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Q407. How does EPA review the data for accuracy?

A407. EPA has a multi-step data verification process.  First, the EPA data entry tool (e-GGRT) used by facilities conducts data checks and provides feedback to reporters during the data entry phase.  This occurs even before the data is submitted to EPA.  Second, once the data has been submitted, EPA conducts a variety of automated data checks that include ensuring that reports are internally consistent, checking the data against expected ranges for similar facilities and industries, and statistical analysis.  Based on the results of the automated checks EPA conducts a staff review of the reported data.  EPA then follows up with facilities to resolve any mistakes that may have occurred.


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Source: EPA Data Publication FAQs [].

Approval / Publishing History: Version 1, Reviewed and approved for publishing, B. Cook, 06/28/2012.

Expiration : none

Relevant Subpart: GHG Data and Publication.

History Panel For Internal Use - Not Visible to the Public


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