstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/AverageTimeTypeOperationalaverageTimeTypeOperational 
WW9107V3CO2 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasEstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9109V3CH4 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasEstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9112V3Total number of emission source type [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LngStorageEstimatingEmissionsDetails/LngStorageEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/SourceTypeCountsourceTypeCount 
WW9114V3Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year [98.236(r)(1)(iii)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LngStorageEstimatingEmissionsDetails/LngStorageEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/AverageTimeTypeOperationalaverageTimeTypeOperational 
WW9116V3CO2 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LngStorageEstimatingEmissionsDetails/LngStorageEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9118V3CH4 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LngStorageEstimatingEmissionsDetails/LngStorageEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9120V3Total number of emission source type [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities with below grade T-D stations.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LngStorageEstimatingEmissionsDetails/LngStorageEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4EmissionssourceTypeCount 
WW9121V3Total number of emission source type [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionTDEstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasDistributionTDEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/SourceTypeCountsourceTypeCount 
WW9123V3Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year [98.236(r)(1)(iii)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionTDEstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasDistributionTDEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/AverageTimeTypeOperationalaverageTimeTypeOperational 
WW9124V3CO2 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities with below grade T-D stations.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionTDEstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasDistributionTDEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9125V3CO2 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionTDEstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasDistributionTDEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9126V3CH4 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(v)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities with below grade T-D stations.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionTDEstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasDistributionTDEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9127V3CH4 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionTDEstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasDistributionTDEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9129V3Total number of emission source type [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities with below grade M-R stations.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionTDEstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasDistributionTDEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4EmissionssourceTypeCount 
WW9130V3Total number of emission source type [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionMREstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasDistributionMREstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/SourceTypeCountsourceTypeCount 
WW9132V3Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year [98.236(r)(1)(iii)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionMREstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasDistributionMREstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/AverageTimeTypeOperationalaverageTimeTypeOperational 
WW9133V3CO2 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities with below grade M-R stations.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionMREstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasDistributionMREstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9134V3CO2 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionMREstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasDistributionMREstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9135V3CH4 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(v)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities with below grade M-R stations.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionMREstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasDistributionMREstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9136V3CH4 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionMREstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasDistributionMREstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9138V3Total number of emission source type [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities reporting \'distribution main equipment\'.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/GasDistributionMREstimatingEmissionsDetails/GasDistributionMREstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4EmissionssourceTypeCount 
WW9139V3Total number of emission source type [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/MainGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsDetails/MainGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/SourceTypeCountsourceTypeCount 
WW9141V3Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year [98.236(r)(1)(iii)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/MainGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsDetails/MainGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/AverageTimeTypeOperationalaverageTimeTypeOperational 
WW9142V3CO2 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities reporting \'distribution main equipment\'.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/MainGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsDetails/MainGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9143V3CO2 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/MainGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsDetails/MainGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9144V3CH4 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(v)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities reporting \'distribution main equipment\'.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/MainGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsDetails/MainGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9145V3CH4 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/MainGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsDetails/MainGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9147V3Total number of emission source type [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities reporting \'distribution services equipment\'.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/MainGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsDetails/MainGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4EmissionssourceTypeCount 
WW9148V3Total number of emission source type [98.236(r)(1)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/ServicesGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsDetails/ServicesGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/SourceTypeCountsourceTypeCount 
WW9150V3Average estimated time that the emission source type was operational in the calendar year [98.236(r)(1)(iii)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/ServicesGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsDetails/ServicesGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/AverageTimeTypeOperationalaverageTimeTypeOperational 
WW9151V3CO2 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities reporting \'distribution services equipment\'.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/ServicesGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsDetails/ServicesGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9152V3CO2 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/ServicesGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsDetails/ServicesGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Co2Emissionsco2Emissions 
WW9153V3CH4 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(v)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities reporting \'distribution services equipment\'.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/ServicesGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsDetails/ServicesGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9154V3CH4 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/ServicesGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsDetails/ServicesGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4Emissionsch4Emissions 
WW9155V3Number of above grade T-D transfer at the facility [98.236(r)(2)(i)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/ServicesGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsDetails/ServicesGasDistributionEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4EmissionstotalTDFacilityStations 
WW9156V3Total number of above grade T-D transfer stations at the facility [98.236(r)(2)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/TotalTDFacilityStationstotalTDFacilityStations 
WW9157V3Number of above grade metering-regulating stations that are not T-D transfer stations [98.236(r)(2)(ii)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/TotalTDFacilityStationstotalNonTDFacilityStations 
WW9158V3Number of above grade metering-regulating stations that are not T-D transfer stations [98.236(r)(2)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/TotalNonTDFacilityStationstotalNonTDFacilityStations 
WW9160V3Number of meter/regulator runs at above grade metering-regulating stations that are not above grade T-D transfer stations [98.236(r)(2)(iii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/TotalRunsNonTDStationstotalRunsNonTDStations 
WW9162V3Average estimated time that each meter/regulator run at above grade metering-regulating stations that are not above grade T-D transfer stations was operational in the calendar year [98.236(r)(2)(iv)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/AverageNonTDTimeOperationalaverageNonTDTimeOperational 
WW9163V3Annual CO2 emissions from above grade metering-regulating stations that are not above grade T-D transfer stations [98.236(r)(2)(v)(A)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities with above grade metering-regulating stations that are not above grade T-D transfer stations AND above grade T-D transfer stations.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/NonTDco2EmissionsnonTDco2Emissions 
WW9164V3Annual CO2 emissions from above grade metering-regulating stations that are not above grade T-D transfer stations [98.236(r)(2)(v)(A)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/NonTDco2EmissionsnonTDco2Emissions 
WW9165V3Annual CH4 emissions from above grade metering-regulating stations that are not above grade T-D transfer stations [98.236(r)(2)(v)(B)]. This data element is required for Natural gas distribution facilities with above grade metering-regulating stations that are not above grade T-D transfer stations AND above grade T-D transfer stations.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/NonTDch4EmissionsnonTDch4Emissions 
WW9166V3Annual CH4 emissions from above grade metering-regulating stations that are not above grade T-D transfer stations [98.236(r)(2)(v)(B)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/NonTDch4EmissionsnonTDch4Emissions 
WW9167V3Calculation method [98.236(r)(3)(i)]. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities. equipmentTypeCalcMethod 
WW9169V3Major equipment type present? [98.236(r)(3)(ii)(A)]. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities with natural gas production equipment. equipmentPresent 
WW9172V3Count of major equipment in Eastern US [98.236(r)(3)(ii)(B)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/MajorGasEquipmentTypeDetails/MajorGasEquipmentTypeRowDetails/EquipmentTypeCountEasternequipmentTypeCountEastern 
WW9174V3Major equipment type present? 98.236(r)(3)(ii)(A)]. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production facilities with crude oil production equipment. equipmentPresent 
WW9177V3Count of major equipment in Eastern US [98.236(r)(3)(ii)(B)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/MajorOilEquipmentTypeDetails/MajorOilEquipmentTypeRowDetails/EquipmentTypeCountEasternequipmentTypeCountEastern 
WW9180V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/ComponentEmissionsFactorsMissingDataProcUsedDetails/ComponentEmissionsFactorsMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW9182V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/ComponentEmissionsFactorsMissingDataProcUsedDetails/ComponentEmissionsFactorsMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW9190V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/EquipmentLeaksCountsFactorsMissingDataProcUsedDetails/EquipmentLeaksCountsFactorsMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW9192V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used [98.3(c)(8)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/EquipmentLeaksCountsFactorsMissingDataProcUsedDetails/EquipmentLeaksCountsFactorsMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW9197V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used [98.236(bb)(1)]. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/EmissionsComponentTypeMissingDataProcUsedDetails/EmissionsComponentTypeMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW9199V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used [98.3(c)(8)]. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/EmissionsComponentTypeMissingDataProcUsedDetails/EmissionsComponentTypeMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW9203V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used [98.236(bb)(1)]. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/EquipmentLeaksGasMissingDataProcUsedDetails/EquipmentLeaksGasMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW9205V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used [98.3(c)(8)]. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/EquipmentLeaksGasMissingDataProcUsedDetails/EquipmentLeaksGasMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW9211V3Number of quarters for which missing data procedures were used [98.236(bb)(1)]. You indicated that missing data procedures were used. You must enter a value between one and four.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/MajorEquipmentMissingDataProcUsedDetails/MajorEquipmentMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingQuartersmissingQuarters 
WW9213V3Total number of hours for which missing data procedures were used. You indicated that missing data procedures were used [98.236(bb)(2)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/MajorEquipmentMissingDataProcUsedDetails/MajorEquipmentMissingDataProcUsedRowDetails/MissingHoursmissingHours 
WW9226V3The sum of CO2 emissions from all Offshore Production Emission Sources did not equal the reported Offshore Production Emission Sources CO2 emission roll-up total. Please check your Offshore Production Emission Sources roll-up calculation for accuracy.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LngImportExportEstimatingEmissionsDetails/LngImportExportEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4EmissionstotalCo2Emissions 
WW9227V3The sum of CH4 emissions from all Offshore Production Emission Sources did not equal the reported Offshore Production Emission Sources CH4 emission roll-up total. Please check your Offshore Production Emission Sources roll-up calculation for accuracy.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LngImportExportEstimatingEmissionsDetails/LngImportExportEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4EmissionstotalCh4MetricTonsEmissions 
WW9228V3The sum of N2O emissions from all Offshore Production Emission Sources did not equal the reported Offshore Production Emission Sources N2O emission roll-up total. Please check your Offshore Production Emission Sources roll-up calculation for accuracy.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/LngImportExportEstimatingEmissionsDetails/LngImportExportEstimatingEmissionsRowDetails/Ch4EmissionstotalN2OMetricTonsEmissions 
WW9229V3Count of major equipment in Western US [98.236(r)(3)(ii)(B)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/MajorOilEquipmentTypeDetails/MajorOilEquipmentTypeRowDetails/EquipmentTypeCountWesternequipmentTypeCountWestern 
WW9232V3The reported CH4 and CO2 emissions from pipeline services {1} are included, but inputs data is not reported. Please review the input data (i.e., number of services or average estimated time the emission source type was operational) reported. If this is an error, please correct the value. If it is correct, please submit the value as is.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/MajorOilEquipmentTypeDetails/MajorOilEquipmentTypeRowDetails/EquipmentTypeCountWesternsourceTypeCount 
WW9241V3Count of major equipment in Western US [98.236(r)(3)(ii)(B)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/MajorGasEquipmentTypeDetails/MajorGasEquipmentTypeRowDetails/EquipmentTypeCountWesternequipmentTypeCountWestern 
WW9250V3Did the facility elect to comply with 98.236(q) according to 98.233(q)(1)(iv) for any components at the facility [per 98.236(q)(1)(iv)]? This data element is required for facilities in the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production, Onshore natural gas transmission compression, Underground natural gas storage, Liquefied natural gas storage, LNG import and export equipment, and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting industries.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/DidFacilityElectToComplyWith98236QdidFacilityElectToComplyWith98236Q 
WW9267V3Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]. You reported nonzero emissions or an average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational, but did not provide the total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking for {1}. Please review these reported values and correct, as necessary. totalLeakingComponentTypes 
WW9268V3Total number of surveyed component type identified as leaking [98.236(q)(2)(ii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/DidFacilityElectToComplyWith98236QtotalLeakingComponentTypes 
WW9270V3Average time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational [98.236(q)(2)(iii)]. You must enter a value between 0 and {1}.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/DidFacilityElectToComplyWith98236QaverageTimeComponentsSurveyed 
WW9271V3CO2 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities reporting emission leaks via surveys.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/DidFacilityElectToComplyWith98236Qco2Emissions 
WW9272V3CO2 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(iv)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/DidFacilityElectToComplyWith98236Qco2Emissions 
WW9273V3CH4 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]. This data element is required for Onshore petroleum and natural gas production and Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting facilities reporting emission leaks via surveys.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/DidFacilityElectToComplyWith98236Qch4Emissions 
WW9274V3CH4 emissions (surveyed components identified as leaking only) [98.236(q)(2)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OtherEmissionsFromEquipmentLeaksDetails/DidFacilityElectToComplyWith98236Qch4Emissions 
WW9500V3Sub-basin ID. This data element is required. subBasinIdentifier 
WW9502V3Quantity of gas produced from wells. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/GasProducedCalendarYearFromWellsgasProducedCalendarYearFromWells 
WW9503V3Quantity of gas produced for sales. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/GasProducedCalendarYearForSalesgasProducedCalendarYearForSales 
WW9504V3Quantity of crude oil and condensate produced for sales. You must enter a numeric value greater than or equal to zero.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/OilProducedCalendarYearForSalesoilProducedCalendarYearForSales 
WW9561V3Table AA.1.i Onshore petroleum and natural gas production: Basin Characterization. This table is required for the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production segment. basinAssociatedWithFacility 
WW9562V3Table AA.1.ii Onshore petroleum and natural gas production: Sub-Basin Characterization. This table is required for the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production segment. tableData 
WW9563V3Table AA.1.iii Onshore petroleum and natural gas production: Well Characterization. 98.236(aa)(1)(iii). This table is required for the Onshore petroleum and natural gas production segment. onshoreWellCharacterization 
WW9581V3Select the Basin associated with this facility [98.236(aa)(10)]. This data element is required. basinAssociatedWithFacility 
WW9583V3Quantity of gas received [98.236(aa)(10)(i)]. This data element is required for gathering and boosting facilities. quantityGasReceived 
WW9585V3Quantity of gas transported [98.236(aa)(10)(ii)]. This data element is required for gathering and boosting facilities. quantityGasTransported 
WW9587V3Quantity of hydrocarbon liquids received [98.236(aa)(10)(iii)]. This data element is required for gathering and boosting facilities. quantityOfHydrocarbonLiquidsReceived 
WW9589V3Quantity of hydrocarbon liquids transported [98.236(aa)(10)(iv)]. This data element is required for gathering and boosting facilities. quantityOfHydrocarbonLiquidsTransported 
WW9591V3Quantity of natural gas received at custody transfer stations [98.236(aa)(11)(i)]. This data element is required. quantityNaturalGasReceived 
WW9593V3Quantity of natural gas withdrawn from in-system storage [98.236(aa)(11)(ii)]. This data element is required. quantityNaturalGasWithdrawn 
WW9595V3Quantity of natural gas added to in-system storage [98.236(aa)(11)(iii)]. This data element is required. quantityNaturalGasAdded 
WW9597V3Quantity of natural gas transferred to third parties [98.236(aa)(11)(iv)]. This data element is required. quantityNaturalGasTransferred 
WW9599V3Quantity of natural gas consumed [98.236(aa)(11)(v)]. This data element is required. quantityNaturalGasConsumed 
WW9601V3State [98.236(aa)(11)(vi)]. No states were selected for this facility. This data element is required for this industry segment. state 
WW9603V3Miles of transmission pipeline [98.236(aa)(11)(vi)]. This data element is required for each reported state. milesOfOnshoreNaturalGasTransmissionPipeline 
WW9605V3Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Gathering and Boosting Table. Data is required. onshorePetrNatGasGatheringBoostingTableData[1] 
WW9606V3Onshore Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Facilities Table. Data is required. onshoreNatGasTransmPipelineTableData[1] 
WW9607V3Onshore Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Miles for Each State Table. Data is required. onshoreNatGasTransmPipelineMilesEachStateTableData[1] 
WW9609V3Were missing data procedures used for any parameters to calculate GHG emissions? This data element is required. missingDataProceduresUsed 
WW9766V3ReportingCategory. [{1}] is not a valid emission source type and rule citation for the current reporting year. Please ensure you are using the current emission source type names and rule citations. The current acceptable enumerations for this data element can be found in the schema definitions file under "reportingCategory".GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/MissingDataProceduresTableDetails/MissingDataProceduresTableRowDetails/NumberOfHoursreportingCategory 
WW9770V3Missing Data Procedures Table. You indicated that missing data procedures were used for transmission tanks, but you have not entered any data in Table K.2 or XPATH TransmissionStorageMissingDataProcUsedDetails. These data are required if missing data procedures were used. transmissionTanksSubjectToReporting 
WW9772V3CO2 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]. This data element is required for Underground natural gas storage facilities if the facility used population counts to calculate emissions from equipment leaks.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/MissingDataProceduresTableDetails/MissingDataProceduresTableRowDetails/NumberOfHoursco2Emissions 
WW9773V3CH4 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(v)]. This data element is required for Underground natural gas storage facilities if the facility used population counts to calculate emissions from equipment leaks.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/MissingDataProceduresTableDetails/MissingDataProceduresTableRowDetails/NumberOfHoursch4Emissions 
WW9775V3CO2 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]. This data element is required for LNG storage facilities if the facility used population counts to calculate emissions from equipment leaks.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/MissingDataProceduresTableDetails/MissingDataProceduresTableRowDetails/NumberOfHoursco2Emissions 
WW9776V3CH4 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(v)]. This data element is required for LNG storage facilities if the facility used population counts to calculate emissions from equipment leaks.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/MissingDataProceduresTableDetails/MissingDataProceduresTableRowDetails/NumberOfHoursch4Emissions 
WW9778V3CO2 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(iv)]. This data element is required for LNG import and export facilities if the facility used population counts to calculate emissions from equipment leaks.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/MissingDataProceduresTableDetails/MissingDataProceduresTableRowDetails/NumberOfHoursco2Emissions 
WW9779V3CH4 emissions [98.236(r)(1)(v)]. This data element is required for LNG import and export facilities if the facility used population counts to calculate emissions from equipment leaks.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/MissingDataProceduresTableDetails/MissingDataProceduresTableRowDetails/NumberOfHoursch4Emissions 
WW9785V3The {1} industry segment was reported in addition to another industry segment. The facility definition for {1} is exclusive from the other industry segments.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartW/SubPartWReportingFormsDetails/OnshoreRequirementsDetails/MissingDataProceduresTableDetails/MissingDataProceduresTableRowDetails/NumberOfHoursselectedIndustrySegmentNumber 
XALL0001CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveCasNumber'] 
XALL0002Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveChemicalFormula'] 
XCEMSML-1Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have added one or more units monitored by CEMS, but have not yet added a CEMS Monitoring Location (CML). hasCEMSandNoCML 
XCEMSML-2CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have indicated that this unit is monitored by CEMS, but you have not yet associated it with any CEMS Monitoring Locations (CMLs). From the Subpart Overview page, click on the CML Name/Identifier to which this unit exhausts (or use the "ADD a CEMS Monitoring Location" link to create a new one). On the bottom of Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location page, use the "ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location" link to select this unit. hasCEMSandNoCMLUnits 
XCEMSML-3The same name or identifier already exists for this CEMS monitoring location in this facility. Please enter a unique name or identifier. cml 
XCML-027Fraction of nitrous oxide emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionN2oEmissions 
XCML-027aFraction of nitrous oxide emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionN2oEmissions 
XCML-028Fraction of nitrous oxide emissions from CML. The decimal fraction must be between 0 and 1. fractionN2oEmissions 
XCML-038Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalOperatingHrs 
XCML-039The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
XCML-040The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
XCML-041The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas moisture content. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasMoisture 
XCML-043The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This data element is required. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
XCML-046CEMS Monitoring Location process units. You did not select any process unit(s) for this CML. processUnits 
XCML-047Fraction of methane emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionCh4Emissions 
XCML-047aFraction of methane emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionCh4Emissions 
XCML-049Fraction of methane emissions from CML. The decimal fraction must be between 0 and 1. fractionCh4Emissions 
XCML-051Total Non-biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalNonbiogenicCo2emission 
XCML-052Total Biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalBiogenicCo2emission 
XCML-053Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totalch4emission 
XCML-054Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totaln2oemission 
XCML-055Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions measured by the CEMS. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPart ”any”/Tier4CEMSDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMStotalCo2ByCemsOrPart75If a subpart include CEM or Part75 reporting that subpart must include the <Tier4CEMSDetails> node with a <AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMS> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
XCML-056Total annual CO2 mass emissions (biogenic and non-biogenic) measured by the CEMS. This data element must be greater than or equal to biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. totalCo2ByCemsOrPart75 
XCML-057Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This data element is required. totalOperatingHrs 
XCML-058The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This data element is required. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
XCML-059You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. Please revise and make sure the Start Date is earlier than the End Date. methodologyEndDate 
XCML-060Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyStartDate 
XCML-061Configuration type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cemsConfigType 
XCML-062Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyEndDate 
XCML-063Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
XCML-064Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
XCML-065Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
XCML-066Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
XCML-067Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
XCML-068Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
XCML-069Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
XCML-070Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
XCML-071CEMS Monitoring Location Name/ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cmlName 
XCML-072Type(s) of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. fuelsCombusted 
XCML-076Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total methane emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totalch4emission 
XCML-077Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total nitrous oxide emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totaln2oemission 
XCML-078Types of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported fuel(s) and leave the types of fuel field blank, or click CANCEL. fuelsCombusted 
XCML-083Carbon dioxide emissions attributable to combustion. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported emissions and leave the types of emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. combustionCo2Emissions 
XCML-086The Calculation Methodology Start Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
XCML-087The Calculation Methodology Start Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
XCML-088The Calculation Methodology End Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
XCML-089The Calculation Methodology End Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
XIVT-X019vAverage carbon content of liquid feedstock for month(s) [{1}]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. carbonContent 
XIVT-X043vAverage carbon content of liquid product for [{1}]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. carbonContent 
XUM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
XUM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
XX005Type of petrochemical produced. This data element is required. typeOfPetrochemicalProduced 
XX006Annual quantity of the petrochemical produced. This data element is required. annualPetrochemicalProduced 
XX007Annual quantity of the petrochemical produced. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualPetrochemicalProduced 
XX014Annual average flow of wastewater. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualAveWastewater 
XX015Annual average carbon content of wastewater. This value should be reported as a percentage expressed as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualAveCarbonOfWastewater 
XX017Annual mass of carbon released in fugitive emissions not controlled with a combustion device. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualMassFugitiveCarbon 
XX018Annual mass of carbon released in process vents not controlled with a combustion device. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualMassProcessCarbon 
XX020You did not identify any combustion configurations that burned both process off-gas from the petrochemical process unit and supplemental fuel by providing the name/identifier of those configurations as reported under subpart C. This data element is required. combustionUnits 
XX021Name or ID is required. name 
XX022Please select the methodology that is used to estimate the emissions of this petrochemical process unit, or click CANCEL. methodologyType 
XX023Annual quantity of the ethylene produced. This data element is required. annualEthyleneProduced 
XX024Name of feedstock. This data element is required. name 
XX025Name of feedstock. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name of the feedstock in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherNameText 
XX026State of feedstock. This data element is required. state 
XX027Name of product. This data element is required. name 
XX028Name of product. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name of the product in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherNameText 
XX029State of product. This data element is required. state 
XX030Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for January. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].quantityMethod 
XX031Carbon content determination method for feedstock for January. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].ccMethod 
XX032Carbon content determination method for feedstock for January. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX033Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for January. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].altMethod 
XX034Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for feedstock for January. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].altMethodRationale 
XX035Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for January. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].mwAltMethod 
XX036Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for feedstock for January. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX037Temperature at which volume of feedstock was measured for January. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].volumeTemp 
XX038Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for February. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].quantityMethod 
XX039Carbon content determination method for feedstock for February. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].ccMethod 
XX040Carbon content determination method for feedstock for February. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX041Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for February. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].altMethod 
XX042Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for feedstock for February. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].altMethodRationale 
XX043Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for February. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].mwAltMethod 
XX044Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for feedstock for February. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX045Temperature at which volume of feedstock was measured for February. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].volumeTemp 
XX046Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for March. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].quantityMethod 
XX047Carbon content determination method for feedstock for March. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].ccMethod 
XX048Carbon content determination method for feedstock for March. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX049Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for March. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].altMethod 
XX050Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for feedstock for March. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].altMethodRationale 
XX051Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for March. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].mwAltMethod 
XX052Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for feedstock for March. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX053Temperature at which volume of feedstock was measured for March. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].volumeTemp 
XX054Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for April. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].quantityMethod 
XX055Carbon content determination method for feedstock for April. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].ccMethod 
XX056Carbon content determination method for feedstock for April. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX057Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for April. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].altMethod 
XX058Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for feedstock for April. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].altMethodRationale 
XX059Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for April. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].mwAltMethod 
XX060Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for feedstock for April. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX061Temperature at which volume of feedstock was measured for April. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].volumeTemp 
XX062Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for May. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].quantityMethod 
XX063Carbon content determination method for feedstock for May. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].ccMethod 
XX064Carbon content determination method for feedstock for May. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX065Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for May. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].altMethod 
XX066Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for feedstock for May. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].altMethodRationale 
XX067Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for May. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].mwAltMethod 
XX068Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for feedstock for May. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX069Temperature at which volume of feedstock was measured for May. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].volumeTemp 
XX070Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for June. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].quantityMethod 
XX071Carbon content determination method for feedstock for June. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].ccMethod 
XX072Carbon content determination method for feedstock for June. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX073Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for June. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].altMethod 
XX074Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for feedstock for June. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].altMethodRationale 
XX075Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for June. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].mwAltMethod 
XX076Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for feedstock for June. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX077Temperature at which volume of feedstock was measured for June. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].volumeTemp 
XX078Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for July. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].quantityMethod 
XX079Carbon content determination method for feedstock for July. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].ccMethod 
XX080Carbon content determination method for feedstock for July. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX081Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for July. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].altMethod 
XX082Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for feedstock for July. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].altMethodRationale 
XX083Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for July. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].mwAltMethod 
XX084Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for feedstock for July. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX085Temperature at which volume of feedstock was measured for July. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].volumeTemp 
XX086Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for August. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].quantityMethod 
XX087Carbon content determination method for feedstock for August. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].ccMethod 
XX088Carbon content determination method for feedstock for August. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX089Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for August. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].altMethod 
XX090Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for feedstock for August. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].altMethodRationale 
XX091Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for August. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].mwAltMethod 
XX092Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for feedstock for August. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX093Temperature at which volume of feedstock was measured for August. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].volumeTemp 
XX094Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for September. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].quantityMethod 
XX095Carbon content determination method for feedstock for September. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].ccMethod 
XX096Carbon content determination method for feedstock for September. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX097Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for September. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].altMethod 
XX098Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for feedstock for September. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].altMethodRationale 
XX099Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for September. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].mwAltMethod 
XX100Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for feedstock for September. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX101Temperature at which volume of feedstock was measured for September. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].volumeTemp 
XX102Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for October. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].quantityMethod 
XX103Carbon content determination method for feedstock for October. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].ccMethod 
XX104Carbon content determination method for feedstock for October. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX105Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for October. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].altMethod 
XX106Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for feedstock for October. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].altMethodRationale 
XX107Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for October. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].mwAltMethod 
XX108Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for feedstock for October. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX109Temperature at which volume of feedstock was measured for October. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].volumeTemp 
XX110Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for November. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].quantityMethod 
XX111Carbon content determination method for feedstock for November. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].ccMethod 
XX112Carbon content determination method for feedstock for November. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX113Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for November. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].altMethod 
XX114Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for feedstock for November. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].altMethodRationale 
XX115Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for November. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].mwAltMethod 
XX116Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for feedstock for November. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX117Temperature at which volume of feedstock was measured for November. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].volumeTemp 
XX118Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for December. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].quantityMethod 
XX119Carbon content determination method for feedstock for December. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].ccMethod 
XX120Carbon content determination method for feedstock for December. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX121Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for December. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].altMethod 
XX122Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for feedstock for December. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].altMethodRationale 
XX123Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for December. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].mwAltMethod 
XX124Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for feedstock for December. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX125Temperature at which volume of feedstock was measured for December. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].volumeTemp 
XX126Volume or mass measurement method for product for January. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].quantityMethod 
XX127Carbon content determination method for product for January. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].ccMethod 
XX128Carbon content determination method for product for January. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX129Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for January. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].altMethod 
XX130Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for product for January. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].altMethodRationale 
XX131Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for January. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].mwAltMethod 
XX132Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for product for January. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX133Temperature at which volume of product was measured for January. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].volumeTemp 
XX134Volume or mass measurement method for product for February. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].quantityMethod 
XX135Carbon content determination method for product for February. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].ccMethod 
XX136Carbon content determination method for product for February. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX137Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for February. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].altMethod 
XX138Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for product for February. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].altMethodRationale 
XX139Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for February. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].mwAltMethod 
XX140Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for product for February. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX141Temperature at which volume of product was measured for February. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].volumeTemp 
XX142Volume or mass measurement method for product for March. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].quantityMethod 
XX143Carbon content determination method for product for March. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].ccMethod 
XX144Carbon content determination method for product for March. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX145Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for March. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].altMethod 
XX146Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for product for March. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].altMethodRationale 
XX147Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for March. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].mwAltMethod 
XX148Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for product for March. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX149Temperature at which volume of product was measured for March. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].volumeTemp 
XX150Volume or mass measurement method for product for April. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].quantityMethod 
XX151Carbon content determination method for product for April. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].ccMethod 
XX152Carbon content determination method for product for April. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX153Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for April. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].altMethod 
XX154Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for product for April. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].altMethodRationale 
XX155Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for April. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].mwAltMethod 
XX156Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for product for April. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX157Temperature at which volume of product was measured for April. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].volumeTemp 
XX158Volume or mass measurement method for product for May. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].quantityMethod 
XX159Carbon content determination method for product for May. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].ccMethod 
XX160Carbon content determination method for product for May. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX161Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for May. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].altMethod 
XX162Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for product for May. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].altMethodRationale 
XX163Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for May. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].mwAltMethod 
XX164Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for product for May. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX165Temperature at which volume of product was measured for May. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].volumeTemp 
XX166Volume or mass measurement method for product for June. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].quantityMethod 
XX167Carbon content determination method for product for June. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].ccMethod 
XX168Carbon content determination method for product for June. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX169Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for June. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].altMethod 
XX170Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for product for June. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].altMethodRationale 
XX171Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for June. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].mwAltMethod 
XX172Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for product for June. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX173Temperature at which volume of product was measured for June. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].volumeTemp 
XX174Volume or mass measurement method for product for July. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].quantityMethod 
XX175Carbon content determination method for product for July. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].ccMethod 
XX176Carbon content determination method for product for July. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX177Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for July. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].altMethod 
XX178Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for product for July. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].altMethodRationale 
XX179Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for July. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].mwAltMethod 
XX180Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for product for July. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX181Temperature at which volume of product was measured for July. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].volumeTemp 
XX182Volume or mass measurement method for product for August. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].quantityMethod 
XX183Carbon content determination method for product for August. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].ccMethod 
XX184Carbon content determination method for product for August. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX185Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for August. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].altMethod 
XX186Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for product for August. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].altMethodRationale 
XX187Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for August. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].mwAltMethod 
XX188Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for product for August. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX189Temperature at which volume of product was measured for August. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].volumeTemp 
XX190Volume or mass measurement method for product for September. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].quantityMethod 
XX191Carbon content determination method for product for September. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].ccMethod 
XX192Carbon content determination method for product for September. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX193Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for September. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].altMethod 
XX194Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for product for September. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].altMethodRationale 
XX195Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for September. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].mwAltMethod 
XX196Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for product for September. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX197Temperature at which volume of product was measured for September. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].volumeTemp 
XX198Volume or mass measurement method for product for October. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].quantityMethod 
XX199Carbon content determination method for product for October. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].ccMethod 
XX200Carbon content determination method for product for October. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX201Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for October. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].altMethod 
XX202Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for product for October. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].altMethodRationale 
XX203Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for October. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].mwAltMethod 
XX204Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for product for October. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX205Temperature at which volume of product was measured for October. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].volumeTemp 
XX206Volume or mass measurement method for product for November. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].quantityMethod 
XX207Carbon content determination method for product for November. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].ccMethod 
XX208Carbon content determination method for product for November. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX209Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for November. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].altMethod 
XX210Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for product for November. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].altMethodRationale 
XX211Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for November. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].mwAltMethod 
XX212Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for product for November. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX213Temperature at which volume of product was measured for November. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].volumeTemp 
XX214Volume or mass measurement method for product for December. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].quantityMethod 
XX215Carbon content determination method for product for December. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].ccMethod 
XX216Carbon content determination method for product for December. You selected "Industry standard practice for carbon black" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the practice in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX217Name or title of carbon content determination alternative method for December. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].altMethod 
XX218Explanation as to why alternative carbon content determination method was needed for product for December. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].altMethodRationale 
XX219Name or title of molecular weight determination alternative method for December. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the name or title of the alternative method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].mwAltMethod 
XX220Explanation as to why alternative molecular weight determination method was needed for product for December. You selected "98.244(b)(4)(xv)(B) alternative method" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide an explanation as to why the alternative method was needed. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].mwAltMethodRationale 
XX221Temperature at which volume of product was measured for December. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].volumeTemp 
XX222The annual quantity of carbon-containing feedstock fed to the ethylene process unit. This data element is required. annualQuantity 
XX223The annual quantity of carbon-containing feedstock fed to the ethylene process unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualQuantity 
XX224The fraction of the total emissions attributable to combustion of off-gas from the ethylene process unit. This data element is required. fraction 
XX225The fraction of the total emissions attributable to combustion of off-gas from the ethylene process unit. This value should be reported as a percentage expressed as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. fraction 
XX226The type of carbon-containing feedstock fed to the ethylene process unit. This data element is required. type 
XX227The type of carbon-containing feedstock fed to the ethylene process unit. You selected "Other" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the type in the text box provided. This data element is required. otherTypeText 
XX228The configuration name or identifier of Subpart C stationary combustion configuration that burns process off-gas from the ethylene process unit. This data element is required. name 
XX282Type of petrochemical produced. This data element is required. feedStockType 
XX283Annual quantity of the petrochemical produced. This data element is required. petrochemialProduced 
XX284Annual quantity of the petrochemical produced. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. petrochemialProduced 
XX289Annual quantity of the ethylene produced. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualEthyleneProduced 
XX298Unit of measure for total annual wastewater flow. You have entered the total annual flow of wastewater. You must enter the unit of measure for total annual wastewater flow or remove the total annual flow of wastewater. annualAveWastewater 
XX299Annual average carbon content of wastewater. You have entered the total annual flow of wastewater. You must enter the annual average carbon content of wastewater or remove the total annual flow of wastewater. annualAveWastewater 
XX300Total annual flow of wastewater. You have entered the unit of measure for total annual wastewater flow. You must enter the total annual flow of wastewater or remove the unit of measure for total annual wastewater flow. measureUnitOfAnnualAveWastewater 
XX301Annual average carbon content of wastewater. You have entered the unit of measure for total annual wastewater flow. You must enter the annual average carbon content of wastewater or remove the unit of measure for total annual wastewater flow. measureUnitOfAnnualAveWastewater 
XX302Total annual flow of wastewater. You have entered the annual average carbon content of wastewater. You must enter the total annual flow of wastewater or remove the annual average carbon content of wastewater. annualAveCarbonOfWastewater 
XX303Unit of measure for total annual wastewater flow. You have entered the annual average carbon content of wastewater. You must enter the unit of measure for total annual wastewater flow or remove the annual average carbon content of wastewater. annualAveCarbonOfWastewater 
XX310You have selected Subpart X for reporting, but you have not yet added a petrochemical process unit. none 
XX311You have elected to use the mass balance methodology to estimate emissions from a petrochemical process unit, but you have not added a carbon-containing feedstock. subPartXFeedstockBeanList 
XX312You have elected to use the mass balance methodology to estimate emissions from a petrochemical process unit, but you have not added a carbon-containing product. subPartXProductBeanList 
XX313You have elected to use the ethylene combustion methodology to estimate emissions from a petrochemical process unit, but you have not added a carbon-containing feedstock. subPartXEthyleneFeedstockBeanList 
XX314You have elected to use the ethylene combustion methodology to estimate emissions from a petrochemical process unit, but you have not added a subpart C stationary combustion configuration that burns off-gas from the ethylene process unit. subPartXEthyleneStationaryUnitBeanList 
XX315Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for January. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].quantityMethodOther 
XX316Carbon content determination method for feedstock for January. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX317Molecular weight determination method for January. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].mwMethodOther 
XX318Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for February. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].quantityMethodOther 
XX319Carbon content determination method for feedstock for February. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX320Molecular weight determination method for February. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].mwMethodOther 
XX321Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for March. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].quantityMethodOther 
XX322Carbon content determination method for feedstock for March. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX323Molecular weight determination method for March. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].mwMethodOther 
XX324Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for April. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].quantityMethodOther 
XX325Carbon content determination method for feedstock for April. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX326Molecular weight determination method for April. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].mwMethodOther 
XX327Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for May. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].quantityMethodOther 
XX328Carbon content determination method for feedstock for May. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX329Molecular weight determination method for May. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].mwMethodOther 
XX330Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for June. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].quantityMethodOther 
XX331Carbon content determination method for feedstock for June. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX332Molecular weight determination method for June. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].mwMethodOther 
XX333Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for July. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].quantityMethodOther 
XX334Carbon content determination method for feedstock for July. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX335Molecular weight determination method for July. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].mwMethodOther 
XX336Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for August. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].quantityMethodOther 
XX337Carbon content determination method for feedstock for August. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX338Molecular weight determination method for August. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].mwMethodOther 
XX339Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for September. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].quantityMethodOther 
XX340Carbon content determination method for feedstock for September. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX341Molecular weight determination method for September. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].mwMethodOther 
XX342Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for October. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].quantityMethodOther 
XX343Carbon content determination method for feedstock for October. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX344Molecular weight determination method for October. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].mwMethodOther 
XX345Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for November. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].quantityMethodOther 
XX346Carbon content determination method for feedstock for November. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX347Molecular weight determination method for November. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].mwMethodOther 
XX348Volume or mass measurement method for feedstock for December. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].quantityMethodOther 
XX349Carbon content determination method for feedstock for December. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX350Molecular weight determination method for December. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].mwMethodOther 
XX351Volume or mass measurement method for product for January. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].quantityMethodOther 
XX352Carbon content determination method for product for January. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX353Molecular weight determination method for January. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].mwMethodOther 
XX354Volume or mass measurement method for product for February. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].quantityMethodOther 
XX355Carbon content determination method for product for February. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX356Molecular weight determination method for February. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].mwMethodOther 
XX357Volume or mass measurement method for product for March. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].quantityMethodOther 
XX358Carbon content determination method for product for March. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX359Molecular weight determination method for March. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].mwMethodOther 
XX360Volume or mass measurement method for product for April. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].quantityMethodOther 
XX361Carbon content determination method for product for April. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX362Molecular weight determination method for April. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].mwMethodOther 
XX363Volume or mass measurement method for product for May. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].quantityMethodOther 
XX364Carbon content determination method for product for May. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX365Molecular weight determination method for May. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].mwMethodOther 
XX366Volume or mass measurement method for product for June. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].quantityMethodOther 
XX367Carbon content determination method for product for June. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX368Molecular weight determination method for June. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].mwMethodOther 
XX369Volume or mass measurement method for product for July. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].quantityMethodOther 
XX370Carbon content determination method for product for July. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX371Molecular weight determination method for July. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].mwMethodOther 
XX372Volume or mass measurement method for product for August. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].quantityMethodOther 
XX373Carbon content determination method for product for August. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX374Molecular weight determination method for August. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].mwMethodOther 
XX375Volume or mass measurement method for product for September. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].quantityMethodOther 
XX376Carbon content determination method for product for September. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX377Molecular weight determination method for September. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].mwMethodOther 
XX378Volume or mass measurement method for product for October. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].quantityMethodOther 
XX379Carbon content determination method for product for October. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX380Molecular weight determination method for October. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].mwMethodOther 
XX381Volume or mass measurement method for product for November. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].quantityMethodOther 
XX382Carbon content determination method for product for November. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX383Molecular weight determination method for November. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].mwMethodOther 
XX384Volume or mass measurement method for product for December. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].quantityMethodOther 
XX385Carbon content determination method for product for December. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].ccMethodOtherText 
XX386Molecular weight determination method for December. You selected "Other (specify)" from the pick list provided, but failed to specify the method in the text box provided. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].mwMethodOther 
XX387Unit of measure for total annual wastewater flow. The units of measure \'kg\' and \'gal\' are the only permitted values. Please use one of these two values, or click CANCEL. measureUnitOfAnnualAveWastewater 
XX423Feedstock name or identifier. This data element is required. id 
XX424Product name or identifier. This data element is required. id 
XX425Product or feedstock indicator. This data element is required. feedstockOrProduct 
XX427Process used if the facility is conducting a mass balance to monitor Ethylene dichloride. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. typeOfEthyleneDichlorideProduced 
XX428Annual quantity of the intermediate Ethylene dichloride produced. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualIntermediateEthyleneDichlorideProduced 
XX429Annual quantity of the intermediate Ethylene dichloride produced. This data element is required. annualIntermediateEthyleneDichlorideProduced 
XX431The annual quantity of the petrochemical produced [{1} metric tons] is not the same as the total amount of carbon-containing product for the petrochemical product stream [{2} metric tons]. Please correct this critical error. annualPetrochemicalQuantitiesDifferent 
XX432Indicate whether the feedstock is measured as mass or volume. This data element is required. massOrVolume 
XX433Indicate whether the product is measured as mass or volume. This data element is required. massOrVolume 
XX434Molecular weight determination method for January. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].mwMethod 
XX435Molecular weight determination method for February. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].mwMethod 
XX436Molecular weight determination method for March. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].mwMethod 
XX437Molecular weight determination method for April. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].mwMethod 
XX438Molecular weight determination method for May. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].mwMethod 
XX439Molecular weight determination method for June. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].mwMethod 
XX440Molecular weight determination method for July. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].mwMethod 
XX441Molecular weight determination method for August. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].mwMethod 
XX442Molecular weight determination method for September. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].mwMethod 
XX443Molecular weight determination method for October. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].mwMethod 
XX444Molecular weight determination method for November. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].mwMethod 
XX445Molecular weight determination method for December. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].mwMethod 
XX446Molecular weight determination method for January. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['January'].mwMethod 
XX447Molecular weight determination method for February. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['February'].mwMethod 
XX448Molecular weight determination method for March. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['March'].mwMethod 
XX449Molecular weight determination method for April. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['April'].mwMethod 
XX450Molecular weight determination method for May. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['May'].mwMethod 
XX451Molecular weight determination method for June. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['June'].mwMethod 
XX452Molecular weight determination method for July. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['July'].mwMethod 
XX453Molecular weight determination method for August. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['August'].mwMethod 
XX454Molecular weight determination method for September. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['September'].mwMethod 
XX455Molecular weight determination method for October. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['October'].mwMethod 
XX456Molecular weight determination method for November. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['November'].mwMethod 
XX457Molecular weight determination method for December. This data element is required. feedstockProductMap['December'].mwMethod 
XX458The annual quantity of the petrochemical produced [{1} metric tons] is not the same as the total amount of carbon-containing product for the petrochemical product stream [{2} metric tons]. Please correct this critical error. annualPetrochemicalQuantitiesDifferent 
XX460You have reported {1} for the MassBalanceDetails/XProductDetails/PetroChemicalProductType node. This is a valid enumerated value in the schema, but is for use in a different reporting year. This value is not permitted for Reporting Year 2019 or any prior Reporting Year. For Reporting Year 2019 or any prior Reporting Year, you must report \'Ethylene dichloride\' in the \'PetroChemicalProductType\' node. You must correct the current value before continuing. typeOfPetrochemicalProduced 
XX461You have reported {1} for the MassBalanceDetails/XProductDetails/PetroChemicalProductType node. This is a valid enumerated value in the schema, but is for use in a different reporting year. This value is not permitted for Reporting Year 2020 or any following Reporting Year. For Reporting Year 2020 or any following Reporting Year, you must report \'Ethylene dichloride (stand-alone EDC process)\' or \'Ethylene dichloride (integrated EDC/VCM process)\' in the \'PetroChemicalProductType\' node, as appropriate. You must correct the current value before continuing. typeOfPetrochemicalProduced 
XX501The annual CH4 emissions for the subpart [{1} metric tons] is less than the minimum expected value of 0 metric tons. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['subpartXAnnualCH4'] 
XX503The annual N2O emissions for the subpart [{1} metric tons] is less than the minimum expected value of 0 metric tons. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['subpartXAnnualN2O'] 
XX505The N2O to CH4 emissions ratio [{1}] for combustion of fuel gas in the combustion configuration [{2}] differs from the expected value of 0.2. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['n2OToCH4Ratio'] 
XX518The sum of the average CO2 concentration [{1}%] and the average concentration of other carbon compounds [{2}%] in the flare gas for flare [{3}] exceeds 100 percent. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[annualAvgCO2Concentration] 
XX532The annual CO2 emissions for Subpart X have not been reported. In your report, within Subpart X, Gas Information Details, "Carbon Dioxide" has not been reported. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[subpartXAnnualCO2] 
XX533Twelve months of details for the {1} [{2}] at the unit [{3}] have not been reported. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[monthlyDetailsCount] 
XX534CO2 data from CEMS have been reported (see &lt;XTier4CEMSDetails&gt;), but no units have been reported using the CEMS methodology (&lt;CEMSUnitDetails&gt;). Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[cemsUnitDetailsFlag] 
XX535Units that use the CEMS methodology have been reported (see &lt;CEMSUnitDetails&gt;), but no CEMS emissions data have been reported (&lt;XTier4CEMSDetails&gt;). Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[cemsUnitDetailsFlag] 
XX536You reported a fuel type of [{1}] and a CEMS monitoring location configuration type of [{2}] for CEMS monitoring location [{3}]. If emissions from a combustion unit, including a combustion unit that burns only off-gas from a petrochemical process unit (i.e., fuel gas), are monitored by the CEMS, then you should report using the \'combined process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. If no combustion emissions are monitored by the CEMS, then you should not report a fuel type. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[locationFuel] 
XX537The units of measure [{1}] for the annual quantity of the feedstock [{2}] used at the ethylene unit [{3}] is missing or invalid. It should be Metric Tons. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[feedstockAnnualQuantity] 
XX538The units of measure [{1}] for the annual quantity of the product [{2}] used at the ethylene unit [{3}] is missing or invalid. It should be Metric Tons. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[productAnnualQuantity] 
XX539Equation Y-1a details for the flare [{1}] have not been reported. Based on the information available to us, it appears that this data element is required per 98.256(e)(6). Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[co2EmissionsCalculationMethod] 
XX540Equation Y-1b details for the flare [{1}] have not been reported. Based on the information available to us, it appears that this data element is required per 98.256(e)(7). Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[co2EmissionsCalculationMethod] 
XX541Equation Y-2 details for the flare [{1}] have not been reported. Based on the information available to us, it appears that this data element is required per 98.256(e)(8). Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[co2EmissionsCalculationMethod] 
XX552For the flare [{1}] you have reported {2} as the unit of measure for the Annual volume of flare gas combusted (the EmissionsDetails/ Y2EquationDetails/ AnnualVolumeofFlareGas node). While this is an enumerated value in the schema, for Equation Y-2 this volume must be reported in terms of MMscf. You must correct this before continuing. annualFlareGasVolumeUOM 
XX553For the flare [{1}] you have reported {2} as the unit of measure for the Annual average higher heating value of the flare gas combusted (the EmissionsDetails/ Y2EquationDetails/ AnnualAverageHigherHeatingValue node). While this is an enumerated value in the schema, for Equation Y-2 this value must be reported in terms of MMBtu/MMscf. You must correct this before continuing. avgHighHeatingUOM 
XY192Type of flare. This data element is required. Please make a selection. flareType 
XY193Flare service type. This data element is required. Please make a selection. flareServiceType 
XY194Flare service type. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. flareServiceTypeOther 
XY195Method used to calculate the CO2 emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodCo2 
XY196Equation Y-1a Inputs Method. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. equationY1aInputsMethod 
XY201Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
XY202Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
XY204Frequency of measurement data. This data element is required. Please make a selection. measurementFrequency 
XY205Annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolume 
XY206Annual volume of flare gas combusted. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolume 
XY208Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
XY209Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
XY211Annual average molecular weight. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgMolecularWeight 
XY212Annual average molecular weight. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgMolecularWeight 
XY214Method(s) used to determine the molecular weight of the flare gas. This data element is required. avgMolecularWeightMethods 
XY215Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average molecular weight of the flare gas. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgMolecularWeightDaysMissingProcedures 
XY216Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average molecular weight of the flare gas. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgMolecularWeightDaysMissingProcedures 
XY218Annual average carbon content of the flare gas. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgCarbonContent 
XY219Annual average carbon content of the flare gas. This value should be reported as a percentage expressed as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgCarbonContent 
XY221Method(s) used to determine the carbon content of the flare gas. This data element is required. avgCarbonContentMethods 
XY222Number of days missing data procedures were used for average carbon content of the flare gas. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgCarbonContentDaysMissingProcedures 
XY223Number of days missing data procedures were used for average carbon content of the flare gas. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgCarbonContentDaysMissingProcedures 
XY225Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
XY226Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
XY228Frequency of measurement data. This data element is required. Please make a selection. measurementFrequency 
XY229Annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolume 
XY230Annual volume of flare gas combusted. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolume 
XY232Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
XY233Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
XY235Annual average CO2 concentration. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgCo2Concentration 
XY236Annual average CO2 concentration. This value should be reported as a percentage expression, and should be within the range of 0 to 100 (percent). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgCo2Concentration 
XY238Method used to determine the annual average CO2 concentration. This data element is required. avgCo2ConcentrationBasis 
XY239Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average CO2 concentration. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgCo2ConcentrationDaysMissingProcedures 
XY240Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average CO2 concentration. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgCo2ConcentrationDaysMissingProcedures 
XY242Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
XY243Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
XY245Frequency of measurement data. This data element is required. Please make a selection. measurementFrequency 
XY246Annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolume 
XY247Annual volume of flare gas combusted. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolume 
XY249Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
XY250Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
XY252Conditions on which the annual volume of flare gas was determined. This data element is required. Please make a selection. annualFlareGasVolumeConditions 
XY253Annual average higher heating value of the flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgHighHeatingValue 
XY254Annual average higher heating value of the flare gas combusted. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgHighHeatingValue 
XY256Method used to determine the annual average higher heating value. This data element is required. avgHighHeatingValueBasis 
XY257Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average higher heating value. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgHighHeatingValueDaysMissingProcedures 
XY258Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average higher heating value. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgHighHeatingValueDaysMissingProcedures 
XY260Conditions on which the annual average higher heating value was determined. This data element is required. Please make a selection. avgHighHeatingValueConditions 
XY261Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
XY262Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
XY264Total number of start-up, shutdown, or malfunction (SSM) events exceeding 500,000 scf/day. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. numberOfSSMEventsExceeding500K 
XY265Total number of start-up, shutdown, or malfunction (SSM) events exceeding 500,000 scf/day. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfSSMEventsExceeding500K 
XY423Annual average concentration of each carbon-containing compound (other than CO2). This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. annualAverageConcentration 
XY424Annual average concentration of each carbon-containing compound (other than CO2). This value should be reported as a percentage expression, and should be within the range of 0 to 100 (percent). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualAverageConcentration 
XY426Method(s) used to determine the annual average concentration of the carbon-containing compound(s). This data element is required. annualAverageConcentrationMethods 
XY426aMethod(s) used to determine the annual average concentration of the carbon-containing compound(s). You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. annualAverageConcentrationMethodsOther 
XY427Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average concentration of carbon in the compound. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. annualAverageConcentrationDaysMissingProcedures 
XY428Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average concentration of carbon in the compound. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualAverageConcentrationDaysMissingProcedures 
XY431Annual CH4 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
XY436Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. This data element is required. Please make a selection. carbonFractionBasis 
XY437Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. carbonFractionBasisOther 
XY438Annual N2O emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedN2o 
XY439Annual N2O emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
XY442Carbon-containing compound (other than carbon dioxide) in flare gas stream. You must enter at least one carbon-containing compound other than carbon dioxide in flare gas stream. This is a required field. carbonCompounds 
XY452Method(s) used to determine the molecular weight of the flare gas. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgMolecularWeightMethodsOther 
XY453Method(s) used to determine the carbon content of the flare gas. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgCarbonContentMethodsOther 
XY454Method used to determine the annual average CO2 concentration. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgCo2ConcentrationBasisOther 
XY455Method used to determine the annual average higher heating value. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgHighHeatingValueBasisOther 
XY491Flare type. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. flareTypeOther 
XY495Specific consensus-based standard method or describe the procedure specified by the flow meter manufacturer. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. flowMeterProcedure 
XY496Specific consensus-based standard method or describe the procedure specified by the flow meter manufacturer. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. flowMeterProcedure 
XY497Specific consensus-based standard method or describe the procedure specified by the flow meter manufacturer. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. flowMeterProcedure 
XY505Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. carbonFractionBasisOther 
XY506Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. carbonFractionBasisOther 
XY507Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. carbonFractionBasisOther 
XY513Annual CH4 emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCh4 
XY514Annual CH4 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
XY515Annual CH4 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
XY516Annual CH4 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
XY517Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. This data element is required. Please make a selection. carbonFractionBasis 
XY518Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. This data element is required. Please make a selection. carbonFractionBasis 
XY519Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. This data element is required. Please make a selection. carbonFractionBasis 
XY520Annual N2O emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedN2o 
XY521Annual N2O emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedN2o 
XY522Annual N2O emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedN2o 
XY526Annual N2O emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
XY527Annual N2O emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
XY528Annual N2O emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
XY555Is the flare serviced by a flare gas recovery system? This data element is required. Please make a selection. isTheFlareServicedByFlareGasRecoverySystem 
XY590Annual mass of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasMass 
XY591Annual mass of flare gas combusted. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasMass 
XY593Method(s) used to determine the mass of flare gas. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. massFlareGasMethods 
XY594Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual mass of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasMassDaysMissingProcedures 
XY595Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual mass of flare gas combusted. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasMassDaysMissingProcedures 
YALL0001CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveCasNumber'] 
YALL0002Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. transientData['doesNotHaveChemicalFormula'] 
YCEMSML-1Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have added one or more units monitored by CEMS, but have not yet added a CEMS Monitoring Location (CML). hasCEMSandNoCML 
YCEMSML-2CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have indicated that this unit is monitored by CEMS, but you have not yet associated it with any CEMS Monitoring Locations (CMLs). From the Subpart Overview page, click on the CML Name/Identifier to which this unit exhausts (or use the "ADD a CEMS Monitoring Location" link to create a new one). On the bottom of Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location page, use the "ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location" link to select this unit. hasCEMSandNoCMLUnits 
YCEMSML-3The same name or identifier already exists for this CEMS monitoring location in this facility. Please enter a unique name or identifier. cml 
YCML-027aFraction of nitrous oxide emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionN2oEmissions 
YCML-029Carbon dioxide emissions attributable to process. This data element is required. processCo2Emissions 
YCML-031Carbon dioxide emissions attributable to combustion. This data element is required. combustionCo2Emissions 
YCML-038Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalOperatingHrs 
YCML-039The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
YCML-040The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
YCML-041The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas moisture content. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasMoisture 
YCML-043The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This data element is required. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
YCML-046CEMS Monitoring Location process units. You did not select any process unit(s) for this CML. processUnits 
YCML-047aFraction of methane emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionCh4Emissions 
YCML-051Total Non-biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalNonbiogenicCo2emission 
YCML-052Total Biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalBiogenicCo2emission 
YCML-053Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totalch4emission 
YCML-054Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totaln2oemission 
YCML-055Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions measured by the CEMS. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPart ”any”/Tier4CEMSDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMStotalCo2ByCemsOrPart75If a subpart include CEM or Part75 reporting that subpart must include the <Tier4CEMSDetails> node with a <AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMS> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
YCML-056Total annual CO2 mass emissions (biogenic and non-biogenic) measured by the CEMS. This data element must be greater than or equal to biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. totalCo2ByCemsOrPart75 
YCML-057Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This data element is required. totalOperatingHrs 
YCML-058The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This data element is required. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
YCML-059You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. Please revise and make sure the Start Date is earlier than the End Date. methodologyEndDate 
YCML-060Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyStartDate 
YCML-061Configuration type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cemsConfigType 
YCML-062Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyEndDate 
YCML-063Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
YCML-064Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
YCML-065Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
YCML-066Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
YCML-067Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
YCML-068Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
YCML-069Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
YCML-070Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
YCML-071CEMS Monitoring Location Name/ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cmlName 
YCML-072Type(s) of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. fuelsCombusted 
YCML-076Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total methane emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totalch4emission 
YCML-077Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total nitrous oxide emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totaln2oemission 
YCML-078Types of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported fuel(s) and leave the types of fuel field blank, or click CANCEL. fuelsCombusted 
YCML-083Carbon dioxide emissions attributable to combustion. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported emissions and leave the types of emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. combustionCo2Emissions 
YCML-086The Calculation Methodology Start Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
YCML-087The Calculation Methodology Start Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
YCML-088The Calculation Methodology End Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
YCML-089The Calculation Methodology End Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
YIVT-Y5032Internal height of delayed coking unit vessel. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. hdrumInputValue 
YIVT-Y5035Typical distance from the top of the delayed coking unit vessel to the top of the coke bed (i.e., coke drum outage) at the end of the coking cycle from company records or engineering estimates. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. houtageInputValue 
YIVT-Y5038Diameter of delayed coking unit vessel. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. diameterY18aInputValue 
YIVT-Y5041Typical distance from the bottom of the coking unit vessel to the top of the water level at the end of the cooling cycle just prior to atmospheric venting from company records or engineering estimates. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. hwaterInputValue 
YIVT-Y5042Typical distance from the bottom of the coking unit vessel to the top of the water level at the end of the cooling cycle just prior to atmospheric venting from company records or engineering estimates. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. hwaterInputValue 
YIVT-Y5044Diameter of delayed coking unit vessel. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. diameterY18bInputValue 
YIVT-Y5047Typical dry mass of coke in the delayed coking unit vessel at the end of the coking cycle as determined in paragraph (i)(1) of this section. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. mcokeInputValue 
YIVT-Y5048Temperature of the delayed coking unit vessel overhead line measured as near the coking unit vessel as practical just prior to venting to the atmosphere. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. toverheadInputValue 
YIVT-Y5051Temperature of the delayed coking unit vessel near the bottom of the coke bed. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. tbottomInputValue 
YIVT-Y5054Pressure of the delayed coking unit vessel just prior to opening the atmospheric vent. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. poverheadInputValue 
YIVT-Y5055Pressure of the delayed coking unit vessel just prior to opening the atmospheric vent. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. poverheadInputValue 
YIVT-Y5057Cumulative number of decoking cycles (or coke-cutting cycles) for all delayed coking unit vessels associated with the delayed coking unit during the year. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. numberInputValue 
YIVT-Y5058Cumulative number of decoking cycles (or coke-cutting cycles) for all delayed coking unit vessels associated with the delayed coking unit during the year. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberInputValue 
YIVT-Y5060Methane emission factor for delayed coking unit from unit-specific measurement data. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. emfdcuInputValue 
YIVT-Y5063Mass of water in the delayed coking unit vessel at the end of the cooling cycle just prior to atmospheric venting. This data element is required. mwaterOutputValue 
YIVT-Y5064Typical dry mass of coke in the delayed coking unit vessel at the end of the coking cycle as determined in paragraph (i)(1) of this section. This data element is required. mcokeOutputValue 
YIVT-Y5065Average temperature of the delayed coking unit vessel when the drum is first vented to the atmosphere as determined in paragraph (i)(3) of this section. This data element is required. tinitialOutputValue 
YIVT-Y5067Enter Own result for Annual CH4 emissions from delayed coking unit. This data element is required if you select Enter/Report Alternate Result. officialUnroundedCh4 
YIVT-Y5068Annual CH4 emissions from this delayed coking unit. The calculated value is less than zero. officialUnroundedCh4 
YIVT-Y5069Internal height of delayed coking unit vessel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. hdrumInputValue 
YIVT-Y5070Typical distance from the top of the delayed coking unit vessel to the top of the coke bed (i.e., coke drum outage) at the end of the coking cycle from company records or engineering estimates. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. houtageInputValue 
YIVT-Y5071Diameter of delayed coking unit vessel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. diameterY18aInputValue 
YIVT-Y5072Diameter of delayed coking unit vessel. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. diameterY18bInputValue 
YIVT-Y5073Typical dry mass of coke in the delayed coking unit vessel at the end of the coking cycle as determined in paragraph (i)(1) of this section. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. mcokeInputValue 
YIVT-Y5074Temperature of the delayed coking unit vessel near the bottom of the coke bed. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. tbottomInputValue 
YIVT-Y5075Methane emission factor for delayed coking unit from unit-specific measurement data. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. emfdcuInputValue 
YIVT-Y5076Temperature of the delayed coking unit vessel overhead line measured as near the coking unit vessel as practical just prior to venting to the atmosphere. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. toverheadInputValue 
YIVT-Y5077You have not yet added any equation inputs data for the CH4 emissions from this delayed coking unit. Please use the Inputs Verifier Tool to enter equation inputs and calculate a result for this facility. systemCalculatedUnroundedCh4 
YUM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
YUM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
YY000You have selected Subpart Y for reporting, but you have not yet indicated if the facility sends a sour gas stream off-site for sulfur recovery. This data element is required. Please make a selection. hasSourGasSentOffsite 
YY002Control device used to reduce methane (and other organic) emissions from the unit. This data element is required. controlDeviceCh4Reduction 
YY003Control device used to reduce methane (and other organic) emissions from the unit. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. controlDeviceCh4ReductionOther 
YY005Method used to calculate the CO2 emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodCo2 
YY006Annual CO2 emissions from this asphalt blowing unit. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY007Annual CO2 emissions from this asphalt blowing unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY009Basis for the CO2 emissions factor. This data element is required. efCo2Basis 
YY010Basis for the CO2 emission factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. efCo2BasisOther 
YY011Annual CH4 emissions from this asphalt blowing unit. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY012Annual CH4 emissions from this asphalt blowing unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY014Basis for the CH4 emission factor. This data element is required. efCh4Basis 
YY015Basis for the CH4 emission factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. efCh4BasisOther 
YY016Annual CO2 emissions from this asphalt blowing unit. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY017Annual CO2 emissions from this asphalt blowing unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY019Basis for the carbon emission factor. This data element is required. efCBasis 
YY020Basis for the carbon emission factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. efCBasisOther 
YY021Annual CH4 emissions rate from this asphalt blowing unit. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY022Annual CH4 emissions rate from this asphalt blowing unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY024Basis for the CH4 emission factor. This data element is required. efCh4Basis 
YY025Basis for the CH4 emission factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. efCh4BasisOther 
YY026Annual CO2 emissions from this asphalt blowing unit. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY027Annual CO2 emissions from this asphalt blowing unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY029Basis for the CO2 emission factor. This data element is required. efCo2Basis 
YY030Basis for the CO2 emission factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. efCo2BasisOther 
YY031Basis for the carbon emission factor. This data element is required. efCBasis 
YY032Basis for the carbon emission factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. efCBasisOther 
YY033Annual CH4 emissions from this asphalt blowing unit. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY034Annual CH4 emissions from this asphalt blowing unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY036Basis for the CH4 emission factor. This data element is required. efCh4Basis 
YY037Basis for the CH4 emission factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. efCh4BasisOther 
YY038You have selected Subpart Y for reporting, but you have not yet selected an Uncontrolled Blowdown Systems calculation method. This data element is required. Please make a selection. calculationMethod 
YY039Annual CH4 emissions from uncontrolled blowdown systems. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY040Annual CH4 emissions from blowdown systems. The value you have provided is more than the largest value EPA expects to be reported for this data element (values expected to be between 0 and 1000, metric tons). Please double check this value and the units of measure and revise, if necessary. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY042Basis for the methane emission factor value. This data element is required. eFBDBasis 
YY043Annual volumetric flow discharged to the atmosphere. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. volumetricFlowRate 
YY044Annual volumetric flow discharged to the atmosphere. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. volumetricFlowRate 
YY046Method used to measure or estimate the annual volumetric flow rate. This data element is required. volumetricFlowRateBasis 
YY047Method used to measure or estimate the annual volumetric flow rate. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. volumetricFlowRateBasisOther 
YY049Number of cumulative venting events for all relevant vents, if vents are intermittent. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numVentingEvents 
YY051Cumulative venting time for all relevant vents. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. cumulativeVentingTime 
YY052Cumulative venting time for all relevant vents. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. cumulativeVentingTime 
YY055Please indicate if this unit is monitored by a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS), or click CANCEL. hasCEMS 
YY057Maximum rated throughput of the coke calcining unit. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ratedThroughput 
YY058Maximum rated throughput of the coke calcining unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ratedThroughput 
YY060Method used to calculate the CH4 emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodCh4 
YY061Method used to calculate the N2O emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodN2o 
YY062Please indicate if this unit is monitored by a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS), or click CANCEL. hasCEMS 
YY063Method used to calculate CH4 emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodCh4 
YY064Method used to calculate N2O emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodN2o 
YY065Annual CO2 emissions from this coke calcining unit. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY068Method used to measure the annual carbon content of green coke fed to the unit. This data element is required. mInCarbonMeasureMethod 
YY069Method used to measure the annual carbon content of marketable coke produced. This data element is required. mOutCarbonMeasureMethod 
YY070Description of coke dust recycling for the unit. This data element is required. cokeDustRecyclingMethod 
YY071Annual CH4 emissions from this coke calcining unit. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY072Annual CH4 emissions from this coke calcining unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY075Basis for the CH4 emission factor. This data element is required. unitEfCh4Basis 
YY076Basis for the CH4 emission factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. unitEfCh4BasisOther 
YY077Annual N2O emissions from this coke calcining unit. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedN2o 
YY078Annual N2O emissions from this coke calcining unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
YY080Basis for the N2O emission factor. This data element is required. unitEfN2oBasis 
YY081Basis for the N2O emission factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. unitEfN2oBasisOther 
YY084Please indicate if this unit is monitored by a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS), or click CANCEL. hasCEMS 
YY086Maximum rated throughput of the unit. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ratedThroughput 
YY087Maximum rated throughput of the unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ratedThroughput 
YY089Method used to calculate the CO2 emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodCo2 
YY090Method used to calculate the CH4 emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodCh4 
YY091Method used to calculate the N2O emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodN2o 
YY092Please indicate if this unit is monitored by a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS), or click CANCEL. hasCEMS 
YY093Method used to calculate the CO2 emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodCo2 
YY094Method used to calculate the CH4 emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodCh4 
YY095Method used to calculate the N2O emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodN2o 
YY096Annual CO2 emissions from this fluid catalytic cracking unit. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY097Annual CO2 emissions from this fluid catalytic cracking unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY099Total number of regeneration cycles or measurement periods. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. numberOfRegenerationCycles 
YY100Total number of regeneration cycles or measurement periods. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfRegenerationCycles 
YY102Are the GHG emissions from the low heat value gas accounted for in Subpart C? This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. lowHeatValueAccountedForInSpC 
YY103Basis for the carbon content value. This data element is required. carbonContentBasis 
YY104Basis for the carbon content value. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. carbonContentBasisOther 
YY105Annual average volumetric flow rate of exhaust gas from this fluid catalytic cracking unit prior to the combustion of other fossil fuels. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. exhaustGasFlowRate 
YY106Annual average volumetric flow rate of exhaust gas from this fluid catalytic cracking unit prior to the combustion of other fossil fuels. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. exhaustGasFlowRate 
YY108Number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average volumetric flow rate of exhaust gas. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. exhaustGasFlowRateHoursMissingProcedures 
YY109Number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average volumetric flow rate of exhaust gas. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. exhaustGasFlowRateHoursMissingProcedures 
YY111Annual average percent CO2 in exhaust gas stream. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. exhaustGasCo2Concentration 
YY112Annual average percent CO2 in exhaust gas stream. This value should be reported as a percentage, and should be within the range of 0 to 100%. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. exhaustGasCo2Concentration 
YY114Number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average percent CO2 in exhaust gas stream. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. exhaustGasCo2ConcentrationHoursMissingProcedures 
YY115Number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average percent CO2 in exhaust gas stream. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. exhaustGasCo2ConcentrationHoursMissingProcedures 
YY117Annual average flow rate of inlet air. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. inletAirFlowRate 
YY118Annual average flow rate of inlet air. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. inletAirFlowRate 
YY120Annual average flow rate of oxygen enriched air. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. oxygenEnrichedFlowRate 
YY121Annual average flow rate of oxygen enriched air. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. oxygenEnrichedFlowRate 
YY123Annual average percent O2 in exhaust gas stream. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. exhaustGasO2Concentration 
YY124Annual average percent O2 in exhaust gas stream. This value should be reported as a percentage, and should be within the range of 0 to 100%. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. exhaustGasO2Concentration 
YY126Number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average percent O2 in exhaust gas stream. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. exhaustGasO2ConcentrationHoursMissingProcedures 
YY127Number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average percent O2 in exhaust gas stream. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. exhaustGasO2ConcentrationHoursMissingProcedures 
YY129Annual average percent N2 in exhaust gas stream. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. exhaustGasN2Concentration 
YY130Annual average percent N2 in exhaust gas stream. This value should be reported as a percentage, and should be within the range of 0 to 100 %. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. exhaustGasN2Concentration 
YY132Number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average percent N2 in exhaust gas stream. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. exhaustGasN2ConcentrationHoursMissingProcedures 
YY133Number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average percent N2 in exhaust gas stream. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. exhaustGasN2ConcentrationHoursMissingProcedures 
YY135Describe the method that was used to measure annual average percent N2 in exhaust gas stream. This data element is required. exhaustGasN2ConcentrationBasis 
YY136Annual average percent N2 in oxygen-enriched gas stream inlet. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. oxygenEnrichedN2Concentration 
YY136aAnnual average percent O2 in oxygen-enriched gas stream inlet. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. oxygenEnrichedO2Concentration 
YY136bAnnual average percent O2 in oxygen-enriched gas stream inlet. This value should be reported as a percentage, and should be within the range of 0 to 100%. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. oxygenEnrichedO2Concentration 
YY137Annual average percent N2 in oxygen-enriched gas stream inlet. This value should be reported as a percentage, and should be within the range of 0 to 100%. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. oxygenEnrichedN2Concentration 
YY139Describe the method that was used to measure annual average percent N2 in oxygen-enriched gas stream inlet. This data element is required. oxygenEnrichedN2ConcentrationBasis 
YY140Number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average percent N2 in oxygen-enriched gas stream inlet. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. oxygenEnrichedN2ConcentrationHoursMissingProcedures 
YY141Number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average percent N2 in oxygen-enriched gas stream inlet. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. oxygenEnrichedN2ConcentrationHoursMissingProcedures 
YY143Annual average percent CO in exhaust gas stream. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. exhaustGasCoConcentration 
YY144Annual average percent CO in exhaust gas stream. This value should be reported as a percentage, and should be within the range of 0 to 100%. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. exhaustGasCoConcentration 
YY146Number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average percent CO in exhaust gas stream. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. exhaustGasCoConcentrationHoursMissingProcedures 
YY147Number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average percent CO in exhaust gas stream. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. exhaustGasCoConcentrationHoursMissingProcedures 
YY149Annual CH4 emissions from the cracking/coking/reforming unit. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY150Annual CH4 emissions from the cracking/coking/reforming unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY152Basis for the CH4 emission factor. This data element is required. unitEfCh4Basis 
YY153Basis for the CH4 emission factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. unitEfCh4BasisOther 
YY154Annual N2O emissions from the cracking/coking/reforming unit. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedN2o 
YY155Annual N2O emissions from the cracking/coking/reforming unit. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
YY157Basis for the N2O emission factor. This data element is required. unitEfN2oBasis 
YY158Basis for the N2O emission factor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. unitEfN2oBasisOther 
YY159Coking drum name or ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. drumId 
YY160Typical drum outage for coking drum(s) or ID(s) [{1}]. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. drumOutage 
YY161Typical drum outage. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. drumOutage 
YY165Method used for calculation. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethod 
YY166Method used to calculate the CO2 emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodCo2 
YY169You have selected Subpart Y for reporting, but you have not yet selected a method used to calculate the methane emissions from Equipment Leaks. This data element is required. Please make a selection. calculationMethod 
YY170Annual CH4 emissions from equipment leaks. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY171Annual CH4 emissions from equipment leaks. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY173Cumulative CH4 emissions for all equipment leak sources. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY174Cumulative CH4 emissions for all equipment leak sources. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY174bYou have reported a non-zero value for the annual quantity of CH4 emissions for equipment leaks, but the total number of pieces of equipment of all types is zero. Please enter the number of each equipment type. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY176Cumulative number of catalytic cracking units, coking units, hydrocracking, and full-range distillation columns at the facility. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. numNPU1 
YY177Cumulative number of catalytic cracking units, coking units, hydrocracking, and full-range distillation columns at the facility. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numNPU1 
YY179Cumulative number of hydrotreating/hydrorefining units, catalytic reforming units, and visbreaking units at the facility. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. numNPU2 
YY180Cumulative number of hydrotreating/hydrorefining units, catalytic reforming units, and visbreaking units at the facility. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numNPU2 
YY182Total number of hydrogen plants at the facility. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. numNH2 
YY183Total number of hydrogen plants at the facility. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numNH2 
YY185Total number of fuel gas systems at the facility. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. numNFGS 
YY186Total number of fuel gas systems at the facility. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numNFGS 
YY188Number of atmospheric crude oil distillation columns at the facility. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. numNCD 
YY189Number of atmospheric crude oil distillation columns at the facility. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numNCD 
YY192Type of flare. This data element is required. Please make a selection. flareType 
YY193Flare service type. This data element is required. Please make a selection. flareServiceType 
YY194Flare service type. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. flareServiceTypeOther 
YY195Method used to calculate the CO2 emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodCo2 
YY196Equation Y-1a Inputs Method. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. equationY1aInputsMethod 
YY201Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY202Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY204Frequency of measurement data. This data element is required. Please make a selection. measurementFrequency 
YY205Annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolume 
YY206Annual volume of flare gas combusted. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolume 
YY208Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
YY209Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
YY211Annual average molecular weight. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgMolecularWeight 
YY212Annual average molecular weight. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgMolecularWeight 
YY214Method(s) used to determine the molecular weight of the flare gas. This data element is required. avgMolecularWeightMethods 
YY215Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average molecular weight of the flare gas. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgMolecularWeightDaysMissingProcedures 
YY216Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average molecular weight of the flare gas. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgMolecularWeightDaysMissingProcedures 
YY218Annual average carbon content of the flare gas. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgCarbonContent 
YY219Annual average carbon content of the flare gas. This value should be reported as a percentage expressed as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgCarbonContent 
YY221Method(s) used to determine the carbon content of the flare gas. This data element is required. avgCarbonContentMethods 
YY222Number of days missing data procedures were used for average carbon content of the flare gas. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgCarbonContentDaysMissingProcedures 
YY223Number of days missing data procedures were used for average carbon content of the flare gas. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgCarbonContentDaysMissingProcedures 
YY225Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY226Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY228Frequency of measurement data. This data element is required. Please make a selection. measurementFrequency 
YY229Annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolume 
YY230Annual volume of flare gas combusted. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolume 
YY232Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
YY233Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
YY235Annual average CO2 concentration. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgCo2Concentration 
YY236Annual average CO2 concentration. This value should be reported as a percentage expression, and should be within the range of 0 to 100 (percent). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgCo2Concentration 
YY238Method used to determine the annual average CO2 concentration. This data element is required. avgCo2ConcentrationBasis 
YY239Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average CO2 concentration. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgCo2ConcentrationDaysMissingProcedures 
YY240Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average CO2 concentration. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgCo2ConcentrationDaysMissingProcedures 
YY242Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY243Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY245Frequency of measurement data. This data element is required. Please make a selection. measurementFrequency 
YY246Annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolume 
YY247Annual volume of flare gas combusted. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolume 
YY249Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
YY250Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual volume of flare gas combusted. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasVolumeDaysMissingProcedures 
YY252Conditions on which the annual volume of flare gas was determined. This data element is required. Please make a selection. annualFlareGasVolumeConditions 
YY253Annual average higher heating value of the flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgHighHeatingValue 
YY254Annual average higher heating value of the flare gas combusted. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgHighHeatingValue 
YY256Method used to determine the annual average higher heating value. This data element is required. avgHighHeatingValueBasis 
YY257Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average higher heating value. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgHighHeatingValueDaysMissingProcedures 
YY258Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average higher heating value. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgHighHeatingValueDaysMissingProcedures 
YY260Conditions on which the annual average higher heating value was determined. This data element is required. Please make a selection. avgHighHeatingValueConditions 
YY261Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY262Annual CO2 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY264Total number of start-up, shutdown, or malfunction (SSM) events exceeding 500,000 scf/day. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. numberOfSSMEventsExceeding500K 
YY265Total number of start-up, shutdown, or malfunction (SSM) events exceeding 500,000 scf/day. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfSSMEventsExceeding500K 
YY267Material type. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. materialType 
YY268Material type. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. materialTypeOther 
YY269Control device used to reduce emissions from the loading of the material. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. controlDeviceEmissionsReduction 
YY270Control device used to reduce emissions from the loading of the material. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. controlDeviceEmissionsReductionOther 
YY271Vessel type. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. vesselType 
YY271aVessel type. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. vesselTypeOther 
YY272Cumulative CH4 emissions for loading operations. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. Enter 0 if your facility has no loading operations or if the 0.5 volume % or greater requirement is not met. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY273Cumulative CH4 emissions for loading operations. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. Enter 0 if your facility has no loading operations or if the 0.5 volume % or greater requirement is not met. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY276Operation type associated with this process vent. This data element is required. operationType 
YY277Control device used to reduce methane (and other organic) emissions from the unit. This data element is required. Please make a selection. controlDeviceCh4Reduction 
YY278Control device used to reduce methane (and other organic) emissions from the unit. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. controlDeviceCh4ReductionOther 
YY279Please select the greenhouse gas(es) you will report for this process vent, or click CANCEL. isReportingCo2 
YY282Annual volumetric flow discharged to the atmosphere. This data element is required. volumetricFlowRate 
YY282-2Annual volumetric flow discharged to the atmosphere. This data element is required. volumetricFlowRate 
YY283Annual volumetric flow discharged to the atmosphere. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. volumetricFlowRate 
YY283-2Annual volumetric flow discharged to the atmosphere. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. volumetricFlowRate 
YY285Method used to measure or estimate the annual volumetric flow rate. This data element is required. volumetricFlowRateBasis 
YY285-2Method used to measure or estimate the annual volumetric flow rate. This data element is required. volumetricFlowRateBasis 
YY286Method used to measure or estimate the annual volumetric flow rate. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. volumetricFlowRateBasisOther 
YY286-2Method used to measure or estimate the annual volumetric flow rate. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. volumetricFlowRateBasisOther 
YY288Number of venting events, if vent is intermittent. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numVentingEvents 
YY288-2Number of venting events, if vent is intermittent. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numVentingEvents 
YY288-3Number of venting events, if vent is intermittent. This data element is required. numVentingEvents 
YY290Cumulative venting time. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. cumulativeVentingTime 
YY290-2Cumulative venting time. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. cumulativeVentingTime 
YY291Cumulative venting time. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. cumulativeVentingTime 
YY291-2Cumulative venting time. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. cumulativeVentingTime 
YY293Annual CO2 emissions from this process vent. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY294Annual CO2 emissions from this process vent. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY296Annual average mole fraction of CO2. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgMoleFractionCo2 
YY297Annual average mole fraction of CO2. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1 (UNITS). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgMoleFractionCo2 
YY299Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of CO2. This data element is required. avgMoleFractionCo2Basis 
YY300Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of CO2. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgMoleFractionCo2BasisOther 
YY301Annual CH4 emissions from this process vent. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY302Annual CH4 emissions from this process vent. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY304Annual average mole fraction of CH4. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgMoleFractionCh4 
YY304-2Annual average mole fraction of CH4. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgMoleFractionCh4 
YY305Annual average mole fraction of CH4. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1 (UNITS). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgMoleFractionCh4 
YY305-2Annual average mole fraction of CH4. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1 (UNITS). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgMoleFractionCh4 
YY307Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of CH4. This data element is required. avgMoleFractionCh4Basis 
YY307-2Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of CH4. This data element is required. avgMoleFractionCh4Basis 
YY308Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of CH4. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgMoleFractionCh4BasisOther 
YY308-2Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of CH4. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgMoleFractionCh4BasisOther 
YY308-3Inputs for {1} drumset is required, select the GO button to enter the cumulative CH4 emissions from all delayed coking units at the facility for the {1} drumset. inputEntered 
YY309Annual N2O emissions from this process vent. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedN2o 
YY310Annual N2O emissions from this process vent. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
YY312Annual average mole fraction of N2O. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgMoleFractionN2o 
YY313Annual average mole fraction of N2O. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1 (UNITS). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgMoleFractionN2o 
YY315Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of N2O. This data element is required. avgMoleFractionN2oBasis 
YY316Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of N2O. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgMoleFractionN2oBasisOther 
YY317Annual CO2 emissions from sour gas sent off-site. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY318Annual CO2 emissions from sour gas sent off-site. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY321If measured, number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual volume of sour gas fed. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualVolumeSourGasHoursMissingProcedures 
YY325If measured, number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average mole fraction of carbon in the sour gas. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. carbonFractionSourGasHoursMissingProcedures 
YY327Sulfur Recovery Plant Name or ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. groupUnitName 
YY328Please indicate if this unit is monitored by a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS), or click CANCEL. hasCEMS 
YY329Sulfur Recovery Plant Name or ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. groupUnitName 
YY330Maximum rated throughput of the sulfur recovery plant. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ratedThroughput 
YY331Maximum rated throughput of the sulfur recovery plant. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ratedThroughput 
YY333Type of sulfur recovery plant. This data element is required. plantType 
YY334Type of sulfur recovery plant. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. plantTypeOther 
YY335Method used to calculate the CO2 emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodCo2 
YY336Is the recycled flow rate and carbon content of recycled tail gas included in the measured volumetric flow and carbon mole fraction data? This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. carbonContentInRecycledGasIncludedInFlowData 
YY337Is a correction for CO2 emissions in the tail gas used? This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. tailGasCo2EmissionsCorrection 
YY338Please indicate if this unit is monitored by a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS), or click CANCEL. hasCEMS 
YY339Method used to calculate the CO2 emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethodCo2 
YY340Is the recycled flow rate and carbon content of recycled tail gas included in the measured volumetric flow and carbon mole fraction data? This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. carbonContentInRecycledGasIncludedInFlowData 
YY341Is a correction for CO2 emissions in the tail gas used? This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. tailGasCo2EmissionsCorrection 
YY342Annual CO2 emissions from this sulfur recovery plant. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY343Annual CO2 emissions from this sulfur recovery plant. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCo2 
YY346If measured, number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual volume of sour gas fed. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualVolumeSourGasHoursMissingProcedures 
YY350If measured, number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average mole fraction of carbon in the sour gas. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. carbonFractionSourGasHoursMissingProcedures 
YY353Annual volume of recycled tail gas. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualVolumeTailGas 
YY355If measured, method used to measure the annual volume of recycled tail gas. You have provided a value for annual volume of recycled tail gas but did not specify a measurement method. annualVolumeTailGasMethod 
YY356If measured, method used to measure the annual volume of recycled tail gas. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. annualVolumeTailGasMethodDetail 
YY357If measured, number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual volume of recycled tail gas. This data element is required. You have provided a value for annual volume of recycled tail gas but did not specify number of hours missing data procedures were used. annualVolumeTailGasHoursMissingProcedures 
YY358If measured, number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual volume of recycled tail gas. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualVolumeTailGasHoursMissingProcedures 
YY361Annual average mole fraction of carbon in the tail gas. This value should be reported as a percentage expressed as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1 (UNITS). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. carbonFractionTailGas 
YY363If measured, method used to measure the annual average mole fraction of carbon in the tail gas. You have provided a value for annual average mole fraction of carbon in the tail gas but did not specify a measurement method. carbonFractionTailGasMethod 
YY364If measured, method used to measure the annual average mole fraction of carbon in the tail gas. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. carbonFractionTailGasMethodOther 
YY365If measured, number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average mole fraction of carbon in the sour gas. You have provided a value for annual average mole fraction of carbon in the tail gas but did not specify number of hours missing data procedures were used. carbonFractionTailGasHoursMissingProcedures 
YY366If measured, number of hours missing data procedures were used for annual average mole fraction of carbon in the sour gas. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. carbonFractionTailGasHoursMissingProcedures 
YY368Annual volumetric flow discharged to the atmosphere. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. volumetricFlowRate 
YY369Annual volumetric flow discharged to the atmosphere. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. volumetricFlowRate 
YY371Method used to measure or estimate the annual volumetric flow rate. This data element is required. volumetricFlowRateBasis 
YY372Method used to measure or estimate the annual volumetric flow rate. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. volumetricFlowRateBasisOther 
YY374Number of cumulative venting events for all relevant vents, if vents are intermittent. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numVentingEvents 
YY379Cumulative venting time for all relevant vents. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. cumulativeVentingTime 
YY380Cumulative venting time for all relevant vents. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. cumulativeVentingTime 
YY382Correction factor used to calculate CO2 emissions. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. correctionFactor 
YY383Method used to determine correction factor used to calculate the CO2 emissions. This data element is required. correctionFactorBasis 
YY384Method used to determine correction factor used to calculate the CO2 emissions. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. correctionFactorBasisOther 
YY385You have selected Subpart Y for reporting, but you have not yet indicated if the facility received stored liquids other than unstabilized crude during the reporting year. This data element is required. Please make a selection. hasStoredStabilizedCrudeOil 
YY386You have selected Subpart Y for reporting, but you have not yet indicated if the facility received unstabilized crude oil during the reporting year. This data element is required. Please make a selection. hasStoredUnstabilizedCrudeOil 
YY387You have indicated that the facility received liquids other than unstabilized crude oil, however you have not yet selected an emissions calculation method.. This data element is required. Please make a selection. stabilizedCrudeOilCalculationMethod 
YY388You have indicated that the facility received unstabilized crude oil, however you have not yet selected an emissions calculation method. This data element is required. Please make a selection. unstabilizedCrudeOilCalculationMethod 
YY395Method used to measure tank-specific methane composition in the vapor. This data element is required. tankSpecificMeasurementMethod 
YY396Method used to measure tank-specific methane composition in the vapor. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. tankSpecificMeasurementMethodOther 
YY398If measured, number of hours missing data procedures were used to measure tank-specific methane composition. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. tankSpecificMeasurementMethodHoursMissingDataProcedures 
YY400Method used to measure the gas generation rate. This data element is required. gasGenerationRateMethod 
YY400aSpecify procedures. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. gasGenerationRateMethodText 
YY400bSpecify method. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. gasGenerationRateMethodText 
YY402If measured, number of hours missing data procedures were used to measure the gas generation rate. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. gasGenerationRateMethodHoursMissingDataProcedures 
YY404Basis for the average mole fraction of CH4 in vent gas. This data element is required. moleFractionBasis 
YY405Basis for the average mole fraction of CH4 in vent gas. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. moleFractionBasisOther 
YY406Annual CH4 emissions from unstabilized crude oil storage. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. unstabilizedCrudeOilEmissions.officialUnroundedCh4 
YY407Annual CH4 emissions from unstabilized crude oil storage. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. unstabilizedCrudeOilEmissions.officialUnroundedCh4 
YY409Annual CH4 emissions from stored liquids other than unstabilized crude oil storage. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. stabilizedCrudeOilEmissions.officialUnroundedCh4 
YY410Annual CH4 emissions from stored liquids other than unstabilized crude oil. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. stabilizedCrudeOilEmissions.officialUnroundedCh4 
YY412Coking drum set name or ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. drumSetId 
YY413Number of coking drums in the set, {1}. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. numberOfDrumsInSet 
YY414Number of coking drums in the set. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numberOfDrumsInSet 
YY416Basis for the mole fraction of methane in the coking gas in {1}. This data element is required. moleFractionBasis 
YY417Basis for the mole fraction of methane in the coking gas in {1}. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. moleFractionBasisOther 
YY418Method used to measure or estimate the annual volumetric flow rate in {1}. This data element is required. volumetricFractionBasis 
YY419Method used to measure or estimate the annual volumetric flow rate in {1}. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. volumetricFractionBasisOther 
YY423Annual average concentration of each carbon-containing compound (other than CO2). This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. annualAverageConcentration 
YY424Annual average concentration of each carbon-containing compound (other than CO2). This value should be reported as a percentage expression, and should be within the range of 0 to 100 (percent). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualAverageConcentration 
YY426Method(s) used to determine the annual average concentration of the carbon-containing compound(s). This data element is required. annualAverageConcentrationMethods 
YY426aMethod(s) used to determine the annual average concentration of the carbon-containing compound(s). You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. annualAverageConcentrationMethodsOther 
YY427Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average concentration of carbon in the compound. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. annualAverageConcentrationDaysMissingProcedures 
YY428Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual average concentration of carbon in the compound. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualAverageConcentrationDaysMissingProcedures 
YY431Annual CH4 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY436Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. This data element is required. Please make a selection. carbonFractionBasis 
YY437Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. carbonFractionBasisOther 
YY438Annual N2O emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedN2o 
YY439Annual N2O emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
YY442Carbon-containing compound (other than carbon dioxide) in flare gas stream. You must enter at least one carbon-containing compound other than carbon dioxide in flare gas stream. This is a required field. carbonCompounds 
YY445You have added a delayed coking unit, but have not entered any coke drums for this unit. cokingDrums 
YY446You have selected Subpart Y for reporting, but you have not yet added a flare. flareUnits 
YY447Basis for the methane emission factor value. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. eFBDBasisOther 
YY448Method used to measure the annual carbon content of green coke fed to the unit. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. mInCarbonMeasureMethodOther 
YY449Method used to measure the annual carbon content of marketable coke produced. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. mOutCarbonMeasureMethodOther 
YY450Describe the method that was used to measure annual average percent N2 in exhaust gas stream. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. exhaustGasN2ConcentrationBasisOther 
YY451Describe the method that was used to measure annual average percent N2 in oxygen-enriched gas stream inlet. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. oxygenEnrichedN2ConcentrationBasisOther 
YY452Method(s) used to determine the molecular weight of the flare gas. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgMolecularWeightMethodsOther 
YY453Method(s) used to determine the carbon content of the flare gas. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgCarbonContentMethodsOther 
YY454Method used to determine the annual average CO2 concentration. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgCo2ConcentrationBasisOther 
YY455Method used to determine the annual average higher heating value. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgHighHeatingValueBasisOther 
YY458You have reported cumulative CH4 emissions from loading operations, but have not entered a vessel type. vessels 
YY459You are using Equations Y-18 and Y-19 as the emission calculation method for a delayed coking unit, but have not entered any process vents with an operation type of \'delayed coking\'. none 
YY460Annual average mole fraction of CH4. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgMoleFractionCh4 
YY461Annual average mole fraction of CH4. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1 (UNITS). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgMoleFractionCh4 
YY463Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of CH4. This data element is required. avgMoleFractionCh4Basis 
YY464Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of CH4. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgMoleFractionCh4BasisOther 
YY465Annual average mole fraction of CO2. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgMoleFractionCo2 
YY466Annual average mole fraction of CO2. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1 (UNITS). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgMoleFractionCo2 
YY468Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of CO2. This data element is required. avgMoleFractionCo2Basis 
YY469Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of CO2. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgMoleFractionCo2BasisOther 
YY470Average coke burn-off quantity per cycle or measurement period. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgCokeBurnOffPerCycle 
YY471Annual volumetric flow discharged to the atmosphere. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. volumetricFlowRate 
YY472Method used to measure or estimate the annual volumetric flow rate. This data element is required. volumetricFlowRateBasis 
YY473Method used to measure or estimate the annual volumetric flow rate. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. volumetricFlowRateBasisOther 
YY474Number of cumulative venting events for all relevant vents, if vents are intermittent. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. numVentingEvents 
YY476Cumulative venting time for all relevant vents. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. cumulativeVentingTime 
YY481Annual average mole fraction of CO2. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgMoleFractionCo2 
YY482Annual average mole fraction of CO2. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1 (UNITS). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgMoleFractionCo2 
YY484Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of CO2. This data element is required. avgMoleFractionCo2Basis 
YY485Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of CO2. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgMoleFractionCo2BasisOther 
YY486Annual average mole fraction of CH4. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. avgMoleFractionCh4 
YY487Annual average mole fraction of CH4. This value should be reported as a decimal fraction, and should be within the range of 0 to 1 (UNITS). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. avgMoleFractionCh4 
YY489Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of CH4. This data element is required. avgMoleFractionCh4Basis 
YY490Method used to measure or estimate the annual average mole fraction of CH4. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. avgMoleFractionCh4BasisOther 
YY491Flare type. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. flareTypeOther 
YY495Specific consensus-based standard method or describe the procedure specified by the flow meter manufacturer. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. flowMeterProcedure 
YY496Specific consensus-based standard method or describe the procedure specified by the flow meter manufacturer. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. flowMeterProcedure 
YY497Specific consensus-based standard method or describe the procedure specified by the flow meter manufacturer. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. flowMeterProcedure 
YY498Describe the manufacturer/s recommended method that was used for annual average volumetric flow rate of exhaust gas. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. exhaustGasFlowRateMethod 
YY499Describe the manufacturer/s recommended method that was used for annual average percent CO2 in exhaust gas stream. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. exhaustGasCo2ConcentrationMethod 
YY500Describe the manufacturer/s recommended method that was used for annual average percent CO in exhaust gas stream. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. exhaustGasCoConcentrationMethod 
YY501Describe the manufacturer/s recommended method that was used for annual average percent O2 in exhaust gas stream. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. exhaustGasO2ConcentrationMethod 
YY502If measured, method used to measure the annual average mole fraction of carbon in the sour gas. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. carbonFractionSourGasMethodOther 
YY503If measured, method used to measure the annual average mole fraction of carbon in the sour gas. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. carbonFractionSourGasMethodOther 
YY505Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. carbonFractionBasisOther 
YY506Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. carbonFractionBasisOther 
YY507Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. You selected "other" from the pick list provided, but failed to provide any additional information in the text box provided. This data element is required. carbonFractionBasisOther 
YY513Annual CH4 emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY514Annual CH4 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY515Annual CH4 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY516Annual CH4 emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedCh4 
YY517Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. This data element is required. Please make a selection. carbonFractionBasis 
YY518Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. This data element is required. Please make a selection. carbonFractionBasis 
YY519Basis for the fraction of carbon in the flare gas contributed by methane. This data element is required. Please make a selection. carbonFractionBasis 
YY520Annual N2O emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedN2o 
YY521Annual N2O emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedN2o 
YY522Annual N2O emissions from this flare. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. officialUnroundedN2o 
YY526Annual N2O emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
YY527Annual N2O emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
YY528Annual N2O emissions from this flare. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. officialUnroundedN2o 
YY529Indication of stored liquids other than unstabilized crude oil storage. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. hasStoredStabilizedCrudeOil 
YY530Indication of sour gas sent off-site. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. hasSourGasSentOffsite 
YY531Annual volumetric flow discharged to the atmosphere. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. volumetricFlowRate 
YY532Method used to calculate the CH4 emissions from equipment leaks. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethod 
YY533Uncontrolled blowdown systems calculation method. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. calculationMethod 
YY534Cumulative venting time for all relevant vents. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. cumulativeVentingTime 
YY535Stored liquids other than unstabilized Crude Oil - Emissions Calculation. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. stabilizedCrudeOilCalculationMethod 
YY536Indication of unstabilized crude oil storage. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. hasStoredUnstabilizedCrudeOil 
YY537Unstabilized Crude Oil Storage - Emissions Calculation. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. unstabilizedCrudeOilCalculationMethod 
YY555Is the flare serviced by a flare gas recovery system? This data element is required. Please make a selection. isTheFlareServicedByFlareGasRecoverySystem 
YY590Annual mass of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasMass 
YY591Annual mass of flare gas combusted. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasMass 
YY593Method(s) used to determine the mass of flare gas. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. massFlareGasMethods 
YY594Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual mass of flare gas combusted. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualFlareGasMassDaysMissingProcedures 
YY595Number of days missing data procedures were used for annual mass of flare gas combusted. This value should be reported as a number of days in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 366 (days). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualFlareGasMassDaysMissingProcedures 
YY600You have added vessel type {1}, but have not yet entered any materials. You must add at least one material for each vessel. materials 
YY700Indication of loading operations. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. hasLoadingOperations 
YY777The coking drum set "Name or ID" you are attempting to add is invalid because it already exists for this facility. Please enter a unique name, or click CANCEL. drumSetId 
YY779You have selected Subpart Y for reporting, but for Loading Operations you have not yet indicated if you perform loading operations for crude oil, intermediate, or product, for which the vapor-phase concentration of methane is 0.5 volume percent or more. This data element is required. Please make a selection. hasLoadingOperations 
YY780You have indicated that you perform loading operations for crude oil, intermediate, or product, for which the vapor-phase concentration of methane is 0.5 volume percent or more, but you have not added any vessels for loading operations. You must add a vessel type with at least one material. hasLoadingOperations 
YY883Maximum rated throughput. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. ratedThroughput 
YY884Maximum rated throughput. You must enter a value that is greater than zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. ratedThroughput 
YY886Total number of associated delayed coking vessels (or coke drums). This data element is required. Please enter the required data. totalDelayedCokingVesselsOrCokeDrums 
YY888Basis for the typical dry mass of coke at the end of the coking cycle. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. equationY18aOrCompanyRecords 
YY889Method used to estimate the average temperature of the coke bed. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. equationY18cOrY18d 
YY890Type of emission factor was used in Equation Y-18f. This data element is required. Please make a selection or click CANCEL. equationY18fEmissionFactorType 
YY891Annual quantity of coke produced. This data element is required. Please enter the required data. annualQuantityOfCokeProduced 
YY892Annual quantity of coke produced. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualQuantityOfCokeProduced 
YY900For the CEMS Monitoring Location {1} which monitors a shared process/combustion stack, the total annual CO2 emissions measured by the CEMS of {2} metric tons does not equal the CO2 emissions attributable to combustion [{3} metric tons] plus the total CO2 emissions attributable to process emissions for all process units monitored by the CML [{4} metric tons]. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[totalAnnualCO2] 
YY901For the single or multiple process stack on a FCCU or FCU [{1}], the total annual CO2 emissions measured by the CEMS [{2} (metric tons)] do not equal the sum of CO2 emissions attributable to the process units [{3} (metric tons)]. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[totalAnnualCO2] 
YY916The process vent annual average mole fraction for CO2, CH4, and N2O must sum to be less than or equal to 1. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data[yALG0031] 
ZCEMSML-1Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have added one or more units monitored by CEMS, but have not yet added a CEMS Monitoring Location (CML). hasCEMSandNoCML 
ZCEMSML-2CEMS Monitoring Location (CML) process units. You have indicated that this unit is monitored by CEMS, but you have not yet associated it with any CEMS Monitoring Locations (CMLs). From the Subpart Overview page, click on the CML Name/Identifier to which this unit exhausts (or use the "ADD a CEMS Monitoring Location" link to create a new one). On the bottom of Add/Edit CEMS Monitoring Location page, use the "ADD/REMOVE a process unit that exhausts to this CEMS Monitoring Location" link to select this unit. hasCEMSandNoCMLUnits 
ZCEMSML-3The same name or identifier already exists for this CEMS monitoring location in this facility. Please enter a unique name or identifier. cml 
ZCML-027aFraction of nitrous oxide emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionN2oEmissions 
ZCML-038Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. totalOperatingHrs 
ZCML-039The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
ZCML-040The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
ZCML-041The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas moisture content. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. hrsMissingStackGasMoisture 
ZCML-043The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for stack gas flow rate. This data element is required. hrsMissingStackGasFlow 
ZCML-046CEMS Monitoring Location process units. You did not select any process unit(s) for this CML. processUnits 
ZCML-047aFraction of methane emissions from CML. This data element is required. fractionCh4Emissions 
ZCML-051Total Non-biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalNonbiogenicCo2emission 
ZCML-052Total Biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. This data element is required. totalBiogenicCo2emission 
ZCML-053Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totalch4emission 
ZCML-054Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. totaln2oemission 
ZCML-055Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions measured by the CEMS. This data element is required./GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/ SubPartInformation/SubPart ”any”/Tier4CEMSDetails/AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMStotalCo2ByCemsOrPart75If a subpart include CEM or Part75 reporting that subpart must include the <Tier4CEMSDetails> node with a <AnnualCO2EmissionsMeasuredByCEMS> with a non-null <CalculatedValue>
ZCML-056Total annual CO2 mass emissions (biogenic and non-biogenic) measured by the CEMS. This data element must be greater than or equal to biogenic carbon dioxide emissions. totalCo2ByCemsOrPart75 
ZCML-057Total number of source operating hours in the reporting year. This data element is required. totalOperatingHrs 
ZCML-058The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. This data element is required. hrsMissingCo2Concnt 
ZCML-059You have entered a calculation methodology start date that is later than the calculation methodology end date. Please revise and make sure the Start Date is earlier than the End Date. methodologyEndDate 
ZCML-060Calculation methodology start date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyStartDate 
ZCML-061Configuration type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cemsConfigType 
ZCML-062Calculation methodology end date. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. methodologyEndDate 
ZCML-063Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
ZCML-064Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 1. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 1'] 
ZCML-065Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
ZCML-066Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 2. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 2'] 
ZCML-067Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
ZCML-068Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 3. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 3'] 
ZCML-069Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. This data element is required. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
ZCML-070Carbon dioxide emissions measured in Quarter 4. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. spcTier4EmissionDTO.emissionsMap['Quarter 4'] 
ZCML-071CEMS Monitoring Location Name/ID. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. cmlName 
ZCML-072Type(s) of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is required for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. fuelsCombusted 
ZCML-076Total methane (CH4) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total methane emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totalch4emission 
ZCML-077Total nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the value and leave the total nitrous oxide emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. totaln2oemission 
ZCML-078Types of fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported fuel(s) and leave the types of fuel field blank, or click CANCEL. fuelsCombusted 
ZCML-083Carbon dioxide emissions attributable to combustion. This data element is only required to be reported for CMLs using the \'Process/stationary combustion units share common stack\' configuration type. Please remove the reported emissions and leave the types of emissions field blank, or click CANCEL. combustionCo2Emissions 
ZCML-086The Calculation Methodology Start Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
ZCML-087The Calculation Methodology Start Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the start date is within the current reporting year. methodologyStartDate 
ZCML-088The Calculation Methodology End Date is earlier than the first applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
ZCML-089The Calculation Methodology End Date is later than the last applicable day of reporting your Tier 4 Methodology. Please revise and make sure the End Date is within the current reporting year. methodologyEndDate 
ZUM-2Unit Name or Identifier. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitName 
ZUM-3Unit type. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL.GHG/FacilitySiteInformation/FacilitySiteDetails/SubPartInformation/SubPartWDeferred/SubPartWDeferredReportingFormsDetails/SubpartWDeferredSummaryDetails/SelectedIndustrySegmentNamegroupUnitType 
ZZ0031Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute value?[]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. phosphateRockOrigin 
ZZ0043Is the mass consumed value a substitute data value?[]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. phosphateRockOrigin 
ZZ0055Method used to estimate any missing values of inorganic carbon content[]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". phosphateRockOrigin 
ZZ0067Is the carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch a substitute data value?[]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. phosphateRockOrigin 
ZZ0079Method used to determine each carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch substitute data value[]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". phosphateRockOrigin 
ZZ008Is this unit\'s emissions monitored using a CEMS? This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. hasCEMS 
ZZ009Annual phosphoric acid production capacity. This data element is required. annualPhosphoricAcidProductionCapacity 
ZZ010Annual phosphoric acid production capacity. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. annualPhosphoricAcidProductionCapacity 
ZZ012Calculation Method. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. calculationMeathod 
ZZ013You have added a wet-process phosphoric acid line, but have not yet added an origin. feedstocks 
ZZ014Origin of Phosphate Rock. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. phosphateRockOrigin 
ZZ015Origin of Phosphate Rock, Other. This data element is required when Origin of Phosphate is specified as "Other". otherOrigin 
ZZ016Annual amount of phosphoric acid produced. This data element is required. phosphoricAcidProduced 
ZZ017Annual amount of phosphoric acid produced. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. phosphoricAcidProduced 
ZZ019Annual arithmetic average percent inorganic carbon, or the annual arithmetic average percent carbon dioxide (derived from monthly sampling records) (percent by weight, expressed as a decimal fraction). This data element is required. averagePercentInrganicCarbon 
ZZ020Annual arithmetic average percent inorganic carbon, or the annual arithmetic average percent carbon dioxide (derived from monthly sampling records) (percent by weight, expressed as a decimal fraction). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one. You must correct the current value before continuing. averagePercentInrganicCarbon 
ZZ022Annual amount of rock consumed. This data element is required. rockConsumed 
ZZ023Annual amount of rock consumed. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. rockConsumed 
ZZ031Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute value?[January]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. janCarbContentSDV 
ZZ032Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute value?[February]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. febCarbContentSDV 
ZZ033Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute value?[March]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. marCarbContentSDV 
ZZ034Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute value?[April]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. aprCarbContentSDV 
ZZ035Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute value?[May]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. mayCarbContentSDV 
ZZ036Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute value?[June]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. junCarbContentSDV 
ZZ037Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute value?[July]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. julCarbContentSDV 
ZZ038Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute value?[August]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. augCarbContentSDV 
ZZ039Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute value?[September]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. sepCarbContentSDV 
ZZ040Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute value?[October]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. octCarbContentSDV 
ZZ041Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute value?[November]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. novCarbContentSDV 
ZZ042Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute value?[December]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. decCarbContentSDV 
ZZ043Is the mass consumed value a substitute data value?[January]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. janMassConsumedSDV 
ZZ044Is the mass consumed value a substitute data value?[February]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. febMassConsumedSDV 
ZZ045Is the mass consumed value a substitute data value?[March]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. marMassConsumedSDV 
ZZ046Is the mass consumed value a substitute data value?[April]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. aprMassConsumedSDV 
ZZ047Is the mass consumed value a substitute data value?[May]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. mayMassConsumedSDV 
ZZ048Is the mass consumed value a substitute data value?[June]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. junMassConsumedSDV 
ZZ049Is the mass consumed value a substitute data value?[July]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. julMassConsumedSDV 
ZZ050Is the mass consumed value a substitute data value?[August]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. augMassConsumedSDV 
ZZ051Is the mass consumed value a substitute data value?[September]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. sepMassConsumedSDV 
ZZ052Is the mass consumed value a substitute data value?[October]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. octMassConsumedSDV 
ZZ053Is the mass consumed value a substitute data value?[November]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. novMassConsumedSDV 
ZZ054Is the mass consumed value a substitute data value?[December]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. decMassConsumedSDV 
ZZ055Method used to estimate any missing values of inorganic carbon content[January]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". janCarbContentESTmeth 
ZZ056Method used to estimate any missing values of inorganic carbon content[February]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". febCarbContentESTmeth 
ZZ057Method used to estimate any missing values of inorganic carbon content[March]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". marCarbContentESTmeth 
ZZ058Method used to estimate any missing values of inorganic carbon content[April]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". aprCarbContentESTmeth 
ZZ059Method used to estimate any missing values of inorganic carbon content[May]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". mayCarbContentESTmeth 
ZZ060Method used to estimate any missing values of inorganic carbon content[June]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". junCarbContentESTmeth 
ZZ061Method used to estimate any missing values of inorganic carbon content[July]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". julCarbContentESTmeth 
ZZ062Method used to estimate any missing values of inorganic carbon content[August]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". augCarbContentESTmeth 
ZZ063Method used to estimate any missing values of inorganic carbon content[September]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". sepCarbContentESTmeth 
ZZ064Method used to estimate any missing values of inorganic carbon content[October]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". octCarbContentESTmeth 
ZZ065Method used to estimate any missing values of inorganic carbon content[November]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". novCarbContentESTmeth 
ZZ066Method used to estimate any missing values of inorganic carbon content[December]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". decCarbContentESTmeth 
ZZ067Is the carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch a substitute data value?[January]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. janGrabSampbatch 
ZZ068Is the carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch a substitute data value?[February]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. febGrabSampbatch 
ZZ069Is the carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch a substitute data value?[March]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. marGrabSampbatch 
ZZ070Is the carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch a substitute data value?[April]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. aprGrabSampbatch 
ZZ071Is the carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch a substitute data value?[May]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. mayGrabSampbatch 
ZZ072Is the carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch a substitute data value?[June]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. junGrabSampbatch 
ZZ073Is the carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch a substitute data value?[July]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. julGrabSampbatch 
ZZ074Is the carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch a substitute data value?[August]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. augGrabSampbatch 
ZZ075Is the carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch a substitute data value?[September]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. sepGrabSampbatch 
ZZ076Is the carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch a substitute data value?[October]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. octGrabSampbatch 
ZZ077Is the carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch a substitute data value?[November]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. novGrabSampbatch 
ZZ078Is the carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch a substitute data value?[December]. This data element is required for each month of the Reporting Year. decGrabSampbatch 
ZZ079Method used to determine each carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch substitute data value[January]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". janGrabSampmeth 
ZZ080Method used to determine each carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch substitute data value[February]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". febGrabSampmeth 
ZZ081Method used to determine each carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch substitute data value[March]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". marGrabSampmeth 
ZZ082Method used to determine each carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch substitute data value[April]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". aprGrabSampmeth 
ZZ083Method used to determine each carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch substitute data value[May]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". mayGrabSampmeth 
ZZ084Method used to determine each carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch substitute data value[June]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". junGrabSampmeth 
ZZ085Method used to determine each carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch substitute data value[July]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". julGrabSampmeth 
ZZ086Method used to determine each carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch substitute data value[August]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". augGrabSampmeth 
ZZ087Method used to determine each carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch substitute data value[September]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". sepGrabSampmeth 
ZZ088Method used to determine each carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch substitute data value[October]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". octGrabSampmeth 
ZZ089Method used to determine each carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch substitute data value[November]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". novGrabSampmeth 
ZZ090Method used to determine each carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch substitute data value[December]. This data element is required for the month of the Reporting Year when \'Is the inorganic carbon content value a substitute data value?\' is "Yes". decGrabSampmeth 
ZZ099You have added Subpart Z, but have not yet added a wet-process phosphoric acid line. groupUnit 
ZZ100You have added a wet-process phosphoric acid line, but have not yet added an origin of rock. feedstocks 
ZZ101Origin of Phosphate Rock. This data element is required. Please enter the required data or click CANCEL. phosphateRockOrigin 
ZZ102Origin of Phosphate Rock, Other. This data element is required when Origin of Phosphate is specified as "Other". otherOrigin 
ZZ103Annual amount of phosphoric acid produced. This data element is required. phosphoricAcidProduced 
ZZ104Annual amount of phosphoric acid produced. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. phosphoricAcidProduced 
ZZ106Annual arithmetic average percent inorganic carbon, or the annual arithmetic average percent carbon dioxide (derived from monthly sampling records) (percent by weight, expressed as a decimal fraction). This data element is required. averagePercentInrganicCarbon 
ZZ107Annual arithmetic average percent inorganic carbon, or the annual arithmetic average percent carbon dioxide (derived from monthly sampling records) (percent by weight, expressed as a decimal fraction). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one. You must correct the current value before continuing. averagePercentInrganicCarbon 
ZZ109Annual amount of rock consumed. This data element is required. rockConsumed 
ZZ110Annual amount of rock consumed. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. rockConsumed 
ZZ112Origin of Phosphate Rock, Other. The value you have entered for this data element already exists for this unit. You must correct the current value before continuing. otherOrigin 
ZZ115The Annual amount of Phosphoric Acid Produced [{1} (tons)] for the process line [{2}] is greater than or equal to its reported Annual Phosphoric Acid Production Capacity [{3} (tons)]. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['unitProductionCapacity'] 
ZZ116The value reported for Subpart Z Facility Total Annual Phosphoric Acid Production Capacity [{1} (tons)] appears to be inconsistent with the sum of all of the Annual Phosphoric Acid Production Capacity values entered for each of the process line(s) at your facility [{2} (tons)]. Please address this critical error. Then you can return here to perform another final review and submit your report. data['facilityProductionCapacity'] 

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